BLASTX nr result
ID: Mentha25_contig00058392
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Mentha25_contig00058392 (363 letters) Database: ./nr 38,876,450 sequences; 13,856,398,315 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|ESZ98874.1| hypothetical protein SBOR_0732 [Sclerotinia borea... 76 4e-12 ref|XP_007297578.1| hypothetical protein MBM_09689 [Marssonina b... 73 5e-11 emb|CCD42302.1| hypothetical protein BofuT4P9000008001 [Botryoti... 73 5e-11 ref|XP_001553585.1| hypothetical protein BC1G_08309 [Botryotinia... 73 5e-11 gb|ELR01694.1| hypothetical protein GMDG_00070 [Pseudogymnoascus... 71 2e-10 ref|XP_001586332.1| hypothetical protein SS1G_12910 [Sclerotinia... 71 2e-10 gb|EJT80323.1| hypothetical protein GGTG_00324 [Gaeumannomyces g... 70 4e-10 ref|XP_003718387.1| hypothetical protein MGG_00631 [Magnaporthe ... 70 4e-10 gb|EFQ34443.1| hypothetical protein GLRG_09587 [Colletotrichum g... 68 1e-09 ref|XP_007594235.1| hypothetical protein CFIO01_00564 [Colletotr... 67 3e-09 gb|EON99849.1| hypothetical protein UCRPA7_4645 [Togninia minima... 67 3e-09 gb|EQB44606.1| hypothetical protein CGLO_16635 [Colletotrichum g... 67 3e-09 ref|XP_007285757.1| hypothetical protein CGGC5_1938 [Colletotric... 67 3e-09 gb|EHK44268.1| hypothetical protein TRIATDRAFT_300540 [Trichoder... 67 3e-09 gb|EHK23845.1| hypothetical protein TRIVIDRAFT_230347 [Trichoder... 67 3e-09 ref|XP_003664207.1| hypothetical protein MYCTH_2306767 [Myceliop... 66 4e-09 ref|XP_006669827.1| hypothetical protein CCM_04616 [Cordyceps mi... 66 4e-09 gb|EGO54049.1| hypothetical protein NEUTE1DRAFT_87053 [Neurospor... 66 4e-09 ref|XP_003347732.1| hypothetical protein SMAC_03830 [Sordaria ma... 66 4e-09 ref|XP_960367.1| hypothetical protein NCU04732 [Neurospora crass... 66 4e-09 >gb|ESZ98874.1| hypothetical protein SBOR_0732 [Sclerotinia borealis F-4157] Length = 585 Score = 76.3 bits (186), Expect = 4e-12 Identities = 31/51 (60%), Positives = 42/51 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLWDSAY 155 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+TRE+RK+ K L P+TPV+EL+R+E D+WDS Y Sbjct: 535 PYSPYQPFTPMMPITPRLVTREDRKKMKKLVPRTPVVELIRSEEDIWDSGY 585 >ref|XP_007297578.1| hypothetical protein MBM_09689 [Marssonina brunnea f. sp. 'multigermtubi' MB_m1] gi|406859119|gb|EKD12190.1| hypothetical protein MBM_09689 [Marssonina brunnea f. sp. 'multigermtubi' MB_m1] Length = 576 Score = 72.8 bits (177), Expect = 5e-11 Identities = 30/51 (58%), Positives = 41/51 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLWDSAY 155 PYSPYQP + IP+TP L+T+EERK +K ++ +TPV EL+++E DLWDS Y Sbjct: 526 PYSPYQPFTPMIPITPRLVTKEERKAKKKIEGRTPVSELIKSEDDLWDSGY 576 >emb|CCD42302.1| hypothetical protein BofuT4P9000008001 [Botryotinia fuckeliana T4] gi|472242765|gb|EMR87446.1| hypothetical protein BcDW1_3899 [Botryotinia fuckeliana BcDW1] Length = 589 Score = 72.8 bits (177), Expect = 5e-11 Identities = 28/51 (54%), Positives = 41/51 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLWDSAY 155 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+T+E+RK+ K PKTPV+E++++E D+WDS Y Sbjct: 539 PYSPYQPFTPMMPITPRLVTKEDRKKMKRAMPKTPVVEMIKSEEDIWDSGY 589 >ref|XP_001553585.1| hypothetical protein BC1G_08309 [Botryotinia fuckeliana B05.10] Length = 339 Score = 72.8 bits (177), Expect = 5e-11 Identities = 28/51 (54%), Positives = 41/51 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLWDSAY 155 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+T+E+RK+ K PKTPV+E++++E D+WDS Y Sbjct: 289 PYSPYQPFTPMMPITPRLVTKEDRKKMKRAMPKTPVVEMIKSEEDIWDSGY 339 >gb|ELR01694.1| hypothetical protein GMDG_00070 [Pseudogymnoascus destructans 20631-21] Length = 471 Score = 70.9 bits (172), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 29/51 (56%), Positives = 41/51 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLWDSAY 155 PYSPYQP + +P+TP LITRE+RK K ++PK+ V+E+V+++ DLWDS Y Sbjct: 421 PYSPYQPFTPLVPITPRLITREDRKAMKKMEPKSRVMEMVKDKDDLWDSGY 471 >ref|XP_001586332.1| hypothetical protein SS1G_12910 [Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980] gi|154698315|gb|EDN98053.1| hypothetical protein SS1G_12910 [Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980 UF-70] Length = 589 Score = 70.9 bits (172), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 27/51 (52%), Positives = 41/51 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLWDSAY 155 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+T+E+RK+ K P+TPV+EL+++E ++WDS Y Sbjct: 539 PYSPYQPFTPMMPITPRLVTKEDRKKMKKAMPRTPVVELIKSEEEIWDSGY 589 >gb|EJT80323.1| hypothetical protein GGTG_00324 [Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici R3-111a-1] Length = 565 Score = 69.7 bits (169), Expect = 4e-10 Identities = 28/47 (59%), Positives = 39/47 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP S IP+TP L+TR +RK+ + L+PKTP LE+V++E+D+W Sbjct: 519 PYSPYQPFSPVIPMTPSLVTRADRKRMRKLEPKTPTLEMVKSESDIW 565 >ref|XP_003718387.1| hypothetical protein MGG_00631 [Magnaporthe oryzae 70-15] gi|351640940|gb|EHA48803.1| hypothetical protein MGG_00631 [Magnaporthe oryzae 70-15] gi|440475050|gb|ELQ43759.1| hypothetical protein OOU_Y34scaffold00134g11 [Magnaporthe oryzae Y34] gi|440488323|gb|ELQ68051.1| hypothetical protein OOW_P131scaffold00267g10 [Magnaporthe oryzae P131] Length = 629 Score = 69.7 bits (169), Expect = 4e-10 Identities = 28/47 (59%), Positives = 38/47 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP S IP+TP L+TRE+R++ + L+PKTP LE+V+N D+W Sbjct: 583 PYSPYQPFSPVIPMTPSLVTREDRRRMRRLEPKTPTLEMVKNAEDIW 629 >gb|EFQ34443.1| hypothetical protein GLRG_09587 [Colletotrichum graminicola M1.001] Length = 546 Score = 68.2 bits (165), Expect = 1e-09 Identities = 27/47 (57%), Positives = 38/47 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+T+ +RK+ K L+PKTP LE+VR+E D+W Sbjct: 500 PYSPYQPFTPCVPMTPTLVTKADRKRMKKLEPKTPTLEMVRSENDIW 546 >ref|XP_007594235.1| hypothetical protein CFIO01_00564 [Colletotrichum fioriniae PJ7] gi|588901600|gb|EXF82050.1| hypothetical protein CFIO01_00564 [Colletotrichum fioriniae PJ7] Length = 549 Score = 67.0 bits (162), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 27/47 (57%), Positives = 38/47 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP + +P+TP LIT+ +RK+ K L+PKTP LE+VR++ D+W Sbjct: 503 PYSPYQPFTPCVPMTPSLITKADRKRMKKLEPKTPTLEMVRSDDDIW 549 >gb|EON99849.1| hypothetical protein UCRPA7_4645 [Togninia minima UCRPA7] Length = 545 Score = 67.0 bits (162), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 26/47 (55%), Positives = 38/47 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PY+PYQP S IP+TP L+T+E+RK+ K + PKTP +E+VR++ D+W Sbjct: 499 PYTPYQPFSPVIPMTPSLVTKEDRKRMKKMVPKTPTMEMVRSDDDIW 545 >gb|EQB44606.1| hypothetical protein CGLO_16635 [Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Cg-14] Length = 156 Score = 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 26/47 (55%), Positives = 38/47 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+T+ +RK+ K L+PKTP LE+V++E D+W Sbjct: 110 PYSPYQPFTPIVPMTPSLVTKADRKRMKKLEPKTPTLEMVKSEDDIW 156 >ref|XP_007285757.1| hypothetical protein CGGC5_1938 [Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Nara gc5] gi|429849859|gb|ELA25195.1| hypothetical protein CGGC5_1938 [Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Nara gc5] Length = 618 Score = 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 26/47 (55%), Positives = 38/47 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+T+ +RK+ K L+PKTP LE+V++E D+W Sbjct: 572 PYSPYQPFTPIVPMTPSLVTKADRKRMKKLEPKTPTLEMVKSEDDIW 618 >gb|EHK44268.1| hypothetical protein TRIATDRAFT_300540 [Trichoderma atroviride IMI 206040] Length = 518 Score = 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 27/47 (57%), Positives = 37/47 (78%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+TRE+RK+ K + PKTP LE+VR+ D+W Sbjct: 472 PYSPYQPYTPLVPITPGLVTREDRKRMKRMVPKTPTLEMVRSSDDVW 518 >gb|EHK23845.1| hypothetical protein TRIVIDRAFT_230347 [Trichoderma virens Gv29-8] Length = 487 Score = 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 26/47 (55%), Positives = 37/47 (78%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+T+E+RK+ K + PKTP LE+V+N D+W Sbjct: 441 PYSPYQPYTPCVPITPGLVTKEDRKRMKRMVPKTPTLEMVKNSEDVW 487 >ref|XP_003664207.1| hypothetical protein MYCTH_2306767 [Myceliophthora thermophila ATCC 42464] gi|347011477|gb|AEO58962.1| hypothetical protein MYCTH_2306767 [Myceliophthora thermophila ATCC 42464] Length = 642 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 4e-09 Identities = 25/47 (53%), Positives = 38/47 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP S +P+TP ++TR +RK+ K L+P+TP +E+VR++ +LW Sbjct: 596 PYSPYQPFSPVVPITPSVVTRADRKRMKKLEPRTPTVEMVRSDEELW 642 >ref|XP_006669827.1| hypothetical protein CCM_04616 [Cordyceps militaris CM01] gi|346323646|gb|EGX93244.1| hypothetical protein CCM_04616 [Cordyceps militaris CM01] Length = 504 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 4e-09 Identities = 27/47 (57%), Positives = 37/47 (78%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP + +P+TP L+TRE+RK+ K + PKTP +E+VR+ DLW Sbjct: 458 PYSPYQPYTPCVPMTPSLVTREDRKRMKRMVPKTPTVEMVRSADDLW 504 >gb|EGO54049.1| hypothetical protein NEUTE1DRAFT_87053 [Neurospora tetrasperma FGSC 2508] gi|350287283|gb|EGZ68530.1| hypothetical protein NEUTE2DRAFT_97137 [Neurospora tetrasperma FGSC 2509] Length = 635 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 4e-09 Identities = 25/47 (53%), Positives = 37/47 (78%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP S +P+TP L+T+ +RK+ K +PKTP +E+VR+E ++W Sbjct: 589 PYSPYQPFSPVVPITPSLVTKADRKRMKKFEPKTPTVEMVRSEEEIW 635 >ref|XP_003347732.1| hypothetical protein SMAC_03830 [Sordaria macrospora k-hell] gi|380091266|emb|CCC11123.1| unnamed protein product [Sordaria macrospora k-hell] Length = 640 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 4e-09 Identities = 25/47 (53%), Positives = 37/47 (78%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP S +P+TP L+T+ +RK+ + +PKTP +E+VR+E D+W Sbjct: 594 PYSPYQPFSPVVPITPSLVTKADRKRMRKFEPKTPTVEMVRSEDDIW 640 >ref|XP_960367.1| hypothetical protein NCU04732 [Neurospora crassa OR74A] gi|28921856|gb|EAA31131.1| hypothetical protein NCU04732 [Neurospora crassa OR74A] gi|39979182|emb|CAE85554.1| putative protein [Neurospora crassa] Length = 633 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 4e-09 Identities = 25/47 (53%), Positives = 37/47 (78%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PYSPYQPLSMTIPVTPILITREERKQRKMLKPKTPVLELVRNEADLW 143 PYSPYQP S +P+TP L+T+ +RK+ K +PKTP +E+VR+E ++W Sbjct: 587 PYSPYQPFSPVVPITPSLVTKADRKRMKKFEPKTPTVEMVRSEEEIW 633