BLASTX nr result
ID: Jatropha_contig00044888
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Jatropha_contig00044888 (580 letters) Database: NCBI-nr (updated 2014/02/11) 35,149,712 sequences; 12,374,887,350 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|EMJ22030.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa027090mg, partial [... 65 1e-08 ref|XP_002518383.1| serine/threonine-protein kinase bri1, putati... 65 1e-08 ref|XP_003632915.1| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonin... 64 3e-08 ref|XP_002262904.2| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonin... 64 3e-08 ref|XP_002262961.2| PREDICTED: probable LRR receptor-like serine... 64 3e-08 emb|CBI25198.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] 64 3e-08 ref|XP_002265750.1| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonin... 63 4e-08 ref|XP_002268665.2| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonin... 63 6e-08 gb|EEE83222.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0001s27000g [Populus t... 62 1e-07 ref|XP_002298417.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] 62 1e-07 gb|EOY10135.1| Disease resistance family protein / LRR family pr... 61 2e-07 ref|XP_002263565.2| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonin... 61 2e-07 ref|XP_003632938.1| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonin... 60 5e-07 ref|XP_002518317.1| serine/threonine-protein kinase bri1, putati... 60 5e-07 emb|CAN80531.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_034464 [Vitis vinifera] 58 2e-06 ref|XP_004513677.1| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonin... 57 3e-06 ref|XP_004149737.1| PREDICTED: probable LRR receptor-like serine... 56 7e-06 >gb|EMJ22030.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa027090mg, partial [Prunus persica] Length = 1025 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 29/44 (65%), Positives = 33/44 (75%) Frame = -3 Query: 149 GDSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 G+S +D+WFYL VGLGFAAGLLVPF I IR+ W YF VDK Sbjct: 958 GNSFIDKWFYLSVGLGFAAGLLVPFFILAIRKPWSDAYFGFVDK 1001 >ref|XP_002518383.1| serine/threonine-protein kinase bri1, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223542478|gb|EEF44019.1| serine/threonine-protein kinase bri1, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 1018 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 25/43 (58%), Positives = 34/43 (79%) Frame = -3 Query: 146 DSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 D D+WFYL +G+GFAAG+L+P+L+F IRR W Y+YF VD+ Sbjct: 960 DEFADKWFYLIIGIGFAAGVLLPYLVFAIRRPWGYIYFAFVDR 1002 >ref|XP_003632915.1| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase FLS2-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 1028 Score = 63.5 bits (153), Expect = 3e-08 Identities = 25/40 (62%), Positives = 31/40 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 137 VDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 +D+WFYL +GLGFA G+LVP+ + IRRSWC YF VDK Sbjct: 968 IDQWFYLSIGLGFALGILVPYFVLAIRRSWCDAYFDFVDK 1007 >ref|XP_002262904.2| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase GSO1 [Vitis vinifera] Length = 1028 Score = 63.5 bits (153), Expect = 3e-08 Identities = 25/40 (62%), Positives = 31/40 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 137 VDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 +D+WFYL +GLGFA G+LVP+ + IRRSWC YF VDK Sbjct: 968 IDQWFYLSIGLGFALGILVPYFVLAIRRSWCDAYFDFVDK 1007 >ref|XP_002262961.2| PREDICTED: probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At1g34110-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 957 Score = 63.5 bits (153), Expect = 3e-08 Identities = 25/40 (62%), Positives = 31/40 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 137 VDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 +D+WFYL +GLGFA G+LVP+ + IRRSWC YF VDK Sbjct: 897 IDQWFYLSIGLGFALGILVPYFVLAIRRSWCDAYFDFVDK 936 >emb|CBI25198.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 791 Score = 63.5 bits (153), Expect = 3e-08 Identities = 25/40 (62%), Positives = 31/40 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 137 VDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 +D+WFYL +GLGFA G+LVP+ + IRRSWC YF VDK Sbjct: 731 IDQWFYLSIGLGFALGILVPYFVLAIRRSWCDAYFDFVDK 770 >ref|XP_002265750.1| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase FLS2-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 1035 Score = 63.2 bits (152), Expect = 4e-08 Identities = 26/44 (59%), Positives = 34/44 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 149 GDSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 G+ +D WFYL +GLGFA G+LVPFLIF I++ W +YF+ VDK Sbjct: 978 GNGFIDGWFYLSMGLGFAVGILVPFLIFAIKKPWGDVYFLFVDK 1021 >ref|XP_002268665.2| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase FLS2-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 1021 Score = 62.8 bits (151), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 25/40 (62%), Positives = 31/40 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 137 VDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 +D+WFYL VGLGFA G+LVPF + IR+SWC YF V+K Sbjct: 962 IDQWFYLSVGLGFAVGILVPFFVLAIRKSWCDTYFDFVEK 1001 >gb|EEE83222.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0001s27000g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 949 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 25/43 (58%), Positives = 31/43 (72%) Frame = -3 Query: 146 DSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 D +D WFYL +GLGFAAG+LVP L+F I++ W YF VDK Sbjct: 901 DGFIDSWFYLSIGLGFAAGILVPILVFAIKKPWRLSYFGFVDK 943 >ref|XP_002298417.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 913 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 25/43 (58%), Positives = 31/43 (72%) Frame = -3 Query: 146 DSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 D +D WFYL +GLGFAAG+LVP L+F I++ W YF VDK Sbjct: 870 DGFIDSWFYLSIGLGFAAGILVPILVFAIKKPWRLSYFGFVDK 912 >gb|EOY10135.1| Disease resistance family protein / LRR family protein, putative [Theobroma cacao] Length = 1044 Score = 61.2 bits (147), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 25/44 (56%), Positives = 34/44 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 149 GDSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 G+ ++D+WFYL VGLGFAAG+LVP LI + R+ W YF +V+K Sbjct: 978 GEEIIDQWFYLSVGLGFAAGILVPLLIISTRKPWVDSYFGLVEK 1021 >ref|XP_002263565.2| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase GSO1-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 1024 Score = 61.2 bits (147), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 25/40 (62%), Positives = 30/40 (75%) Frame = -3 Query: 137 VDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 VD+WFYL VGLGFA G+LVPF + R+SWC YF VD+ Sbjct: 965 VDQWFYLSVGLGFAMGILVPFFVLATRKSWCEAYFDFVDE 1004 >ref|XP_003632938.1| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase GSO1-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 1045 Score = 59.7 bits (143), Expect = 5e-07 Identities = 23/40 (57%), Positives = 31/40 (77%) Frame = -3 Query: 137 VDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 +D WFYL VGLGFAAG+LVP+ + R+SWC Y+ +VD+ Sbjct: 980 IDRWFYLSVGLGFAAGILVPYFVLVSRKSWCDAYWNIVDE 1019 >ref|XP_002518317.1| serine/threonine-protein kinase bri1, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223542537|gb|EEF44077.1| serine/threonine-protein kinase bri1, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 1010 Score = 59.7 bits (143), Expect = 5e-07 Identities = 25/43 (58%), Positives = 31/43 (72%) Frame = -3 Query: 146 DSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 D +DEWFYL VGLGFAAG+LVP I I++SW YF +D+ Sbjct: 958 DGFIDEWFYLSVGLGFAAGILVPMFILAIKKSWSDAYFGFLDE 1000 >emb|CAN80531.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_034464 [Vitis vinifera] Length = 969 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 23/43 (53%), Positives = 30/43 (69%) Frame = -3 Query: 146 DSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 + +DEWFYL VGLGFA G+L PF + ++RSW YF VD+ Sbjct: 904 NGFIDEWFYLSVGLGFAVGILGPFFVLVLKRSWSEAYFSFVDE 946 >ref|XP_004513677.1| PREDICTED: LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase GSO1-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 1047 Score = 57.0 bits (136), Expect = 3e-06 Identities = 24/42 (57%), Positives = 30/42 (71%) Frame = -3 Query: 146 DSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVD 21 + L D WFYL +GLGFA G+LVPF I TI+ SW +YF +D Sbjct: 995 ERLFDNWFYLSLGLGFATGILVPFFILTIKSSWSSVYFDFLD 1036 >ref|XP_004149737.1| PREDICTED: probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At4g36180-like [Cucumis sativus] gi|449525646|ref|XP_004169827.1| PREDICTED: probable LRR receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At4g36180-like [Cucumis sativus] Length = 1021 Score = 55.8 bits (133), Expect = 7e-06 Identities = 22/43 (51%), Positives = 32/43 (74%) Frame = -3 Query: 146 DSLVDEWFYLRVGLGFAAGLLVPFLIFTIRRSWCYMYFVVVDK 18 + ++D WFYL +G+GFAAG+LVP IF +RSW YF ++D+ Sbjct: 971 NQVIDNWFYLSLGVGFAAGILVPSCIFAAKRSWSTAYFKLLDE 1013