BLASTX nr result
ID: Ziziphus21_contig00042782
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Ziziphus21_contig00042782 (605 letters) Database: ./nr 77,306,371 sequences; 28,104,191,420 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_007588756.1| putative chromo domain-containing protein [N... 117 6e-24 gb|EKG12915.1| Cutinase [Macrophomina phaseolina MS6] 116 8e-24 ref|XP_007783971.1| hypothetical protein W97_07912 [Coniosporium... 80 6e-13 gb|KIW04414.1| hypothetical protein PV09_04689 [Verruconis gallo... 79 2e-12 ref|XP_003839601.1| similar to chromo domain-containing protein ... 69 1e-09 ref|XP_014079493.1| hypothetical protein COCC4DRAFT_60637 [Bipol... 67 1e-08 ref|XP_007687500.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_4907 [Bipola... 64 6e-08 ref|XP_007714840.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_7171 [Bipola... 64 6e-08 ref|XP_007700201.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_160620 [Bipo... 64 6e-08 ref|XP_001803330.1| hypothetical protein SNOG_13115 [Parastagono... 64 6e-08 ref|XP_007921447.1| hypothetical protein MYCFIDRAFT_181237 [Pseu... 63 1e-07 ref|XP_003304464.1| hypothetical protein PTT_17062 [Pyrenophora ... 62 2e-07 gb|KNG50760.1| chromo domain-containing protein [Stemphylium lyc... 61 4e-07 ref|XP_001937108.1| hypothetical protein PTRG_06775 [Pyrenophora... 61 5e-07 ref|XP_008024304.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_168651 [Seto... 60 7e-07 ref|XP_014575595.1| heterochromatin protein one, partial [Metarh... 58 4e-06 ref|XP_013346758.1| hypothetical protein AUEXF2481DRAFT_26838 [A... 57 6e-06 gb|KEQ60099.1| hypothetical protein M437DRAFT_86938 [Aureobasidi... 57 6e-06 gb|EXU94786.1| chromatin organization modifier (chromo) domain p... 57 6e-06 ref|XP_013942554.1| hypothetical protein TRIATDRAFT_300583 [Tric... 57 6e-06 >ref|XP_007588756.1| putative chromo domain-containing protein [Neofusicoccum parvum UCRNP2] gi|485916395|gb|EOD43742.1| putative chromo domain-containing protein [Neofusicoccum parvum UCRNP2] Length = 224 Score = 117 bits (292), Expect = 6e-24 Identities = 53/60 (88%), Positives = 55/60 (91%) Frame = -2 Query: 601 HIQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 422 HIQSVDTIEEVPDE GVR+R+ MVVWN GRKTRHELA LNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY Sbjct: 164 HIQSVDTIEEVPDEKHGVRKRFAMVVWNTGRKTRHELAVLNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 223 >gb|EKG12915.1| Cutinase [Macrophomina phaseolina MS6] Length = 187 Score = 116 bits (291), Expect = 8e-24 Identities = 51/59 (86%), Positives = 56/59 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 422 IQSVDTIEE+PDE +G+R+RY MVVWN+GRKTRHELA LNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY Sbjct: 128 IQSVDTIEEIPDEKRGIRKRYAMVVWNNGRKTRHELAVLNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 186 >ref|XP_007783971.1| hypothetical protein W97_07912 [Coniosporium apollinis CBS 100218] gi|494832369|gb|EON68654.1| hypothetical protein W97_07912 [Coniosporium apollinis CBS 100218] Length = 244 Score = 80.5 bits (197), Expect = 6e-13 Identities = 33/59 (55%), Positives = 43/59 (72%) Frame = -2 Query: 604 DHIQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYF 428 + + +DT+EE + G + R G V+WNDG+KT+H L +NQKCPQKMLAYYEQHL F Sbjct: 174 EEVMQIDTVEEPINPKTGKKERVGYVIWNDGKKTQHPLRVINQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLVF 232 >gb|KIW04414.1| hypothetical protein PV09_04689 [Verruconis gallopava] gi|759227432|gb|KIW04415.1| hypothetical protein, variant [Verruconis gallopava] Length = 234 Score = 79.0 bits (193), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 36/62 (58%), Positives = 46/62 (74%) Frame = -2 Query: 604 DHIQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFN 425 + + S+DTIEE D+ KGV RRY ++W +G KTRH+LA NQKCPQK+L YYE+HL F Sbjct: 164 EEVASIDTIEEAYDD-KGVARRYVYLMWRNGMKTRHQLATANQKCPQKLLQYYEKHLVFR 222 Query: 424 YA 419 A Sbjct: 223 SA 224 >ref|XP_003839601.1| similar to chromo domain-containing protein [Leptosphaeria maculans JN3] gi|312216171|emb|CBX96122.1| similar to chromo domain-containing protein [Leptosphaeria maculans JN3] Length = 237 Score = 69.3 bits (168), Expect = 1e-09 Identities = 31/59 (52%), Positives = 39/59 (66%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 422 + VDT+EE D G RY +VWN+ +KT+H L + QKCPQKMLAYYE HL F + Sbjct: 160 VSHVDTVEEQRDPKTGDLTRYAYLVWNNQKKTQHPLKHVYQKCPQKMLAYYESHLVFTH 218 >ref|XP_014079493.1| hypothetical protein COCC4DRAFT_60637 [Bipolaris maydis ATCC 48331] gi|451996232|gb|EMD88699.1| hypothetical protein COCHEDRAFT_1216586 [Bipolaris maydis C5] gi|477588505|gb|ENI05584.1| hypothetical protein COCC4DRAFT_60637 [Bipolaris maydis ATCC 48331] Length = 239 Score = 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 30/60 (50%), Positives = 40/60 (66%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNYA 419 + VDT+EE+ D G R+ +VWN+ +KT+H L + QKCPQKML YYE HL F +A Sbjct: 161 VSYVDTVEEMRDPKTGDLARFVYLVWNNQQKTQHPLKHVYQKCPQKMLQYYESHLVFTHA 220 >ref|XP_007687500.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_4907 [Bipolaris oryzae ATCC 44560] gi|576932428|gb|EUC45970.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_4907 [Bipolaris oryzae ATCC 44560] Length = 238 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 28/59 (47%), Positives = 39/59 (66%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 422 + VDT+EE+ D G ++ +VWN+ +KT+H L + QKCPQKML YYE HL F + Sbjct: 160 VSYVDTVEEMRDPKTGDLAKFVYLVWNNQQKTQHPLKHVYQKCPQKMLQYYESHLVFTH 218 >ref|XP_007714840.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_7171 [Bipolaris zeicola 26-R-13] gi|953425743|ref|XP_014554943.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_28119 [Bipolaris victoriae FI3] gi|576916606|gb|EUC30859.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_7171 [Bipolaris zeicola 26-R-13] gi|578487916|gb|EUN25367.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_28119 [Bipolaris victoriae FI3] Length = 237 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 28/59 (47%), Positives = 39/59 (66%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 422 + VDT+EE+ D G ++ +VWN+ +KT+H L + QKCPQKML YYE HL F + Sbjct: 159 VSYVDTVEEMRDPKTGDLAKFVYLVWNNQQKTQHPLKHVYQKCPQKMLQYYESHLVFTH 217 >ref|XP_007700201.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_160620 [Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr] gi|451851104|gb|EMD64405.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_160620 [Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr] Length = 237 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 28/59 (47%), Positives = 39/59 (66%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 422 + VDT+EE+ D G ++ +VWN+ +KT+H L + QKCPQKML YYE HL F + Sbjct: 159 VSYVDTVEEMRDPKTGDLAKFVYLVWNNQQKTQHPLKHVYQKCPQKMLQYYESHLVFTH 217 >ref|XP_001803330.1| hypothetical protein SNOG_13115 [Parastagonospora nodorum SN15] gi|160703909|gb|EAT79442.2| hypothetical protein SNOG_13115 [Parastagonospora nodorum SN15] Length = 237 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 27/59 (45%), Positives = 37/59 (62%) Frame = -2 Query: 604 DHIQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYF 428 D + +DT+EE D G ++ +VW + +KT+H L + QKCPQKML YYE HL F Sbjct: 161 DDVDYIDTVEEKVDPRTGELSKFAYLVWKNDKKTQHPLKHIYQKCPQKMLLYYESHLVF 219 >ref|XP_007921447.1| hypothetical protein MYCFIDRAFT_181237 [Pseudocercospora fijiensis CIRAD86] gi|452988638|gb|EME88393.1| hypothetical protein MYCFIDRAFT_181237 [Pseudocercospora fijiensis CIRAD86] Length = 228 Score = 62.8 bits (151), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 29/64 (45%), Positives = 41/64 (64%), Gaps = 5/64 (7%) Frame = -2 Query: 604 DHIQSVDTIEEVPDEA-----KGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQ 440 +H+ +V I E + K V+ G++ WNDGRKT+H++A L QKCPQ++L YYE Sbjct: 157 EHVSAVAAIVESEEVGLTKGKKDVQSLEGLLEWNDGRKTQHKMALLRQKCPQRLLDYYES 216 Query: 439 HLYF 428 HL F Sbjct: 217 HLVF 220 >ref|XP_003304464.1| hypothetical protein PTT_17062 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] gi|311318908|gb|EFQ87445.1| hypothetical protein PTT_17062 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] Length = 228 Score = 62.0 bits (149), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 27/57 (47%), Positives = 36/57 (63%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYF 428 + +DT+EE D G R+ +VW + +KT+H L + QKCPQKML YYE HL F Sbjct: 160 VSHIDTVEEKADPKTGELGRFAYIVWLNHQKTQHPLKHVYQKCPQKMLEYYESHLVF 216 >gb|KNG50760.1| chromo domain-containing protein [Stemphylium lycopersici] Length = 250 Score = 61.2 bits (147), Expect = 4e-07 Identities = 26/59 (44%), Positives = 37/59 (62%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 422 + +DT+EE D G ++ +VW + +KT+H L + QKCPQKML YYE HL F + Sbjct: 178 VSHIDTVEETRDPKTGELGKFAYLVWLNQQKTQHPLKHVYQKCPQKMLQYYESHLVFTH 236 >ref|XP_001937108.1| hypothetical protein PTRG_06775 [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] gi|187984207|gb|EDU49695.1| hypothetical protein PTRG_06775 [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] Length = 235 Score = 60.8 bits (146), Expect = 5e-07 Identities = 27/57 (47%), Positives = 35/57 (61%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYF 428 + +DT+EE D G R+ +VW + +KT H L + QKCPQKML YYE HL F Sbjct: 158 VSHIDTVEEKADPKTGELGRFAYIVWLNQQKTLHPLKHVYQKCPQKMLEYYESHLVF 214 >ref|XP_008024304.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_168651 [Setosphaeria turcica Et28A] gi|482811528|gb|EOA88284.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_168651 [Setosphaeria turcica Et28A] Length = 227 Score = 60.5 bits (145), Expect = 7e-07 Identities = 27/59 (45%), Positives = 38/59 (64%) Frame = -2 Query: 598 IQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYFNY 422 + VDT+EE+ D G ++ +VW + +KT+H L + QKCPQKML YYE HL F + Sbjct: 160 VSYVDTVEEMRDPKTGELGKFVYLVWLNQQKTQHPLKHVYQKCPQKMLQYYESHLVFTH 218 >ref|XP_014575595.1| heterochromatin protein one, partial [Metarhizium majus ARSEF 297] gi|743669642|gb|KID96601.1| heterochromatin protein one, partial [Metarhizium majus ARSEF 297] Length = 237 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 28/57 (49%), Positives = 36/57 (63%) Frame = -2 Query: 604 DHIQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHL 434 D I VD E+ D R +VWN+GRKTRHE + + QKCPQKML +YE+H+ Sbjct: 179 DEIDRVDACEKESDG-----RLVVYLVWNNGRKTRHETSVIYQKCPQKMLQFYEKHV 230 >ref|XP_013346758.1| hypothetical protein AUEXF2481DRAFT_26838 [Aureobasidium subglaciale EXF-2481] gi|662541161|gb|KEQ98461.1| hypothetical protein AUEXF2481DRAFT_26838 [Aureobasidium subglaciale EXF-2481] Length = 276 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 25/63 (39%), Positives = 42/63 (66%), Gaps = 1/63 (1%) Frame = -2 Query: 604 DHIQSVDTIEEVPD-EAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLYF 428 DH+Q +D +E+ D ++KG Y ++W DG++T+H + QKCPQK+L YYE L+ Sbjct: 193 DHVQLIDAVEQAGDGDSKGDLVVY--LLWEDGKQTQHSVKVCRQKCPQKLLDYYESKLFV 250 Query: 427 NYA 419 +++ Sbjct: 251 DHS 253 >gb|KEQ60099.1| hypothetical protein M437DRAFT_86938 [Aureobasidium melanogenum CBS 110374] Length = 260 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 29/62 (46%), Positives = 40/62 (64%), Gaps = 2/62 (3%) Frame = -2 Query: 604 DHIQSVDTIEEVPDEA--KGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHLY 431 +H+Q +D +E+ PDE KGV Y ++W +G +T+H A QKCPQK+L YYE LY Sbjct: 187 EHVQLIDAVEK-PDEGEHKGVLMIY--LLWENGSRTQHTAAQCRQKCPQKLLDYYESKLY 243 Query: 430 FN 425 N Sbjct: 244 GN 245 >gb|EXU94786.1| chromatin organization modifier (chromo) domain protein [Metarhizium robertsii] Length = 219 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 27/57 (47%), Positives = 36/57 (63%) Frame = -2 Query: 604 DHIQSVDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHL 434 D I VD E+ D R ++WN+GRKTRHE + + QKCPQKML +YE+H+ Sbjct: 161 DEIDRVDACEKESDG-----RLVVYLIWNNGRKTRHETSVIYQKCPQKMLQFYEKHV 212 >ref|XP_013942554.1| hypothetical protein TRIATDRAFT_300583 [Trichoderma atroviride IMI 206040] gi|358394953|gb|EHK44346.1| hypothetical protein TRIATDRAFT_300583 [Trichoderma atroviride IMI 206040] Length = 262 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 25/52 (48%), Positives = 36/52 (69%) Frame = -2 Query: 589 VDTIEEVPDEAKGVRRRYGMVVWNDGRKTRHELAALNQKCPQKMLAYYEQHL 434 +DTI+ DE G R +VW +GRKT+H+ + +KCPQKMLA+YE+H+ Sbjct: 201 IDTIDACEDEGSG--RLIVYLVWKNGRKTKHDTKVIYKKCPQKMLAFYERHV 250