BLASTX nr result
ID: Cocculus23_contig00044541
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Cocculus23_contig00044541 (268 letters) Database: ./nr 38,876,450 sequences; 13,856,398,315 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|EKG15922.1| hypothetical protein MPH_06888 [Macrophomina phas... 82 6e-14 gb|EUN22653.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_30333 [Bipolaris ... 81 2e-13 gb|EUC29287.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_40313 [Bipolaris ... 81 2e-13 gb|EMD67578.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_34368 [Bipolaris ... 80 2e-13 gb|EUC49031.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_2098 [Bipolaris o... 77 2e-12 gb|EOA89176.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_105595 [Setosphae... 77 3e-12 gb|EMD92663.1| hypothetical protein COCHEDRAFT_1135485 [Bipolari... 75 1e-11 ref|XP_007584693.1| hypothetical protein UCRNP2_5414 [Neofusicoc... 74 2e-11 ref|XP_003850036.1| hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_110457 [Zymo... 69 5e-10 gb|EON65959.1| hypothetical protein W97_05201 [Coniosporium apol... 67 2e-09 gb|EME42926.1| hypothetical protein DOTSEDRAFT_72384 [Dothistrom... 67 2e-09 ref|XP_001931461.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora ... 67 3e-09 ref|XP_003303284.1| hypothetical protein PTT_15442 [Pyrenophora ... 65 8e-09 ref|XP_001799645.1| hypothetical protein SNOG_09350 [Phaeosphaer... 64 2e-08 gb|EMC97175.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_441546 [Baudoinia... 60 4e-07 >gb|EKG15922.1| hypothetical protein MPH_06888 [Macrophomina phaseolina MS6] Length = 555 Score = 82.4 bits (202), Expect = 6e-14 Identities = 38/89 (42%), Positives = 51/89 (57%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG++D PP++LP +I S T T +YR I L + AL FA+ L L P A Sbjct: 288 YFWGVIDAPPPTFLPVLIRTSPTLTRIYRLLITLNAIKWALTSIFALAPLFFLGILGPRA 347 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G A W+YP FG+Y+ V +GL G+W Sbjct: 348 IGARASPWMYPSTFGSYTTVLDKGLGGWW 376 >gb|EUN22653.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_30333 [Bipolaris victoriae FI3] Length = 536 Score = 80.9 bits (198), Expect = 2e-13 Identities = 39/89 (43%), Positives = 50/89 (56%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG +D PPSYLPS+IT S T YR + +L + AL FA+ L +P Sbjct: 273 YFWGYIDHDPPSYLPSLITSSPHMTHAYRMLLSMLGIKFALQCVFALAPLFFSGVLSPSL 332 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G AE W+YPD + YS V G+AG+W Sbjct: 333 LGARAEPWMYPDTWAPYSVVLDHGIAGWW 361 >gb|EUC29287.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_40313 [Bipolaris zeicola 26-R-13] Length = 536 Score = 80.9 bits (198), Expect = 2e-13 Identities = 39/89 (43%), Positives = 50/89 (56%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG +D PPSYLPS+IT S T YR + +L + AL FA+ L +P Sbjct: 273 YFWGYIDDDPPSYLPSLITSSPHMTHAYRMLLSMLGIKFALQCVFALAPLFFSGVLSPSL 332 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G AE W+YPD + YS V G+AG+W Sbjct: 333 LGARAEPWMYPDTWAPYSVVLDHGIAGWW 361 >gb|EMD67578.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_34368 [Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr] Length = 536 Score = 80.5 bits (197), Expect = 2e-13 Identities = 38/89 (42%), Positives = 51/89 (57%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG +D PPSYLPS+IT S T YR + +L + AL FA+ L +P Sbjct: 273 YFWGYIDHDPPSYLPSLITSSPHMTHAYRMLLSMLGIKFALQCVFALAPLFFSGVLSPSL 332 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G AE W+YP+ + +YS V G+AG+W Sbjct: 333 LGARAEPWMYPETWAHYSVVLDHGIAGWW 361 >gb|EUC49031.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_2098 [Bipolaris oryzae ATCC 44560] Length = 536 Score = 77.4 bits (189), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 37/89 (41%), Positives = 50/89 (56%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG ++ PPSYLPS+IT S T YR + +L + AL FA+ L +P Sbjct: 273 YFWGYINHDPPSYLPSLITSSPHMTHAYRMLLSMLGIKFALQCVFALAPLFFSGVLSPSL 332 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G AE W+YP+ + YS V G+AG+W Sbjct: 333 LGARAEPWMYPETWAPYSVVLDHGIAGWW 361 >gb|EOA89176.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_105595 [Setosphaeria turcica Et28A] Length = 541 Score = 77.0 bits (188), Expect = 3e-12 Identities = 35/89 (39%), Positives = 50/89 (56%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG + + PPS+ P ++T S T YR + +L + AL F +P L +P Sbjct: 278 YFWGYVHRPPPSHFPWVLTNSPVLTHTYRLFLSMLGIKYALQSVFCLPPLFFSGILSPSL 337 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G AE W+YP+ +G YS V +GLAG+W Sbjct: 338 LGARAEPWMYPETWGPYSVVLDKGLAGWW 366 >gb|EMD92663.1| hypothetical protein COCHEDRAFT_1135485 [Bipolaris maydis C5] gi|477591286|gb|ENI08359.1| hypothetical protein COCC4DRAFT_190087 [Bipolaris maydis ATCC 48331] Length = 536 Score = 75.1 bits (183), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 36/89 (40%), Positives = 49/89 (55%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG + PPSYLPS+IT S T YR + +L + AL F++ L +P Sbjct: 273 YFWGYIYHDPPSYLPSLITSSPHMTHAYRMVLSMLGIKFALQCVFSLAPLFFSGVLSPSL 332 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G AE W+YP+ + YS V G+AG+W Sbjct: 333 LGARAEPWMYPETWAPYSVVLDNGIAGWW 361 >ref|XP_007584693.1| hypothetical protein UCRNP2_5414 [Neofusicoccum parvum UCRNP2] gi|485922304|gb|EOD47847.1| hypothetical protein UCRNP2_5414 [Neofusicoccum parvum UCRNP2] Length = 467 Score = 73.9 bits (180), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 35/89 (39%), Positives = 46/89 (51%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWGL PS+LP I S T +R + L + AL FA+ L + P A Sbjct: 227 YFWGLTTAPGPSFLPPFIRHSPTLLRTFRLIVSLFAIKTALTTIFAMAPLFFIGLLGPRA 286 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G A W+YPD FG++ +V GLAG+W Sbjct: 287 IGARASPWMYPDTFGSFRSVLDHGLAGWW 315 >ref|XP_003850036.1| hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_110457 [Zymoseptoria tritici IPO323] gi|339469914|gb|EGP85012.1| hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_110457 [Zymoseptoria tritici IPO323] Length = 530 Score = 69.3 bits (168), Expect = 5e-10 Identities = 35/90 (38%), Positives = 45/90 (50%), Gaps = 1/90 (1%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG MD PP++LP +I SA YR + L + L+ F + L P Sbjct: 267 YFWGYMDAPPPAFLPDMIRSSAVLVKCYRLLLSLAGIHTPLLEIFRLGPLFFCGVLGPPI 326 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLY-PDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G E W+ PD FGN S + +GLAGFW Sbjct: 327 LGARGEAWMNPPDFFGNLSTIFNKGLAGFW 356 >gb|EON65959.1| hypothetical protein W97_05201 [Coniosporium apollinis CBS 100218] Length = 550 Score = 67.4 bits (163), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 31/89 (34%), Positives = 45/89 (50%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG PPS+ P+ + S V R + L V +L+ F + L + P+ Sbjct: 288 YFWGQPHLPPPSWYPAAVRASPLLLRVVRLALTLFAVKSSLLCLFTLAPLFFVGVLGPKV 347 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G E W+YPD +G+Y NV +GL G+W Sbjct: 348 IGARGEPWMYPDTWGSYRNVFDKGLTGWW 376 >gb|EME42926.1| hypothetical protein DOTSEDRAFT_72384 [Dothistroma septosporum NZE10] Length = 548 Score = 67.4 bits (163), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 33/90 (36%), Positives = 46/90 (51%), Gaps = 1/90 (1%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG M PP++LP+ I S + YR + L +W AL+ F + L P Sbjct: 285 YFWGYMSAPPPTWLPAYIQSSYSLVKSYRLLVSLAGIWVALLEIFRLGPLFFCGVLGPSV 344 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYP-DQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G E W+ P D FGN++ V G+AG+W Sbjct: 345 IGIRGEPWMNPMDFFGNFNAVLDNGIAGWW 374 >ref|XP_001931461.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] gi|187973067|gb|EDU40566.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] Length = 538 Score = 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 35/90 (38%), Positives = 50/90 (55%), Gaps = 1/90 (1%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPS-YLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPE 91 YFWG +D+APPS YLP ++ + ++Y + + + AL FA+ L L TP Sbjct: 278 YFWGQIDRAPPSTYLP----QNPVFRNIYHPALTMFGIQYALQSIFALAPLILCGLLTPS 333 Query: 90 AAGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G AE W +P +G YS V +GLAG+W Sbjct: 334 FLGARAEIWSHPPTWGPYSIVLEQGLAGWW 363 >ref|XP_003303284.1| hypothetical protein PTT_15442 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] gi|311320805|gb|EFQ88624.1| hypothetical protein PTT_15442 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] Length = 419 Score = 65.5 bits (158), Expect = 8e-09 Identities = 33/90 (36%), Positives = 50/90 (55%), Gaps = 1/90 (1%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPS-YLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPE 91 YFWG +D+ PPS YLP +++ + ++Y + + + AL FA+ L L TP Sbjct: 159 YFWGQIDRPPPSSYLP----QNSVFRNIYHLALTMFGIQYALQSVFALAPLILCGILTPS 214 Query: 90 AAGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G AE W +P +G Y+ V +GLAG+W Sbjct: 215 LLGARAEIWSHPPTWGTYNVVLEQGLAGWW 244 >ref|XP_001799645.1| hypothetical protein SNOG_09350 [Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15] gi|160702512|gb|EAT83542.2| hypothetical protein SNOG_09350 [Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15] Length = 390 Score = 64.3 bits (155), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 35/90 (38%), Positives = 46/90 (51%), Gaps = 1/90 (1%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLP-SIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPE 91 YFWGL+D+ P Y P S S + R + +L V AL FA+ L S P Sbjct: 126 YFWGLVDRPAPDYPPYSFFASSPALIHITRLALSMLGVKTALQTIFALGPLFFSSLLGPA 185 Query: 90 AAGCNAEGWLYPDQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G AE W+YP+ + YS V +GLAG+W Sbjct: 186 LLGARAEVWMYPETWAPYSIVLDKGLAGWW 215 >gb|EMC97175.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_441546 [Baudoinia compniacensis UAMH 10762] Length = 540 Score = 59.7 bits (143), Expect = 4e-07 Identities = 29/90 (32%), Positives = 45/90 (50%), Gaps = 1/90 (1%) Frame = -2 Query: 267 YFWGLMDQAPPSYLPSIITESATWTSVYRTTIILLFVWQALVLSFAIPHLALLSFFTPEA 88 YFWG D P ++P+++ +S T YR + L ++ AL F + P+ Sbjct: 277 YFWGYTDSPAPVFMPTVVRDSYFLTKTYRLLLSLAAIYFALWTIFKLGPAFFCGILGPKW 336 Query: 87 AGCNAEGWLYP-DQFGNYSNVAVRGLAGFW 1 G E W+ P D FG++ V +GLAG+W Sbjct: 337 IGVRGEPWMNPADSFGSFMPVLDKGLAGWW 366