BLASTX nr result
ID: Mentha22_contig00053597
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Mentha22_contig00053597 (387 letters) Database: ./nr 38,876,450 sequences; 13,856,398,315 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_007015750.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-con... 92 8e-17 ref|XP_007011152.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-con... 81 1e-13 ref|XP_007011143.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-con... 81 1e-13 ref|XP_003534732.1| PREDICTED: F-box protein CPR30-like isoform ... 66 6e-09 ref|XP_007011139.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-con... 65 1e-08 ref|XP_003637494.1| F-box protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|35550... 65 1e-08 ref|XP_002532715.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus comm... 64 2e-08 ref|XP_007011149.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-con... 64 2e-08 ref|XP_007011148.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-con... 64 2e-08 ref|XP_007011147.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-con... 64 2e-08 ref|XP_007011146.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-con... 64 2e-08 ref|XP_007011145.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-con... 64 2e-08 ref|XP_004491295.1| PREDICTED: F-box protein CPR30-like [Cicer a... 64 2e-08 ref|XP_003546182.1| PREDICTED: F-box protein CPR30-like isoform ... 64 3e-08 ref|XP_004498527.1| PREDICTED: F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g06... 62 1e-07 ref|XP_003620166.1| F-box protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|35549... 62 1e-07 ref|XP_004305716.1| PREDICTED: F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g06... 61 2e-07 gb|EYU42854.1| hypothetical protein MIMGU_mgv1a018794mg [Mimulus... 60 2e-07 ref|XP_003617891.1| F-box/WD-40 repeat-containing protein [Medic... 60 3e-07 ref|XP_004512791.1| PREDICTED: F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g06... 60 4e-07 >ref|XP_007015750.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein, putative isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|590586605|ref|XP_007015751.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein, putative isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508786113|gb|EOY33369.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein, putative isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508786114|gb|EOY33370.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein, putative isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 387 Score = 92.0 bits (227), Expect = 8e-17 Identities = 52/127 (40%), Positives = 73/127 (57%), Gaps = 4/127 (3%) Frame = +3 Query: 9 NFSPIETPNFPHFKNYMFR----GSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPR 176 NFS E + P F+N + G CNG++CL G +A WNP+T + K LP+S + R Sbjct: 87 NFSVTENIHLPFFENCWYAPVVSGPCNGLLCLHDAG--KAALWNPSTREFKILPRSSVNR 144 Query: 177 PECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYS 356 P V S F C+ GFGFDS + DYK +R++ ++F+ ++ E D ELYS Sbjct: 145 PPSVD-STSFGCL---GFGFDSITDDYKVVRFVTNYFD---ENEEEGGLADWIHQVELYS 197 Query: 357 LKNDSWK 377 LK+DSWK Sbjct: 198 LKSDSWK 204 >ref|XP_007011152.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein [Theobroma cacao] gi|508728065|gb|EOY19962.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein [Theobroma cacao] Length = 686 Score = 81.3 bits (199), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 44/104 (42%), Positives = 57/104 (54%) Frame = +3 Query: 66 GSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSE 245 G CNG++CLD G G WNP+T +VK +PKS I RP + FSC+ GFGFDS+ Sbjct: 526 GPCNGLLCLDDGCG--ITLWNPSTREVKVVPKSSISRPASAY-CTYFSCI---GFGFDSK 579 Query: 246 SQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 S DYK + + H F+ S H LYSL +SW+ Sbjct: 580 SDDYKILDKVTHRFQSESTH-----------QIHLYSLNTNSWR 612 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 38/105 (36%), Positives = 54/105 (51%), Gaps = 1/105 (0%) Frame = +3 Query: 66 GSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSE 245 G CNG++CL G WNP+T +VK LP+S I P V S F C+ G GFD + Sbjct: 116 GVCNGLLCLHDG--YRINLWNPSTREVKLLPESTISLPPSV-GSTYFYCM---GLGFDRK 169 Query: 246 SQDYK-YIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 S DYK + +N + + +++Y LYSL +SW+ Sbjct: 170 SDDYKVLVNVVNRVHD--EERIIAFKYIS---QIHLYSLSTESWR 209 >ref|XP_007011143.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein [Theobroma cacao] gi|508728056|gb|EOY19953.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein [Theobroma cacao] Length = 271 Score = 81.3 bits (199), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 44/104 (42%), Positives = 57/104 (54%) Frame = +3 Query: 66 GSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSE 245 G CNG++CLD G G WNP+T +VK +PKS I RP + FSC+ GFGFDS+ Sbjct: 111 GPCNGLLCLDDGCG--ITLWNPSTREVKVVPKSSISRPASAY-CTYFSCI---GFGFDSK 164 Query: 246 SQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 S DYK + + H F+ S H LYSL +SW+ Sbjct: 165 SDDYKILDKVTHRFQSESTH-----------QIHLYSLNTNSWR 197 >ref|XP_003534732.1| PREDICTED: F-box protein CPR30-like isoform X1 [Glycine max] Length = 392 Score = 65.9 bits (159), Expect = 6e-09 Identities = 41/130 (31%), Positives = 64/130 (49%), Gaps = 6/130 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 9 NFSPIETP---NFP---HFKNYMFRGSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQI 170 NF ++ P N P + N GSCNG++C+ S ++ FWNP+ + LP + Sbjct: 70 NFPTLDPPLFLNHPLMCYSNNITLLGSCNGLLCI-SNVADDIAFWNPSLRQHRILPSLPL 128 Query: 171 PRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTEL 350 PR +HP GFGFD S DYK +R I++ + F+S +L Sbjct: 129 PRRR-LHPDTTLFAARVYGFGFDHTSPDYKLVR-ISYFVDLQDRSFDS--------QVKL 178 Query: 351 YSLKNDSWKS 380 Y+L+ ++WK+ Sbjct: 179 YTLRANAWKT 188 >ref|XP_007011139.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein [Theobroma cacao] gi|508728052|gb|EOY19949.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein [Theobroma cacao] Length = 261 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 43/105 (40%), Positives = 55/105 (52%), Gaps = 1/105 (0%) Frame = +3 Query: 66 GSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSE 245 G CNG++CL G WNP+T +VK LPKS I P V S F C+ GF FD + Sbjct: 112 GVCNGLLCLQDG--YRITLWNPSTREVKLLPKSTISLPPSVE-STYFHCM---GFEFDPK 165 Query: 246 SQDYK-YIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 S DYK + IN + + S++Y + LYSL DSWK Sbjct: 166 SDDYKVLVNVINRVHD--EERIISFKYIN---QIHLYSLSTDSWK 205 >ref|XP_003637494.1| F-box protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|355503429|gb|AES84632.1| F-box protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 381 Score = 64.7 bits (156), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 39/117 (33%), Positives = 56/117 (47%), Gaps = 1/117 (0%) Frame = +3 Query: 30 PNFPHFKNYM-FRGSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVF 206 P F N++ GSCNG++CL S G E FWNPT + +P IP P+ P+N++ Sbjct: 78 PPFKGSNNFISLVGSCNGLLCLFSDG--EIAFWNPTICKHRIIPSLPIPTPQHSEPNNIY 135 Query: 207 SCVTSTGFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 + GFGFD + DYK + F + + L+S K +SWK Sbjct: 136 ADFCVYGFGFDPLTDDYKLLTIF---------CFVEIQQSTSESHARLFSSKTNSWK 183 >ref|XP_002532715.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] gi|223527542|gb|EEF29664.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] Length = 395 Score = 64.3 bits (155), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 43/104 (41%), Positives = 57/104 (54%) Frame = +3 Query: 66 GSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSE 245 GSCNG++ L + + AL+ NP T K +P S+I P+ N + GFGFDS Sbjct: 97 GSCNGLLALRNSERDLALY-NPATRKYKRVPVSEIEPPD----RNSKTGYVFYGFGFDSV 151 Query: 246 SQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 S+DY+ IR F D ES+ YE ++YSLKNDSWK Sbjct: 152 SEDYRLIRMAT--FVGEDDRCESFDYE---YQVQVYSLKNDSWK 190 >ref|XP_007011149.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 3 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508728062|gb|EOY19959.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 3 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 400 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 39/111 (35%), Positives = 55/111 (49%) Frame = +3 Query: 45 FKNYMFRGSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTST 224 F G CNG++C+ + WNP+T +VK LP+S I RP P+ + Sbjct: 100 FDQLTVSGPCNGLLCVHDN--YSIILWNPSTREVKVLPESTISRP----PATDDTYFGFV 153 Query: 225 GFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 GFGFD S DYK +R +N+ D F + +LYSL+ DSW+ Sbjct: 154 GFGFDRNSNDYKVLRCVNNCVLE-EDGFAVLEFI---YQIDLYSLRTDSWR 200 >ref|XP_007011148.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 2 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508728061|gb|EOY19958.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 2 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 379 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 39/111 (35%), Positives = 55/111 (49%) Frame = +3 Query: 45 FKNYMFRGSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTST 224 F G CNG++C+ + WNP+T +VK LP+S I RP P+ + Sbjct: 100 FDQLTVSGPCNGLLCVHDN--YSIILWNPSTREVKVLPESTISRP----PATDDTYFGFV 153 Query: 225 GFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 GFGFD S DYK +R +N+ D F + +LYSL+ DSW+ Sbjct: 154 GFGFDRNSNDYKVLRCVNNCVLE-EDGFAVLEFI---YQIDLYSLRTDSWR 200 >ref|XP_007011147.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508728060|gb|EOY19957.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 467 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 39/111 (35%), Positives = 55/111 (49%) Frame = +3 Query: 45 FKNYMFRGSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTST 224 F G CNG++C+ + WNP+T +VK LP+S I RP P+ + Sbjct: 100 FDQLTVSGPCNGLLCVHDN--YSIILWNPSTREVKVLPESTISRP----PATDDTYFGFV 153 Query: 225 GFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 GFGFD S DYK +R +N+ D F + +LYSL+ DSW+ Sbjct: 154 GFGFDRNSNDYKVLRCVNNCVLE-EDGFAVLEFI---YQIDLYSLRTDSWR 200 >ref|XP_007011146.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 2 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508728059|gb|EOY19956.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 2 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 400 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 39/111 (35%), Positives = 55/111 (49%) Frame = +3 Query: 45 FKNYMFRGSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTST 224 F G CNG++C+ + WNP+T +VK LP+S I RP P+ + Sbjct: 100 FDQLTVSGPCNGLLCVHDN--YSIILWNPSTREVKVLPESTISRP----PATDDTYFGFV 153 Query: 225 GFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 GFGFD S DYK +R +N+ D F + +LYSL+ DSW+ Sbjct: 154 GFGFDRNSNDYKVLRCVNNCVLE-EDGFAVLEFI---YQIDLYSLRTDSWR 200 >ref|XP_007011145.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508728058|gb|EOY19955.1| F-box and associated interaction domains-containing protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 467 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 39/111 (35%), Positives = 55/111 (49%) Frame = +3 Query: 45 FKNYMFRGSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTST 224 F G CNG++C+ + WNP+T +VK LP+S I RP P+ + Sbjct: 100 FDQLTVSGPCNGLLCVHDN--YSIILWNPSTREVKVLPESTISRP----PATDDTYFGFV 153 Query: 225 GFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 GFGFD S DYK +R +N+ D F + +LYSL+ DSW+ Sbjct: 154 GFGFDRNSNDYKVLRCVNNCVLE-EDGFAVLEFI---YQIDLYSLRTDSWR 200 >ref|XP_004491295.1| PREDICTED: F-box protein CPR30-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 450 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 38/111 (34%), Positives = 52/111 (46%) Frame = +3 Query: 45 FKNYMFRGSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTST 224 FK + F S NG++CL L WNPTT + K +P S I P + Sbjct: 162 FKIFGF-ASVNGILCLVKSNLRSVLLWNPTTKECKVIPPSPIESRHLPLPYQPMPQLDVY 220 Query: 225 GFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 GFG+D DYK IR ++ F+ T + E+YSL+NDSW+ Sbjct: 221 GFGYDIVRDDYKVIRHVSFIFDS----------TQTTYNWEIYSLRNDSWR 261 >ref|XP_003546182.1| PREDICTED: F-box protein CPR30-like isoform X1 [Glycine max] Length = 394 Score = 63.5 bits (153), Expect = 3e-08 Identities = 39/130 (30%), Positives = 65/130 (50%), Gaps = 6/130 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 9 NFSPIETP---NFP---HFKNYMFRGSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQI 170 NF ++ P N P + + GSCNG++C+ S ++ FWNP+ + LP + Sbjct: 70 NFPTLDPPVSLNHPLMCYSNSITLLGSCNGLLCI-SNVADDIAFWNPSLRQHRILPYLPV 128 Query: 171 PRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTEL 350 PR HP GFGFD +++DYK +R I++ + F+S +L Sbjct: 129 PRRR--HPDTTLFAARVCGFGFDHKTRDYKLVR-ISYFVDLHDRSFDS--------QVKL 177 Query: 351 YSLKNDSWKS 380 Y+L+ ++WK+ Sbjct: 178 YTLRANAWKT 187 >ref|XP_004498527.1| PREDICTED: F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g06240-like [Cicer arietinum] gi|502124433|ref|XP_004498528.1| PREDICTED: F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g06240-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 395 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 39/107 (36%), Positives = 52/107 (48%), Gaps = 6/107 (5%) Frame = +3 Query: 75 NGVICL-DSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSESQ 251 NG++CL D G + WNP D+ K +P P P P V V GFG+DS Sbjct: 119 NGILCLYDEGISSRVVLWNPAIDEFKVIP----PSPVESLPHYVICEVQHHGFGYDSIGD 174 Query: 252 DYKYIRWIN-----HHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 DYK IR++ H+F +F W E+YSLK++SWK Sbjct: 175 DYKVIRYVKFHSYLHYFSSDRKNF-PWLNVVYDPLWEIYSLKSNSWK 220 >ref|XP_003620166.1| F-box protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|355495181|gb|AES76384.1| F-box protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 387 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 36/109 (33%), Positives = 51/109 (46%), Gaps = 5/109 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 66 GSCNGVICL---DSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPS--NVFSCVTSTGF 230 GS +G++CL D ++ L WNP T +K LP S++ E P +++ GF Sbjct: 107 GSISGILCLHQYDEEDHDQILLWNPATQTIKLLPPSEVEEAESYIPDLLDIYVMSRLHGF 166 Query: 231 GFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 G+D DYK W E+ G S E+YSL +DSWK Sbjct: 167 GYDLVKNDYK------------------WLGENFGPSWEMYSLMSDSWK 197 >ref|XP_004305716.1| PREDICTED: F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g06240-like [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca] Length = 235 Score = 60.8 bits (146), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 38/116 (32%), Positives = 54/116 (46%), Gaps = 3/116 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 42 HFKNYMFRGSCNGVICLDSGG---GEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSC 212 HF+ G+CNG++C+ G + + WNP T D K LPK P VH Sbjct: 98 HFRYKYLVGACNGLVCVGQSGTVDSNDIMLWNPCTRDSKVLPK-----PPRVH------Y 146 Query: 213 VTSTGFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWKS 380 V+ GFG+DS + DYK IR F W + + ++SLK SW++ Sbjct: 147 VSFYGFGYDSTNDDYKVIR-----------GFSYWDGARSKFTIHIFSLKRGSWRT 191 >gb|EYU42854.1| hypothetical protein MIMGU_mgv1a018794mg [Mimulus guttatus] Length = 363 Score = 60.5 bits (145), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 39/122 (31%), Positives = 59/122 (48%), Gaps = 5/122 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 33 NFPHFKNYMFR-----GSCNGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPS 197 + P F N MF G CNG++CL G + WNP+ D K LP S+IPR V Sbjct: 86 DLPTFFNNMFNHVRLIGPCNGIVCL-YGYPDNIALWNPSIRDFKILPISKIPRSSKVLGG 144 Query: 198 NVFSCVTSTGFGFDSESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRSTELYSLKNDSWK 377 ++ G GFDSE++D+K ++ + + + E+YSLK +SW+ Sbjct: 145 DI-------GLGFDSETRDFKVMQIL---------------FCGSVNRVEIYSLKLNSWR 182 Query: 378 SF 383 + Sbjct: 183 KY 184 >ref|XP_003617891.1| F-box/WD-40 repeat-containing protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|355519226|gb|AET00850.1| F-box/WD-40 repeat-containing protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 474 Score = 60.1 bits (144), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 37/107 (34%), Positives = 56/107 (52%), Gaps = 4/107 (3%) Frame = +3 Query: 69 SCNGVICLDSGGG--EEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDS 242 S NG++CL G + + WNPTT + K +P S + E + P+ GFG+D Sbjct: 126 SINGILCLKQGFKYTRQVVLWNPTTRESKVIPPSPV---ENIRPNRT-PFFFLHGFGYDH 181 Query: 243 ESQDYKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRST--ELYSLKNDSWK 377 S DYK ++ I++ + D E +ED E+YSLK++SWK Sbjct: 182 VSDDYKVVQMIDYFPDNDPDDEEDLIWEDRSYDPLWEIYSLKSNSWK 228 >ref|XP_004512791.1| PREDICTED: F-box/kelch-repeat protein At3g06240-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 384 Score = 59.7 bits (143), Expect = 4e-07 Identities = 32/103 (31%), Positives = 48/103 (46%), Gaps = 2/103 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 75 NGVICLDSGGGEEALFWNPTTDDVKFLPKSQIPRPECVHPSNVFSCVTSTGFGFDSESQD 254 NG++CL GG + WNPTT++ K +P S P C GFG+D D Sbjct: 114 NGIVCLYQGGMPNVVLWNPTTEEFKVIPPSPTETPVIYED----ECFEYHGFGYDLVRDD 169 Query: 255 YKYIRWINHHFERWSDHFESWRYEDTGRST--ELYSLKNDSWK 377 Y IR + + + + + R+ E+YSL+ +SWK Sbjct: 170 YNVIRHVLYQLDVSDTDDMEGKPNNVSRNDTWEIYSLRRNSWK 212