BLASTX nr result
ID: Dioscorea21_contig00031688
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Dioscorea21_contig00031688 (384 letters) Database: ./nr 23,641,837 sequences; 8,123,359,852 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value emb|CBI33742.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] 109 2e-22 ref|XP_002279137.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 109 2e-22 emb|CAN77232.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_001089 [Vitis vinifera] 109 2e-22 ref|XP_002332237.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|2... 105 5e-21 ref|XP_003550993.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 104 7e-21 >emb|CBI33742.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 562 Score = 109 bits (273), Expect = 2e-22 Identities = 47/58 (81%), Positives = 52/58 (89%) Frame = -2 Query: 383 LNTEPGMTIQIVKNLRVCGDCHAVTKLVSKITGRKIIVRDANRFHHFENGSCSCRDYW 210 +NT+PG TI+IVKNLRVC DCH VTKL+SKITGRKI+VRD NRFHHF NGSCSC DYW Sbjct: 505 INTQPGTTIKIVKNLRVCADCHEVTKLISKITGRKIVVRDRNRFHHFVNGSCSCGDYW 562 >ref|XP_002279137.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g37380, chloroplastic-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 628 Score = 109 bits (273), Expect = 2e-22 Identities = 47/58 (81%), Positives = 52/58 (89%) Frame = -2 Query: 383 LNTEPGMTIQIVKNLRVCGDCHAVTKLVSKITGRKIIVRDANRFHHFENGSCSCRDYW 210 +NT+PG TI+IVKNLRVC DCH VTKL+SKITGRKI+VRD NRFHHF NGSCSC DYW Sbjct: 571 INTQPGTTIKIVKNLRVCADCHEVTKLISKITGRKIVVRDRNRFHHFVNGSCSCGDYW 628 >emb|CAN77232.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_001089 [Vitis vinifera] Length = 575 Score = 109 bits (273), Expect = 2e-22 Identities = 47/58 (81%), Positives = 52/58 (89%) Frame = -2 Query: 383 LNTEPGMTIQIVKNLRVCGDCHAVTKLVSKITGRKIIVRDANRFHHFENGSCSCRDYW 210 +NT+PG TI+IVKNLRVC DCH VTKL+SKITGRKI+VRD NRFHHF NGSCSC DYW Sbjct: 518 INTQPGTTIKIVKNLRVCADCHEVTKLISKITGRKIVVRDRNRFHHFVNGSCSCGDYW 575 >ref|XP_002332237.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|222831850|gb|EEE70327.1| predicted protein [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 444 Score = 105 bits (261), Expect = 5e-21 Identities = 44/58 (75%), Positives = 51/58 (87%) Frame = -2 Query: 383 LNTEPGMTIQIVKNLRVCGDCHAVTKLVSKITGRKIIVRDANRFHHFENGSCSCRDYW 210 + T+PG TI+IVKNLRVC DCHAVTKL+SKITGRK+++RD NRFHHF NG CSC DYW Sbjct: 387 ITTKPGTTIKIVKNLRVCADCHAVTKLISKITGRKVVMRDRNRFHHFVNGLCSCGDYW 444 >ref|XP_003550993.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g37380, chloroplastic-like [Glycine max] Length = 628 Score = 104 bits (260), Expect = 7e-21 Identities = 45/58 (77%), Positives = 52/58 (89%) Frame = -2 Query: 383 LNTEPGMTIQIVKNLRVCGDCHAVTKLVSKITGRKIIVRDANRFHHFENGSCSCRDYW 210 ++T PG I+IVKNLRVC DCHAV K++SKI+GRKII+RD NRFHHFENGSCSCRDYW Sbjct: 571 ISTSPGAAIKIVKNLRVCLDCHAVMKIMSKISGRKIIMRDRNRFHHFENGSCSCRDYW 628