BLASTX nr result
ID: Jatropha_contig00004664
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Jatropha_contig00004664 (212 letters) Database: NCBI-nr (updated 2014/02/11) 35,149,712 sequences; 12,374,887,350 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_002524198.1| legumin B precursor, putative [Ricinus commu... 76 1e-19 ref|XP_002524195.1| legumin B precursor, putative [Ricinus commu... 76 1e-19 ref|XP_002524606.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus commu... 69 1e-17 ref|XP_002524605.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus commu... 67 7e-17 ref|XP_002532028.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus commu... 74 1e-16 ref|XP_002524604.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus commu... 72 3e-16 gb|AAL73404.1|AF449424_1 11S globulin-like protein [Corylus avel... 66 7e-14 gb|AFJ04522.1| legumin B precursor, partial [Vernicia fordii] 59 3e-12 gb|AAN76862.1|AF453947_1 allergen Ana o 2 [Anacardium occidentale] 57 6e-12 gb|ABK80751.1| 11S globulin precursor isoform 1A [Ficus pumila v... 63 7e-12 gb|AAW29810.1| seed storage protein [Juglans regia] 57 7e-12 gb|ABW86979.1| 11S legumin protein [Carya illinoinensis] 57 7e-12 gb|ABW86978.1| 11S legumin protein [Carya illinoinensis] 57 9e-12 gb|ACB55490.1| Pis v 5.0101 allergen 11S globulin precusor [Pist... 60 9e-12 sp|P13744.1|11SB_CUCMA RecName: Full=11S globulin subunit beta; ... 59 2e-11 pdb|2EVX|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Pumpkin Seed Globulin g... 59 2e-11 gb|ABK80752.1| 11S globulin precursor isoform 1B [Ficus pumila v... 62 3e-11 gb|AAC61881.1| 11S storage globulin [Coffea arabica] 55 1e-10 gb|AAC61983.1| 11S storage globulin [Coffea arabica] 55 2e-10 gb|ABK80754.1| 11S globulin precursor isoform 3A [Ficus pumila v... 57 4e-10 >ref|XP_002524198.1| legumin B precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|8118510|gb|AAF73007.1|AF262998_1 legumin-like protein [Ricinus communis] gi|223536567|gb|EEF38213.1| legumin B precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 476 Score = 76.3 bits (186), Expect(2) = 1e-19 Identities = 34/43 (79%), Positives = 41/43 (95%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 HIN+HSVIYA+KGQAR+QV DENGN+VFDG+V +GQVLTVPQ+ Sbjct: 354 HINAHSVIYAVKGQARIQVVDENGNSVFDGNVREGQVLTVPQN 396 Score = 45.4 bits (106), Expect(2) = 1e-19 Identities = 20/25 (80%), Positives = 24/25 (96%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAMT 212 FVVVKR+ES+RFEYV FKT++NAMT Sbjct: 397 FVVVKRSESDRFEYVAFKTNDNAMT 421 >ref|XP_002524195.1| legumin B precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223536564|gb|EEF38210.1| legumin B precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 476 Score = 76.3 bits (186), Expect(2) = 1e-19 Identities = 34/43 (79%), Positives = 41/43 (95%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 HIN+HSVIYA+KGQAR+QV DENGN+VFDG+V +GQVLTVPQ+ Sbjct: 354 HINAHSVIYAVKGQARIQVVDENGNSVFDGNVREGQVLTVPQN 396 Score = 45.4 bits (106), Expect(2) = 1e-19 Identities = 20/25 (80%), Positives = 24/25 (96%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAMT 212 FVVVKR+ES+RFEYV FKT++NAMT Sbjct: 397 FVVVKRSESDRFEYVAFKTNDNAMT 421 >ref|XP_002524606.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223536159|gb|EEF37814.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 478 Score = 69.3 bits (168), Expect(2) = 1e-17 Identities = 30/41 (73%), Positives = 39/41 (95%) Frame = +1 Query: 16 NSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 N+HSVIYA++GQA++QV DENGN+VFDG+V +GQVLTVPQ+ Sbjct: 359 NAHSVIYAIRGQAQIQVVDENGNSVFDGNVRQGQVLTVPQN 399 Score = 45.4 bits (106), Expect(2) = 1e-17 Identities = 20/25 (80%), Positives = 24/25 (96%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAMT 212 F+VVKRAES+RFEYV FKT++NAMT Sbjct: 400 FMVVKRAESDRFEYVAFKTNDNAMT 424 >ref|XP_002524605.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223536158|gb|EEF37813.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 508 Score = 67.0 bits (162), Expect(2) = 7e-17 Identities = 29/41 (70%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 16 NSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 N+HSVIYA++GQA++QV DENG +VFDG+V +GQVLTVPQ+ Sbjct: 389 NAHSVIYAIRGQAQIQVVDENGRSVFDGNVRQGQVLTVPQN 429 Score = 45.4 bits (106), Expect(2) = 7e-17 Identities = 20/25 (80%), Positives = 24/25 (96%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAMT 212 F+VVKRAES+RFEYV FKT++NAMT Sbjct: 430 FMVVKRAESDRFEYVAFKTNDNAMT 454 >ref|XP_002532028.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223528298|gb|EEF30344.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 461 Score = 73.9 bits (180), Expect(2) = 1e-16 Identities = 31/43 (72%), Positives = 40/43 (93%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 H+N+HS+IYAL+GQA++QV DENGN VFDG+V +GQVLTVPQ+ Sbjct: 342 HVNAHSIIYALRGQAKIQVVDENGNRVFDGNVKEGQVLTVPQN 384 Score = 37.7 bits (86), Expect(2) = 1e-16 Identities = 17/24 (70%), Positives = 21/24 (87%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAM 209 FVVVKRAES+RFE V F T++NA+ Sbjct: 385 FVVVKRAESDRFECVAFNTNDNAV 408 >ref|XP_002524604.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223536157|gb|EEF37812.1| legumin A precursor, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 475 Score = 72.4 bits (176), Expect(2) = 3e-16 Identities = 30/43 (69%), Positives = 41/43 (95%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 H+NSHS++YA++GQAR+QV +ENGN+VFDGSV +GQVLT+PQ+ Sbjct: 355 HMNSHSILYAIRGQARIQVVNENGNSVFDGSVRQGQVLTLPQN 397 Score = 37.7 bits (86), Expect(2) = 3e-16 Identities = 16/24 (66%), Positives = 21/24 (87%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAM 209 FVVV RAES+ FEYV+F T++NA+ Sbjct: 398 FVVVNRAESDNFEYVSFNTNDNAV 421 >gb|AAL73404.1|AF449424_1 11S globulin-like protein [Corylus avellana] Length = 515 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect(2) = 7e-14 Identities = 27/43 (62%), Positives = 39/43 (90%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 ++N+HSV+YA++G+ARVQV D+NGNTVFD + +GQVLT+PQ+ Sbjct: 385 NLNAHSVVYAIRGRARVQVVDDNGNTVFDDELRQGQVLTIPQN 427 Score = 36.2 bits (82), Expect(2) = 7e-14 Identities = 16/23 (69%), Positives = 19/23 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENA 206 F V KRAESE FE+V FKT++NA Sbjct: 428 FAVAKRAESEGFEWVAFKTNDNA 450 >gb|AFJ04522.1| legumin B precursor, partial [Vernicia fordii] Length = 415 Score = 59.3 bits (142), Expect(2) = 3e-12 Identities = 25/43 (58%), Positives = 36/43 (83%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 ++N+HS++YA++GQ RVQV DE G +VFDG+ +GQVL VPQ+ Sbjct: 294 YLNAHSIMYAVRGQGRVQVVDEYGYSVFDGNFREGQVLVVPQN 336 Score = 37.7 bits (86), Expect(2) = 3e-12 Identities = 16/25 (64%), Positives = 21/25 (84%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAMT 212 FVVVKR++ + FEYV F T++NAMT Sbjct: 337 FVVVKRSDCDLFEYVAFNTNDNAMT 361 >gb|AAN76862.1|AF453947_1 allergen Ana o 2 [Anacardium occidentale] Length = 457 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect(2) = 6e-12 Identities = 25/43 (58%), Positives = 33/43 (76%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 ++NSHS+IY KG+ +VQV D GN VFDG V +GQ+L VPQ+ Sbjct: 336 NLNSHSIIYGCKGKGQVQVVDNFGNRVFDGEVREGQMLVVPQN 378 Score = 38.5 bits (88), Expect(2) = 6e-12 Identities = 16/25 (64%), Positives = 21/25 (84%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAMT 212 F VVKRA ERFE+++FKT++ AMT Sbjct: 379 FAVVKRAREERFEWISFKTNDRAMT 403 >gb|ABK80751.1| 11S globulin precursor isoform 1A [Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang] Length = 510 Score = 63.2 bits (152), Expect(2) = 7e-12 Identities = 28/43 (65%), Positives = 34/43 (79%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 ++N+HSVIY L+GQAR+QV D G FDG V +GQVLTVPQH Sbjct: 389 NMNAHSVIYVLRGQARIQVVDHFGQAFFDGEVRQGQVLTVPQH 431 Score = 32.3 bits (72), Expect(2) = 7e-12 Identities = 14/21 (66%), Positives = 19/21 (90%) Frame = +3 Query: 144 VVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENA 206 VVK+A SE FE+V+FKT++NA Sbjct: 434 VVKQASSEGFEWVSFKTNDNA 454 >gb|AAW29810.1| seed storage protein [Juglans regia] Length = 507 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect(2) = 7e-12 Identities = 24/43 (55%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 ++N+HSV+YAL+G+A VQV D G TVFD + +GQ+LT+PQ+ Sbjct: 380 NLNAHSVVYALRGRAEVQVVDNFGQTVFDDELREGQLLTIPQN 422 Score = 38.1 bits (87), Expect(2) = 7e-12 Identities = 17/24 (70%), Positives = 21/24 (87%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAM 209 F VVKRA +E FE+V+FKT+ENAM Sbjct: 423 FAVVKRARNEGFEWVSFKTNENAM 446 >gb|ABW86979.1| 11S legumin protein [Carya illinoinensis] Length = 505 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect(2) = 7e-12 Identities = 24/43 (55%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 ++N+HSV+YAL+G+A VQV D G TVFD + +GQ+LT+PQ+ Sbjct: 381 NLNAHSVVYALRGRAEVQVVDNFGQTVFDDELREGQLLTIPQN 423 Score = 38.1 bits (87), Expect(2) = 7e-12 Identities = 17/24 (70%), Positives = 21/24 (87%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAM 209 F VVKRA +E FE+V+FKT+ENAM Sbjct: 424 FAVVKRARNEGFEWVSFKTNENAM 447 >gb|ABW86978.1| 11S legumin protein [Carya illinoinensis] Length = 505 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect(2) = 9e-12 Identities = 24/43 (55%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 ++N+HSV+YAL+G+A VQV D G TVFD + +GQ+LT+PQ+ Sbjct: 381 NLNAHSVVYALRGRAEVQVVDNFGQTVFDDELREGQLLTIPQN 423 Score = 37.7 bits (86), Expect(2) = 9e-12 Identities = 17/24 (70%), Positives = 20/24 (83%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAM 209 F VVKRA E FE+V+FKT+ENAM Sbjct: 424 FAVVKRARDEGFEWVSFKTNENAM 447 >gb|ACB55490.1| Pis v 5.0101 allergen 11S globulin precusor [Pistacia vera] Length = 473 Score = 59.7 bits (143), Expect(2) = 9e-12 Identities = 25/43 (58%), Positives = 33/43 (76%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 + N+HS++Y KG A+VQV D GNTVFDG VS+GQ+ VPQ+ Sbjct: 352 NFNAHSIVYGCKGNAQVQVVDNFGNTVFDGEVSEGQIFVVPQN 394 Score = 35.4 bits (80), Expect(2) = 9e-12 Identities = 14/24 (58%), Positives = 20/24 (83%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAM 209 F VVKRA +RFE+++FKT++ AM Sbjct: 395 FAVVKRARGQRFEWISFKTNDRAM 418 >sp|P13744.1|11SB_CUCMA RecName: Full=11S globulin subunit beta; Contains: RecName: Full=11S globulin gamma chain; AltName: Full=11S globulin acidic chain; Contains: RecName: Full=11S globulin delta chain; AltName: Full=11S globulin basic chain; Flags: Precursor gi|72299|pir||FWPU1B 11S globulin beta subunit precursor - cucurbita cv. Kurokawa Amakuri gi|167492|gb|AAA33110.1| 11-S globulin beta-subunit precursor [Cucurbita pepo] Length = 480 Score = 58.5 bits (140), Expect(2) = 2e-11 Identities = 26/42 (61%), Positives = 33/42 (78%) Frame = +1 Query: 13 INSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 +NSHSV+YA +G ARVQV D G +VFDG V +GQVL +PQ+ Sbjct: 362 VNSHSVMYATRGNARVQVVDNFGQSVFDGEVREGQVLMIPQN 403 Score = 35.4 bits (80), Expect(2) = 2e-11 Identities = 14/25 (56%), Positives = 20/25 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAMT 212 FVV+KRA FE++ FKT++NA+T Sbjct: 404 FVVIKRASDRGFEWIAFKTNDNAIT 428 >pdb|2EVX|A Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Pumpkin Seed Globulin gi|168988579|pdb|2E9Q|A Chain A, Recombinant Pro-11s Globulin Of Pumpkin Length = 459 Score = 58.5 bits (140), Expect(2) = 2e-11 Identities = 26/42 (61%), Positives = 33/42 (78%) Frame = +1 Query: 13 INSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 +NSHSV+YA +G ARVQV D G +VFDG V +GQVL +PQ+ Sbjct: 341 VNSHSVMYATRGNARVQVVDNFGQSVFDGEVREGQVLMIPQN 382 Score = 35.4 bits (80), Expect(2) = 2e-11 Identities = 14/25 (56%), Positives = 20/25 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAMT 212 FVV+KRA FE++ FKT++NA+T Sbjct: 383 FVVIKRASDRGFEWIAFKTNDNAIT 407 >gb|ABK80752.1| 11S globulin precursor isoform 1B [Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang] Length = 508 Score = 62.4 bits (150), Expect(2) = 3e-11 Identities = 27/43 (62%), Positives = 34/43 (79%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 ++N+HSV+Y L+GQAR+QV D G FDG V +GQVLTVPQH Sbjct: 387 NMNAHSVLYVLRGQARIQVVDHFGQAFFDGEVRQGQVLTVPQH 429 Score = 31.2 bits (69), Expect(2) = 3e-11 Identities = 14/21 (66%), Positives = 19/21 (90%) Frame = +3 Query: 144 VVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENA 206 VVK+A SE FE+V+FKT++NA Sbjct: 432 VVKQAISEGFEWVSFKTNDNA 452 >gb|AAC61881.1| 11S storage globulin [Coffea arabica] Length = 487 Score = 55.5 bits (132), Expect(2) = 1e-10 Identities = 22/43 (51%), Positives = 32/43 (74%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 +IN+HS +Y ++G AR+QV D GN VFD V +GQ++ VPQ+ Sbjct: 366 NINAHSALYVIRGNARIQVVDHKGNKVFDDEVKQGQLIIVPQY 408 Score = 36.2 bits (82), Expect(2) = 1e-10 Identities = 15/24 (62%), Positives = 20/24 (83%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAM 209 F V+K+A +E FEYV FKT++NAM Sbjct: 409 FAVIKKAGNEGFEYVAFKTNDNAM 432 >gb|AAC61983.1| 11S storage globulin [Coffea arabica] Length = 490 Score = 55.5 bits (132), Expect(2) = 2e-10 Identities = 22/43 (51%), Positives = 32/43 (74%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 +IN+HS +Y ++G AR+QV D GN VFD V +GQ++ VPQ+ Sbjct: 369 NINAHSALYVIRGNARIQVVDHKGNKVFDDEVKQGQLIIVPQY 411 Score = 35.0 bits (79), Expect(2) = 2e-10 Identities = 14/24 (58%), Positives = 20/24 (83%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENAM 209 F V+K+A ++ FEYV FKT++NAM Sbjct: 412 FAVIKKAGNQGFEYVAFKTNDNAM 435 >gb|ABK80754.1| 11S globulin precursor isoform 3A [Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang] Length = 493 Score = 57.0 bits (136), Expect(2) = 4e-10 Identities = 25/43 (58%), Positives = 34/43 (79%) Frame = +1 Query: 10 HINSHSVIYALKGQARVQVTDENGNTVFDGSVSKGQVLTVPQH 138 +IN+HSVIY ++G+AR QV + G TVFDG + +GQ LTVPQ+ Sbjct: 373 NINAHSVIYVIRGRARCQVVNSFGQTVFDGELRQGQALTVPQN 415 Score = 32.7 bits (73), Expect(2) = 4e-10 Identities = 12/23 (52%), Positives = 21/23 (91%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 FVVVKRAESERFEYVTFKTSENA 206 +V+VK+AE+E FE+++FKT++ A Sbjct: 416 YVIVKQAENEGFEWISFKTNDRA 438