BLASTX nr result
ID: Jatropha_contig00044422
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Jatropha_contig00044422 (479 letters) Database: NCBI-nr (updated 2014/02/11) 35,149,712 sequences; 12,374,887,350 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|EJY66653.1| hypothetical protein OXYTRI_13058 [Oxytricha trif... 117 2e-24 gb|EJY65597.1| hypothetical protein OXYTRI_14248 [Oxytricha trif... 117 2e-24 ref|XP_006363638.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC102601... 115 6e-24 ref|XP_003580915.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100826... 114 1e-23 emb|CDJ12066.1| expressed protein [Hymenolepis microstoma] 112 5e-23 ref|XP_002464700.1| hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_01g024170 [S... 111 1e-22 ref|XP_003563150.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100836... 110 2e-22 ref|XP_003064996.1| predicted protein [Micromonas pusilla CCMP15... 109 3e-22 gb|ACG30390.1| hypothetical protein [Zea mays] 109 3e-22 ref|XP_002449485.1| hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_05g016470 [S... 109 4e-22 gb|EMS58926.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_00118 [Triticum urartu] 105 4e-21 ref|XP_001785946.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi... 105 4e-21 gb|ABR16542.1| unknown [Picea sitchensis] 105 6e-21 ref|XP_005644353.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_19418 [Cocco... 103 2e-20 gb|EJK58441.1| hypothetical protein THAOC_21443 [Thalassiosira o... 102 4e-20 gb|EFX61606.1| hypothetical protein DAPPUDRAFT_69133 [Daphnia pu... 102 6e-20 gb|EMS62448.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_00149 [Triticum urartu] 101 8e-20 ref|XP_005850831.1| hypothetical protein CHLNCDRAFT_48520 [Chlor... 100 2e-19 ref|XP_001891758.1| Transcription factor [Brugia malayi] gi|1705... 97 2e-18 ref|WP_002296576.1| hypothetical protein, partial [Streptococcus... 96 4e-18 >gb|EJY66653.1| hypothetical protein OXYTRI_13058 [Oxytricha trifallax] Length = 1367 Score = 117 bits (292), Expect = 2e-24 Identities = 60/79 (75%), Positives = 64/79 (81%) Frame = -1 Query: 368 SQAQQGLLSPVIPASPFPRVWFRWIVDRDSGNLVNPFMRVTN*MTRHLATLRES*LLRPF 189 SQAQQGLLSP+I SPFP +W R IVDRDSGNLVNPFMRVTN MTRHLATLRES LL PF Sbjct: 296 SQAQQGLLSPLIVPSPFPWLWVRQIVDRDSGNLVNPFMRVTNQMTRHLATLRESQLLPPF 355 Query: 188 TRGGKNFFTWTYRPPCKNH 132 TR NFFT T+R +NH Sbjct: 356 TRAWLNFFTLTFRALGRNH 374 >gb|EJY65597.1| hypothetical protein OXYTRI_14248 [Oxytricha trifallax] Length = 1367 Score = 117 bits (292), Expect = 2e-24 Identities = 60/79 (75%), Positives = 64/79 (81%) Frame = -1 Query: 368 SQAQQGLLSPVIPASPFPRVWFRWIVDRDSGNLVNPFMRVTN*MTRHLATLRES*LLRPF 189 SQAQQGLLSP+I SPFP +W R IVDRDSGNLVNPFMRVTN MTRHLATLRES LL PF Sbjct: 296 SQAQQGLLSPLIVPSPFPWLWVRQIVDRDSGNLVNPFMRVTNQMTRHLATLRESQLLPPF 355 Query: 188 TRGGKNFFTWTYRPPCKNH 132 TR NFFT T+R +NH Sbjct: 356 TRAWLNFFTLTFRALGRNH 374 >ref|XP_006363638.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC102601005 [Solanum tuberosum] Length = 212 Score = 115 bits (288), Expect = 6e-24 Identities = 54/58 (93%), Positives = 55/58 (94%) Frame = +3 Query: 219 GSQMPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 GSQMPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKP PRERA +N RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 155 GSQMPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPQPRERAWQNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 212 >ref|XP_003580915.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100826313 [Brachypodium distachyon] Length = 55 Score = 114 bits (285), Expect = 1e-23 Identities = 53/55 (96%), Positives = 53/55 (96%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERA RN RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERAWRNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >emb|CDJ12066.1| expressed protein [Hymenolepis microstoma] Length = 151 Score = 112 bits (280), Expect = 5e-23 Identities = 58/81 (71%), Positives = 61/81 (75%) Frame = +3 Query: 150 SVCPSEKILPPAGKRPE*L*LS*GSQMPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERAC 329 S C SE+I P AG SQMPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVP+YY AKP PRERA Sbjct: 52 SECQSEEIQPSAG-----------SQMPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPIYYLAKPQPRERAW 100 Query: 330 RNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 +N RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCE T Sbjct: 101 QNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEET 121 >ref|XP_002464700.1| hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_01g024170 [Sorghum bicolor] gi|357163017|ref|XP_003579598.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100831196 [Brachypodium distachyon] gi|357167298|ref|XP_003581095.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100840084 [Brachypodium distachyon] gi|357167329|ref|XP_003581110.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100825570 [Brachypodium distachyon] gi|357167351|ref|XP_003581120.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100834770 [Brachypodium distachyon] gi|357167385|ref|XP_003581137.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100821273 [Brachypodium distachyon] gi|241918554|gb|EER91698.1| hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_01g024170 [Sorghum bicolor] gi|473981149|gb|EMS51582.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_19989 [Triticum urartu] gi|474012907|gb|EMS52629.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_00006 [Triticum urartu] gi|474012908|gb|EMS52630.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_00017 [Triticum urartu] gi|474012909|gb|EMS52631.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_00028 [Triticum urartu] gi|474325856|gb|EMS62446.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_00137 [Triticum urartu] gi|474385184|gb|EMS64914.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_08374 [Triticum urartu] Length = 55 Score = 111 bits (277), Expect = 1e-22 Identities = 52/55 (94%), Positives = 52/55 (94%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKP PRERA RN RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPQPRERAWRNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >ref|XP_003563150.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100836121 [Brachypodium distachyon] Length = 55 Score = 110 bits (274), Expect = 2e-22 Identities = 51/55 (92%), Positives = 52/55 (94%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAH+WINEIPTVPVYYPAKP PRERA RN RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHQWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPQPRERAWRNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >ref|XP_003064996.1| predicted protein [Micromonas pusilla CCMP1545] gi|226453532|gb|EEH50843.1| predicted protein [Micromonas pusilla CCMP1545] Length = 55 Score = 109 bits (273), Expect = 3e-22 Identities = 51/55 (92%), Positives = 52/55 (94%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKP PRERA +N RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPQPRERAWQNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >gb|ACG30390.1| hypothetical protein [Zea mays] Length = 55 Score = 109 bits (273), Expect = 3e-22 Identities = 51/55 (92%), Positives = 51/55 (92%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINE PTVPVYYPAKP PRERA RN RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEFPTVPVYYPAKPQPRERAWRNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >ref|XP_002449485.1| hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_05g016470 [Sorghum bicolor] gi|241935328|gb|EES08473.1| hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_05g016470 [Sorghum bicolor] Length = 55 Score = 109 bits (272), Expect = 4e-22 Identities = 51/55 (92%), Positives = 51/55 (92%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MP HLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERA RN GKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPHHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERAWRNQWGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >gb|EMS58926.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_00118 [Triticum urartu] Length = 55 Score = 105 bits (263), Expect = 4e-21 Identities = 49/55 (89%), Positives = 50/55 (90%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHL+SDAHEWINE PTVPVYY AKP PRERA RN RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLVSDAHEWINETPTVPVYYQAKPQPRERAWRNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >ref|XP_001785946.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi|168068198|ref|XP_001785974.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi|168068587|ref|XP_001786131.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi|168069852|ref|XP_001786600.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi|168069936|ref|XP_001786631.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi|162660830|gb|EDQ48554.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi|162660904|gb|EDQ48587.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi|162662079|gb|EDQ49055.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi|162662337|gb|EDQ49214.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] gi|162662376|gb|EDQ49245.1| predicted protein [Physcomitrella patens] Length = 55 Score = 105 bits (263), Expect = 4e-21 Identities = 49/55 (89%), Positives = 51/55 (92%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVP+YY AKP PRERA +N RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPIYYLAKPQPRERAWKNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >gb|ABR16542.1| unknown [Picea sitchensis] Length = 55 Score = 105 bits (262), Expect = 6e-21 Identities = 49/55 (89%), Positives = 51/55 (92%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVP+YY AKP PRERA +N RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPIYYLAKPQPRERAWQNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >ref|XP_005644353.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_19418 [Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169] gi|545357418|ref|XP_005644359.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_19206 [Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169] gi|545362692|ref|XP_005646552.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_16935 [Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169] gi|545371103|ref|XP_005650153.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_13490 [Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169] gi|384246318|gb|EIE19809.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_19418 [Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169] gi|384246324|gb|EIE19815.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_19206 [Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169] gi|384248524|gb|EIE22008.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_16935 [Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169] gi|384252132|gb|EIE25609.1| hypothetical protein COCSUDRAFT_13490 [Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C-169] Length = 55 Score = 103 bits (257), Expect = 2e-20 Identities = 48/55 (87%), Positives = 50/55 (90%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVP+YY AKP PRERA + RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPIYYLAKPQPRERAWKKQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 55 >gb|EJK58441.1| hypothetical protein THAOC_21443 [Thalassiosira oceanica] Length = 94 Score = 102 bits (255), Expect = 4e-20 Identities = 49/58 (84%), Positives = 50/58 (86%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT*EV 401 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVP+YY A P PRERA N RGKKTLLSLTLVR CEMT EV Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPIYYLANPQPRERAWNNQRGKKTLLSLTLVRRCEMTYEV 58 >gb|EFX61606.1| hypothetical protein DAPPUDRAFT_69133 [Daphnia pulex] Length = 55 Score = 102 bits (253), Expect = 6e-20 Identities = 47/55 (85%), Positives = 50/55 (90%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVP+YY AKP PRERA + RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCE+T Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPIYYLAKPQPRERAWKKQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEIT 55 >gb|EMS62448.1| hypothetical protein TRIUR3_00149 [Triticum urartu] Length = 55 Score = 101 bits (252), Expect = 8e-20 Identities = 48/55 (87%), Positives = 48/55 (87%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYP KP PRE A RN RGKKTLL LTLVRLC MT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPPKPQPREWAWRNQRGKKTLLRLTLVRLCGMT 55 >ref|XP_005850831.1| hypothetical protein CHLNCDRAFT_48520 [Chlorella variabilis] gi|307110493|gb|EFN58729.1| hypothetical protein CHLNCDRAFT_48520 [Chlorella variabilis] Length = 55 Score = 100 bits (249), Expect = 2e-19 Identities = 47/55 (85%), Positives = 49/55 (89%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCEMT 392 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVP+YY AKP PRERA + RGKKTLLSLTLV LCEMT Sbjct: 1 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPIYYLAKPQPRERAWKKQRGKKTLLSLTLVCLCEMT 55 >ref|XP_001891758.1| Transcription factor [Brugia malayi] gi|170571879|ref|XP_001891903.1| Transcription factor [Brugia malayi] gi|170572518|ref|XP_001892139.1| Transcription factor [Brugia malayi] gi|170575826|ref|XP_001893399.1| Transcription factor [Brugia malayi] gi|170576611|ref|XP_001893699.1| Transcription factor [Brugia malayi] gi|170577944|ref|XP_001894197.1| Transcription factor [Brugia malayi] gi|170584819|ref|XP_001897190.1| Transcription factor [Brugia malayi] gi|158595404|gb|EDP33960.1| Transcription factor, putative [Brugia malayi] gi|158599300|gb|EDP36961.1| Transcription factor, putative [Brugia malayi] gi|158600145|gb|EDP37463.1| Transcription factor, putative [Brugia malayi] gi|158600637|gb|EDP37769.1| Transcription factor, putative [Brugia malayi] gi|158602809|gb|EDP39044.1| Transcription factor, putative [Brugia malayi] gi|158603329|gb|EDP39288.1| Transcription factor, putative [Brugia malayi] gi|158603552|gb|EDP39439.1| Transcription factor, putative [Brugia malayi] Length = 55 Score = 97.4 bits (241), Expect = 2e-18 Identities = 45/53 (84%), Positives = 47/53 (88%) Frame = +3 Query: 228 MPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCE 386 MPRHLI DAHEWINEIPTVP+YY AKP PRERA + RGKKTLLSLTLVRLCE Sbjct: 1 MPRHLIRDAHEWINEIPTVPIYYLAKPQPRERAWQTQRGKKTLLSLTLVRLCE 53 >ref|WP_002296576.1| hypothetical protein, partial [Streptococcus mutans] gi|449221022|gb|EMC20828.1| hypothetical protein SMU82_09667, partial [Streptococcus mutans SM6] Length = 51 Score = 96.3 bits (238), Expect = 4e-18 Identities = 45/51 (88%), Positives = 47/51 (92%) Frame = +3 Query: 222 SQMPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPVYYPAKPHPRERACRNHRGKKTLLSLTLV 374 SQMPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVP+YY AKP PRERA +N RGKKTLLSLTLV Sbjct: 1 SQMPRHLISDAHEWINEIPTVPIYYLAKPQPRERAWQNQRGKKTLLSLTLV 51