BLASTX nr result
ID: Paeonia25_contig00041780
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Paeonia25_contig00041780 (204 letters) Database: ./nr 38,876,450 sequences; 13,856,398,315 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|EIW61778.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Trametes versicol... 52 6e-12 ref|XP_002474022.1| predicted protein [Postia placenta Mad-698-R... 50 3e-11 gb|EPT02800.1| hypothetical protein FOMPIDRAFT_1143290 [Fomitops... 50 4e-11 ref|XP_007381977.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Punctularia ... 49 1e-10 ref|XP_007364206.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Dichomitus s... 48 2e-10 ref|XP_006459978.1| hypothetical protein AGABI2DRAFT_67415 [Agar... 47 4e-10 ref|XP_007328864.1| hypothetical protein AGABI1DRAFT_38770 [Agar... 47 4e-10 gb|ETW84259.1| hypothetical protein HETIRDRAFT_472785 [Heterobas... 45 9e-10 ref|XP_007315372.1| hypothetical protein SERLADRAFT_460431 [Serp... 47 9e-10 gb|ESK93709.1| long-chain fatty acid transporter [Moniliophthora... 46 3e-09 ref|XP_001836994.2| hypothetical protein CC1G_00130 [Coprinopsis... 44 3e-09 gb|EPQ59607.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein, partial [Gloeophy... 44 3e-09 ref|XP_007305601.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Stereum hirs... 43 9e-09 ref|XP_001874747.1| predicted protein [Laccaria bicolor S238N-H8... 43 2e-08 ref|XP_002385635.1| hypothetical protein MPER_16438 [Moniliophth... 44 4e-08 ref|XP_007268170.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Fomitiporia ... 44 8e-08 ref|XP_003036871.1| hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_40974 [Schiz... 47 2e-07 emb|CCA69962.1| hypothetical protein PIIN_03902 [Piriformospora ... 47 3e-07 >gb|EIW61778.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Trametes versicolor FP-101664 SS1] Length = 473 Score = 52.4 bits (124), Expect(2) = 6e-12 Identities = 22/22 (100%), Positives = 22/22 (100%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 42 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 63 Score = 43.5 bits (101), Expect(2) = 6e-12 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 18/19 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL+ YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 64 DAWAKHKDLDSYEAKWLYV 82 >ref|XP_002474022.1| predicted protein [Postia placenta Mad-698-R] gi|220726820|gb|EED80757.1| predicted protein [Postia placenta Mad-698-R] Length = 83 Score = 50.1 bits (118), Expect(2) = 3e-11 Identities = 21/22 (95%), Positives = 21/22 (95%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNVQ PRPSVWDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 37 ATVGNVQSPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 58 Score = 43.5 bits (101), Expect(2) = 3e-11 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 18/19 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL+ YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 59 DAWAKHKDLDSYEAKWLYV 77 >gb|EPT02800.1| hypothetical protein FOMPIDRAFT_1143290 [Fomitopsis pinicola FP-58527 SS1] Length = 468 Score = 50.1 bits (118), Expect(2) = 4e-11 Identities = 21/22 (95%), Positives = 21/22 (95%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNVQ PRPSVWDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 42 ATVGNVQSPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 63 Score = 43.1 bits (100), Expect(2) = 4e-11 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 18/19 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL+ YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 64 DAWAKHKDLDPYEAKWLYV 82 >ref|XP_007381977.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Punctularia strigosozonata HHB-11173 SS5] gi|390601071|gb|EIN10465.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Punctularia strigosozonata HHB-11173 SS5] Length = 444 Score = 48.5 bits (114), Expect(2) = 1e-10 Identities = 19/22 (86%), Positives = 22/22 (100%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV+GPRP++WDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 44 ATVGNVKGPRPAMWDMLGRAKW 65 Score = 43.1 bits (100), Expect(2) = 1e-10 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 18/19 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL+ YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 66 DAWAKHKDLDTYEAKWLYV 84 >ref|XP_007364206.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Dichomitus squalens LYAD-421 SS1] gi|395330477|gb|EJF62860.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Dichomitus squalens LYAD-421 SS1] Length = 476 Score = 47.8 bits (112), Expect(2) = 2e-10 Identities = 20/22 (90%), Positives = 21/22 (95%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNVQG RP+VWDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 46 ATVGNVQGNRPAVWDMLGRAKW 67 Score = 43.1 bits (100), Expect(2) = 2e-10 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 18/19 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL+ YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 68 DAWAKHKDLDPYEAKWLYV 86 >ref|XP_006459978.1| hypothetical protein AGABI2DRAFT_67415 [Agaricus bisporus var. bisporus H97] gi|426198187|gb|EKV48113.1| hypothetical protein AGABI2DRAFT_67415 [Agaricus bisporus var. bisporus H97] Length = 107 Score = 46.6 bits (109), Expect(2) = 4e-10 Identities = 18/22 (81%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV+ PRP +WDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 45 ATVGNVKSPRPGIWDMLGRAKW 66 Score = 43.1 bits (100), Expect(2) = 4e-10 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 17/19 (89%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 67 DAWAKHKDLESYEAKWLYV 85 >ref|XP_007328864.1| hypothetical protein AGABI1DRAFT_38770 [Agaricus bisporus var. burnettii JB137-S8] gi|409080047|gb|EKM80408.1| hypothetical protein AGABI1DRAFT_38770 [Agaricus bisporus var. burnettii JB137-S8] Length = 91 Score = 46.6 bits (109), Expect(2) = 4e-10 Identities = 18/22 (81%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV+ PRP +WDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 44 ATVGNVKSPRPGIWDMLGRAKW 65 Score = 43.1 bits (100), Expect(2) = 4e-10 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 17/19 (89%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 66 DAWAKHKDLESYEAKWLYV 84 >gb|ETW84259.1| hypothetical protein HETIRDRAFT_472785 [Heterobasidion irregulare TC 32-1] Length = 458 Score = 45.4 bits (106), Expect(2) = 9e-10 Identities = 17/22 (77%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV+ PRP +WDMLG+AKW Sbjct: 44 ATVGNVKAPRPGIWDMLGKAKW 65 Score = 43.1 bits (100), Expect(2) = 9e-10 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 18/19 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL+ YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 66 DAWAKHKDLDPYEAKWLYV 84 >ref|XP_007315372.1| hypothetical protein SERLADRAFT_460431 [Serpula lacrymans var. lacrymans S7.9] gi|336373288|gb|EGO01626.1| hypothetical protein SERLA73DRAFT_177039 [Serpula lacrymans var. lacrymans S7.3] gi|336386135|gb|EGO27281.1| hypothetical protein SERLADRAFT_460431 [Serpula lacrymans var. lacrymans S7.9] Length = 238 Score = 47.0 bits (110), Expect(2) = 9e-10 Identities = 18/22 (81%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV+ PRP +WDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 44 ATVGNVESPRPGIWDMLGRAKW 65 Score = 41.6 bits (96), Expect(2) = 9e-10 Identities = 16/19 (84%), Positives = 18/19 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL+ +EAKWLYV Sbjct: 66 DAWAKHKDLDPFEAKWLYV 84 >gb|ESK93709.1| long-chain fatty acid transporter [Moniliophthora roreri MCA 2997] Length = 457 Score = 45.8 bits (107), Expect(2) = 3e-09 Identities = 18/22 (81%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV+ PRP +WDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 44 ATVGNVKSPRPGMWDMLGRAKW 65 Score = 41.2 bits (95), Expect(2) = 3e-09 Identities = 16/19 (84%), Positives = 17/19 (89%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAW KHKDL+ YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 66 DAWDKHKDLDSYEAKWLYV 84 >ref|XP_001836994.2| hypothetical protein CC1G_00130 [Coprinopsis cinerea okayama7#130] gi|298407489|gb|EAU84611.2| hypothetical protein CC1G_00130 [Coprinopsis cinerea okayama7#130] Length = 448 Score = 43.5 bits (101), Expect(2) = 3e-09 Identities = 18/22 (81%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNVQ PRP ++DMLGRAKW Sbjct: 42 ATVGNVQPPRPGIFDMLGRAKW 63 Score = 43.5 bits (101), Expect(2) = 3e-09 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 18/19 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL+ YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 64 DAWAKHKDLDSYEAKWLYV 82 >gb|EPQ59607.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein, partial [Gloeophyllum trabeum ATCC 11539] Length = 451 Score = 43.9 bits (102), Expect(2) = 3e-09 Identities = 17/19 (89%), Positives = 19/19 (100%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL++YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 66 DAWAKHKDLDQYEAKWLYV 84 Score = 42.7 bits (99), Expect(2) = 3e-09 Identities = 17/22 (77%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV+ PRP ++DMLGRAKW Sbjct: 44 ATVGNVKSPRPGIFDMLGRAKW 65 >ref|XP_007305601.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Stereum hirsutum FP-91666 SS1] gi|389744401|gb|EIM85584.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Stereum hirsutum FP-91666 SS1] Length = 488 Score = 42.7 bits (99), Expect(2) = 9e-09 Identities = 17/22 (77%), Positives = 19/22 (86%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNVQG RP +W+ML RAKW Sbjct: 42 ATVGNVQGARPPIWEMLDRAKW 63 Score = 42.4 bits (98), Expect(2) = 9e-09 Identities = 18/26 (69%), Positives = 20/26 (76%) Frame = -2 Query: 80 MRECAYRDAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 M + A DAWAKHKD+ YEAKWLYV Sbjct: 57 MLDRAKWDAWAKHKDVESYEAKWLYV 82 >ref|XP_001874747.1| predicted protein [Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82] gi|164649947|gb|EDR14188.1| predicted protein [Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82] Length = 90 Score = 42.7 bits (99), Expect(2) = 2e-08 Identities = 17/22 (77%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV+ PRP ++DMLGRAKW Sbjct: 44 ATVGNVRAPRPGIFDMLGRAKW 65 Score = 41.6 bits (96), Expect(2) = 2e-08 Identities = 16/19 (84%), Positives = 18/19 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAWAKHKDL+ +EAKWLYV Sbjct: 66 DAWAKHKDLDPFEAKWLYV 84 >ref|XP_002385635.1| hypothetical protein MPER_16438 [Moniliophthora perniciosa FA553] gi|215435184|gb|EEB86565.1| hypothetical protein MPER_16438 [Moniliophthora perniciosa FA553] Length = 38 Score = 44.3 bits (103), Expect(2) = 4e-08 Identities = 17/21 (80%), Positives = 19/21 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 201 TVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 TVGNV+ PRP +WDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 1 TVGNVKSPRPGMWDMLGRAKW 21 Score = 38.9 bits (89), Expect(2) = 4e-08 Identities = 15/17 (88%), Positives = 16/17 (94%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWL 9 DAWAKHKDL+ YEAKWL Sbjct: 22 DAWAKHKDLDPYEAKWL 38 >ref|XP_007268170.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Fomitiporia mediterranea MF3/22] gi|393215402|gb|EJD00893.1| ACBP-domain-containing protein [Fomitiporia mediterranea MF3/22] Length = 555 Score = 44.3 bits (103), Expect(2) = 8e-08 Identities = 18/22 (81%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV G RP++WDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 43 ATVGNVAGGRPAMWDMLGRAKW 64 Score = 37.7 bits (86), Expect(2) = 8e-08 Identities = 14/19 (73%), Positives = 16/19 (84%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAW+KHK+L YEAKW YV Sbjct: 65 DAWSKHKELGTYEAKWQYV 83 >ref|XP_003036871.1| hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_40974 [Schizophyllum commune H4-8] gi|300110568|gb|EFJ01969.1| hypothetical protein SCHCODRAFT_40974, partial [Schizophyllum commune H4-8] Length = 90 Score = 46.6 bits (109), Expect(2) = 2e-07 Identities = 18/22 (81%), Positives = 20/22 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNV+ PRP +WDMLGRAKW Sbjct: 44 ATVGNVKSPRPGIWDMLGRAKW 65 Score = 34.3 bits (77), Expect(2) = 2e-07 Identities = 14/19 (73%), Positives = 14/19 (73%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 DAW K KDL EAKWLYV Sbjct: 66 DAWNKQKDLTPLEAKWLYV 84 >emb|CCA69962.1| hypothetical protein PIIN_03902 [Piriformospora indica DSM 11827] Length = 433 Score = 47.4 bits (111), Expect(2) = 3e-07 Identities = 20/22 (90%), Positives = 22/22 (100%) Frame = -1 Query: 204 ATVGNVQGPRPSVWDMLGRAKW 139 ATVGNVQGPRPS++DMLGRAKW Sbjct: 43 ATVGNVQGPRPSMFDMLGRAKW 64 Score = 32.7 bits (73), Expect(2) = 3e-07 Identities = 13/19 (68%), Positives = 14/19 (73%) Frame = -2 Query: 59 DAWAKHKDLNKYEAKWLYV 3 D+WAK KDL EAKW YV Sbjct: 65 DSWAKQKDLGAREAKWQYV 83