BLASTX nr result
ID: Dioscorea21_contig00038223
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Dioscorea21_contig00038223 (400 letters) Database: ./nr 23,641,837 sequences; 8,123,359,852 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_004133770.1| PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZAT9-like [Cu... 107 1e-21 ref|XP_002301264.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|2... 102 2e-20 ref|XP_002511651.1| zinc finger protein, putative [Ricinus commu... 101 6e-20 dbj|BAA21919.1| ZPT2-10 [Petunia x hybrida] gi|7959291|dbj|BAA96... 100 9e-20 dbj|BAA21927.1| ZPT3-3 [Petunia x hybrida] gi|7959293|dbj|BAA960... 100 1e-19 >ref|XP_004133770.1| PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZAT9-like [Cucumis sativus] gi|449532473|ref|XP_004173205.1| PREDICTED: zinc finger protein ZAT9-like [Cucumis sativus] Length = 317 Score = 107 bits (267), Expect = 1e-21 Identities = 57/99 (57%), Positives = 69/99 (69%), Gaps = 1/99 (1%) Frame = -1 Query: 400 DDERVSPAARSSRRTRFQCGTCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKKESKDSAKQSKPSSIPNPQI 221 DD ++ R ++C TCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKK K S + P + + Sbjct: 170 DDSEAVKFPKNRNRGNYKCETCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKK-IKVSLTYNNPQ-LGSHHE 227 Query: 220 HEATESSDANADR-IHECPICFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSHL 107 + AT SS + A+R IHECP+CFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSH+ Sbjct: 228 NAATPSSGSMAERKIHECPVCFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSHV 266 >ref|XP_002301264.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|222842990|gb|EEE80537.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 332 Score = 102 bits (255), Expect = 2e-20 Identities = 53/99 (53%), Positives = 64/99 (64%), Gaps = 1/99 (1%) Frame = -1 Query: 400 DDERVSPAARSSRRTRFQCGTCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKKESKDSAKQSKPSSIPN-PQ 224 DD + ++ R +++C TCNKVF+SYQALGGHRASHKK K PS+ P + Sbjct: 181 DDSDEFKSCKTKTRGKYKCETCNKVFKSYQALGGHRASHKK-----LKVYTPSNEPKLER 235 Query: 223 IHEATESSDANADRIHECPICFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSHL 107 A S+ + HECP CFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSHL Sbjct: 236 TENAGASTSLPEKKTHECPYCFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSHL 274 >ref|XP_002511651.1| zinc finger protein, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223548831|gb|EEF50320.1| zinc finger protein, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 272 Score = 101 bits (252), Expect = 6e-20 Identities = 50/98 (51%), Positives = 64/98 (65%) Frame = -1 Query: 400 DDERVSPAARSSRRTRFQCGTCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKKESKDSAKQSKPSSIPNPQI 221 D+ + ++ + +++C TC KVF+SYQALGGHRASHKK S Q + N Sbjct: 106 DESDEFKSCKTRIKGKYRCETCKKVFKSYQALGGHRASHKKLKLHSPIQERELETENNNN 165 Query: 220 HEATESSDANADRIHECPICFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSHL 107 + AT S + +IHECP CFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSH+ Sbjct: 166 NAATSGS-VSVKKIHECPYCFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSHV 202 >dbj|BAA21919.1| ZPT2-10 [Petunia x hybrida] gi|7959291|dbj|BAA96070.1| C2H2 zinc-finger protein ZPT2-10 [Petunia x hybrida] Length = 253 Score = 100 bits (250), Expect = 9e-20 Identities = 50/84 (59%), Positives = 59/84 (70%) Frame = -1 Query: 361 RTRFQCGTCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKKESKDSAKQSKPSSIPNPQIHEATESSDANADR 182 R ++ C TCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKK K S ++K + S+ D+ Sbjct: 126 RGKYICETCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKK-IKVSINETK---------NNGNVESEVQKDK 175 Query: 181 IHECPICFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSH 110 IHECP+C+RVFSSGQALGGHKRSH Sbjct: 176 IHECPVCYRVFSSGQALGGHKRSH 199 >dbj|BAA21927.1| ZPT3-3 [Petunia x hybrida] gi|7959293|dbj|BAA96071.1| C2H2 zinc-finger protein ZPT3-3 [Petunia x hybrida] Length = 300 Score = 100 bits (249), Expect = 1e-19 Identities = 50/85 (58%), Positives = 59/85 (69%) Frame = -1 Query: 361 RTRFQCGTCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKKESKDSAKQSKPSSIPNPQIHEATESSDANADR 182 R +++C TCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKK K SS Q+ E ++ Sbjct: 171 RGKYRCETCNKVFRSYQALGGHRASHKK--------IKVSSSSTNQVENVVE------EK 216 Query: 181 IHECPICFRVFSSGQALGGHKRSHL 107 IHECP+CFRVFSSGQALGGHKR+H+ Sbjct: 217 IHECPVCFRVFSSGQALGGHKRTHV 241