BLASTX nr result
ID: Glycyrrhiza30_contig00020320
BLASTX 2.2.26 [Sep-21-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Glycyrrhiza30_contig00020320 (447 letters) Database: ./nr 115,041,592 sequences; 42,171,959,267 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value AER45736.2 NAC domain protein NAC1, partial [Medicago sativa] 94 5e-20 AGJ76628.1 NAC domain protein NAC3 [Medicago sativa] 94 5e-20 XP_014509424.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [... 92 1e-19 XP_017442486.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [... 92 1e-19 AFK44664.1 unknown [Medicago truncatula] 88 2e-19 AER45737.2 NAC domain protein NAC2, partial [Medicago sativa] 92 2e-19 XP_003630347.1 NAC-like transcription factor [Medicago truncatul... 90 8e-19 XP_007137751.1 hypothetical protein PHAVU_009G1528000g, partial ... 87 1e-18 XP_019458645.1 PREDICTED: protein ATAF2 [Lupinus angustifolius] ... 89 1e-18 ACD39384.1 NAC domain protein, partial [Glycine max] 89 2e-18 NP_001304649.1 NAC domain-containing protein 2 [Glycine max] KHN... 89 2e-18 ACU23692.1 unknown [Glycine max] 85 2e-18 XP_004503901.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [... 89 2e-18 KYP38405.1 NAC domain-containing protein 2 [Cajanus cajan] 89 2e-18 XP_014524510.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [... 88 3e-18 XP_003602683.1 NAC-like transcription factor [Medicago truncatul... 88 3e-18 XP_007159873.1 hypothetical protein PHAVU_002G275000g [Phaseolus... 88 5e-18 XP_003602684.1 NAC-like transcription factor [Medicago truncatul... 88 5e-18 XP_007137752.1 hypothetical protein PHAVU_009G152900g [Phaseolus... 87 8e-18 XP_004502989.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [... 87 8e-18 >AER45736.2 NAC domain protein NAC1, partial [Medicago sativa] Length = 329 Score = 93.6 bits (231), Expect = 5e-20 Identities = 43/46 (93%), Positives = 44/46 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 140 TRMQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 TRMQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCA+ IAVPIIKEIDL Sbjct: 41 TRMQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCASLPIAVPIIKEIDL 86 >AGJ76628.1 NAC domain protein NAC3 [Medicago sativa] Length = 331 Score = 93.6 bits (231), Expect = 5e-20 Identities = 43/46 (93%), Positives = 44/46 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 140 TRMQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 TRMQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCA+ IAVPIIKEIDL Sbjct: 41 TRMQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCASLPIAVPIIKEIDL 86 >XP_014509424.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [Vigna radiata var. radiata] Length = 295 Score = 92.0 bits (227), Expect = 1e-19 Identities = 42/44 (95%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQG LELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIA PIIKEIDL Sbjct: 1 MQGELELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAAPIIKEIDL 44 >XP_017442486.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [Vigna angularis] KOM30554.1 hypothetical protein LR48_Vigan01g010800 [Vigna angularis] BAT73227.1 hypothetical protein VIGAN_01069400 [Vigna angularis var. angularis] Length = 295 Score = 92.0 bits (227), Expect = 1e-19 Identities = 42/44 (95%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQG LELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIA PIIKEIDL Sbjct: 1 MQGELELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAAPIIKEIDL 44 >AFK44664.1 unknown [Medicago truncatula] Length = 152 Score = 88.2 bits (217), Expect = 2e-19 Identities = 37/44 (84%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQG LELPPGFRFHPTD+ELVNHYLCRKCA QSI+VP++KE+DL Sbjct: 1 MQGELELPPGFRFHPTDEELVNHYLCRKCAGQSISVPVVKEVDL 44 >AER45737.2 NAC domain protein NAC2, partial [Medicago sativa] Length = 335 Score = 92.0 bits (227), Expect = 2e-19 Identities = 42/46 (91%), Positives = 43/46 (93%) Frame = -2 Query: 140 TRMQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 TRMQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCA+ I VPIIKEIDL Sbjct: 41 TRMQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCASLPITVPIIKEIDL 86 >XP_003630347.1 NAC-like transcription factor [Medicago truncatula] AET04823.1 NAC-like transcription factor [Medicago truncatula] Length = 285 Score = 89.7 bits (221), Expect = 8e-19 Identities = 41/44 (93%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCA+ IAVPIIKEIDL Sbjct: 1 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCASLPIAVPIIKEIDL 44 >XP_007137751.1 hypothetical protein PHAVU_009G1528000g, partial [Phaseolus vulgaris] ESW09745.1 hypothetical protein PHAVU_009G1528000g, partial [Phaseolus vulgaris] Length = 175 Score = 87.0 bits (214), Expect = 1e-18 Identities = 38/44 (86%), Positives = 41/44 (93%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 M+G LELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCA Q I+VPIIKE+DL Sbjct: 1 MKGELELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAGQPISVPIIKEVDL 44 >XP_019458645.1 PREDICTED: protein ATAF2 [Lupinus angustifolius] OIW18149.1 hypothetical protein TanjilG_31269 [Lupinus angustifolius] Length = 297 Score = 89.4 bits (220), Expect = 1e-18 Identities = 41/44 (93%), Positives = 41/44 (93%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQG L LPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIA PIIKEIDL Sbjct: 1 MQGELVLPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAAPIIKEIDL 44 >ACD39384.1 NAC domain protein, partial [Glycine max] Length = 298 Score = 89.0 bits (219), Expect = 2e-18 Identities = 40/44 (90%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 M G L+LPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQ+IAVPIIKEIDL Sbjct: 1 MPGELQLPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQTIAVPIIKEIDL 44 >NP_001304649.1 NAC domain-containing protein 2 [Glycine max] KHN17402.1 NAC domain-containing protein 2 [Glycine soja] ALA09234.1 NAC transcription factor [Glycine max] KRH59618.1 hypothetical protein GLYMA_05G195000 [Glycine max] Length = 298 Score = 89.0 bits (219), Expect = 2e-18 Identities = 40/44 (90%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 M G L+LPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQ+IAVPIIKEIDL Sbjct: 1 MPGELQLPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQTIAVPIIKEIDL 44 >ACU23692.1 unknown [Glycine max] Length = 119 Score = 84.7 bits (208), Expect = 2e-18 Identities = 37/44 (84%), Positives = 40/44 (90%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 M+G LELPPGFRFHPTD+ELVNHYLCRKCA Q IAVP IKE+DL Sbjct: 1 MKGELELPPGFRFHPTDEELVNHYLCRKCAGQPIAVPAIKEVDL 44 >XP_004503901.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 289 Score = 88.6 bits (218), Expect = 2e-18 Identities = 39/44 (88%), Positives = 43/44 (97%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQGAL+LPPGFRFHPTD+ELVNHYLCRKC++Q IAVPIIKEIDL Sbjct: 1 MQGALDLPPGFRFHPTDEELVNHYLCRKCSSQPIAVPIIKEIDL 44 >KYP38405.1 NAC domain-containing protein 2 [Cajanus cajan] Length = 297 Score = 88.6 bits (218), Expect = 2e-18 Identities = 40/44 (90%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQG L+LPPGFRFHPTDDELV+HYLCRKCAAQ IAVPIIKEIDL Sbjct: 1 MQGELQLPPGFRFHPTDDELVHHYLCRKCAAQPIAVPIIKEIDL 44 >XP_014524510.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [Vigna radiata var. radiata] Length = 280 Score = 88.2 bits (217), Expect = 3e-18 Identities = 39/44 (88%), Positives = 41/44 (93%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 M+G LELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCA Q IAVPIIKE+DL Sbjct: 1 MKGELELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAGQPIAVPIIKEVDL 44 >XP_003602683.1 NAC-like transcription factor [Medicago truncatula] ACJ84946.1 unknown [Medicago truncatula] AES72934.1 NAC-like transcription factor [Medicago truncatula] AFK38322.1 unknown [Medicago truncatula] Length = 292 Score = 88.2 bits (217), Expect = 3e-18 Identities = 37/44 (84%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQG LELPPGFRFHPTD+ELVNHYLCRKCA QSI+VP++KE+DL Sbjct: 1 MQGELELPPGFRFHPTDEELVNHYLCRKCAGQSISVPVVKEVDL 44 >XP_007159873.1 hypothetical protein PHAVU_002G275000g [Phaseolus vulgaris] ESW31867.1 hypothetical protein PHAVU_002G275000g [Phaseolus vulgaris] Length = 294 Score = 87.8 bits (216), Expect = 5e-18 Identities = 40/44 (90%), Positives = 40/44 (90%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQG LELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLC KCAA SIA PIIKEIDL Sbjct: 1 MQGQLELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCTKCAAHSIAAPIIKEIDL 44 >XP_003602684.1 NAC-like transcription factor [Medicago truncatula] AES72935.1 NAC-like transcription factor [Medicago truncatula] Length = 329 Score = 88.2 bits (217), Expect = 5e-18 Identities = 37/44 (84%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 MQG LELPPGFRFHPTD+ELVNHYLCRKCA QSI+VP++KE+DL Sbjct: 1 MQGELELPPGFRFHPTDEELVNHYLCRKCAGQSISVPVVKEVDL 44 >XP_007137752.1 hypothetical protein PHAVU_009G152900g [Phaseolus vulgaris] ESW09746.1 hypothetical protein PHAVU_009G152900g [Phaseolus vulgaris] Length = 286 Score = 87.0 bits (214), Expect = 8e-18 Identities = 38/44 (86%), Positives = 41/44 (93%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 M+G LELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCA Q I+VPIIKE+DL Sbjct: 1 MKGELELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAGQPISVPIIKEVDL 44 >XP_004502989.1 PREDICTED: NAC domain-containing protein 2-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 289 Score = 87.0 bits (214), Expect = 8e-18 Identities = 37/44 (84%), Positives = 42/44 (95%) Frame = -2 Query: 134 MQGALELPPGFRFHPTDDELVNHYLCRKCAAQSIAVPIIKEIDL 3 M+G LELPPGFRFHPTD+ELVNHYLCRKCA QSI+VP++KEIDL Sbjct: 1 MKGELELPPGFRFHPTDEELVNHYLCRKCAGQSISVPVVKEIDL 44