BLASTX nr result
ID: Jatropha_contig00041824
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Jatropha_contig00041824 (544 letters) Database: NCBI-nr (updated 2014/02/11) 35,149,712 sequences; 12,374,887,350 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_002534154.1| Zeamatin precursor, putative [Ricinus commun... 124 1e-26 gb|EOX97716.1| Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protei... 122 7e-26 gb|EOX97715.1| Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protei... 122 7e-26 gb|EOX97714.1| Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protei... 122 7e-26 gb|EOX97713.1| Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protei... 122 7e-26 gb|EMJ02606.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa008035mg [Prunus pe... 120 2e-25 ref|XP_002277548.1| PREDICTED: pathogenesis-related protein 5 [V... 118 7e-25 ref|XP_003540838.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein-like [Glyc... 117 2e-24 gb|ESW03689.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_011G0342001g, partial ... 115 5e-24 gb|ESR35875.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10028716mg [Citrus cl... 115 5e-24 gb|ESR35874.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10028716mg [Citrus cl... 115 5e-24 gb|ERP57079.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0009s13510g [Populus t... 114 2e-23 gb|EEE87676.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0009s13510g [Populus t... 114 2e-23 ref|XP_002313721.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] 114 2e-23 gb|ABK92515.1| unknown [Populus trichocarpa] gi|429326650|gb|AFZ... 114 2e-23 ref|XP_004287804.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein 1-like [Fr... 113 2e-23 ref|XP_004505780.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein 1-like [Ci... 113 3e-23 ref|XP_006359673.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein 1-like [So... 111 1e-22 ref|XP_004231024.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein-like [Sola... 111 1e-22 ref|XP_006283927.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10005048mg, part... 110 2e-22 >ref|XP_002534154.1| Zeamatin precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223525781|gb|EEF28230.1| Zeamatin precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 338 Score = 124 bits (312), Expect = 1e-26 Identities = 56/60 (93%), Positives = 58/60 (96%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +GA ATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLD+TGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART Sbjct: 19 KGAFAATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDTTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 78 >gb|EOX97716.1| Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein isoform 5 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 376 Score = 122 bits (305), Expect = 7e-26 Identities = 54/60 (90%), Positives = 57/60 (95%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +G SGA+FTFVNRC YTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKD+SRSFQAPTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 38 KGVSGASFTFVNRCAYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDSSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWGRT 97 >gb|EOX97715.1| Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein isoform 4, partial [Theobroma cacao] Length = 305 Score = 122 bits (305), Expect = 7e-26 Identities = 54/60 (90%), Positives = 57/60 (95%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +G SGA+FTFVNRC YTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKD+SRSFQAPTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 7 KGVSGASFTFVNRCAYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDSSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWGRT 66 >gb|EOX97714.1| Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein isoform 2 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 372 Score = 122 bits (305), Expect = 7e-26 Identities = 54/60 (90%), Positives = 57/60 (95%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +G SGA+FTFVNRC YTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKD+SRSFQAPTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 38 KGVSGASFTFVNRCAYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDSSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWGRT 97 >gb|EOX97713.1| Pathogenesis-related thaumatin superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 416 Score = 122 bits (305), Expect = 7e-26 Identities = 54/60 (90%), Positives = 57/60 (95%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +G SGA+FTFVNRC YTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKD+SRSFQAPTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 38 KGVSGASFTFVNRCAYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDSSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWGRT 97 >gb|EMJ02606.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa008035mg [Prunus persica] Length = 348 Score = 120 bits (301), Expect = 2e-25 Identities = 53/60 (88%), Positives = 56/60 (93%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 RG SG TFTFVNRC+YTVWPGILANA SPRLDSTGFELPK T+R+FQAPTGWSGRFWART Sbjct: 24 RGVSGTTFTFVNRCDYTVWPGILANANSPRLDSTGFELPKQTARTFQAPTGWSGRFWART 83 >ref|XP_002277548.1| PREDICTED: pathogenesis-related protein 5 [Vitis vinifera] gi|297744632|emb|CBI37894.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 349 Score = 118 bits (296), Expect = 7e-25 Identities = 54/59 (91%), Positives = 54/59 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 347 GASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 G GATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGS RLDSTGFELPKDTSRSF APTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 23 GVLGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSARLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFLAPTGWSGRFWGRT 81 >ref|XP_003540838.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein-like [Glycine max] Length = 346 Score = 117 bits (293), Expect = 2e-24 Identities = 51/60 (85%), Positives = 55/60 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +G GATFTF N+C+YTVWPGILANAGSP LDSTGFELPKDTSR+FQAPTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 20 KGVMGATFTFFNKCDYTVWPGILANAGSPPLDSTGFELPKDTSRAFQAPTGWSGRFWGRT 79 >gb|ESW03689.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_011G0342001g, partial [Phaseolus vulgaris] Length = 242 Score = 115 bits (289), Expect = 5e-24 Identities = 52/59 (88%), Positives = 54/59 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 347 GASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 G GATFTFVNRC+YTVWPGILANAGSP L STGFELPKDTSR+FQA TGWSGRFWART Sbjct: 20 GVMGATFTFVNRCDYTVWPGILANAGSPPLQSTGFELPKDTSRAFQASTGWSGRFWART 78 >gb|ESR35875.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10028716mg [Citrus clementina] Length = 358 Score = 115 bits (289), Expect = 5e-24 Identities = 50/61 (81%), Positives = 56/61 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +G ATFTFVN+C+YT+WPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELP+D+SRSF APTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 31 QGVLSATFTFVNKCDYTIWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPQDSSRSFVAPTGWSGRFWGRT 90 Query: 524 R 526 R Sbjct: 91 R 91 >gb|ESR35874.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10028716mg [Citrus clementina] Length = 358 Score = 115 bits (289), Expect = 5e-24 Identities = 50/61 (81%), Positives = 56/61 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +G ATFTFVN+C+YT+WPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELP+D+SRSF APTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 31 QGVLSATFTFVNKCDYTIWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPQDSSRSFVAPTGWSGRFWGRT 90 Query: 524 R 526 R Sbjct: 91 R 91 >gb|ERP57079.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0009s13510g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 343 Score = 114 bits (284), Expect = 2e-23 Identities = 52/59 (88%), Positives = 54/59 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 347 GASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 G ATFTFVN+CEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFEL KD+SRSF APTGWSGRFWART Sbjct: 26 GVLAATFTFVNKCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELLKDSSRSFIAPTGWSGRFWART 84 >gb|EEE87676.2| hypothetical protein POPTR_0009s13510g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 344 Score = 114 bits (284), Expect = 2e-23 Identities = 52/59 (88%), Positives = 54/59 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 347 GASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 G ATFTFVN+CEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFEL KD+SRSF APTGWSGRFWART Sbjct: 26 GVLAATFTFVNKCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELLKDSSRSFIAPTGWSGRFWART 84 >ref|XP_002313721.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 249 Score = 114 bits (284), Expect = 2e-23 Identities = 52/59 (88%), Positives = 54/59 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 347 GASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 G ATFTFVN+CEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFEL KD+SRSF APTGWSGRFWART Sbjct: 26 GVLAATFTFVNKCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELLKDSSRSFIAPTGWSGRFWART 84 >gb|ABK92515.1| unknown [Populus trichocarpa] gi|429326650|gb|AFZ78665.1| thaumatin [Populus tomentosa] Length = 344 Score = 114 bits (284), Expect = 2e-23 Identities = 52/59 (88%), Positives = 54/59 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 347 GASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 G ATFTFVN+CEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFEL KD+SRSF APTGWSGRFWART Sbjct: 26 GVLAATFTFVNKCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELLKDSSRSFIAPTGWSGRFWART 84 >ref|XP_004287804.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein 1-like [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca] Length = 310 Score = 113 bits (283), Expect = 2e-23 Identities = 50/61 (81%), Positives = 55/61 (90%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +G SGATFTFVN+CE+TVWPGILA+AGSP LDSTGFEL K SR+FQAP GWSGRFWART Sbjct: 20 KGVSGATFTFVNKCEFTVWPGILASAGSPNLDSTGFELAKGASRTFQAPAGWSGRFWART 79 Query: 524 R 526 R Sbjct: 80 R 80 >ref|XP_004505780.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein 1-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 336 Score = 113 bits (282), Expect = 3e-23 Identities = 48/60 (80%), Positives = 56/60 (93%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 +G +G+TFTFVNRC+YTVWPGILANAG+P L STGFELP++TSR+FQAP GWSGRFWART Sbjct: 20 KGVTGSTFTFVNRCDYTVWPGILANAGTPTLGSTGFELPQETSRTFQAPAGWSGRFWART 79 >ref|XP_006359673.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein 1-like [Solanum tuberosum] Length = 366 Score = 111 bits (277), Expect = 1e-22 Identities = 49/60 (81%), Positives = 53/60 (88%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 RG GATFTFVN+CEYTVWPGILANAGSP L STGFELP+++SR F APTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 24 RGVLGATFTFVNKCEYTVWPGILANAGSPTLQSTGFELPQESSRVFTAPTGWSGRFWGRT 83 >ref|XP_004231024.1| PREDICTED: thaumatin-like protein-like [Solanum lycopersicum] Length = 356 Score = 111 bits (277), Expect = 1e-22 Identities = 49/60 (81%), Positives = 53/60 (88%) Frame = +2 Query: 344 RGASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 RG GATFTFVN+CEYTVWPGILANAGSP L STGFELP+++SR F APTGWSGRFW RT Sbjct: 24 RGVLGATFTFVNKCEYTVWPGILANAGSPTLQSTGFELPQESSRVFTAPTGWSGRFWGRT 83 >ref|XP_006283927.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10005048mg, partial [Capsella rubella] gi|482552632|gb|EOA16825.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10005048mg, partial [Capsella rubella] Length = 378 Score = 110 bits (275), Expect = 2e-22 Identities = 49/59 (83%), Positives = 51/59 (86%) Frame = +2 Query: 347 GASGATFTFVNRCEYTVWPGILANAGSPRLDSTGFELPKDTSRSFQAPTGWSGRFWART 523 G G+TFTF NRC YTVWPGILANAGSP L +TGFELPK TSRS QAPTGWSGRFWART Sbjct: 58 GCDGSTFTFANRCGYTVWPGILANAGSPTLSTTGFELPKGTSRSLQAPTGWSGRFWART 116