BLASTX nr result
ID: Glycyrrhiza35_contig00036987
BLASTX 2.2.26 [Sep-21-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Glycyrrhiza35_contig00036987 (499 letters) Database: ./nr 115,041,592 sequences; 42,171,959,267 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value XP_013442360.1 hypothetical protein MTR_0202s0040 [Medicago trun... 58 9e-07 XP_013452332.1 hypothetical protein MTR_6g053030 [Medicago trunc... 55 8e-06 >XP_013442360.1 hypothetical protein MTR_0202s0040 [Medicago truncatula] KEH16385.1 hypothetical protein MTR_0202s0040 [Medicago truncatula] Length = 546 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 9e-07 Identities = 43/108 (39%), Positives = 58/108 (53%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PLYWTLDPVPICGADRKLMSSEEQADVDVLERFSPLSCTKLLQLEHNTEGLQEYLVRMSP 182 PL WT +PV + G + K MS EQ V L+R KLL E ++E L+ YL+ M P Sbjct: 202 PLGWTANPVAVSGYEYKKMSPYEQDVVGFLDRMLHTDLRKLLNKEGDSEDLELYLLPMLP 261 Query: 183 MSAEDLRVYFERASKSKRKASPEAAANDXXXXXXXXXLIVRKVRKRCE 326 +S ++ R Y E A K KR AS E A+D +I+RK K+ E Sbjct: 262 LSGKERRKYLE-ALKEKR-ASGEHIASD------PAGVILRKGAKKRE 301 >XP_013452332.1 hypothetical protein MTR_6g053030 [Medicago truncatula] KEH26360.1 hypothetical protein MTR_6g053030 [Medicago truncatula] Length = 594 Score = 55.1 bits (131), Expect = 8e-06 Identities = 38/108 (35%), Positives = 57/108 (52%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 PLYWTLDPVPICGADRKLMSSEEQADVDVLERFSPLSCTKLLQLEHNTEGLQEYLVRMSP 182 PL WT +PV + G + K MS EQ V L+R KLL E +++ L+ YL+ M P Sbjct: 297 PLGWTANPVAVSGYEYKKMSPYEQGVVGFLDRMLHTDLRKLLNKEGDSKDLELYLLPMLP 356 Query: 183 MSAEDLRVYFERASKSKRKASPEAAANDXXXXXXXXXLIVRKVRKRCE 326 +S ++ R Y E + ++ AS E A+D +I+RK K+ E Sbjct: 357 LSRKERRKYLE--ALKEKHASGEHIASD------PAGIILRKGAKKRE 396