BLASTX nr result
ID: Lithospermum23_contig00028516
BLASTX 2.2.26 [Sep-21-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Lithospermum23_contig00028516 (435 letters) Database: ./nr 115,041,592 sequences; 42,171,959,267 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value XP_009408594.1 PREDICTED: glycine, alanine and asparagine-rich p... 77 3e-15 XP_019418901.1 PREDICTED: heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotei... 76 7e-15 XP_002317234.1 glycine-rich family protein [Populus trichocarpa]... 75 1e-14 XP_011043255.1 PREDICTED: cold shock domain-containing protein 4... 75 1e-14 XP_010057475.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural prot... 75 2e-14 XP_003608189.2 putative GRP family [Medicago truncatula] AES9038... 75 2e-14 XP_009397312.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural prot... 74 4e-14 XP_010040731.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural prot... 75 4e-14 NP_001235149.1 uncharacterized protein LOC100499725 precursor [G... 75 4e-14 XP_002521418.1 PREDICTED: 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 [Ricinus commu... 74 5e-14 XP_016181938.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural prot... 74 6e-14 XP_015943562.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural prot... 74 6e-14 XP_010268788.1 PREDICTED: holotricin-3 [Nelumbo nucifera] 74 7e-14 XP_020092592.1 putative glycine-rich cell wall structural protei... 73 8e-14 XP_017434955.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich protein 5-like [Vigna ang... 74 8e-14 KYP63016.1 hypothetical protein KK1_017578 [Cajanus cajan] 73 1e-13 NP_001240061.1 uncharacterized protein LOC100776783 precursor [G... 73 1e-13 XP_010092614.1 hypothetical protein L484_006376 [Morus notabilis... 73 1e-13 KHN08572.1 hypothetical protein glysoja_014337 [Glycine soja] 74 1e-13 XP_018822701.1 PREDICTED: 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2-like [Juglans ... 73 1e-13 >XP_009408594.1 PREDICTED: glycine, alanine and asparagine-rich protein-like [Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis] Length = 142 Score = 77.0 bits (188), Expect = 3e-15 Identities = 34/56 (60%), Positives = 37/56 (66%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 +RPS+VC DKGPCYKK+VTCPAKCF GCTIDCKKRCVA C Sbjct: 87 VRPSVVCSDKGPCYKKRVTCPAKCFSSFSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTIDCKKRCVAYC 142 >XP_019418901.1 PREDICTED: heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3 homolog 1-like [Lupinus angustifolius] OIV96136.1 hypothetical protein TanjilG_13068 [Lupinus angustifolius] Length = 152 Score = 76.3 bits (186), Expect = 7e-15 Identities = 32/56 (57%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 +RP++VCKDKGPCY+KKVTCPAKCF GCTIDCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 97 VRPTLVCKDKGPCYQKKVTCPAKCFTSFSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTIDCKKKCIAYC 152 >XP_002317234.1 glycine-rich family protein [Populus trichocarpa] EEE97846.1 glycine-rich family protein [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 142 Score = 75.5 bits (184), Expect = 1e-14 Identities = 33/56 (58%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 I+PS+VCK+KGPCYKKK+TCPAKCF GCTIDCKK+CVA C Sbjct: 87 IKPSVVCKEKGPCYKKKLTCPAKCFTSYSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTIDCKKKCVAYC 142 >XP_011043255.1 PREDICTED: cold shock domain-containing protein 4-like [Populus euphratica] Length = 144 Score = 75.5 bits (184), Expect = 1e-14 Identities = 33/56 (58%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 I+PS+VCK+KGPCYKKK+TCPAKCF GCTIDCKK+CVA C Sbjct: 89 IKPSVVCKEKGPCYKKKLTCPAKCFTSYSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTIDCKKKCVAYC 144 >XP_010057475.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 2-like [Eucalyptus grandis] Length = 164 Score = 75.5 bits (184), Expect = 2e-14 Identities = 32/56 (57%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP++VCKDKGPCYKKK+TCPAKCF GCT+DCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 109 IRPTVVCKDKGPCYKKKLTCPAKCFTSYSRSGKGYGSGGGGGGCTMDCKKKCIAYC 164 >XP_003608189.2 putative GRP family [Medicago truncatula] AES90386.2 putative GRP family [Medicago truncatula] Length = 155 Score = 75.1 bits (183), Expect = 2e-14 Identities = 32/56 (57%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP++VCKD+GPCY+KKVTCPA+CF GCTIDCKK+C ASC Sbjct: 100 IRPTVVCKDRGPCYQKKVTCPARCFTSFSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTIDCKKKCTASC 155 >XP_009397312.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural protein-like [Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis] Length = 145 Score = 74.3 bits (181), Expect = 4e-14 Identities = 32/56 (57%), Positives = 37/56 (66%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 +RPS+VC +KGPCYKK++TCPAKCF GCTIDCKKRCVA C Sbjct: 90 VRPSVVCSEKGPCYKKRLTCPAKCFSSFSHSGKGYGAGGGGGGCTIDCKKRCVAYC 145 >XP_010040731.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 1.8-like [Eucalyptus grandis] Length = 194 Score = 75.5 bits (184), Expect = 4e-14 Identities = 31/56 (55%), Positives = 37/56 (66%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP++VCKDKGPCYKKK+TCPAKCF CT+DCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 139 IRPTVVCKDKGPCYKKKLTCPAKCFTSYSRSGKGYGSGGGGGSCTMDCKKKCIAYC 194 >NP_001235149.1 uncharacterized protein LOC100499725 precursor [Glycine max] ACU13385.1 unknown [Glycine max] KRH21551.1 hypothetical protein GLYMA_13G244800 [Glycine max] Length = 168 Score = 74.7 bits (182), Expect = 4e-14 Identities = 32/56 (57%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP++VCKDKGPC++KKVTCPAKCF GCTIDCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 113 IRPTVVCKDKGPCFQKKVTCPAKCFSSFSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTIDCKKKCIAYC 168 >XP_002521418.1 PREDICTED: 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2 [Ricinus communis] EEF40908.1 nucleic acid binding protein, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 147 Score = 73.9 bits (180), Expect = 5e-14 Identities = 31/56 (55%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP++VCK+KGPCYKKK+TCPAKCF GCT+DCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 92 IRPTVVCKEKGPCYKKKLTCPAKCFTSYSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTMDCKKKCIAYC 147 >XP_016181938.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 1.0-like [Arachis ipaensis] Length = 151 Score = 73.9 bits (180), Expect = 6e-14 Identities = 30/56 (53%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 +RP++VCKDKGPC++KK+TCPAKCF GCTIDCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 96 VRPTVVCKDKGPCFQKKITCPAKCFTSYSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTIDCKKKCIAYC 151 >XP_015943562.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 2-like [Arachis duranensis] Length = 152 Score = 73.9 bits (180), Expect = 6e-14 Identities = 30/56 (53%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 +RP++VCKDKGPC++KK+TCPAKCF GCTIDCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 97 VRPTVVCKDKGPCFQKKITCPAKCFTSYSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTIDCKKKCIAYC 152 >XP_010268788.1 PREDICTED: holotricin-3 [Nelumbo nucifera] Length = 158 Score = 73.9 bits (180), Expect = 7e-14 Identities = 32/56 (57%), Positives = 37/56 (66%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP++VC D+GPCYKKK+TCPAKCF GCTIDCKK+CVA C Sbjct: 103 IRPTVVCNDRGPCYKKKLTCPAKCFTSYSHSGKNYGSGGGGGGCTIDCKKKCVAYC 158 >XP_020092592.1 putative glycine-rich cell wall structural protein 1 [Ananas comosus] Length = 137 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 8e-14 Identities = 31/56 (55%), Positives = 37/56 (66%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 +RPS+VC ++GPCYKK++TCPAKCF GCTIDCKKRCVA C Sbjct: 82 VRPSVVCSERGPCYKKRLTCPAKCFSSYSRSGKNYGSGGGGGGCTIDCKKRCVAYC 137 >XP_017434955.1 PREDICTED: glycine-rich protein 5-like [Vigna angularis] KOM53832.1 hypothetical protein LR48_Vigan09g249100 [Vigna angularis] BAT87028.1 hypothetical protein VIGAN_05036600 [Vigna angularis var. angularis] Length = 152 Score = 73.6 bits (179), Expect = 8e-14 Identities = 31/56 (55%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRPS+VCKD+GPC++KKVTCPAKCF GCT+DCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 97 IRPSVVCKDRGPCFQKKVTCPAKCFSSFSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTMDCKKKCIAYC 152 >KYP63016.1 hypothetical protein KK1_017578 [Cajanus cajan] Length = 144 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 31/56 (55%), Positives = 37/56 (66%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP++VCKD+GPCY+KK+TCPAKCF GCTIDCKK C+A C Sbjct: 89 IRPTVVCKDRGPCYQKKLTCPAKCFSSFSRSGKGYGAGGGGGGCTIDCKKNCIAYC 144 >NP_001240061.1 uncharacterized protein LOC100776783 precursor [Glycine max] XP_014622823.1 PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100776783 isoform X1 [Glycine max] ACU23497.1 unknown [Glycine max] KRH10772.1 hypothetical protein GLYMA_15G068900 [Glycine max] Length = 146 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 30/56 (53%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP+++CKDKGPC++KKVTCPAKCF GCT+DCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 91 IRPTVLCKDKGPCFQKKVTCPAKCFSSFSRSGKGYGAGGGGGGCTVDCKKKCIAYC 146 >XP_010092614.1 hypothetical protein L484_006376 [Morus notabilis] EXB51803.1 hypothetical protein L484_006376 [Morus notabilis] Length = 148 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 31/56 (55%), Positives = 37/56 (66%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 +RP++VC DKGPCYKKK+TCPAKCF GCT+DCKK+CVA C Sbjct: 93 VRPTVVCTDKGPCYKKKLTCPAKCFTSYSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTMDCKKKCVAYC 148 >KHN08572.1 hypothetical protein glysoja_014337 [Glycine soja] Length = 168 Score = 73.6 bits (179), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 31/56 (55%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP+++CKDKGPC++KKVTCPAKCF GCTIDCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 113 IRPTVLCKDKGPCFQKKVTCPAKCFSSFSRSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTIDCKKKCIAYC 168 >XP_018822701.1 PREDICTED: 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2-like [Juglans regia] Length = 154 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 31/56 (55%), Positives = 37/56 (66%) Frame = -3 Query: 433 IRPSMVCKDKGPCYKKKVTCPAKCFXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXGCTIDCKKRCVASC 266 IRP++VCK+KGPCY KKVTCPAKCF GCT+DCKK+C+A C Sbjct: 99 IRPTVVCKEKGPCYNKKVTCPAKCFTSYSGSGKGYGGGGGGGGCTMDCKKKCIAYC 154