BLASTX nr result
ID: Jatropha_contig00002241
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Jatropha_contig00002241 (123 letters) Database: NCBI-nr (updated 2014/02/11) 35,149,712 sequences; 12,374,887,350 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|EMJ21698.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa014128mg [Prunus pe... 84 2e-14 gb|ERP64392.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0002s15720g [Populus t... 83 3e-14 gb|ERP53125.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0014s07560g [Populus t... 83 3e-14 emb|CBI40290.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] 83 3e-14 ref|XP_002301339.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|1... 83 3e-14 ref|XP_002320108.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|1... 83 3e-14 ref|XP_002266610.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100263... 83 3e-14 gb|ESQ53295.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10026679mg [Eutrema s... 83 4e-14 gb|ESQ37711.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10029049mg [Eutrema s... 83 4e-14 ref|XP_002511818.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus comm... 82 7e-14 ref|XP_004306815.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101311... 82 9e-14 ref|XP_004150067.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101205... 81 1e-13 gb|EOX96048.1| Uncharacterized protein TCM_005394 [Theobroma cacao] 80 2e-13 ref|XP_003552372.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100795... 80 3e-13 tpg|DAA62558.1| TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_780886 [Zea m... 79 4e-13 dbj|BAJ89894.1| predicted protein [Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare] 79 4e-13 ref|NP_001237813.1| uncharacterized protein LOC100306629 [Glycin... 79 4e-13 gb|ACG28118.1| hypothetical protein [Zea mays] gi|414590185|tpg|... 79 4e-13 gb|ACG27383.1| hypothetical protein [Zea mays] 79 4e-13 ref|XP_002462833.1| hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_02g032740 [S... 79 4e-13 >gb|EMJ21698.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa014128mg [Prunus persica] Length = 84 Score = 83.6 bits (205), Expect = 2e-14 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 38/40 (95%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHW+RN AIAMA +FL+CIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 19 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWKRNTAIAMAGIFLVCIPIAMKSAE 58 >gb|ERP64392.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0002s15720g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 68 Score = 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 37/40 (92%), Positives = 37/40 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRN AIAM VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 22 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 61 >gb|ERP53125.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0014s07560g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 85 Score = 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 37/40 (92%), Positives = 37/40 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRN AIAM VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 22 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 61 >emb|CBI40290.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 185 Score = 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 36/40 (90%), Positives = 38/40 (95%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSM+GGPYCRPKHW+RN AIAMA VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 120 KVWSMTGGPYCRPKHWKRNTAIAMAGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 159 >ref|XP_002301339.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|118489365|gb|ABK96487.1| unknown [Populus trichocarpa x Populus deltoides] Length = 91 Score = 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 37/40 (92%), Positives = 37/40 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRN AIAM VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 22 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 61 >ref|XP_002320108.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|118483711|gb|ABK93749.1| unknown [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 91 Score = 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 37/40 (92%), Positives = 37/40 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRN AIAM VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 22 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 61 >ref|XP_002266610.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100263631 isoform 1 [Vitis vinifera] gi|359489597|ref|XP_003633948.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100263631 isoform 2 [Vitis vinifera] gi|147863419|emb|CAN83614.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_007756 [Vitis vinifera] Length = 83 Score = 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 36/40 (90%), Positives = 38/40 (95%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSM+GGPYCRPKHW+RN AIAMA VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 18 KVWSMTGGPYCRPKHWKRNTAIAMAGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 57 >gb|ESQ53295.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10026679mg [Eutrema salsugineum] Length = 88 Score = 82.8 bits (203), Expect = 4e-14 Identities = 36/40 (90%), Positives = 37/40 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRN AIAM VFL+CIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 18 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLVCIPIAMKSAE 57 >gb|ESQ37711.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10029049mg [Eutrema salsugineum] Length = 141 Score = 82.8 bits (203), Expect = 4e-14 Identities = 36/40 (90%), Positives = 37/40 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRN AIAM VFL+CIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 71 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLVCIPIAMKSAE 110 >ref|XP_002511818.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] gi|223548998|gb|EEF50487.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] Length = 88 Score = 82.0 bits (201), Expect = 7e-14 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 37/40 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSM GGPYCRPKHWRRN AIAMA +FL+CIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 19 KVWSMPGGPYCRPKHWRRNTAIAMAGLFLVCIPIAMKSAE 58 >ref|XP_004306815.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101311609 [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca] Length = 86 Score = 81.6 bits (200), Expect = 9e-14 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 37/40 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHW+RN AIAM VFL+CIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 20 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWKRNTAIAMFGVFLVCIPIAMKSAE 59 >ref|XP_004150067.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC101205849 [Cucumis sativus] gi|449516171|ref|XP_004165121.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized LOC101205849 [Cucumis sativus] Length = 83 Score = 81.3 bits (199), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 37/40 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHW+RN AIAMA + LICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 18 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWKRNTAIAMAGIVLICIPIAMKSAE 57 >gb|EOX96048.1| Uncharacterized protein TCM_005394 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 83 Score = 80.5 bits (197), Expect = 2e-13 Identities = 36/40 (90%), Positives = 36/40 (90%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRN AIAM V LICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 18 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNTAIAMFGVVLICIPIAMKSAE 57 >ref|XP_003552372.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC100795291 [Glycine max] Length = 88 Score = 80.1 bits (196), Expect = 3e-13 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 36/40 (90%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHW+RN AIAM V LICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 20 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWKRNTAIAMVGVVLICIPIAMKSAE 59 >tpg|DAA62558.1| TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_780886 [Zea mays] Length = 105 Score = 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 36/40 (90%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSM+GGPYCRP HWRRN AIAM VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 17 KVWSMTGGPYCRPVHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 56 >dbj|BAJ89894.1| predicted protein [Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare] Length = 83 Score = 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 33/40 (82%), Positives = 36/40 (90%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSM+GGPYCRP HWRRN AIAM +FL+CIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 18 KVWSMTGGPYCRPVHWRRNTAIAMVGIFLVCIPIAMKSAE 57 >ref|NP_001237813.1| uncharacterized protein LOC100306629 [Glycine max] gi|255629121|gb|ACU14905.1| unknown [Glycine max] Length = 90 Score = 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 36/40 (90%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHW+RN AIAM V LICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 20 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWKRNTAIAMFGVVLICIPIAMKSAE 59 >gb|ACG28118.1| hypothetical protein [Zea mays] gi|414590185|tpg|DAA40756.1| TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_702631 [Zea mays] Length = 81 Score = 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 36/40 (90%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSM+GGPYCRP HWRRN AIAM VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 17 KVWSMTGGPYCRPVHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 56 >gb|ACG27383.1| hypothetical protein [Zea mays] Length = 58 Score = 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 36/40 (90%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSM+GGPYCRP HWRRN AIAM VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 17 KVWSMTGGPYCRPVHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 56 >ref|XP_002462833.1| hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_02g032740 [Sorghum bicolor] gi|195607576|gb|ACG25618.1| hypothetical protein [Zea mays] gi|195621040|gb|ACG32350.1| hypothetical protein [Zea mays] gi|195658143|gb|ACG48539.1| hypothetical protein [Zea mays] gi|219887093|gb|ACL53921.1| unknown [Zea mays] gi|241926210|gb|EER99354.1| hypothetical protein SORBIDRAFT_02g032740 [Sorghum bicolor] gi|414886545|tpg|DAA62559.1| TPA: hypothetical protein ZEAMMB73_780886 [Zea mays] Length = 82 Score = 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 35/40 (87%), Positives = 36/40 (90%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 KVWSMSGGPYCRPKHWRRNAAIAMASVFLICIPIAMKSAE 123 KVWSM+GGPYCRP HWRRN AIAM VFLICIPIAMKSAE Sbjct: 17 KVWSMTGGPYCRPVHWRRNTAIAMFGVFLICIPIAMKSAE 56