BLASTX nr result
ID: Rehmannia25_contig00013754
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Rehmannia25_contig00013754 (422 letters) Database: ./nr 37,332,560 sequences; 13,225,080,153 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_002513387.1| acetylornithine aminotransferase, putative [... 88 1e-15 gb|EPS60675.1| hypothetical protein M569_14125, partial [Genlise... 86 4e-15 gb|EMJ15000.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa005378mg [Prunus pe... 86 4e-15 gb|AGF95092.1| acetylornithine aminotransferase, partial [Prunus... 86 4e-15 ref|XP_002323766.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0017s08060g [Popu... 86 7e-15 ref|XP_002307189.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0005s09860g [Popu... 86 7e-15 gb|ABK95025.1| unknown [Populus trichocarpa] gi|118487098|gb|ABK... 86 7e-15 ref|XP_003529021.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase,... 83 4e-14 gb|EXB53372.1| Acetylornithine aminotransferase [Morus notabilis] 82 6e-14 ref|XP_006358869.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase,... 81 1e-13 gb|EOY25975.1| Acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial [... 81 1e-13 ref|XP_004245648.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase,... 81 1e-13 ref|XP_002530447.1| acetylornithine aminotransferase, putative [... 81 2e-13 ref|XP_002268013.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase,... 80 3e-13 gb|ACJ84700.1| unknown [Medicago truncatula] 80 4e-13 ref|XP_004303261.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase,... 79 6e-13 gb|ESW17963.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_006G002000g [Phaseolus... 79 8e-13 ref|XP_004492217.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase,... 79 8e-13 ref|XP_004294104.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase,... 79 8e-13 ref|XP_004135869.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase,... 79 8e-13 >ref|XP_002513387.1| acetylornithine aminotransferase, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223547295|gb|EEF48790.1| acetylornithine aminotransferase, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 470 Score = 88.2 bits (217), Expect = 1e-15 Identities = 46/68 (67%), Positives = 56/68 (82%), Gaps = 5/68 (7%) Frame = +1 Query: 232 TACLNVDVRAPDS-----LLHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEG 396 TACLNVDVRA +S ++ E++ E++ E KF+VGTYARAPVVL+SGKGCKLYDVEG Sbjct: 44 TACLNVDVRAQNSDGKVGVVRESK--EVMEAEGKFMVGTYARAPVVLASGKGCKLYDVEG 101 Query: 397 REYLDLTS 420 REYLD+TS Sbjct: 102 REYLDMTS 109 >gb|EPS60675.1| hypothetical protein M569_14125, partial [Genlisea aurea] Length = 417 Score = 86.3 bits (212), Expect = 4e-15 Identities = 44/62 (70%), Positives = 49/62 (79%), Gaps = 2/62 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 241 LNVDVRAPDSL--LHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGREYLDL 414 + V VR PDS + E SA++IADE KF+VGTYARAPVV SSG GC LYDVEGREYLDL Sbjct: 2 VGVGVRVPDSNSEIREKSSADVIADENKFVVGTYARAPVVFSSGIGCTLYDVEGREYLDL 61 Query: 415 TS 420 TS Sbjct: 62 TS 63 >gb|EMJ15000.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa005378mg [Prunus persica] Length = 464 Score = 86.3 bits (212), Expect = 4e-15 Identities = 45/67 (67%), Positives = 50/67 (74%), Gaps = 2/67 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 226 APTACLNVDVRAPD--SLLHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGR 399 A TACL+VDV PD S L +S E+I E K +V TYAR PVVL+SGKGCKLYD EGR Sbjct: 37 AVTACLSVDVEVPDTASKLGLAKSREVIETEAKVVVQTYARTPVVLASGKGCKLYDAEGR 96 Query: 400 EYLDLTS 420 EYLDLTS Sbjct: 97 EYLDLTS 103 >gb|AGF95092.1| acetylornithine aminotransferase, partial [Prunus persica] Length = 210 Score = 86.3 bits (212), Expect = 4e-15 Identities = 45/67 (67%), Positives = 50/67 (74%), Gaps = 2/67 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 226 APTACLNVDVRAPD--SLLHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGR 399 A TACL+VDV PD S L +S E+I E K +V TYAR PVVL+SGKGCKLYD EGR Sbjct: 37 AVTACLSVDVEVPDTASKLGLAKSREVIETEAKVVVQTYARTPVVLASGKGCKLYDAEGR 96 Query: 400 EYLDLTS 420 EYLDLTS Sbjct: 97 EYLDLTS 103 >ref|XP_002323766.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0017s08060g [Populus trichocarpa] gi|550319746|gb|EEF03899.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0017s08060g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 451 Score = 85.5 bits (210), Expect = 7e-15 Identities = 43/64 (67%), Positives = 51/64 (79%), Gaps = 2/64 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 235 ACLNVDVRAPDSLLHET--RSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGREYL 408 ACLN+DV APDS+ +T +S E++ E K +VGTYAR PVV+SSGKGCKLYD EGREYL Sbjct: 30 ACLNLDVHAPDSVKPKTHLKSREVMEMEGKVLVGTYARNPVVISSGKGCKLYDPEGREYL 89 Query: 409 DLTS 420 D TS Sbjct: 90 DCTS 93 >ref|XP_002307189.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0005s09860g [Populus trichocarpa] gi|550338508|gb|EEE94185.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0005s09860g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 468 Score = 85.5 bits (210), Expect = 7e-15 Identities = 45/65 (69%), Positives = 49/65 (75%), Gaps = 2/65 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 232 TACLNVDVRAPDSLLHET--RSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGREY 405 T+CLNVDV APD T S E+I E K +VGTY RAPVVL SGKGCKLYDVEGREY Sbjct: 43 TSCLNVDVNAPDISRKVTAQNSKEVIELEGKVMVGTYGRAPVVLVSGKGCKLYDVEGREY 102 Query: 406 LDLTS 420 LD+TS Sbjct: 103 LDMTS 107 >gb|ABK95025.1| unknown [Populus trichocarpa] gi|118487098|gb|ABK95379.1| unknown [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 452 Score = 85.5 bits (210), Expect = 7e-15 Identities = 43/64 (67%), Positives = 51/64 (79%), Gaps = 2/64 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 235 ACLNVDVRAPDSLLHET--RSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGREYL 408 ACLN+DV APDS+ +T +S E++ E K +VGTYAR PVV+SSGKGCKLYD EGREYL Sbjct: 30 ACLNLDVHAPDSVKPKTHLKSREVMEMEGKVLVGTYARNPVVISSGKGCKLYDPEGREYL 89 Query: 409 DLTS 420 D TS Sbjct: 90 DCTS 93 >ref|XP_003529021.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial-like isoform X1 [Glycine max] gi|571465926|ref|XP_006583516.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial-like isoform X2 [Glycine max] Length = 467 Score = 82.8 bits (203), Expect = 4e-14 Identities = 43/66 (65%), Positives = 52/66 (78%), Gaps = 3/66 (4%) Frame = +1 Query: 232 TACLNVDVRAPDS---LLHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGRE 402 +ACLNVDV APDS L +T+ ++I E KF+VGTYAR PVVL G+GCKLYDVEGRE Sbjct: 47 SACLNVDVDAPDSGKTALEKTK--DVIEMEGKFLVGTYARTPVVLERGEGCKLYDVEGRE 104 Query: 403 YLDLTS 420 YLDL++ Sbjct: 105 YLDLSA 110 >gb|EXB53372.1| Acetylornithine aminotransferase [Morus notabilis] Length = 448 Score = 82.4 bits (202), Expect = 6e-14 Identities = 43/76 (56%), Positives = 51/76 (67%), Gaps = 3/76 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 202 LKPTNYSVAPTACLNVDVRAPDSLLHET---RSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKG 372 +K S P ACL V V APDS + +S E++ E K +VGTYARAPVVL SG G Sbjct: 31 IKVRKSSPTPIACLGVGVEAPDSAAEKLGIPKSKEVMEAEAKVLVGTYARAPVVLESGNG 90 Query: 373 CKLYDVEGREYLDLTS 420 CKL DVEGREYLD++S Sbjct: 91 CKLVDVEGREYLDMSS 106 >ref|XP_006358869.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial-like [Solanum tuberosum] Length = 457 Score = 81.3 bits (199), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 41/62 (66%), Positives = 48/62 (77%) Frame = +1 Query: 235 ACLNVDVRAPDSLLHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGREYLDL 414 A LNV+V+APD S E++ + K VGTYARAP+VLSSGKGCKLYD+EGREYLDL Sbjct: 41 ASLNVEVQAPDL------SKEVMDESNKVFVGTYARAPLVLSSGKGCKLYDIEGREYLDL 94 Query: 415 TS 420 TS Sbjct: 95 TS 96 >gb|EOY25975.1| Acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial [Theobroma cacao] Length = 451 Score = 81.3 bits (199), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 41/61 (67%), Positives = 48/61 (78%), Gaps = 1/61 (1%) Frame = +1 Query: 232 TACLNVDVRAPDSL-LHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGREYL 408 +ACLNVDV AP+ L + S E+I +E K +VGTYARAPVVLS GKGCKLYD EGRE+L Sbjct: 30 SACLNVDVEAPNPLKMKSGGSKEVIEEEGKVLVGTYARAPVVLSLGKGCKLYDPEGREFL 89 Query: 409 D 411 D Sbjct: 90 D 90 >ref|XP_004245648.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial-like [Solanum lycopersicum] Length = 460 Score = 81.3 bits (199), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 41/62 (66%), Positives = 48/62 (77%) Frame = +1 Query: 235 ACLNVDVRAPDSLLHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGREYLDL 414 A LNV+V+APD S E++ + K VGTYARAP+VLSSGKGCKLYD+EGREYLDL Sbjct: 44 ASLNVEVQAPDL------SKEVMDESNKVFVGTYARAPLVLSSGKGCKLYDIEGREYLDL 97 Query: 415 TS 420 TS Sbjct: 98 TS 99 >ref|XP_002530447.1| acetylornithine aminotransferase, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223529992|gb|EEF31917.1| acetylornithine aminotransferase, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 280 Score = 80.9 bits (198), Expect = 2e-13 Identities = 44/84 (52%), Positives = 61/84 (72%), Gaps = 6/84 (7%) Frame = +1 Query: 187 HRSLTLKPT-----NYSVAPTACLNVDVRAPDSLLHET-RSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAP 348 +R ++L P + ++ P ACLNVD++ P+S+ + T +S E+I E K +VGTYAR P Sbjct: 9 NRPISLSPPPAASRHRAITPRACLNVDMQ-PESVKNLTLKSKEVIEMEAKVLVGTYARNP 67 Query: 349 VVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGREYLDLTS 420 +VLSSGKGCKLYD EG+EYLD T+ Sbjct: 68 LVLSSGKGCKLYDPEGQEYLDCTA 91 >ref|XP_002268013.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial [Vitis vinifera] gi|296082676|emb|CBI21681.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 467 Score = 80.1 bits (196), Expect = 3e-13 Identities = 43/78 (55%), Positives = 53/78 (67%), Gaps = 4/78 (5%) Frame = +1 Query: 199 TLKPTNYSVAPTACLNVDVRAPDSL----LHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSG 366 TL N A +ACLNV+V+AP S L S +++ E + IVGTYAR P+VL SG Sbjct: 29 TLVQVNGQRAVSACLNVEVKAPKSANLGKLGFGESKDVMEMEGRVIVGTYARTPIVLVSG 88 Query: 367 KGCKLYDVEGREYLDLTS 420 KGCKLYD EGREYLD++S Sbjct: 89 KGCKLYDAEGREYLDMSS 106 >gb|ACJ84700.1| unknown [Medicago truncatula] Length = 470 Score = 79.7 bits (195), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 36/63 (57%), Positives = 51/63 (80%), Gaps = 2/63 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 229 PTACLNVDVRAPDSLLHET--RSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGRE 402 PTA L VDV AP++++ ++ ++ E+I +E K+IVGTYARAP+VL GKGC++YDV+G E Sbjct: 46 PTASLKVDVGAPNTIVEDSVKKTKEVIDEEAKYIVGTYARAPIVLEKGKGCEVYDVQGNE 105 Query: 403 YLD 411 YLD Sbjct: 106 YLD 108 >ref|XP_004303261.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial-like [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca] Length = 452 Score = 79.0 bits (193), Expect = 6e-13 Identities = 40/67 (59%), Positives = 48/67 (71%), Gaps = 3/67 (4%) Frame = +1 Query: 229 PTACLNVDVRAPDSLLHET---RSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGR 399 P +CLNVDVRA D + S E+I EK+ +VGTY R P+V++SGKGCKLYD EGR Sbjct: 27 PRSCLNVDVRALDQRMPAAAAVESQEVIEAEKRVMVGTYNRPPLVIASGKGCKLYDPEGR 86 Query: 400 EYLDLTS 420 EYLDL S Sbjct: 87 EYLDLMS 93 >gb|ESW17963.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_006G002000g [Phaseolus vulgaris] Length = 467 Score = 78.6 bits (192), Expect = 8e-13 Identities = 42/66 (63%), Positives = 51/66 (77%), Gaps = 3/66 (4%) Frame = +1 Query: 232 TACLNVDVRAPD---SLLHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGRE 402 +ACLNVDV A + S L +T+ ++I E KF+VGTYAR PVVL G+GCKLYDVEGRE Sbjct: 47 SACLNVDVAAHNTSKSKLEKTK--DVIEMEGKFLVGTYARTPVVLERGEGCKLYDVEGRE 104 Query: 403 YLDLTS 420 YLDL+S Sbjct: 105 YLDLSS 110 >ref|XP_004492217.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 468 Score = 78.6 bits (192), Expect = 8e-13 Identities = 39/72 (54%), Positives = 51/72 (70%), Gaps = 4/72 (5%) Frame = +1 Query: 214 NYSVAPTACLNVDVRAPDSLLHET----RSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKL 381 N V P A L +DV AP++ E+ ++ E+I +E K+IVGTYAR P+VL GKGCK+ Sbjct: 38 NSLVPPCASLKLDVGAPNTNAEESVAKKKAKEVIEEEGKYIVGTYARTPIVLERGKGCKV 97 Query: 382 YDVEGREYLDLT 417 YDVEG EYLDL+ Sbjct: 98 YDVEGNEYLDLS 109 >ref|XP_004294104.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial-like [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca] Length = 465 Score = 78.6 bits (192), Expect = 8e-13 Identities = 40/66 (60%), Positives = 48/66 (72%), Gaps = 3/66 (4%) Frame = +1 Query: 232 TACLNVDVRAPD---SLLHETRSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGRE 402 TACL++DV A S +S E+I E K +VGTYAR PVVL+SGKGCKL+D EGRE Sbjct: 39 TACLSLDVEAQPFTASKSGSVKSKEVIETEAKVVVGTYARTPVVLASGKGCKLFDTEGRE 98 Query: 403 YLDLTS 420 YLDL+S Sbjct: 99 YLDLSS 104 >ref|XP_004135869.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial-like [Cucumis sativus] gi|449491063|ref|XP_004158788.1| PREDICTED: acetylornithine aminotransferase, mitochondrial-like [Cucumis sativus] Length = 455 Score = 78.6 bits (192), Expect = 8e-13 Identities = 39/67 (58%), Positives = 49/67 (73%), Gaps = 5/67 (7%) Frame = +1 Query: 235 ACLNVDVRAPDSLLHET-----RSAEIIADEKKFIVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDVEGR 399 ACL+VD++ P S + S E+I E+K VGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYD++GR Sbjct: 32 ACLSVDLQGPSSSKLQKGELGRSSEEVIDSERKLFVGTYARAPVVLSSGKGCKLYDLDGR 91 Query: 400 EYLDLTS 420 EYLD+ + Sbjct: 92 EYLDMAA 98