BLASTX nr result
ID: Ziziphus21_contig00042953
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Ziziphus21_contig00042953 (378 letters) Database: ./nr 77,306,371 sequences; 28,104,191,420 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|EME49069.1| hypothetical protein DOTSEDRAFT_67947 [Dothistrom... 63 1e-07 ref|XP_007776740.1| hypothetical protein W97_00638 [Coniosporium... 62 2e-07 ref|XP_007672133.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_62368 [Baudo... 62 2e-07 ref|XP_001931229.1| hypothetical protein PTRG_00896 [Pyrenophora... 60 8e-07 gb|EMF17278.1| hypothetical protein SEPMUDRAFT_113279 [Sphaeruli... 59 1e-06 ref|XP_013342970.1| hypothetical protein AUEXF2481DRAFT_80693 [A... 59 1e-06 gb|KEQ79688.1| hypothetical protein M438DRAFT_409229 [Aureobasid... 57 4e-06 ref|XP_008030521.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_157092 [Seto... 57 4e-06 ref|XP_014082397.1| hypothetical protein COCC4DRAFT_129337 [Bipo... 57 4e-06 gb|EMD91753.1| hypothetical protein COCHEDRAFT_1156093 [Bipolari... 57 4e-06 ref|XP_003836116.1| hypothetical protein LEMA_P054570.1 [Leptosp... 57 4e-06 ref|XP_003301775.1| hypothetical protein PTT_13357 [Pyrenophora ... 57 5e-06 gb|KEQ64684.1| hypothetical protein M437DRAFT_82686 [Aureobasidi... 57 7e-06 ref|XP_014554604.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_39473 [Bipol... 56 9e-06 ref|XP_007683338.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_82783 [Bipol... 56 9e-06 ref|XP_007708103.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_85046 [Bipol... 56 9e-06 ref|XP_007702744.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_230741 [Bipo... 56 9e-06 >gb|EME49069.1| hypothetical protein DOTSEDRAFT_67947 [Dothistroma septosporum NZE10] Length = 158 Score = 62.8 bits (151), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 24/51 (47%), Positives = 36/51 (70%) Frame = -2 Query: 353 HAASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 H +SGY+W+R + PG +W NKKA +E+ + E L ++ M+K+RYGDP E Sbjct: 95 HQSSGYQWQRAEDEPGHAWLNKKATDEFSRTSEALQHKDMMIKNRYGDPFE 145 >ref|XP_007776740.1| hypothetical protein W97_00638 [Coniosporium apollinis CBS 100218] gi|494824104|gb|EON61423.1| hypothetical protein W97_00638 [Coniosporium apollinis CBS 100218] Length = 200 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 26/53 (49%), Positives = 39/53 (73%) Frame = -2 Query: 359 GVHAASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 GVH GY W R + PG++WKNKKAQEEW +A + +++++ MV ++YGDP + Sbjct: 141 GVHPG-GYTWYRPEDEPGFAWKNKKAQEEWGRAWDQVLDKDIMVLNKYGDPCD 192 >ref|XP_007672133.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_62368 [Baudoinia panamericana UAMH 10762] gi|449304942|gb|EMD00949.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_62368 [Baudoinia panamericana UAMH 10762] Length = 167 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 26/51 (50%), Positives = 35/51 (68%) Frame = -2 Query: 353 HAASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 H SGY W R + PG++W NKKA +E +A + LV RE++V +RYGDP E Sbjct: 102 HQPSGYTWSRVEDEPGYAWLNKKAMDERNRAVDALVHREQVVMNRYGDPFE 152 >ref|XP_001931229.1| hypothetical protein PTRG_00896 [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] gi|187972835|gb|EDU40334.1| hypothetical protein PTRG_00896 [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] Length = 150 Score = 59.7 bits (143), Expect = 8e-07 Identities = 25/61 (40%), Positives = 42/61 (68%), Gaps = 2/61 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 377 GKRALSGVH--AASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPL 204 G A G H A +GY+W + + PG++WKN +A+EE +A + +V++ +M+K RYGDP+ Sbjct: 81 GNPAAVGSHHDAETGYQWSIQEDQPGFAWKNTRAREEEARALDSIVDKSQMIKLRYGDPM 140 Query: 203 E 201 + Sbjct: 141 D 141 >gb|EMF17278.1| hypothetical protein SEPMUDRAFT_113279 [Sphaerulina musiva SO2202] Length = 176 Score = 59.3 bits (142), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 24/51 (47%), Positives = 37/51 (72%) Frame = -2 Query: 353 HAASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 HA+SGY + R + PG++W NKK Q+E +A EGL ++ M+++RYGDP + Sbjct: 111 HASSGYTYSRPEDEPGYAWLNKKTQDEITRALEGLQHKDCMLQNRYGDPFD 161 >ref|XP_013342970.1| hypothetical protein AUEXF2481DRAFT_80693 [Aureobasidium subglaciale EXF-2481] gi|662537149|gb|KEQ94459.1| hypothetical protein AUEXF2481DRAFT_80693 [Aureobasidium subglaciale EXF-2481] Length = 164 Score = 58.9 bits (141), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 23/49 (46%), Positives = 40/49 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 353 HAASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDP 207 +AA+ Y++ + +APG++WKNKKAQ+++ +A E LV++ R++ +RYGDP Sbjct: 100 NAATTYQYTKPEDAPGYAWKNKKAQDDFNRAWESLVDKNRIIGNRYGDP 148 >gb|KEQ79688.1| hypothetical protein M438DRAFT_409229 [Aureobasidium pullulans EXF-150] Length = 167 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 22/48 (45%), Positives = 36/48 (75%) Frame = -2 Query: 350 AASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDP 207 AA+ Y W + +APG++WKNKKAQ++ +A + LV++ R + ++YGDP Sbjct: 104 AATTYHWTQAEDAPGYAWKNKKAQDDCSRAWDALVDKNRSIGNKYGDP 151 >ref|XP_008030521.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_157092 [Setosphaeria turcica Et28A] gi|482805165|gb|EOA82264.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_157092 [Setosphaeria turcica Et28A] Length = 149 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 24/56 (42%), Positives = 39/56 (69%), Gaps = 2/56 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 362 SGVH--AASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 SG H A +GY+W ++ + PG+ W N +A+EE +A + +V++ M+K RYGDPL+ Sbjct: 85 SGTHHDAETGYQWSKQEDQPGFEWMNTRAREEENRALDNIVDKGYMIKLRYGDPLD 140 >ref|XP_014082397.1| hypothetical protein COCC4DRAFT_129337 [Bipolaris maydis ATCC 48331] gi|477591416|gb|ENI08488.1| hypothetical protein COCC4DRAFT_129337 [Bipolaris maydis ATCC 48331] Length = 154 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 24/56 (42%), Positives = 38/56 (67%), Gaps = 2/56 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 362 SGVHA--ASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 SG H +GY+W R+ + PG+ W N +A+EE +A + +V++ M+K RYGDPL+ Sbjct: 90 SGTHTDPETGYQWSRQEDQPGYEWMNTRAREEENRALDNIVDKGYMIKLRYGDPLD 145 >gb|EMD91753.1| hypothetical protein COCHEDRAFT_1156093 [Bipolaris maydis C5] Length = 149 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 24/56 (42%), Positives = 38/56 (67%), Gaps = 2/56 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 362 SGVHA--ASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 SG H +GY+W R+ + PG+ W N +A+EE +A + +V++ M+K RYGDPL+ Sbjct: 85 SGTHTDPETGYQWSRQEDQPGYEWMNTRAREEENRALDNIVDKGYMIKLRYGDPLD 140 >ref|XP_003836116.1| hypothetical protein LEMA_P054570.1 [Leptosphaeria maculans JN3] gi|312212668|emb|CBX92751.1| hypothetical protein LEMA_P054570.1 [Leptosphaeria maculans JN3] Length = 163 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 23/55 (41%), Positives = 38/55 (69%), Gaps = 2/55 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 359 GVH--AASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 G H A +GY+W R + PG+ WKN +A+E+ ++A + ++ R +K+RYGDPL+ Sbjct: 100 GTHQDAETGYQWSRPEDQPGFEWKNNRAREDELRALDVIIHLGRQIKTRYGDPLD 154 >ref|XP_003301775.1| hypothetical protein PTT_13357 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] gi|311323256|gb|EFQ90128.1| hypothetical protein PTT_13357 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] Length = 141 Score = 57.0 bits (136), Expect = 5e-06 Identities = 20/50 (40%), Positives = 38/50 (76%) Frame = -2 Query: 350 AASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 A +GY+W + + PG++WKN +A+E+ +A + +V++ +M+K RYGDP++ Sbjct: 83 AETGYQWSIQEDQPGFAWKNTRAREDEARALDSIVDKSQMIKLRYGDPMD 132 >gb|KEQ64684.1| hypothetical protein M437DRAFT_82686 [Aureobasidium melanogenum CBS 110374] Length = 162 Score = 56.6 bits (135), Expect = 7e-06 Identities = 22/52 (42%), Positives = 39/52 (75%) Frame = -2 Query: 362 SGVHAASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDP 207 + V AA+ YR+ + +APG++W NKKAQ+++ +A + LV++ R + ++YGDP Sbjct: 95 ASVKAAAAYRYTQPEDAPGYAWNNKKAQDDFSRAWDTLVDKNRRIGNKYGDP 146 >ref|XP_014554604.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_39473 [Bipolaris victoriae FI3] gi|578487565|gb|EUN25020.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_39473 [Bipolaris victoriae FI3] Length = 154 Score = 56.2 bits (134), Expect = 9e-06 Identities = 23/56 (41%), Positives = 38/56 (67%), Gaps = 2/56 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 362 SGVHA--ASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 SG H +GY+W ++ + PG+ W N +A+EE +A + +V++ M+K RYGDPL+ Sbjct: 90 SGTHTDPETGYQWSKQEDQPGYEWMNTRAREEENRALDNIVDKGYMIKLRYGDPLD 145 >ref|XP_007683338.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_82783 [Bipolaris oryzae ATCC 44560] gi|576936715|gb|EUC50208.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_82783 [Bipolaris oryzae ATCC 44560] Length = 154 Score = 56.2 bits (134), Expect = 9e-06 Identities = 23/56 (41%), Positives = 38/56 (67%), Gaps = 2/56 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 362 SGVHA--ASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 SG H +GY+W ++ + PG+ W N +A+EE +A + +V++ M+K RYGDPL+ Sbjct: 90 SGTHTDPETGYQWSKQEDQPGYEWMNTRAREEENRALDNIVDKGYMIKLRYGDPLD 145 >ref|XP_007708103.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_85046 [Bipolaris zeicola 26-R-13] gi|576923507|gb|EUC37624.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_85046 [Bipolaris zeicola 26-R-13] Length = 154 Score = 56.2 bits (134), Expect = 9e-06 Identities = 23/56 (41%), Positives = 38/56 (67%), Gaps = 2/56 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 362 SGVHA--ASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 SG H +GY+W ++ + PG+ W N +A+EE +A + +V++ M+K RYGDPL+ Sbjct: 90 SGTHTDPETGYQWSKQEDQPGYEWMNTRAREEENRALDNIVDKGYMIKLRYGDPLD 145 >ref|XP_007702744.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_230741 [Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr] gi|451848076|gb|EMD61382.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_230741 [Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr] Length = 149 Score = 56.2 bits (134), Expect = 9e-06 Identities = 23/56 (41%), Positives = 38/56 (67%), Gaps = 2/56 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 362 SGVHA--ASGYRWEREAEAPGWSWKNKKAQEEWIKAEEGLVERERMVKSRYGDPLE 201 SG H +GY+W ++ + PG+ W N +A+EE +A + +V++ M+K RYGDPL+ Sbjct: 85 SGTHTDPETGYQWSKQEDQPGYEWMNTRAREEENRALDNIVDKGYMIKLRYGDPLD 140