BLASTX nr result
ID: Ophiopogon24_contig00021298
BLASTX 2.2.26 [Sep-21-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Ophiopogon24_contig00021298 (990 letters) Database: All non-redundant GenBank CDS translations+PDB+SwissProt+PIR+PRF excluding environmental samples from WGS projects 149,584,005 sequences; 54,822,741,787 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value emb|CDP07900.1| unnamed protein product [Coffea canephora] 62 1e-07 gb|OTG14661.1| putative nonaspanin (TM9SF) [Helianthus annuus] 59 4e-07 gb|KYP77225.1| Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 4, partial [Ca... 62 7e-07 ref|XP_020209201.1| transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11-like, ... 62 7e-07 ref|XP_013442355.1| endomembrane protein 70 family protein [Medi... 62 8e-07 ref|XP_020207962.1| transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11-like [... 62 8e-07 ref|XP_006414795.1| transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11 [Eutre... 62 9e-07 dbj|GAU11979.1| hypothetical protein TSUD_196030, partial [Trifo... 62 9e-07 gb|OMO80452.1| Nonaspanin (TM9SF) [Corchorus olitorius] 62 1e-06 ref|XP_022749572.1| transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11 [Durio... 62 1e-06 ref|XP_021276620.1| LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: transmembrane 9 superfa... 62 1e-06 ref|XP_007013708.2| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily membe... 62 1e-06 gb|EOY31327.1| Endomembrane protein 70 protein family [Theobroma... 62 1e-06 dbj|GAV83959.1| EMP70 domain-containing protein [Cephalotus foll... 62 1e-06 emb|CDP10518.1| unnamed protein product [Coffea canephora] 62 1e-06 ref|XP_004508395.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily membe... 62 1e-06 gb|PKA62455.1| hypothetical protein AXF42_Ash009342 [Apostasia s... 62 1e-06 ref|XP_018498902.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily membe... 62 1e-06 ref|XP_018505115.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily membe... 62 1e-06 ref|XP_018503453.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily membe... 62 1e-06 >emb|CDP07900.1| unnamed protein product [Coffea canephora] Length = 179 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 45 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 75 >gb|OTG14661.1| putative nonaspanin (TM9SF) [Helianthus annuus] Length = 117 Score = 58.5 bits (140), Expect = 4e-07 Identities = 27/28 (96%), Positives = 27/28 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP 907 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVV DVFRAPSNP Sbjct: 30 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVADVFRAPSNP 57 >gb|KYP77225.1| Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 4, partial [Cajanus cajan] Length = 379 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 7e-07 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 206 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 236 >ref|XP_020209201.1| transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11-like, partial [Cajanus cajan] Length = 406 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 7e-07 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 233 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 263 >ref|XP_013442355.1| endomembrane protein 70 family protein [Medicago truncatula] gb|KEH16380.1| endomembrane protein 70 family protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 448 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 8e-07 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 118 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPSLL 148 >ref|XP_020207962.1| transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11-like [Cajanus cajan] gb|KYP33031.1| Transmembrane 9 superfamily member 4 [Cajanus cajan] Length = 453 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 8e-07 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 330 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 360 >ref|XP_006414795.1| transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11 [Eutrema salsugineum] gb|ESQ56248.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10024880mg [Eutrema salsugineum] gb|ESQ56249.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10024880mg [Eutrema salsugineum] Length = 535 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 9e-07 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 205 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPSLL 235 >dbj|GAU11979.1| hypothetical protein TSUD_196030, partial [Trifolium subterraneum] Length = 589 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 9e-07 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 276 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 306 >gb|OMO80452.1| Nonaspanin (TM9SF) [Corchorus olitorius] Length = 653 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 323 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 353 >ref|XP_022749572.1| transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11 [Durio zibethinus] Length = 654 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 324 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 354 >ref|XP_021276620.1| LOW QUALITY PROTEIN: transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11 [Herrania umbratica] Length = 654 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 324 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPSLL 354 >ref|XP_007013708.2| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 654 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 324 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 354 >gb|EOY31327.1| Endomembrane protein 70 protein family [Theobroma cacao] Length = 654 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 324 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 354 >dbj|GAV83959.1| EMP70 domain-containing protein [Cephalotus follicularis] Length = 656 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 326 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 356 >emb|CDP10518.1| unnamed protein product [Coffea canephora] Length = 656 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 326 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 356 >ref|XP_004508395.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11 [Cicer arietinum] Length = 656 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 326 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPSLL 356 >gb|PKA62455.1| hypothetical protein AXF42_Ash009342 [Apostasia shenzhenica] Length = 657 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 327 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPTLL 357 >ref|XP_018498902.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11 [Pyrus x bretschneideri] Length = 657 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 327 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 357 >ref|XP_018505115.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11-like [Pyrus x bretschneideri] ref|XP_018499650.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11-like [Pyrus x bretschneideri] ref|XP_018499651.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11-like [Pyrus x bretschneideri] Length = 657 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 327 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 357 >ref|XP_018503453.1| PREDICTED: transmembrane 9 superfamily member 11-like [Pyrus x bretschneideri] Length = 657 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 28/31 (90%), Positives = 30/31 (96%) Frame = -1 Query: 990 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPMVM 898 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNP ++ Sbjct: 327 KEAQAQMNEELSGWKLVVGDVFRAPSNPALL 357