BLASTX nr result
ID: Mentha24_contig00041213
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Mentha24_contig00041213 (432 letters) Database: ./nr 38,876,450 sequences; 13,856,398,315 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|ETV88288.1| hypothetical protein H257_01580, partial [Aphanom... 65 1e-08 gb|ETV90233.1| hypothetical protein H310_14935 [Aphanomyces inva... 63 5e-08 gb|ABN08864.1| mariner transposase, putative [Medicago truncatula] 63 5e-08 gb|ABD32507.1| transposase, putative [Medicago truncatula] 61 1e-07 gb|AAL34940.1|AC079037_13 Unknown protein [Oryza sativa] gi|3142... 59 5e-07 gb|ETW03197.1| hypothetical protein H310_05604 [Aphanomyces inva... 58 1e-06 gb|ETV69565.1| hypothetical protein H257_14801 [Aphanomyces astaci] 58 1e-06 gb|AFK13835.1| mariner transposase [Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris] 58 2e-06 gb|ETV93087.1| hypothetical protein H310_12882 [Aphanomyces inva... 57 2e-06 gb|ETV91022.1| hypothetical protein H310_14344 [Aphanomyces inva... 57 3e-06 gb|ETV79737.1| hypothetical protein H257_06975 [Aphanomyces astaci] 57 3e-06 gb|ETV90033.1| hypothetical protein H310_15136 [Aphanomyces inva... 57 4e-06 gb|ETV71908.1| hypothetical protein H257_13038 [Aphanomyces astaci] 57 4e-06 gb|ETV64712.1| hypothetical protein H257_18450 [Aphanomyces astaci] 57 4e-06 gb|ETV64711.1| hypothetical protein H257_18449 [Aphanomyces astaci] 57 4e-06 gb|ETV63986.1| hypothetical protein H257_19079, partial [Aphanom... 57 4e-06 ref|XP_004971908.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101782... 56 6e-06 tpg|DAA61026.1| TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_227953 [Zea m... 56 6e-06 gb|ABD32675.2| probable transposase - soybean transposon mariner... 56 6e-06 emb|CAH66447.1| OSIGBa0145N07.3 [Oryza sativa Indica Group] 55 8e-06 >gb|ETV88288.1| hypothetical protein H257_01580, partial [Aphanomyces astaci] Length = 278 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 27/51 (52%), Positives = 41/51 (80%) Frame = -1 Query: 432 DSFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILP 280 ++++++EPMTLN FLTLQC E++++ G+NN+K PHMKK SL +G+LP Sbjct: 156 EAWKQVEPMTLNANFLTLQCCMHEVIRVAGNNNYKIPHMKKASLALKGMLP 206 >gb|ETV90233.1| hypothetical protein H310_14935 [Aphanomyces invadans] Length = 367 Score = 62.8 bits (151), Expect = 5e-08 Identities = 26/79 (32%), Positives = 50/79 (63%) Frame = -1 Query: 429 SFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYLV 250 ++++++ MTLN FLTLQC +E++++ G+N++K PHMKK L +G+LP +++ + Sbjct: 281 AWREVDMMTLNANFLTLQCCMKEVIRVAGNNSYKVPHMKKAKLAAKGMLPDGVDVDSDTI 340 Query: 249 RECIDFLIGEQCTSGIQEL 193 + + L ++EL Sbjct: 341 NDGFNLLCATDMDERVEEL 359 >gb|ABN08864.1| mariner transposase, putative [Medicago truncatula] Length = 225 Score = 62.8 bits (151), Expect = 5e-08 Identities = 31/67 (46%), Positives = 41/67 (61%) Frame = -1 Query: 429 SFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYLV 250 SF + P+ N +FLTLQ EI+K KG N F+ H+KK L RQG LP N+ LV Sbjct: 158 SFDEFSPIKSNHIFLTLQMCMDEIMKAKGSNRFRISHIKKKVLERQGQLPTNVSCDSNLV 217 Query: 249 RECIDFL 229 +E ++FL Sbjct: 218 QEVLNFL 224 >gb|ABD32507.1| transposase, putative [Medicago truncatula] Length = 153 Score = 61.2 bits (147), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 29/67 (43%), Positives = 41/67 (61%) Frame = -1 Query: 429 SFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYLV 250 SF + N +FLTLQ EI+K+KG NN+K PHM K LLR+ +LP+ L+ L Sbjct: 81 SFDAFSAQSSNNIFLTLQSCMIEIMKVKGSNNYKIPHMDKEMLLRRSMLPKQLKCDPELF 140 Query: 249 RECIDFL 229 +E ++L Sbjct: 141 QETFEYL 147 >gb|AAL34940.1|AC079037_13 Unknown protein [Oryza sativa] gi|31429895|gb|AAP51884.1| transposon protein, putative, Mariner sub-class [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] Length = 358 Score = 59.3 bits (142), Expect = 5e-07 Identities = 28/63 (44%), Positives = 41/63 (65%) Frame = -1 Query: 432 DSFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYL 253 ++F + P N++FLTLQ V +E +K+KG NNFK PHMKK +L R+ LP ++ L Sbjct: 286 EAFMEYSPHKANRMFLTLQSVLKEAMKVKGSNNFKIPHMKKGTLEREDRLPTSIHCQPSL 345 Query: 252 VRE 244 + E Sbjct: 346 LDE 348 >gb|ETW03197.1| hypothetical protein H310_05604 [Aphanomyces invadans] Length = 175 Score = 58.2 bits (139), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 27/73 (36%), Positives = 46/73 (63%), Gaps = 6/73 (8%) Frame = -1 Query: 432 DSFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYL 253 D++ ++P L++ F+TLQ FQE+++ G+NN+K PH+KK+ L+ QG LP L + + Sbjct: 56 DAWNVVDPSMLSRNFMTLQAFFQEVIRSDGNNNYKIPHLKKSMLMAQGKLPECLPCDRSV 115 Query: 252 VRE------CIDF 232 + C+DF Sbjct: 116 WADGCSKLSCVDF 128 >gb|ETV69565.1| hypothetical protein H257_14801 [Aphanomyces astaci] Length = 435 Score = 58.2 bits (139), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 34/91 (37%), Positives = 53/91 (58%), Gaps = 4/91 (4%) Frame = -1 Query: 432 DSFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYL 253 +++Q ++ +TLN FLTLQC QEI++++G N +K PHMKK L G+LP + + + L Sbjct: 312 EAWQDVDMITLNANFLTLQCCMQEIMRVEGDNCYKIPHMKKAKLDAVGMLPEVVCVDRDL 371 Query: 252 VRECIDFLIGEQCTSGIQEL----LQAMDIT 172 + L + I EL QAMD++ Sbjct: 372 FDDGCRLLSATDFDNKIDELALEVAQAMDLS 402 >gb|AFK13835.1| mariner transposase [Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris] Length = 517 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 27/68 (39%), Positives = 41/68 (60%) Frame = -1 Query: 432 DSFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYL 253 D++ EP +N ++ L V EILK+KG NN+K PH K + R G+LP +EI + L Sbjct: 429 DAYTVYEPRIINYTWIHLMYVMVEILKVKGGNNYKNPHNSKKKMDRLGLLPTTVEISEEL 488 Query: 252 VRECIDFL 229 V + ++ L Sbjct: 489 VNDTVNLL 496 >gb|ETV93087.1| hypothetical protein H310_12882 [Aphanomyces invadans] Length = 127 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 27/54 (50%), Positives = 38/54 (70%) Frame = -1 Query: 429 SFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLE 268 SF +++ L+K F+TLQ V + I K+ G N+FK PH KKN+LL++G LP LE Sbjct: 16 SFDELQASLLDKTFMTLQKVMECIFKIGGDNSFKLPHQKKNALLKKGPLPPQLE 69 >gb|ETV91022.1| hypothetical protein H310_14344 [Aphanomyces invadans] Length = 357 Score = 57.0 bits (136), Expect = 3e-06 Identities = 26/54 (48%), Positives = 37/54 (68%) Frame = -1 Query: 429 SFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLE 268 SF +++ L+K F+ LQ V + I K+ G N+FK PH KKN+LL++G LP LE Sbjct: 244 SFDELQASVLDKTFMRLQKVMESIFKMGGDNSFKLPHQKKNALLKKGPLPPQLE 297 >gb|ETV79737.1| hypothetical protein H257_06975 [Aphanomyces astaci] Length = 181 Score = 57.0 bits (136), Expect = 3e-06 Identities = 26/60 (43%), Positives = 40/60 (66%) Frame = -1 Query: 429 SFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYLV 250 ++ +EP TLN FLTLQ E+++ G+ N+K+PHM K LLR+G LP ++ P+ +V Sbjct: 51 AWNDVEPTTLNANFLTLQTCLVEVIRAGGNKNYKKPHMGKAKLLREGRLPDSIVCPREVV 110 >gb|ETV90033.1| hypothetical protein H310_15136 [Aphanomyces invadans] Length = 223 Score = 56.6 bits (135), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 27/73 (36%), Positives = 45/73 (61%), Gaps = 6/73 (8%) Frame = -1 Query: 432 DSFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYL 253 D++ ++P TL++ F+TLQ FQE+++ NN+K PH+KK+ L+ QG LP L + + Sbjct: 137 DAWNVVDPSTLSRNFMTLQACFQEVIRSDRSNNYKIPHLKKSMLMAQGKLPECLPCDRSV 196 Query: 252 VRE------CIDF 232 + C+DF Sbjct: 197 WADGCSKLSCVDF 209 >gb|ETV71908.1| hypothetical protein H257_13038 [Aphanomyces astaci] Length = 273 Score = 56.6 bits (135), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 32/76 (42%), Positives = 47/76 (61%) Frame = -1 Query: 429 SFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYLV 250 +F+ +E L VFLTLQ V + +L+ +G N+FK PH+KK++L R G LP NL P L+ Sbjct: 201 TFETLESEKLANVFLTLQGVMRLVLEHRGGNHFKLPHLKKDALRRTGNLPTNLSCPVSLL 260 Query: 249 RECIDFLIGEQCTSGI 202 E + + TSG+ Sbjct: 261 FEANSYHVQ---TSGL 273 >gb|ETV64712.1| hypothetical protein H257_18450 [Aphanomyces astaci] Length = 168 Score = 56.6 bits (135), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 33/91 (36%), Positives = 50/91 (54%), Gaps = 4/91 (4%) Frame = -1 Query: 432 DSFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYL 253 +++Q ++ MTLN FLTLQC QE++ ++G N +K PHMKK L G+L + + + L Sbjct: 45 EAWQDVDMMTLNANFLTLQCCMQEVMCVEGDNGYKIPHMKKAKLAAVGMLSEVICVDRDL 104 Query: 252 VRECIDFLIGEQCTSGIQEL----LQAMDIT 172 + L I EL QAMD++ Sbjct: 105 FDDGCRLLSATDIDKKIDELALEVAQAMDMS 135 >gb|ETV64711.1| hypothetical protein H257_18449 [Aphanomyces astaci] Length = 301 Score = 56.6 bits (135), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 33/91 (36%), Positives = 50/91 (54%), Gaps = 4/91 (4%) Frame = -1 Query: 432 DSFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYL 253 +++Q ++ MTLN FLTLQC QE++ ++G N +K PHMKK L G+L + + + L Sbjct: 178 EAWQDVDMMTLNANFLTLQCCMQEVMCVEGDNGYKIPHMKKAKLAAVGMLSEVICVDRDL 237 Query: 252 VRECIDFLIGEQCTSGIQEL----LQAMDIT 172 + L I EL QAMD++ Sbjct: 238 FDDGCRLLSATDIDKKIDELALEVAQAMDMS 268 >gb|ETV63986.1| hypothetical protein H257_19079, partial [Aphanomyces astaci] Length = 431 Score = 56.6 bits (135), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 25/53 (47%), Positives = 36/53 (67%) Frame = -1 Query: 417 IEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQ 259 ++ MTLN FLTLQ E+++ G NN+K PHM K L +QG+LP ++E P+ Sbjct: 354 VDAMTLNSNFLTLQTCLIEVVRAGGGNNYKIPHMGKKKLAKQGLLPESVECPR 406 >ref|XP_004971908.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101782997 [Setaria italica] Length = 193 Score = 55.8 bits (133), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 28/57 (49%), Positives = 37/57 (64%) Frame = -1 Query: 399 NKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYLVRECIDFL 229 N++FLTLQ +E+LK G N +K PHM+K L R G LP LE +VR+ I+FL Sbjct: 134 NRIFLTLQACMREVLKQLGGNCYKVPHMRKAVLERLGALPAALECAATVVRDAIEFL 190 >tpg|DAA61026.1| TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_227953 [Zea mays] Length = 200 Score = 55.8 bits (133), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 26/67 (38%), Positives = 41/67 (61%) Frame = -1 Query: 429 SFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYLV 250 +F + P N+++LTL V +E +K+ G N +K PHMKK++L R G LP + + LV Sbjct: 129 AFHEYSPRKANRIYLTLHQVLKETMKVHGSNKYKLPHMKKSTLERIGSLPLQIHCDETLV 188 Query: 249 RECIDFL 229 + I+ L Sbjct: 189 NDAIEKL 195 >gb|ABD32675.2| probable transposase - soybean transposon mariner element Soymar1-related, putative [Medicago truncatula] Length = 227 Score = 55.8 bits (133), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 28/67 (41%), Positives = 40/67 (59%) Frame = -1 Query: 429 SFQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYLV 250 SF+ NK+F++LQ EI+K KG N F PH+KK+ + RQG LP +++ LV Sbjct: 158 SFEIFPSHLSNKIFISLQTCMVEIMKAKGSNKFSIPHIKKDVMQRQGRLPVSIKCDSSLV 217 Query: 249 RECIDFL 229 E +D L Sbjct: 218 EEVLDHL 224 >emb|CAH66447.1| OSIGBa0145N07.3 [Oryza sativa Indica Group] Length = 519 Score = 55.5 bits (132), Expect = 8e-06 Identities = 27/66 (40%), Positives = 37/66 (56%) Frame = -1 Query: 426 FQKIEPMTLNKVFLTLQCVFQEILKLKGHNNFKQPHMKKNSLLRQGILPRNLEIPQYLVR 247 ++ P TLN+VFLTLQC E +K G N +K PHM K L GILP+ L + + Sbjct: 452 YRDYNPTTLNRVFLTLQCCHIEAMKASGGNRYKIPHMNKERLEALGILPKALSCDRQVYE 511 Query: 246 ECIDFL 229 ++ L Sbjct: 512 RAMESL 517