BLASTX nr result
ID: Mentha23_contig00004539
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Mentha23_contig00004539 (464 letters) Database: ./nr 38,876,450 sequences; 13,856,398,315 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|EYU30611.1| hypothetical protein MIMGU_mgv1a020771mg [Mimulus... 105 7e-21 ref|XP_004240634.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 91 2e-16 ref|XP_002530052.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein,... 90 3e-16 ref|XP_006364563.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 88 1e-15 ref|XP_002282301.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 87 3e-15 ref|XP_007227261.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa017811mg [Prun... 86 7e-15 ref|XP_002312667.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family p... 85 9e-15 gb|EXB82495.1| hypothetical protein L484_027670 [Morus notabilis] 83 3e-14 ref|XP_006483972.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 83 3e-14 ref|XP_006438222.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10031251mg [Citr... 83 3e-14 ref|XP_004310156.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 79 5e-13 ref|XP_002889980.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein ... 79 7e-13 ref|XP_006304861.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10012598mg [Caps... 79 9e-13 ref|NP_172763.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Ar... 78 1e-12 ref|XP_006417164.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10007381mg [Eutr... 77 3e-12 ref|XP_007044848.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein... 75 1e-11 ref|XP_004504137.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 75 1e-11 gb|EPS65318.1| hypothetical protein M569_09460 [Genlisea aurea] 74 2e-11 ref|XP_004135492.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 72 6e-11 ref|XP_007159689.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_002G258900g [Phas... 72 8e-11 >gb|EYU30611.1| hypothetical protein MIMGU_mgv1a020771mg [Mimulus guttatus] Length = 515 Score = 105 bits (262), Expect = 7e-21 Identities = 53/62 (85%), Positives = 56/62 (90%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIKSWEK 437 MYKALGKQRLIYR+ IASYVKAGLID AIQVFDEMS SDCR+FSVDYNRFLGVLIK+ Sbjct: 1 MYKALGKQRLIYRSRIASYVKAGLIDQAIQVFDEMSQSDCRMFSVDYNRFLGVLIKNQRF 60 Query: 438 GL 443 GL Sbjct: 61 GL 62 >ref|XP_004240634.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial-like [Solanum lycopersicum] Length = 511 Score = 90.5 bits (223), Expect = 2e-16 Identities = 40/57 (70%), Positives = 50/57 (87%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIKS 428 MYKALGK RLIYR I+SYVK GL++ A+QVFDEM+ SDCR+FS+DYNR +GVLI++ Sbjct: 1 MYKALGKHRLIYRTRISSYVKTGLVNEALQVFDEMTQSDCRVFSIDYNRIIGVLIRT 57 >ref|XP_002530052.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223530468|gb|EEF32352.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 554 Score = 90.1 bits (222), Expect = 3e-16 Identities = 41/55 (74%), Positives = 49/55 (89%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLI 422 MY++LG RLIYR+ IA YVKAGLID A+QVFDEMS S+CR+FS+DYNRF+GVLI Sbjct: 1 MYQSLGAHRLIYRSRIAGYVKAGLIDKAVQVFDEMSQSNCRVFSIDYNRFIGVLI 55 >ref|XP_006364563.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial-like isoform X1 [Solanum tuberosum] Length = 511 Score = 87.8 bits (216), Expect = 1e-15 Identities = 38/57 (66%), Positives = 50/57 (87%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIKS 428 MYKALGK RLIYR I++YVK GL++ A+QVFD+M+ SDCR+FS+DYNR +GVLI++ Sbjct: 1 MYKALGKHRLIYRTRISNYVKTGLVNEALQVFDKMTQSDCRVFSIDYNRIIGVLIRT 57 >ref|XP_002282301.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial [Vitis vinifera] gi|296081374|emb|CBI16807.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 519 Score = 86.7 bits (213), Expect = 3e-15 Identities = 37/56 (66%), Positives = 50/56 (89%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 MY++LG+ RL YRA I+SYVKAGLID A++ FDEM+ S+CR+FS+DYNRF+GVL++ Sbjct: 1 MYRSLGRHRLAYRAQISSYVKAGLIDQALKTFDEMTKSNCRVFSIDYNRFIGVLVR 56 >ref|XP_007227261.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa017811mg [Prunus persica] gi|462424197|gb|EMJ28460.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa017811mg [Prunus persica] Length = 541 Score = 85.5 bits (210), Expect = 7e-15 Identities = 37/56 (66%), Positives = 48/56 (85%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 MY++LG RLI+R+ I YVK GLID A+QVFDEM+ SDCR+FS+DYNRF+GVL++ Sbjct: 1 MYRSLGVNRLIFRSRIVYYVKTGLIDQALQVFDEMTRSDCRVFSIDYNRFIGVLVR 56 >ref|XP_002312667.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|222852487|gb|EEE90034.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family protein [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 512 Score = 85.1 bits (209), Expect = 9e-15 Identities = 39/56 (69%), Positives = 48/56 (85%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 MY+ LG RLIYR IASYVKAGLID A++VFDEM+ S+CR+F +DYNRF+GVLI+ Sbjct: 1 MYQPLGVHRLIYRTRIASYVKAGLIDYAVKVFDEMTLSECRVFGIDYNRFIGVLIR 56 >gb|EXB82495.1| hypothetical protein L484_027670 [Morus notabilis] Length = 513 Score = 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 38/56 (67%), Positives = 47/56 (83%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 M +LG RL+YR+ IA VK GLID+A+Q+FDEMSHSDCR+FSVDYNRF+GVL + Sbjct: 1 MIHSLGAHRLLYRSRIAYCVKTGLIDHAVQLFDEMSHSDCRVFSVDYNRFIGVLAR 56 >ref|XP_006483972.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial-like isoform X1 [Citrus sinensis] gi|568860947|ref|XP_006483973.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial-like isoform X2 [Citrus sinensis] Length = 517 Score = 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 38/56 (67%), Positives = 48/56 (85%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 M + LG QRLIYRA I++ VKAGLID A+ VFDEM+ S+CR+FS+DYNRF+GVLI+ Sbjct: 1 MIQKLGAQRLIYRAQISNLVKAGLIDQAVHVFDEMTQSNCRVFSIDYNRFIGVLIR 56 >ref|XP_006438222.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10031251mg [Citrus clementina] gi|557540418|gb|ESR51462.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10031251mg [Citrus clementina] Length = 517 Score = 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 38/56 (67%), Positives = 48/56 (85%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 M + LG QRLIYRA I++ VKAGLID A+ VFDEM+ S+CR+FS+DYNRF+GVLI+ Sbjct: 1 MIQKLGAQRLIYRAQISNLVKAGLIDQAVHVFDEMTQSNCRVFSIDYNRFIGVLIR 56 >ref|XP_004310156.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial-like [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca] Length = 516 Score = 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 5e-13 Identities = 35/55 (63%), Positives = 45/55 (81%) Frame = +3 Query: 261 YKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 + LG RLIYR+ + YVK GLID+A+ VFDEM+ S+CR+FSVDYNRF+GVL+K Sbjct: 3 HTTLGAHRLIYRSRMTHYVKTGLIDHALHVFDEMTQSNCRVFSVDYNRFIGVLVK 57 >ref|XP_002889980.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] gi|297335822|gb|EFH66239.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] Length = 517 Score = 79.0 bits (193), Expect = 7e-13 Identities = 36/56 (64%), Positives = 46/56 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 M++ LG RL YR+ IA+ VK+G+IDNA+QVFDEM HS R+FS DYNRF+GVL+K Sbjct: 1 MHQTLGAVRLAYRSRIANLVKSGMIDNAVQVFDEMRHSSYRVFSSDYNRFIGVLVK 56 >ref|XP_006304861.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10012598mg [Capsella rubella] gi|482573572|gb|EOA37759.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10012598mg [Capsella rubella] Length = 517 Score = 78.6 bits (192), Expect = 9e-13 Identities = 36/56 (64%), Positives = 45/56 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 M++ LG RL YR+ IA VK+G+IDNA+QVFDEM HS R+FS DYNRF+GVL+K Sbjct: 1 MHQTLGAVRLAYRSRIAKLVKSGIIDNAVQVFDEMRHSSYRVFSSDYNRFIGVLVK 56 >ref|NP_172763.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|75200670|sp|Q9SAD9.1|PPR40_ARATH RecName: Full=Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial; Flags: Precursor gi|4850387|gb|AAD31057.1|AC007357_6 F3F19.6 [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|332190841|gb|AEE28962.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] Length = 517 Score = 78.2 bits (191), Expect = 1e-12 Identities = 35/56 (62%), Positives = 46/56 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 M++ LG RL YR+ IA+ VK+G+IDNA+QVFDEM HS R+FS DYNRF+GVL++ Sbjct: 1 MHQTLGAVRLAYRSRIANLVKSGMIDNAVQVFDEMRHSSYRVFSFDYNRFIGVLVR 56 >ref|XP_006417164.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10007381mg [Eutrema salsugineum] gi|557094935|gb|ESQ35517.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10007381mg [Eutrema salsugineum] Length = 517 Score = 76.6 bits (187), Expect = 3e-12 Identities = 35/56 (62%), Positives = 45/56 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 M++ LG RL YR+ IA VK+G+IDNA+QVFDE+ HS R+FS DYNRF+GVL+K Sbjct: 1 MHQTLGAVRLAYRSRIAYLVKSGMIDNAVQVFDELRHSSFRVFSSDYNRFIGVLVK 56 >ref|XP_007044848.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|590695292|ref|XP_007044849.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|590695295|ref|XP_007044850.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|590695299|ref|XP_007044851.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508708783|gb|EOY00680.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508708784|gb|EOY00681.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508708785|gb|EOY00682.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508708786|gb|EOY00683.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 516 Score = 74.7 bits (182), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 34/56 (60%), Positives = 44/56 (78%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 MY ALG RLIYRA I+ VK GL + AI +FD+M+ SDCR+F +DYNRF+GVL++ Sbjct: 1 MYHALGAPRLIYRAHISRLVKNGLTNQAISMFDQMTQSDCRVFGLDYNRFIGVLLR 56 >ref|XP_004504137.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 516 Score = 74.7 bits (182), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 34/56 (60%), Positives = 47/56 (83%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 MY ++ +RL+YR+ I+ YVKAGLID AI++FDEMS ++ R FS+DYNRF+GVLI+ Sbjct: 1 MYHSVAARRLLYRSQISYYVKAGLIDTAIKLFDEMSQTNSRPFSIDYNRFIGVLIR 56 >gb|EPS65318.1| hypothetical protein M569_09460 [Genlisea aurea] Length = 519 Score = 74.3 bits (181), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 42/58 (72%), Positives = 46/58 (79%), Gaps = 2/58 (3%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRL-IYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMS-HSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 M +AL KQRL YR IA+YVKAGLID A+QVFD+M SD RIFS DYNRFLGVLIK Sbjct: 1 MNRALRKQRLKTYRNSIATYVKAGLIDEAVQVFDDMDRRSDFRIFSADYNRFLGVLIK 58 >ref|XP_004135492.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial-like [Cucumis sativus] gi|449494962|ref|XP_004159696.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At1g13040, mitochondrial-like [Cucumis sativus] Length = 514 Score = 72.4 bits (176), Expect = 6e-11 Identities = 34/55 (61%), Positives = 41/55 (74%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKALGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLI 422 MY LG RL++RA I VK GLID AI++FDEM+ SDC + S DYNRF+GVLI Sbjct: 1 MYHRLGANRLVFRASITKCVKVGLIDEAIRIFDEMTQSDCPVTSRDYNRFIGVLI 55 >ref|XP_007159689.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_002G258900g [Phaseolus vulgaris] gi|561033104|gb|ESW31683.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_002G258900g [Phaseolus vulgaris] Length = 518 Score = 72.0 bits (175), Expect = 8e-11 Identities = 33/57 (57%), Positives = 48/57 (84%), Gaps = 1/57 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 MYKA-LGKQRLIYRALIASYVKAGLIDNAIQVFDEMSHSDCRIFSVDYNRFLGVLIK 425 MY++ +G RL YR+ I+ VKAGLI++AI +FD+M+ S+CR+FSVDYNRF+GVL++ Sbjct: 1 MYQSSIGAHRLAYRSHISKLVKAGLINHAIHLFDQMTQSNCRVFSVDYNRFIGVLLR 57