BLASTX nr result
ID: Rehmannia30_contig00001409
BLASTX 2.2.26 [Sep-21-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Rehmannia30_contig00001409 (420 letters) Database: All non-redundant GenBank CDS translations+PDB+SwissProt+PIR+PRF excluding environmental samples from WGS projects 149,584,005 sequences; 54,822,741,787 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|KZV31636.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Dorc... 94 1e-19 ref|XP_011088833.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein ... 93 3e-19 ref|XP_012847095.1| PREDICTED: LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: pentatricope... 88 1e-17 ref|XP_015085097.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 73 3e-12 ref|XP_010325168.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 73 4e-12 ref|XP_016496663.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 71 1e-11 ref|XP_009604488.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 71 1e-11 ref|XP_018627323.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 71 1e-11 ref|XP_006356647.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 71 2e-11 emb|CDP20360.1| unnamed protein product [Coffea canephora] 70 2e-11 ref|XP_019263317.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 70 2e-11 ref|XP_015085098.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 70 3e-11 ref|XP_004245260.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 70 3e-11 ref|XP_016496664.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 69 1e-10 ref|XP_009604489.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 69 1e-10 ref|XP_019263319.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 68 2e-10 ref|XP_016449168.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 68 2e-10 ref|XP_009785708.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 68 2e-10 ref|XP_017230210.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 66 7e-10 ref|XP_016449169.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 65 2e-09 >gb|KZV31636.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Dorcoceras hygrometricum] Length = 607 Score = 94.0 bits (232), Expect = 1e-19 Identities = 46/80 (57%), Positives = 60/80 (75%), Gaps = 1/80 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 183 MGYQEEFHKEMSNLEINSKNDSN-LVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFC 359 MGY +F KE + ++ + N L+L+ + V+E S KE++ DEKIQ YPMPESTLCTFC Sbjct: 1 MGYLGDFDKESGDSDMTITSPGNTLILKGKWVEEFSNKERAHDEKIQLYPMPESTLCTFC 60 Query: 360 TSEESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 S ESCK+VRS+TK+MNILL Sbjct: 61 MSGESCKVVRSQTKMMNILL 80 >ref|XP_011088833.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 [Sesamum indicum] ref|XP_020549790.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 [Sesamum indicum] Length = 625 Score = 92.8 bits (229), Expect = 3e-19 Identities = 47/79 (59%), Positives = 59/79 (74%) Frame = +3 Query: 183 MGYQEEFHKEMSNLEINSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCT 362 MGY EEF K+ SN +I SK+ ++ ++ +ER +E S EKIQ YP+PESTLCTFC Sbjct: 1 MGYLEEFDKDSSNSKIKSKSQASTLVLNER------QETSHGEKIQVYPIPESTLCTFCM 54 Query: 363 SEESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 + ESCKIVRSRTKLMN+LL Sbjct: 55 NGESCKIVRSRTKLMNVLL 73 >ref|XP_012847095.1| PREDICTED: LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 [Erythranthe guttata] Length = 571 Score = 88.2 bits (217), Expect = 1e-17 Identities = 48/79 (60%), Positives = 54/79 (68%) Frame = +3 Query: 183 MGYQEEFHKEMSNLEINSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCT 362 MGY EEF KE +N EIN KN Q+ I ++S DEKI F P ES LCTFCT Sbjct: 1 MGYLEEFDKESANSEINCKN-----------QDDPIMKRSPDEKINFNPPSESPLCTFCT 49 Query: 363 SEESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 S+ESCKIVRSRTKLMNIL+ Sbjct: 50 SDESCKIVRSRTKLMNILV 68 >ref|XP_015085097.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like isoform X1 [Solanum pennellii] Length = 647 Score = 72.8 bits (177), Expect = 3e-12 Identities = 37/79 (46%), Positives = 52/79 (65%), Gaps = 2/79 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 189 YQEEFHKEMSNLEINSKNDSNL--VLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCT 362 Y ++F KE SN E NS+ S + ++R E + SIKEK ++K+ P PES+LC FC Sbjct: 18 YMDDFRKERSNCE-NSRRKSGMKTLIRKEFLHPFSIKEKDLEDKMPLRPTPESSLCAFCV 76 Query: 363 SEESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 + SC+ VR+RTKLMN +L Sbjct: 77 NGNSCRTVRARTKLMNTVL 95 >ref|XP_010325168.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 isoform X1 [Solanum lycopersicum] Length = 675 Score = 72.8 bits (177), Expect = 4e-12 Identities = 37/79 (46%), Positives = 52/79 (65%), Gaps = 2/79 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 189 YQEEFHKEMSNLEINSKNDSNL--VLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCT 362 Y ++F KE SN E NS+ S + ++R E + SIKEK ++K+ P PES+LC FC Sbjct: 46 YMDDFRKERSNCE-NSRRKSGMKTLIRKEFLHPFSIKEKDLEDKMPLRPTPESSLCAFCV 104 Query: 363 SEESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 + SC+ VR+RTKLMN +L Sbjct: 105 NGNSCRTVRARTKLMNTVL 123 >ref|XP_016496663.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like isoform X1 [Nicotiana tabacum] Length = 640 Score = 71.2 bits (173), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 36/78 (46%), Positives = 48/78 (61%), Gaps = 1/78 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 189 YQEEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTS 365 Y ++F KE N E + K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES LCTFC + Sbjct: 11 YMDDFGKEKRNCETYHKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHASPIKEKDLDDKMPLRPTPESVLCTFCVN 70 Query: 366 EESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 71 GNSCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 88 >ref|XP_009604488.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 isoform X2 [Nicotiana tomentosiformis] Length = 640 Score = 71.2 bits (173), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 36/78 (46%), Positives = 48/78 (61%), Gaps = 1/78 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 189 YQEEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTS 365 Y ++F KE N E + K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES LCTFC + Sbjct: 11 YMDDFGKEKRNCETYHKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHTSPIKEKDLDDKMPLRPTPESVLCTFCVN 70 Query: 366 EESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 71 GNSCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 88 >ref|XP_018627323.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 isoform X1 [Nicotiana tomentosiformis] Length = 650 Score = 71.2 bits (173), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 36/78 (46%), Positives = 48/78 (61%), Gaps = 1/78 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 189 YQEEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTS 365 Y ++F KE N E + K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES LCTFC + Sbjct: 21 YMDDFGKEKRNCETYHKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHTSPIKEKDLDDKMPLRPTPESVLCTFCVN 80 Query: 366 EESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 81 GNSCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 98 >ref|XP_006356647.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like [Solanum tuberosum] ref|XP_006356648.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like [Solanum tuberosum] Length = 629 Score = 70.9 bits (172), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 35/76 (46%), Positives = 49/76 (64%), Gaps = 1/76 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 195 EEFHKEMSNLEINS-KNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTSEE 371 ++F KE SN E + K+ ++R E + SIKEK D+K+ P PES+LC FC + Sbjct: 2 DDFRKERSNCEKSRRKSGMKTLIRKELLHPFSIKEKDLDDKMPLQPTPESSLCAFCVNGN 61 Query: 372 SCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VR+RTKLMN +L Sbjct: 62 SCRTVRARTKLMNTVL 77 >emb|CDP20360.1| unnamed protein product [Coffea canephora] Length = 629 Score = 70.5 bits (171), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 36/75 (48%), Positives = 50/75 (66%), Gaps = 1/75 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 198 EFHKEMSNLEINSKNDS-NLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTSEES 374 EF +E ++ + + + V++ E Q+ I+EKS D IQ +P+PESTLCTFC S Sbjct: 3 EFFEERTHSDTMKETQGCSKVIKKELAQQAPIEEKSIDNMIQLHPIPESTLCTFCMSGNI 62 Query: 375 CKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 C+ V+SRTKLMNILL Sbjct: 63 CRTVQSRTKLMNILL 77 >ref|XP_019263317.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 isoform X1 [Nicotiana attenuata] gb|OIT37243.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Nicotiana attenuata] Length = 640 Score = 70.5 bits (171), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 36/78 (46%), Positives = 47/78 (60%), Gaps = 1/78 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 189 YQEEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTS 365 Y ++F KE N E K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES LCTFC + Sbjct: 11 YMDDFGKERQNCETYRKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHASPIKEKDPDDKMPLRPTPESGLCTFCVN 70 Query: 366 EESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 71 GNSCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 88 >ref|XP_015085098.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like isoform X2 [Solanum pennellii] Length = 629 Score = 70.1 bits (170), Expect = 3e-11 Identities = 36/77 (46%), Positives = 51/77 (66%), Gaps = 2/77 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 195 EEFHKEMSNLEINSKNDSNL--VLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTSE 368 ++F KE SN E NS+ S + ++R E + SIKEK ++K+ P PES+LC FC + Sbjct: 2 DDFRKERSNCE-NSRRKSGMKTLIRKEFLHPFSIKEKDLEDKMPLRPTPESSLCAFCVNG 60 Query: 369 ESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VR+RTKLMN +L Sbjct: 61 NSCRTVRARTKLMNTVL 77 >ref|XP_004245260.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 isoform X2 [Solanum lycopersicum] Length = 629 Score = 70.1 bits (170), Expect = 3e-11 Identities = 36/77 (46%), Positives = 51/77 (66%), Gaps = 2/77 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 195 EEFHKEMSNLEINSKNDSNL--VLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTSE 368 ++F KE SN E NS+ S + ++R E + SIKEK ++K+ P PES+LC FC + Sbjct: 2 DDFRKERSNCE-NSRRKSGMKTLIRKEFLHPFSIKEKDLEDKMPLRPTPESSLCAFCVNG 60 Query: 369 ESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VR+RTKLMN +L Sbjct: 61 NSCRTVRARTKLMNTVL 77 >ref|XP_016496664.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like isoform X2 [Nicotiana tabacum] Length = 629 Score = 68.6 bits (166), Expect = 1e-10 Identities = 35/76 (46%), Positives = 47/76 (61%), Gaps = 1/76 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 195 EEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTSEE 371 ++F KE N E + K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES LCTFC + Sbjct: 2 DDFGKEKRNCETYHKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHASPIKEKDLDDKMPLRPTPESVLCTFCVNGN 61 Query: 372 SCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 62 SCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 77 >ref|XP_009604489.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 isoform X3 [Nicotiana tomentosiformis] Length = 629 Score = 68.6 bits (166), Expect = 1e-10 Identities = 35/76 (46%), Positives = 47/76 (61%), Gaps = 1/76 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 195 EEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTSEE 371 ++F KE N E + K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES LCTFC + Sbjct: 2 DDFGKEKRNCETYHKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHTSPIKEKDLDDKMPLRPTPESVLCTFCVNGN 61 Query: 372 SCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 62 SCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 77 >ref|XP_019263319.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 isoform X2 [Nicotiana attenuata] Length = 629 Score = 67.8 bits (164), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 35/76 (46%), Positives = 46/76 (60%), Gaps = 1/76 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 195 EEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTSEE 371 ++F KE N E K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES LCTFC + Sbjct: 2 DDFGKERQNCETYRKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHASPIKEKDPDDKMPLRPTPESGLCTFCVNGN 61 Query: 372 SCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 62 SCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 77 >ref|XP_016449168.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like isoform X1 [Nicotiana tabacum] Length = 643 Score = 67.8 bits (164), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 35/78 (44%), Positives = 46/78 (58%), Gaps = 1/78 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 189 YQEEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTS 365 Y ++F KE N E K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES CTFC + Sbjct: 14 YMDDFGKERQNCETYRKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHASPIKEKDPDDKMPLRPTPESGHCTFCVN 73 Query: 366 EESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 74 GNSCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 91 >ref|XP_009785708.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630 isoform X1 [Nicotiana sylvestris] Length = 643 Score = 67.8 bits (164), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 35/78 (44%), Positives = 46/78 (58%), Gaps = 1/78 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 189 YQEEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTS 365 Y ++F KE N E K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES CTFC + Sbjct: 14 YMDDFGKERQNCETYRKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHASPIKEKDPDDKMPLRPTPESGHCTFCVN 73 Query: 366 EESCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 74 GNSCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 91 >ref|XP_017230210.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like [Daucus carota subsp. sativus] ref|XP_017230211.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like [Daucus carota subsp. sativus] gb|KZN11841.1| hypothetical protein DCAR_004497 [Daucus carota subsp. sativus] Length = 628 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 7e-10 Identities = 33/56 (58%), Positives = 40/56 (71%) Frame = +3 Query: 249 NLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTSEESCKIVRSRTKLMNIL 416 N V R+E +Q IK K++D IQF P PES LCTFC + SC+ VRS+TKLMNIL Sbjct: 21 NAVNRNELIQLSPIKRKNQDGWIQFSPHPESILCTFCLGKVSCRTVRSKTKLMNIL 76 >ref|XP_016449169.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like isoform X2 [Nicotiana tabacum] ref|XP_016449170.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like isoform X2 [Nicotiana tabacum] ref|XP_016449171.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like isoform X2 [Nicotiana tabacum] ref|XP_016449172.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At5g25630-like isoform X2 [Nicotiana tabacum] Length = 629 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 34/76 (44%), Positives = 45/76 (59%), Gaps = 1/76 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 195 EEFHKEMSNLEI-NSKNDSNLVLRDERVQELSIKEKSRDEKIQFYPMPESTLCTFCTSEE 371 ++F KE N E K+ ++R E + IKEK D+K+ P PES CTFC + Sbjct: 2 DDFGKERQNCETYRKKSGMRTLIRKEWLHASPIKEKDPDDKMPLRPTPESGHCTFCVNGN 61 Query: 372 SCKIVRSRTKLMNILL 419 SC+ VRSRTKLMN +L Sbjct: 62 SCRTVRSRTKLMNTVL 77