BLASTX nr result
ID: Ziziphus21_contig00042639
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Ziziphus21_contig00042639 (618 letters) Database: ./nr 77,306,371 sequences; 28,104,191,420 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_007584236.1| hypothetical protein UCRNP2_4962 [Neofusicoc... 132 1e-28 gb|EKG14690.1| hypothetical protein MPH_08163 [Macrophomina phas... 124 4e-26 gb|KKY17910.1| hypothetical protein UCDDS831_g06225 [Diplodia se... 115 2e-23 ref|XP_003302372.1| hypothetical protein PTT_14149 [Pyrenophora ... 66 2e-08 gb|KFX44277.1| hypothetical protein GQ26_0290250 [Talaromyces ma... 64 9e-08 ref|XP_002146396.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Talaromyces ... 64 9e-08 ref|XP_002478686.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Talaromyces ... 62 2e-07 dbj|GAM43081.1| hypothetical protein TCE0_044r17606 [Talaromyces... 62 3e-07 gb|EMF10272.1| hypothetical protein SEPMUDRAFT_151257 [Sphaeruli... 61 6e-07 ref|XP_007681345.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_28463 [Baudo... 61 6e-07 ref|XP_001933339.1| hypothetical protein PTRG_03006 [Pyrenophora... 61 6e-07 ref|XP_013322274.1| hypothetical protein, variant [Exophiala xen... 60 9e-07 gb|KNG49027.1| hypothetical protein TW65_04009 [Stemphylium lyco... 59 2e-06 gb|KJX94564.1| hypothetical protein TI39_contig4175g00012 [Zymos... 59 2e-06 gb|KEQ84792.1| hypothetical protein M438DRAFT_201356 [Aureobasid... 59 2e-06 gb|KMU80722.1| hypothetical protein CISG_08786 [Coccidioides imm... 58 5e-06 gb|KMP05846.1| hypothetical protein CIRG_05527 [Coccidioides imm... 58 5e-06 ref|XP_003068130.1| hypothetical protein CPC735_044290 [Coccidio... 58 5e-06 ref|XP_001240324.1| hypothetical protein CIMG_07487 [Coccidioide... 58 5e-06 ref|XP_013327745.1| hypothetical protein T310_4846 [Rasamsonia e... 57 6e-06 >ref|XP_007584236.1| hypothetical protein UCRNP2_4962 [Neofusicoccum parvum UCRNP2] gi|485923007|gb|EOD48289.1| hypothetical protein UCRNP2_4962 [Neofusicoccum parvum UCRNP2] Length = 805 Score = 132 bits (333), Expect = 1e-28 Identities = 67/78 (85%), Positives = 70/78 (89%) Frame = -2 Query: 236 FLSANGPQRPMSMASNQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQQQQFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSER 57 FLSAN QRPMSMASNQG+GQQRT SMVNPP +NFN MQQQ FG+HLAPGYAPSLAPSER Sbjct: 657 FLSANLGQRPMSMASNQGLGQQRTRSMVNPPTMNFNSMQQQ-FGNHLAPGYAPSLAPSER 715 Query: 56 SNVVMSARYRPVTQQIHD 3 SNV SARYRPVTQQIHD Sbjct: 716 SNVGKSARYRPVTQQIHD 733 >gb|EKG14690.1| hypothetical protein MPH_08163 [Macrophomina phaseolina MS6] Length = 912 Score = 124 bits (311), Expect = 4e-26 Identities = 63/78 (80%), Positives = 65/78 (83%) Frame = -2 Query: 236 FLSANGPQRPMSMASNQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQQQQFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSER 57 FLSAN QRPMSMAS G+GQQRT SMVNPP L NG+QQQ FGSHL PGYAPSLAPSER Sbjct: 763 FLSANPAQRPMSMASTAGVGQQRTRSMVNPPTLGLNGLQQQ-FGSHLGPGYAPSLAPSER 821 Query: 56 SNVVMSARYRPVTQQIHD 3 SNV SARYRPVTQQ HD Sbjct: 822 SNVGKSARYRPVTQQFHD 839 >gb|KKY17910.1| hypothetical protein UCDDS831_g06225 [Diplodia seriata] Length = 541 Score = 115 bits (288), Expect = 2e-23 Identities = 56/71 (78%), Positives = 62/71 (87%) Frame = -2 Query: 215 QRPMSMASNQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQQQQFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSA 36 QRPMSMAS QG+GQQRT SMVNPP ++F G+QQQ FG+HL PGYAPSLAPSERSNV SA Sbjct: 400 QRPMSMASAQGLGQQRTRSMVNPPSMSFGGLQQQ-FGNHLTPGYAPSLAPSERSNVGKSA 458 Query: 35 RYRPVTQQIHD 3 RYRPVTQ +HD Sbjct: 459 RYRPVTQPLHD 469 >ref|XP_003302372.1| hypothetical protein PTT_14149 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] gi|311322336|gb|EFQ89537.1| hypothetical protein PTT_14149 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] Length = 948 Score = 65.9 bits (159), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 34/71 (47%), Positives = 41/71 (57%) Frame = -2 Query: 224 NGPQRPMSMASNQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQQQQFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVV 45 +GP RPMS+ S QQRTMS++ P PGY PS+APSERSN+ Sbjct: 813 SGPNRPMSIMSGSNQNQQRTMSLMGPH-----------------PGYTPSIAPSERSNIG 855 Query: 44 MSARYRPVTQQ 12 +SARYRPV Q Sbjct: 856 LSARYRPVVNQ 866 >gb|KFX44277.1| hypothetical protein GQ26_0290250 [Talaromyces marneffei PM1] Length = 1025 Score = 63.5 bits (153), Expect = 9e-08 Identities = 38/90 (42%), Positives = 51/90 (56%), Gaps = 15/90 (16%) Frame = -2 Query: 227 ANGPQRPMSMAS------NQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFN-----GMQQQQFGSHLAP--- 90 AN QRPMSMAS N QRT+SM++P +N + G + P Sbjct: 829 ANSAQRPMSMASSFHLLANPPQVDQRTLSMLDPNMSRWNLNRPASIHPDAMGRPMTPQGG 888 Query: 89 -GYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVTQQIHD 3 GYAPS+APSERSN+ M++RYRPV+ + + Sbjct: 889 HGYAPSIAPSERSNIGMASRYRPVSMAVQE 918 >ref|XP_002146396.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Talaromyces marneffei ATCC 18224] gi|210071760|gb|EEA25849.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Talaromyces marneffei ATCC 18224] Length = 972 Score = 63.5 bits (153), Expect = 9e-08 Identities = 38/90 (42%), Positives = 51/90 (56%), Gaps = 15/90 (16%) Frame = -2 Query: 227 ANGPQRPMSMAS------NQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFN-----GMQQQQFGSHLAP--- 90 AN QRPMSMAS N QRT+SM++P +N + G + P Sbjct: 776 ANSAQRPMSMASSFHLLANPPQVNQRTLSMLDPNMSRWNLNRPASIHPDAMGRPMTPQGG 835 Query: 89 -GYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVTQQIHD 3 GYAPS+APSERSN+ M++RYRPV+ + + Sbjct: 836 HGYAPSIAPSERSNIGMASRYRPVSMAVQE 865 >ref|XP_002478686.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Talaromyces stipitatus ATCC 10500] gi|218722305|gb|EED21723.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Talaromyces stipitatus ATCC 10500] Length = 933 Score = 62.0 bits (149), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 38/84 (45%), Positives = 48/84 (57%), Gaps = 15/84 (17%) Frame = -2 Query: 224 NGPQRPMSMAS------NQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFN-----GMQQQQFGSHLAP---- 90 N QRPMSMAS N QRTMSM++P +N + G + P Sbjct: 737 NTAQRPMSMASSFHLPANPPQADQRTMSMLDPNMSRWNLNRPASIHPDAMGRPMTPQGGY 796 Query: 89 GYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVT 18 GYAPS+APSERSN+ ++ARYRPV+ Sbjct: 797 GYAPSIAPSERSNIGLAARYRPVS 820 >dbj|GAM43081.1| hypothetical protein TCE0_044r17606 [Talaromyces cellulolyticus] Length = 932 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 37/90 (41%), Positives = 51/90 (56%), Gaps = 15/90 (16%) Frame = -2 Query: 227 ANGPQRPMSMAS------NQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFN-----GMQQQQFGSHLAP--- 90 AN QRP+SMAS N QRT+SM++P +N + G + P Sbjct: 735 ANTAQRPLSMASSFHLPPNPPQVDQRTLSMLDPNMSRWNLNRPASIHPDAMGRPMTPQGG 794 Query: 89 -GYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVTQQIHD 3 GYAPS+APSERSN+ M++RYRPV+ + + Sbjct: 795 HGYAPSIAPSERSNIGMASRYRPVSMAVQE 824 >gb|EMF10272.1| hypothetical protein SEPMUDRAFT_151257 [Sphaerulina musiva SO2202] Length = 1091 Score = 60.8 bits (146), Expect = 6e-07 Identities = 40/94 (42%), Positives = 47/94 (50%), Gaps = 24/94 (25%) Frame = -2 Query: 224 NGPQRPMSMASNQGMG---QQRTMSMVNPPK---------------------LNFNGMQQ 117 N RPMS+AS QG Q R+M+M NPP + NG+ Sbjct: 893 NDANRPMSIASQQGFAPSNQPRSMTMTNPPSGWGSAANPSGPRPNSAMPGYAPSTNGLNV 952 Query: 116 QQFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVTQ 15 Q G GY PS+APSERSNV M +RYRPVTQ Sbjct: 953 PQTGP--GAGYTPSIAPSERSNVGMPSRYRPVTQ 984 >ref|XP_007681345.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_28463 [Baudoinia panamericana UAMH 10762] gi|449295322|gb|EMC91344.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_28463 [Baudoinia panamericana UAMH 10762] Length = 1052 Score = 60.8 bits (146), Expect = 6e-07 Identities = 42/86 (48%), Positives = 51/86 (59%), Gaps = 20/86 (23%) Frame = -2 Query: 215 QRPMSM----ASNQGM--GQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQQQ-----------QFGSHL--- 96 QRPMS+ AS QGM G R M+M++PP G QQ Q G ++ Sbjct: 864 QRPMSVMSHAASFQGMPPGHGRAMTMMSPPSQWDLGRSQQRPMSAMPSGYPQSGLNIPAP 923 Query: 95 APGYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVT 18 +PGYAPSLAPSERSN+ M +RYRPVT Sbjct: 924 SPGYAPSLAPSERSNIGMPSRYRPVT 949 >ref|XP_001933339.1| hypothetical protein PTRG_03006 [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] gi|187978903|gb|EDU45529.1| hypothetical protein PTRG_03006 [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] Length = 930 Score = 60.8 bits (146), Expect = 6e-07 Identities = 32/70 (45%), Positives = 39/70 (55%) Frame = -2 Query: 221 GPQRPMSMASNQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQQQQFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVVM 42 G RPMS+ S QQR+MS++ P PGY PS+APSERSN+ + Sbjct: 797 GANRPMSVMSGNNQNQQRSMSLMGPH-----------------PGYTPSIAPSERSNIGL 839 Query: 41 SARYRPVTQQ 12 SARYRPV Q Sbjct: 840 SARYRPVVNQ 849 >ref|XP_013322274.1| hypothetical protein, variant [Exophiala xenobiotica] gi|915194161|ref|XP_013322275.1| hypothetical protein PV05_01782 [Exophiala xenobiotica] gi|759285188|gb|KIW61690.1| hypothetical protein PV05_01782 [Exophiala xenobiotica] gi|759285189|gb|KIW61691.1| hypothetical protein, variant [Exophiala xenobiotica] Length = 914 Score = 60.1 bits (144), Expect = 9e-07 Identities = 33/70 (47%), Positives = 42/70 (60%), Gaps = 3/70 (4%) Frame = -2 Query: 218 PQRPMSMASNQ---GMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQQQQFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNV 48 P RP SM G QRTMS++NP +N Q HL YAPS+APSERSN+ Sbjct: 751 PPRPQSMHMQNRPASQGGQRTMSVLNPSMAPWNTNQPFVPSIHLNADYAPSIAPSERSNI 810 Query: 47 VMSARYRPVT 18 +++RYRPV+ Sbjct: 811 GLASRYRPVS 820 >gb|KNG49027.1| hypothetical protein TW65_04009 [Stemphylium lycopersici] Length = 951 Score = 58.9 bits (141), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 34/73 (46%), Positives = 40/73 (54%), Gaps = 2/73 (2%) Frame = -2 Query: 224 NGPQRPMSMASNQG--MGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQQQQFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSN 51 NG RPMS+ S G QQR+MS + P PGY PS+APSERSN Sbjct: 817 NGQNRPMSIMSGNGGQQQQQRSMSFMGPH-----------------PGYTPSIAPSERSN 859 Query: 50 VVMSARYRPVTQQ 12 + +SARYRPV Q Sbjct: 860 IGLSARYRPVVNQ 872 >gb|KJX94564.1| hypothetical protein TI39_contig4175g00012 [Zymoseptoria brevis] Length = 1012 Score = 58.9 bits (141), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 39/95 (41%), Positives = 51/95 (53%), Gaps = 26/95 (27%) Frame = -2 Query: 221 GPQRPMSMASNQGMG--QQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQ----------QQQFGSHLAP---- 90 GPQRPMS+AS +R+M+M+NPP+ ++G QFG AP Sbjct: 805 GPQRPMSIASQGSFNGRHRRSMTMMNPPQ-GWSGSSGPGQPRPNSVMPQFGHSHAPSVAG 863 Query: 89 ----------GYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVTQ 15 GY PS+APSERSNV ++RYRPV+Q Sbjct: 864 LAVPGSQPGQGYTPSIAPSERSNVGRASRYRPVSQ 898 >gb|KEQ84792.1| hypothetical protein M438DRAFT_201356 [Aureobasidium pullulans EXF-150] Length = 994 Score = 58.9 bits (141), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 32/69 (46%), Positives = 39/69 (56%) Frame = -2 Query: 224 NGPQRPMSMASNQGMGQQRTMSMVNPPKLNFNGMQQQQFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVV 45 NG Q+P + GM QQR+ +M N + G S GY PS+APSERSNV Sbjct: 819 NGQQQPGMLGPQGGMHQQRSSTMTNLKPPGYAGSMYDYSLSAPRGGYTPSIAPSERSNVG 878 Query: 44 MSARYRPVT 18 M +RYRPVT Sbjct: 879 MPSRYRPVT 887 >gb|KMU80722.1| hypothetical protein CISG_08786 [Coccidioides immitis RMSCC 3703] Length = 941 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 5e-06 Identities = 39/92 (42%), Positives = 48/92 (52%), Gaps = 20/92 (21%) Frame = -2 Query: 233 LSANGP-QRPMSMASNQGMGQ-------QRTMSMVNPPKLNFN------------GMQQQ 114 L GP QRP+SM SN Q QRT+SM++P +N G Sbjct: 749 LQPPGPMQRPVSMVSNMNALQPGPPQVDQRTLSMLDPSSAQWNRHSSFFPATQDTGSTGT 808 Query: 113 QFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVT 18 G PGYAPS+APSERSNV ++RYRPV+ Sbjct: 809 NLGMMGNPGYAPSVAPSERSNVGAASRYRPVS 840 >gb|KMP05846.1| hypothetical protein CIRG_05527 [Coccidioides immitis RMSCC 2394] Length = 955 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 5e-06 Identities = 39/92 (42%), Positives = 48/92 (52%), Gaps = 20/92 (21%) Frame = -2 Query: 233 LSANGP-QRPMSMASNQGMGQ-------QRTMSMVNPPKLNFN------------GMQQQ 114 L GP QRP+SM SN Q QRT+SM++P +N G Sbjct: 763 LQPPGPMQRPVSMVSNMNALQPGPPQVDQRTLSMLDPSSAQWNRHSSFFPATQDTGSTGT 822 Query: 113 QFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVT 18 G PGYAPS+APSERSNV ++RYRPV+ Sbjct: 823 NLGMMGNPGYAPSVAPSERSNVGAASRYRPVS 854 >ref|XP_003068130.1| hypothetical protein CPC735_044290 [Coccidioides posadasii C735 delta SOWgp] gi|240107806|gb|EER25985.1| hypothetical protein CPC735_044290 [Coccidioides posadasii C735 delta SOWgp] Length = 955 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 5e-06 Identities = 39/92 (42%), Positives = 48/92 (52%), Gaps = 20/92 (21%) Frame = -2 Query: 233 LSANGP-QRPMSMASNQGMGQ-------QRTMSMVNPPKLNFN------------GMQQQ 114 L GP QRP+SM SN Q QRT+SM++P +N G Sbjct: 763 LQPPGPMQRPVSMVSNMNALQPGPPQVDQRTLSMLDPSSAQWNRHSSFFPATQDTGSTGT 822 Query: 113 QFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVT 18 G PGYAPS+APSERSNV ++RYRPV+ Sbjct: 823 NLGMMGNPGYAPSVAPSERSNVGTASRYRPVS 854 >ref|XP_001240324.1| hypothetical protein CIMG_07487 [Coccidioides immitis RS] gi|767019365|gb|EAS28741.3| hypothetical protein CIMG_07487 [Coccidioides immitis RS] Length = 955 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 5e-06 Identities = 39/92 (42%), Positives = 48/92 (52%), Gaps = 20/92 (21%) Frame = -2 Query: 233 LSANGP-QRPMSMASNQGMGQ-------QRTMSMVNPPKLNFN------------GMQQQ 114 L GP QRP+SM SN Q QRT+SM++P +N G Sbjct: 763 LQPPGPMQRPVSMVSNMNALQPGPPQVDQRTLSMLDPSSAQWNRHSSFFPATQDTGSTGT 822 Query: 113 QFGSHLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVT 18 G PGYAPS+APSERSNV ++RYRPV+ Sbjct: 823 NLGMMGNPGYAPSVAPSERSNVGAASRYRPVS 854 >ref|XP_013327745.1| hypothetical protein T310_4846 [Rasamsonia emersonii CBS 393.64] gi|802091394|gb|KKA21133.1| hypothetical protein T310_4846 [Rasamsonia emersonii CBS 393.64] Length = 971 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 36/88 (40%), Positives = 46/88 (52%), Gaps = 18/88 (20%) Frame = -2 Query: 227 ANGPQRPMSMASNQGMG---------QQRTMSMVNP---------PKLNFNGMQQQQFGS 102 A+ RP+SMAS QRT SM++P P F G + Sbjct: 771 ASPNMRPVSMASANSFNLPSGPPQIDHQRTFSMLDPGMSRWNTNRPASIFAGGGPRPASP 830 Query: 101 HLAPGYAPSLAPSERSNVVMSARYRPVT 18 H APGY PS+APSERSNV +++RYRPV+ Sbjct: 831 HAAPGYTPSIAPSERSNVGLASRYRPVS 858