BLASTX nr result
ID: Catharanthus22_contig00026142
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Catharanthus22_contig00026142 (479 letters) Database: ./nr 37,332,560 sequences; 13,225,080,153 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|ADD63027.1| photosystem II protein M [Potamophila parviflora] 84 3e-14 ref|YP_008757427.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M (ch... 84 3e-14 gb|ADD63094.1| photosystem II protein M [Microlaena stipoides] 78 1e-12 ref|XP_002888353.1| hypothetical protein ARALYDRAFT_893970 [Arab... 70 3e-10 ref|NP_051053.1| photosystem II protein M [Arabidopsis thaliana]... 67 3e-09 ref|XP_003605618.1| Photosystem II reaction center protein M [Me... 66 4e-09 gb|ADD30418.1| photosystem II protein M [Aucuba japonica] gi|290... 66 4e-09 ref|YP_740644.1| photosystem II protein M [Nandina domestica] gi... 66 4e-09 ref|YP_008578533.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ascl... 66 6e-09 ref|YP_008080492.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Phar... 65 7e-09 ref|NP_043013.1| photosystem II protein M [Zea mays] gi|48478761... 65 9e-09 gb|AGW04281.1| photosystem II protein M [Secamone afzelii] 65 9e-09 ref|YP_006666287.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pach... 65 9e-09 gb|AFK38374.1| unknown [Medicago truncatula] 65 9e-09 ref|YP_001542441.1| photosystem II protein M [Ceratophyllum deme... 65 9e-09 ref|YP_784467.1| photosystem II protein M [Piper cenocladum] gi|... 65 9e-09 ref|YP_008994562.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pela... 65 1e-08 gb|AAZ66146.1| PsbM [Symplocos bogotensis] gi|72011464|gb|AAZ661... 65 1e-08 ref|YP_398315.1| photosystem II reaction center M protein [Lactu... 65 1e-08 ref|NP_084794.1| photosystem II M protein [Lotus japonicus] gi|3... 65 1e-08 >gb|ADD63027.1| photosystem II protein M [Potamophila parviflora] Length = 69 Score = 83.6 bits (205), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 44/51 (86%), Positives = 46/51 (90%) Frame = -3 Query: 300 SLWD*IPSYCEVKKD*IMEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 S WD IPSYCE K+ +MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND Sbjct: 21 SPWDYIPSYCEKKE--VMEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 69 >ref|YP_008757427.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M (chloroplast) [Oryza rufipogon] gi|42795544|gb|AAS46110.1| photosystem II M protein [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] gi|42795608|gb|AAS46173.1| photosystem II M protein [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] gi|290790563|gb|ADD62823.1| photosystem II protein M [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] gi|290790632|gb|ADD62891.1| photosystem II protein M [Oryza meridionalis] gi|290790701|gb|ADD62959.1| photosystem II protein M [Oryza australiensis] gi|552954465|gb|AGY48933.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M (chloroplast) [Oryza rufipogon] Length = 69 Score = 83.6 bits (205), Expect = 3e-14 Identities = 44/51 (86%), Positives = 46/51 (90%) Frame = -3 Query: 300 SLWD*IPSYCEVKKD*IMEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 S WD IPSYCE K+ +MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND Sbjct: 21 SPWDYIPSYCEKKE--VMEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 69 >gb|ADD63094.1| photosystem II protein M [Microlaena stipoides] Length = 69 Score = 78.2 bits (191), Expect = 1e-12 Identities = 43/56 (76%), Positives = 45/56 (80%) Frame = -3 Query: 315 VKGLSSLWD*IPSYCEVKKD*IMEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 V S WD IPSY E K+ +MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKT SQND Sbjct: 16 VSPFPSPWDYIPSYYEKKE--VMEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTASQND 69 >ref|XP_002888353.1| hypothetical protein ARALYDRAFT_893970 [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] gi|297334194|gb|EFH64612.1| hypothetical protein ARALYDRAFT_893970 [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] Length = 120 Score = 70.1 bits (170), Expect = 3e-10 Identities = 37/54 (68%), Positives = 40/54 (74%), Gaps = 4/54 (7%) Frame = +1 Query: 145 LIILTNCFYVNDK*KGGRN*NE*CSSNKCKNIDFHNLI----FFYFAITRDLIP 294 LIILTN FYVN K K RN NE C SNKCKNI FHNLI +F+F I+RDLIP Sbjct: 67 LIILTNGFYVNYKQKSSRNENEECGSNKCKNIYFHNLIVYYYYFFFLISRDLIP 120 >ref|NP_051053.1| photosystem II protein M [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|11465948|ref|NP_054490.1| photosystem II protein M [Nicotiana tabacum] gi|11466775|ref|NP_039371.1| photosystem II protein M [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] gi|11497518|ref|NP_054926.1| photosystem II protein M [Spinacia oleracea] gi|28261711|ref|NP_783226.1| photosystem II protein M [Atropa belladonna] gi|50233959|ref|YP_052737.1| photosystem II protein M [Oryza nivara] gi|50346776|ref|YP_053149.1| photosystem II protein M [Nymphaea alba] gi|75755653|ref|YP_319759.1| photosystem II protein M [Acorus calamus] gi|78102526|ref|YP_358667.1| photosystem II protein M [Nicotiana sylvestris] gi|78103247|ref|YP_358572.1| photosystem II protein M [Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. formosana] gi|81301557|ref|YP_398854.1| photosystem II protein M [Nicotiana tomentosiformis] gi|91208982|ref|YP_538842.1| photosystem II protein M [Solanum bulbocastanum] gi|94502477|ref|YP_588103.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus annuus] gi|108773124|ref|YP_635633.1| photosystem II protein M [Solanum tuberosum] gi|114107040|ref|YP_740196.1| photosystem II protein M [Liriodendron tulipifera] gi|114329740|ref|YP_740559.1| photosystem II protein M [Platanus occidentalis] gi|115391896|ref|YP_778484.1| photosystem II protein M [Jasminum nudiflorum] gi|115604928|ref|YP_784380.1| photosystem II protein M [Drimys granadensis] gi|121720607|ref|YP_001001528.1| photosystem II protein M [Nuphar advena] gi|122893984|ref|YP_001004180.1| photosystem II protein M [Ranunculus macranthus] gi|139387246|ref|YP_001123367.1| photosystem II protein M [Capsella bursa-pastoris] gi|139388088|ref|YP_001123280.1| PSII low MW protein [Barbarea verna] gi|139388904|ref|YP_001123631.1| photosystem II protein M [Lepidium virginicum] gi|139389090|ref|YP_001123808.1| photosystem II protein M [Nasturtium officinale] gi|139389412|ref|YP_001123109.1| photosystem II protein M [Olimarabidopsis pumila] gi|139389795|ref|YP_001123456.1| photosystem II protein M [Crucihimalaya wallichii] gi|149390262|ref|YP_001294092.1| photosystem II protein M [Chloranthus spicatus] gi|149390348|ref|YP_001294346.1| photosystem II protein M [Dioscorea elephantipes] gi|149390436|ref|YP_001294264.1| photosystem II protein M [Illicium oligandrum] gi|149390534|ref|YP_001294178.1| photosystem II protein M [Buxus microphylla] gi|157325524|ref|YP_001468302.1| photosystem II protein M [Ipomoea purpurea] gi|161622304|ref|YP_001586176.1| photosystem II protein M [Acorus americanus] gi|161784186|ref|YP_001595502.1| PSII M protein [Lemna minor] gi|183217727|ref|YP_001837346.1| photosystem II protein M [Guizotia abyssinica] gi|189162265|ref|YP_001936511.1| photosystem II protein M [Fagopyrum esculentum subsp. ancestrale] gi|229577748|ref|YP_002836084.1| photosystem II protein M [Megaleranthis saniculifolia] gi|253729545|ref|YP_003029728.1| PsbM [Bambusa oldhamii] gi|255961371|ref|YP_003097564.1| photosystem II protein M [Dendrocalamus latiflorus] gi|283794962|ref|YP_003359353.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Olea europaea] gi|289065083|ref|YP_003433969.1| photosystem II protein M [Typha latifolia] gi|292559503|ref|YP_003540925.1| photosystem II protein M [Phoenix dactylifera] gi|295065716|ref|YP_003587656.1| photosystem II protein M [Anomochloa marantoidea] gi|313183987|ref|YP_004021144.1| photosystem II protein M [Castanea mollissima] gi|330850737|ref|YP_004376415.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. europaea] gi|334361943|ref|YP_004563861.1| photosystem II protein M [Nelumbo lutea] gi|334362043|ref|YP_004564097.1| photosystem II protein M [Nelumbo nucifera] gi|334700276|ref|YP_004563775.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata] gi|334701613|ref|YP_004563998.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea woodiana subsp. woodiana] gi|334701788|ref|YP_004564358.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ageratina adenophora] gi|334701882|ref|YP_004564491.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. maroccana] gi|339906441|ref|YP_004733233.1| photosystem II protein M [Indocalamus longiauritus] gi|340034015|ref|YP_004733567.1| photosystem II protein M [Phyllostachys edulis] gi|340034186|ref|YP_004733749.1| photosystem II protein M [Acidosasa purpurea] gi|340034354|ref|YP_004733967.1| photosystem II protein M [Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis] gi|340034439|ref|YP_004734090.1| photosystem II protein M [Bambusa emeiensis] gi|340034525|ref|YP_004734174.1| photosystem II protein M [Ferrocalamus rimosivaginus] gi|342316115|ref|YP_004769624.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Spirodela polyrhiza] gi|342316199|ref|YP_004769708.1| photosystem II protein M [Magnolia kwangsiensis] gi|342316284|ref|YP_004769806.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Wolffiella lingulata] gi|342316368|ref|YP_004769941.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Wolffia australiana] gi|351653870|ref|YP_004891595.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Nicotiana undulata] gi|359422255|ref|YP_004935660.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Sesamum indicum] gi|364283978|ref|YP_004940504.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Boea hygrometrica] gi|374249255|ref|YP_005087998.1| psbM gene product [Leersia tisserantii] gi|374249339|ref|YP_005088521.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Phyllostachys propinqua] gi|374249608|ref|YP_005089135.1| psbM gene product [Rhynchoryza subulata] gi|374249698|ref|YP_005089328.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Silene vulgaris] gi|374249780|ref|YP_005089409.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Silene noctiflora] gi|374249862|ref|YP_005089490.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Silene conica] gi|374249944|ref|YP_005089571.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Silene latifolia] gi|377819372|ref|YP_005097868.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Colocasia esculenta] gi|378758403|ref|YP_005296407.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Oryza meridionalis] gi|383931184|ref|YP_006073098.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Elaeis guineensis] gi|385153482|ref|YP_006073262.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Phalaenopsis equestris] gi|386799159|ref|YP_006280748.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Oryza rufipogon] gi|394831096|ref|YP_006503785.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Datura stramonium] gi|400256582|ref|YP_006576109.1| PsbM (chloroplast) [Magnolia denudata] gi|404474405|ref|YP_006665774.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Elodea canadensis] gi|404474519|ref|YP_006666024.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Capsicum annuum] gi|435856367|ref|YP_007317242.1| PSII M protein (chloroplast) [Camellia sinensis] gi|442742957|ref|YP_007353909.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Tectona grandis] gi|443267301|ref|YP_007375037.1| photosystem II protein M [Quercus rubra] gi|452848682|ref|YP_007474364.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia officinalis] gi|452848765|ref|YP_007474446.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba] gi|452848850|ref|YP_007474530.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia grandiflora] gi|452849471|ref|YP_007475128.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Arundinaria gigantea] gi|456061445|ref|YP_007475613.1| photosystem II protein M [Heliconia collinsiana] gi|456061550|ref|YP_007475698.1| photosystem II protein M [Zingiber spectabile] gi|456061652|ref|YP_007475783.1| photosystem II protein M [Pseudophoenix vinifera] gi|456061764|ref|YP_007475955.1| photosystem II protein M [Bismarckia nobilis] gi|456061880|ref|YP_007476041.1| photosystem II protein M [Dasypogon bromeliifolius] gi|456330886|ref|YP_007475869.1| photosystem II protein M [Calamus caryotoides] gi|456330984|ref|YP_007476345.1| PsbM (chloroplast) [Trithuria inconspicua] gi|459014487|ref|YP_007507105.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Salvia miltiorrhiza] gi|484759639|ref|YP_007889936.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pachycladon cheesemanii] gi|511348330|ref|YP_008081259.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Catharanthus roseus] gi|511348432|ref|YP_008081359.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Tetracentron sinense] gi|511348525|ref|YP_008081451.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Trochodendron aralioides] gi|519704498|ref|YP_008082575.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Utricularia gibba] gi|529249791|ref|YP_008378780.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Najas flexilis] gi|542688193|ref|YP_008520133.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia taliensis] gi|544163607|ref|YP_008563082.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Solanum lycopersicum] gi|546138053|ref|YP_008578279.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Cocos nucifera] gi|552539667|ref|YP_008592751.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia cuspidata] gi|552540912|ref|YP_008592840.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia danzaiensis] gi|552541009|ref|YP_008592927.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia impressinervis] gi|552541103|ref|YP_008593105.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia yunnanensis] gi|552541297|ref|YP_008592482.1| PSII M protein (chloroplast) [Andrographis paniculata] gi|552546262|ref|YP_008593016.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia pitardii] gi|558603860|ref|YP_008815931.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Lindenbergia philippensis] gi|563940546|ref|YP_008854419.1| photosystem II protein M [Musa textilis] gi|563940649|ref|YP_008854505.1| photosystem II protein M [Ravenala madagascariensis] gi|567853685|ref|YP_008854588.1| photosystem II protein M [Curcuma roscoeana] gi|568244553|ref|YP_008963300.1| photosystem II protein M [Camellia oleifera] gi|568244728|ref|YP_008963474.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Penthorum chinense] gi|568245193|ref|YP_008964343.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus divaricatus] gi|568245279|ref|YP_008964428.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus decapetalus] gi|568245365|ref|YP_008964683.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus strumosus] gi|568245451|ref|YP_008964768.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus maximiliani] gi|568247097|ref|YP_008964028.1| photosystem II protein M [Ajuga reptans] gi|568247143|ref|YP_008964173.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus giganteus] gi|568247229|ref|YP_008964258.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus grosseserratus] gi|568247315|ref|YP_008964513.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus hirsutus] gi|568247401|ref|YP_008964598.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus tuberosus] gi|570700303|ref|YP_008993963.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pharus lappulaceus] gi|570759745|ref|YP_008993170.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Magnolia cathcartii] gi|570759832|ref|YP_008993256.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Magnolia dealbata] gi|570759919|ref|YP_008993342.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Magnolia pyramidata] gi|570760006|ref|YP_008993428.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Magnolia kobus] gi|570760093|ref|YP_008993514.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Magnolia liliifera] gi|570760178|ref|YP_008993600.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Magnolia odora] gi|570772190|ref|YP_008993772.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Magnolia sinica] gi|570772288|ref|YP_008993858.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Magnolia sprengeri] gi|573972368|ref|YP_008993686.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Magnolia salicifolia] gi|575669204|ref|YP_008964861.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Schwalbea americana] gi|575925624|ref|YP_009000009.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene conoidea] gi|576312286|ref|YP_009000170.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene paradoxa] gi|576999541|ref|YP_009000090.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene chalcedonica] gi|586929220|ref|YP_009001981.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Puelia olyriformis] gi|587005072|ref|YP_009002252.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pinguicula ehlersiae] gi|544170665|ref|AP_004922.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Solanum lycopersicum] gi|49065803|sp|P62109.1|PSBM_ARATH RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|49065805|sp|P62111.1|PSBM_TOBAC RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|49065806|sp|P62112.1|PSBM_SPIOL RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|61214668|sp|Q5IBK3.1|PSBM_PLALA RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|61214952|sp|Q6ENI6.1|PSBM_ORYNI RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|61214968|sp|Q6EW54.1|PSBM_NYMAL RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|61215132|sp|Q7FNT0.1|PSBM_ATRBE RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122164447|sp|Q06H03.1|PSBM_DRIGR RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122164979|sp|Q06RD7.1|PSBM_JASNU RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122166041|sp|Q09G52.1|PSBM_PLAOC RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122179586|sp|Q1KXX3.1|PSBM_HELAN RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122201791|sp|Q2MIA6.1|PSBM_SOLLC RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122201833|sp|Q2MIJ3.1|PSBM_SOLBU RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122209898|sp|Q2VEI2.1|PSBM_SOLTU RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122212913|sp|Q33C43.1|PSBM_NICTO RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122213441|sp|Q3BAP6.1|PSBM_PHAAO RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122213539|sp|Q3C1G4.1|PSBM_NICSY RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122217422|sp|Q3V540.1|PSBM_ACOCL RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122233821|sp|Q0G9M5.1|PSBM_LIRTU RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|148887148|sp|P0C411.1|PSBM_ORYSA RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|148887149|sp|P0C412.1|PSBM_ORYSI RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|148887150|sp|P0C413.1|PSBM_ORYSJ RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|171769948|sp|A7Y3C1.1|PSBM_IPOPU RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044402|sp|A4QJS7.1|PSBM_OLIPU RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044406|sp|A4QK99.1|PSBM_BARVE RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044408|sp|A4QKI6.1|PSBM_CAPBU RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044410|sp|A4QKS5.1|PSBM_CRUWA RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044414|sp|A4QLA0.1|PSBM_LEPVR RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044418|sp|A4QLS7.1|PSBM_NASOF RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172048415|sp|A9L990.1|PSBM_LEMMI RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172048676|sp|A6MM30.1|PSBM_BUXMI RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172048685|sp|A6MMB6.1|PSBM_CHLSC RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172048694|sp|A6MMK1.1|PSBM_DIOEL RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172048703|sp|A6MMT8.1|PSBM_ILLOL RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|19920159|gb|AAM08591.1|AC092750_25 Putative PSII low MW protein from chromosome 10 chloroplast insertion [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] gi|21327351|gb|AAM48256.1|AC122148_9 Putative PSII low MW protein from chromosome 10 chloroplast insertion [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] gi|11969|emb|CAA33984.1| PSII low MW protein [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] gi|2924261|emb|CAA77413.1| PSII M-protein [Nicotiana tabacum] gi|5881688|dbj|BAA84379.1| PSII low MW protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|7636099|emb|CAB88719.1| PSII M-protein [Spinacia oleracea] gi|20068325|emb|CAC88038.1| PSII M protein [Atropa belladonna] gi|21628656|emb|CAD36619.1| photosystem II polypeptide M [Quercus petraea] gi|49614983|dbj|BAD26766.1| PSII low MW protein [Oryza nivara] gi|50250321|emb|CAF28587.1| PSII low MW protein [Nymphaea alba] gi|57115540|gb|AAW33074.1| photosystem II protein M [Plantago australis] gi|57115543|gb|AAW33076.1| photosystem II protein M [Plantago coronopus] gi|57115546|gb|AAW33078.1| photosystem II protein M [Plantago lanceolata] gi|57115549|gb|AAW33080.1| photosystem II protein M [Plantago media] gi|57115552|gb|AAW33082.1| photosystem II protein M [Plantago rigida] gi|57115555|gb|AAW33084.1| photosystem II protein M [Plantago rugelii] gi|58802777|gb|AAW82497.1| photosystem II M protein [Phalaenopsis aphrodite subsp. formosana] gi|69217310|gb|AAZ04027.1| photosystem II protein M [Acorus americanus] gi|69217314|gb|AAZ04029.1| photosystem II protein M [Nuphar advena] gi|69217316|gb|AAZ04030.1| photosystem II protein M [Ranunculus macranthus] gi|69217318|gb|AAZ04031.1| photosystem II protein M [Typha latifolia] gi|72011389|gb|AAZ66142.1| PsbM [Symplocos chinensis] gi|72011392|gb|AAZ66144.1| PsbM [Symplocos paniculata] gi|72011398|gb|AAZ66148.1| PsbM [Symplocos celastrinea] gi|72011404|gb|AAZ66152.1| PsbM [Symplocos pentandra] gi|72011410|gb|AAZ66156.1| PsbM [Symplocos tinctoria] gi|72011413|gb|AAZ66158.1| PsbM [Symplocos lanata] gi|72011419|gb|AAZ66162.1| PsbM [Symplocos austin-smithii] gi|72011422|gb|AAZ66164.1| PsbM [Symplocos austin-smithii] gi|72011425|gb|AAZ66166.1| PsbM [Symplocos austromexicana] gi|72011428|gb|AAZ66168.1| PsbM [Symplocos berteroi] gi|72011431|gb|AAZ66170.1| PsbM [Symplocos breedlovei] gi|72011434|gb|AAZ66172.1| PsbM [Symplocos citrea] gi|72011437|gb|AAZ66174.1| PsbM [Symplocos coccinea] gi|72011440|gb|AAZ66176.1| PsbM [Symplocos costaricana] gi|72011443|gb|AAZ66178.1| PsbM [Symplocos fuscata] gi|72011446|gb|AAZ66180.1| PsbM [Symplocos hartwegii] gi|72011449|gb|AAZ66182.1| PsbM [Symplocos limoncillo] gi|72011452|gb|AAZ66184.1| PsbM [Symplocos martinicensis] gi|72011455|gb|AAZ66186.1| PsbM [Symplocos matudae] gi|72011458|gb|AAZ66188.1| PsbM [Symplocos nitens] gi|72011461|gb|AAZ66190.1| PsbM [Symplocos povedae] gi|72011470|gb|AAZ66196.1| PsbM [Symplocos reflexa] gi|72011473|gb|AAZ66198.1| PsbM [Symplocos serrulata] gi|72011482|gb|AAZ66204.1| PsbM [Symplocos sp. Clark et al. 8252] gi|72011488|gb|AAZ66208.1| PsbM [Symplocos striata] gi|72011491|gb|AAZ66210.1| PsbM [Symplocos sulcinervia] gi|72011497|gb|AAZ66214.1| PsbM [Symplocos tribracteolata] gi|72011500|gb|AAZ66216.1| PsbM [Symplocos uniflora] gi|72011503|gb|AAZ66218.1| PsbM [Symplocos verrucisurcula] gi|72011506|gb|AAZ66220.1| PsbM [Symplocos candelabra] gi|72011509|gb|AAZ66222.1| PsbM [Symplocos falcata] gi|72011512|gb|AAZ66224.1| PsbM [Symplocos falcata] gi|72011515|gb|AAZ66226.1| PsbM [Symplocos organensis] gi|72011518|gb|AAZ66228.1| PsbM [Symplocos microstyla] gi|72011524|gb|AAZ66232.1| PsbM [Symplocos dryophila] gi|72011527|gb|AAZ66234.1| PsbM [Symplocos lancifolia] gi|72011530|gb|AAZ66236.1| PsbM [Symplocos macrophylla] gi|72011539|gb|AAZ66242.1| PsbM [Symplocos ovatilobata] gi|72011554|gb|AAZ66252.1| PsbM [Symplocos phyllocalyx] gi|72011557|gb|AAZ66254.1| PsbM [Symplocos setchuensis] gi|72011560|gb|AAZ66256.1| PsbM [Symplocos tetragona] gi|72011563|gb|AAZ66258.1| PsbM [Symplocos arborea] gi|72011578|gb|AAZ66268.1| PsbM [Symplocos sumuntia] gi|72011584|gb|AAZ66272.1| PsbM [Symplocos adenophylla] gi|72011587|gb|AAZ66274.1| PsbM [Symplocos congesta] gi|72011590|gb|AAZ66276.1| PsbM [Symplocos euryoides] gi|72011599|gb|AAZ66282.1| PsbM [Symplocos glomerata] gi|72011602|gb|AAZ66284.1| PsbM [Symplocos grandis] gi|72011605|gb|AAZ66286.1| PsbM [Symplocos stellaris] gi|72011608|gb|AAZ66288.1| PsbM [Symplocos caerulescens] gi|74381703|emb|CAI53788.1| PSII low MW protein [Acorus calamus] gi|77799553|dbj|BAE46642.1| PSII M-protein [Nicotiana sylvestris] gi|80750916|dbj|BAE47992.1| PSII M-protein [Nicotiana tomentosiformis] gi|82754623|gb|ABB90037.1| photosystem II M protein [Solanum tuberosum] gi|84371889|gb|ABC56207.1| photosystem II protein M [Solanum bulbocastanum] gi|84371977|gb|ABC56294.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Solanum lycopersicum] gi|84682198|gb|ABC60452.1| photosystem II protein M [Nuphar advena] gi|85540798|gb|ABC70750.1| photosystem II protein M [Ranunculus macranthus] gi|88656798|gb|ABD47051.1| photosystem II protein M [Solanum tuberosum] gi|88656881|gb|ABD47132.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus annuus] gi|88696764|gb|ABD48489.1| PSII M protein [Lemna minor] gi|89241665|emb|CAJ32387.1| photosystem II protein M [Solanum lycopersicum] gi|110456217|gb|ABG74622.1| PSII M protein [Jasminum nudiflorum] gi|112032656|gb|ABH88291.1| photosystem II protein M [Drimys granadensis] gi|113200988|gb|ABI32503.1| photosystem II protein M [Liriodendron tulipifera] gi|114054378|gb|ABI49772.1| photosystem II protein M [Platanus occidentalis] gi|134286306|dbj|BAF49933.1| PSII low MW protein [Olimarabidopsis pumila] gi|134286479|dbj|BAF50104.1| PSII low MW protein [Barbarea verna] gi|134286567|dbj|BAF50191.1| PSII low MW protein [Capsella bursa-pastoris] gi|134286657|dbj|BAF50280.1| PSII low MW protein [Crucihimalaya wallichii] gi|134286834|dbj|BAF50455.1| PSII low MW protein [Lepidium virginicum] gi|134287013|dbj|BAF50632.1| PSII low MW protein [Nasturtium officinale] gi|146744182|gb|ABQ43254.1| photosystem II protein M [Chloranthus spicatus] gi|146762279|gb|ABQ45243.1| photosystem II protein M [Buxus microphylla] gi|147917389|gb|ABQ52513.1| photosystem II protein M [Illicium oligandrum] gi|148668040|gb|ABR01424.1| photosystem II protein M [Dioscorea elephantipes] gi|156598156|gb|ABU85342.1| photosystem II protein M [Elaeis oleifera] gi|156598348|gb|ABU85434.1| photosystem II protein M [Musa acuminata] gi|156598649|gb|ABU85580.1| photosystem II protein M [Scaevola aemula] gi|157056752|gb|ABV02342.1| photosystem II protein M [Ipomoea purpurea] gi|160369847|gb|ABX38738.1| photosystem II protein M [Acorus americanus] gi|166065351|gb|ABY79726.1| photosystem II protein M [Fagopyrum esculentum subsp. ancestrale] gi|179366242|gb|ACB86513.1| photosystem II protein M [Guizotia abyssinica] gi|224474128|gb|ACN49317.1| photosystem II protein M [Nelumbo lutea] gi|224474216|gb|ACN49402.1| photosystem II protein M [Nelumbo nucifera] gi|226933876|gb|ACO92009.1| photosystem II protein M [Megaleranthis saniculifolia] gi|246367055|gb|ACS94666.1| PsbM [Bambusa oldhamii] gi|251765240|gb|ACT15394.1| photosystem II protein M [Anomochloa marantoidea] gi|255040248|gb|ACT99908.1| photosystem II protein M [Dendrocalamus latiflorus] gi|281371766|gb|ADA63693.1| photosystem II protein M [Typha latifolia] gi|281428681|gb|ADA69920.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Olea europaea] gi|290488066|gb|ADD30417.1| photosystem II protein M [Antirrhinum majus] gi|290488070|gb|ADD30419.1| photosystem II protein M [Dillenia indica] gi|290488072|gb|ADD30420.1| photosystem II protein M [Ehretia acuminata] gi|290488074|gb|ADD30421.1| photosystem II protein M [Ilex cornuta] gi|290488078|gb|ADD30423.1| photosystem II protein M [Meliosma aff. cuneifolia Moore 333] gi|290488080|gb|ADD30424.1| photosystem II protein M [Nelumbo nucifera] gi|290488082|gb|ADD30425.1| photosystem II protein M [Nerium oleander] gi|290488090|gb|ADD30429.1| photosystem II protein M [Berberidopsis corallina] gi|290488100|gb|ADD30434.1| photosystem II protein M [Gunnera manicata] gi|290488106|gb|ADD30437.1| photosystem II protein M [Oxalis latifolia] gi|290488110|gb|ADD30439.1| photosystem II protein M [Quercus nigra] gi|290488114|gb|ADD30441.1| photosystem II protein M [Trochodendron aralioides] gi|290790911|gb|ADD63166.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Phoenix dactylifera] gi|291059247|gb|ADD72083.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea] gi|294620571|gb|ADF28140.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Phoenix dactylifera] gi|302424174|gb|ADL39050.1| photosystem II protein M [Magnolia kwangsiensis] gi|307133875|gb|ADN32880.1| photosystem II protein M [Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis] gi|308742591|gb|ADO33442.1| photosystem II protein M [Smilax china] gi|309321514|gb|ADO65054.1| photosystem II protein M [Castanea mollissima] gi|309321606|gb|ADO65131.1| photosystem II protein M [Acidosasa purpurea] gi|309321690|gb|ADO65214.1| photosystem II protein M [Ferrocalamus rimosivaginus] gi|309321774|gb|ADO65297.1| photosystem II protein M [Indocalamus longiauritus] gi|309321857|gb|ADO65379.1| photosystem II protein M [Phyllostachys edulis] gi|309321942|gb|ADO65463.1| photosystem II protein M [Bambusa emeiensis] gi|310941543|dbj|BAJ24022.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941545|dbj|BAJ24023.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941547|dbj|BAJ24024.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941549|dbj|BAJ24025.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941551|dbj|BAJ24026.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941553|dbj|BAJ24027.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941555|dbj|BAJ24028.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941557|dbj|BAJ24029.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941559|dbj|BAJ24030.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941561|dbj|BAJ24031.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941563|dbj|BAJ24032.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941565|dbj|BAJ24033.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941567|dbj|BAJ24034.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941569|dbj|BAJ24035.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941571|dbj|BAJ24036.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941573|dbj|BAJ24037.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941575|dbj|BAJ24038.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941577|dbj|BAJ24039.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941579|dbj|BAJ24040.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941581|dbj|BAJ24041.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941583|dbj|BAJ24042.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941585|dbj|BAJ24043.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941587|dbj|BAJ24044.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941589|dbj|BAJ24045.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941591|dbj|BAJ24046.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941593|dbj|BAJ24047.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941595|dbj|BAJ24048.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941597|dbj|BAJ24049.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941599|dbj|BAJ24050.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941601|dbj|BAJ24051.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310941603|dbj|BAJ24052.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942017|dbj|BAJ24053.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942019|dbj|BAJ24054.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942021|dbj|BAJ24055.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942023|dbj|BAJ24056.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942025|dbj|BAJ24057.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942027|dbj|BAJ24058.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942029|dbj|BAJ24059.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942031|dbj|BAJ24060.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942033|dbj|BAJ24061.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942035|dbj|BAJ24062.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942037|dbj|BAJ24063.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942039|dbj|BAJ24064.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942041|dbj|BAJ24065.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942043|dbj|BAJ24066.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942045|dbj|BAJ24067.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942047|dbj|BAJ24068.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942049|dbj|BAJ24069.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus pauciflorus] gi|310942051|dbj|BAJ24070.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus chingii] gi|310942053|dbj|BAJ24071.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus chingii] gi|310942055|dbj|BAJ24072.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus chingii] gi|310942057|dbj|BAJ24073.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus oblongifolius] gi|310942059|dbj|BAJ24074.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus oblongifolius] gi|310942061|dbj|BAJ24075.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus oblongifolius] gi|310942063|dbj|BAJ24076.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus denticulosus] gi|310942065|dbj|BAJ24077.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus denticulosus] gi|310942067|dbj|BAJ24078.1| photosystem II protein M [Lysionotus serratus] gi|321575346|gb|ADW94715.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus papangae] gi|321575349|gb|ADW94717.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus montanus] gi|321575352|gb|ADW94719.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus fanniniae] gi|321575354|gb|ADW94720.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus pusillus] gi|321575357|gb|ADW94722.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus dunnii] gi|321575360|gb|ADW94724.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus dunnii] gi|321575363|gb|ADW94726.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus dunnii] gi|321575366|gb|ADW94728.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus dunnii] gi|321575369|gb|ADW94730.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus dunnii] gi|321575372|gb|ADW94732.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus dunnii] gi|321575375|gb|ADW94734.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus dunnii] gi|321575378|gb|ADW94736.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus denticulatus] gi|321575381|gb|ADW94738.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus denticulatus] gi|321575384|gb|ADW94740.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus grandis] gi|321575387|gb|ADW94742.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus grandis] gi|321575390|gb|ADW94744.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus vandeleurii] gi|321575393|gb|ADW94746.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus vandeleurii] gi|321575396|gb|ADW94748.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus rimicola] gi|321575399|gb|ADW94750.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus rimicola] gi|321575402|gb|ADW94752.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus bolusii] gi|321575405|gb|ADW94754.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus bolusii] gi|321575408|gb|ADW94756.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus porphyrostachys] gi|321575411|gb|ADW94757.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus polyanthus] gi|321575416|gb|ADW94759.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus saundersii] gi|321575419|gb|ADW94761.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus candidus] gi|321575422|gb|ADW94763.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus gardenii] gi|321575425|gb|ADW94765.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus gardenii] gi|321575428|gb|ADW94767.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus gardenii] gi|321575431|gb|ADW94769.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus gardenii] gi|321575434|gb|ADW94771.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus gardenii] gi|321575437|gb|ADW94773.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus gardenii] gi|321575439|gb|ADW94774.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus kentaniensis] gi|321575442|gb|ADW94776.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus lilliputana] gi|321575445|gb|ADW94778.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus lilliputana] gi|321575448|gb|ADW94780.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus aylae] gi|321575451|gb|ADW94782.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus caeruleus] gi|321575454|gb|ADW94784.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus caeruleus] gi|321575457|gb|ADW94786.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus longiflorus] gi|321575460|gb|ADW94788.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus parviflorus] gi|321575463|gb|ADW94790.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus parviflorus subsp. parviflorus] gi|321575466|gb|ADW94792.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus cyaneus subsp. nigridens] gi|321575469|gb|ADW94794.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus cyaneus] gi|321575472|gb|ADW94796.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus cyaneus] gi|321575475|gb|ADW94798.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus floribundus] gi|321575477|gb|ADW94799.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575480|gb|ADW94801.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575483|gb|ADW94803.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575486|gb|ADW94805.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575489|gb|ADW94807.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575492|gb|ADW94809.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575496|gb|ADW94810.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575498|gb|ADW94811.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575502|gb|ADW94813.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575505|gb|ADW94815.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575508|gb|ADW94817.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575511|gb|ADW94819.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575514|gb|ADW94821.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575516|gb|ADW94822.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575518|gb|ADW94823.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus meyeri] gi|321575535|gb|ADW94832.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus baudertii] gi|321575538|gb|ADW94834.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus johannis] gi|321575541|gb|ADW94836.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus johannis] gi|321575545|gb|ADW94837.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus johannis] gi|321575548|gb|ADW94838.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus johannis] gi|321575551|gb|ADW94840.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus modestus] gi|321575554|gb|ADW94842.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus modestus] gi|321575558|gb|ADW94844.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus formosus] gi|321575561|gb|ADW94846.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus formosus] gi|321575564|gb|ADW94848.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus formosus] gi|321575567|gb|ADW94850.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus formosus] gi|321575570|gb|ADW94852.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575573|gb|ADW94854.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575576|gb|ADW94856.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575579|gb|ADW94858.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575582|gb|ADW94860.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575585|gb|ADW94862.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575588|gb|ADW94864.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575590|gb|ADW94865.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575595|gb|ADW94866.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575601|gb|ADW94867.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575603|gb|ADW94868.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus primulifolius] gi|321575608|gb|ADW94869.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus rexii] gi|321575610|gb|ADW94870.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus rexii] gi|321575614|gb|ADW94871.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus rexii] gi|321575618|gb|ADW94872.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus rexii] gi|325305702|gb|ADZ10863.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Elaeis guineensis] gi|328795427|emb|CBR30309.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. europaea] gi|329124576|gb|AEB72133.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Solanum tuberosum] gi|329124663|gb|AEB72219.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Solanum tuberosum] gi|329668847|gb|AEB96294.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Phalaenopsis equestris] gi|329755433|gb|AEC03997.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene conica] gi|329755515|gb|AEC04078.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene latifolia] gi|329755597|gb|AEC04159.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene noctiflora] gi|329755680|gb|AEC04241.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene vulgaris] gi|334084395|emb|CBR23823.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata] gi|334084481|emb|CBR24614.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. europaea] gi|334084567|emb|CBR30400.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. europaea] gi|334084653|emb|CBS29344.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea woodiana subsp. woodiana] gi|334084858|emb|CBS29231.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. maroccana] gi|334084944|emb|CBJ04292.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata] gi|334085030|emb|CBR23732.1| photosystem II protein M [Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata] gi|334089659|gb|AEG64542.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ageratina adenophora] gi|336326827|gb|AEI53005.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Oryza meridionalis] gi|336326903|gb|AEI53080.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Oryza rufipogon] gi|336326981|gb|AEI53157.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Oryza rufipogon] gi|337730900|gb|AEI70794.1| photosystem II protein M [Puelia olyriformis] gi|340536633|gb|AEK48400.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Colocasia esculenta] gi|340536720|gb|AEK48486.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Colocasia esculenta] gi|340549401|gb|AEK53223.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Boea hygrometrica] gi|341834065|gb|AEK94336.1| photosystem II protein M [Spirodela polyrhiza] gi|341834149|gb|AEK94419.1| photosystem II protein M [Wolffiella lingulata] gi|341834233|gb|AEK94502.1| photosystem II protein M [Wolffia australiana] gi|343887533|gb|AEM65212.1| PsbM [Magnolia denudata] gi|346228292|gb|AEO21166.1| photosystem II protein M [Leersia tisserantii] gi|346228376|gb|AEO21249.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Phyllostachys propinqua] gi|346228460|gb|AEO21332.1| photosystem II protein M [Rhynchoryza subulata] gi|347448289|gb|AEO92700.1| PSII M protein (chloroplast) [Sesamum indicum] gi|347453896|gb|AEO95554.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Nicotiana undulata] gi|347454007|gb|AEO95664.1| photosystem II protein M [synthetic construct] gi|350996420|gb|AEQ36932.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Datura stramonium] gi|350996507|gb|AEQ37018.1| photosystem II M protein [Datura stramonium] gi|353685043|gb|AER12808.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Oryza sativa Indica Group] gi|353685209|gb|AER12973.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Oryza sativa Indica Group] gi|353742605|dbj|BAL04669.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon shikokianus var. occidentalis] gi|353742608|dbj|BAL04671.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon shikokianus var. intermedius] gi|353742611|dbj|BAL04673.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon japonicus] gi|353742614|dbj|BAL04675.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon trichocarpus] gi|353742617|dbj|BAL04677.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon effusus] gi|353742620|dbj|BAL04679.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon shikokianus var. intermedius] gi|353742623|dbj|BAL04681.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon effusus] gi|353742626|dbj|BAL04683.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon umbrosus] gi|353742629|dbj|BAL04685.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon trichocarpus] gi|353742632|dbj|BAL04687.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon inflexus] gi|353742635|dbj|BAL04689.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon inflexus] gi|353742638|dbj|BAL04691.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon shikokianus var. occidentalis] gi|353742641|dbj|BAL04693.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon longitubus] gi|353742644|dbj|BAL04695.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon japonicus] gi|353742647|dbj|BAL04697.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon excisus] gi|353742650|dbj|BAL04699.1| photosystem II reaction center protein M [Isodon longitubus] gi|371572064|gb|AEX37335.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Arbutus unedo] gi|372000623|gb|AEX65388.1| photosystem II protein M [Blossfeldia liliputana] gi|372000625|gb|AEX65389.1| photosystem II protein M [Didierea madagascariensis] gi|372000629|gb|AEX65391.1| photosystem II protein M [Mollugo verticillata] gi|372000635|gb|AEX65394.1| photosystem II protein M [Pereskiopsis diguetii] gi|372862245|gb|AEX98328.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia denudata] gi|372862415|gb|AEX98496.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia officinalis] gi|372862498|gb|AEX98578.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba] gi|372862583|gb|AEX98662.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba] gi|372862668|gb|AEX98746.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba] gi|372862837|gb|AEX98913.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia grandiflora] gi|372863007|gb|AEX99081.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Magnolia grandiflora] gi|374094590|gb|AEY84646.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Elodea canadensis] gi|374257013|gb|AEZ01421.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Japonolirion osense] gi|374962496|gb|AFA26836.1| photosystem II protein M [Albuca kirkii] gi|374962502|gb|AFA26839.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Belosynapsis ciliata] gi|374962504|gb|AFA26840.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Brocchinia micrantha] gi|374962506|gb|AFA26841.1| photosystem II protein M [Centrolepis monogyna] gi|374962508|gb|AFA26842.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Chamaedorea seifrizii] gi|374962514|gb|AFA26845.1| photosystem II protein M [Dasypogon bromeliifolius] gi|374962522|gb|AFA26849.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Fosterella caulescens] gi|374962534|gb|AFA26855.1| photosystem II protein M [Juncus effusus] gi|374962536|gb|AFA26856.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Kingia australis] gi|374962542|gb|AFA26859.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Navia saxicola] gi|374962546|gb|AFA26861.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Neoregelia carolinae] gi|374962554|gb|AFA26865.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Pitcairnia feliciana] gi|374962556|gb|AFA26866.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Potarophytum riparium] gi|374962558|gb|AFA26867.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Puya laxa] gi|374962560|gb|AFA26868.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Ravenea hildebrandtii] gi|374962562|gb|AFA26869.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Renealmia alpinia] gi|374962564|gb|AFA26870.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Sparganium eurycarpum] gi|374962566|gb|AFA26871.1| photosystem II protein M [Syngonanthus chrysanthus] gi|374962568|gb|AFA26872.1| photosystem II protein M [Thamnochortus insignis] gi|374962572|gb|AFA26874.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Tradescantia ohiensis] gi|383286791|gb|AFH01441.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Nelumbo nucifera] gi|383286886|gb|AFH01535.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Nelumbo lutea] gi|388893201|gb|AFK81293.1| photosystem II protein M [Camellia sinensis var. assamica] gi|388893289|gb|AFK81380.1| photosystem II protein M [Camellia oleifera] gi|388893377|gb|AFK81467.1| photosystem II protein M [Camellia taliensis] gi|392841332|gb|AFM83287.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Kingia australis] gi|392934147|gb|AFM92273.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pachycladon cheesemanii] gi|401065926|gb|AFP90770.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Capsicum annuum] gi|401879736|gb|AFQ30923.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Salvia miltiorrhiza] gi|403226775|gb|AFR25654.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Penthorum chinense] gi|408898183|gb|AFU93998.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Medusagyne oppositifolia] gi|408898199|gb|AFU94006.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Rhizophora mangle] gi|410176149|gb|AFV61808.1| PSII M protein (chloroplast) [Origanum vulgare subsp. vulgare] gi|427920150|gb|AFY64181.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Najas flexilis] gi|430728266|gb|AGA55590.1| PSII M protein (chloroplast) [Camellia sinensis] gi|438687598|emb|CCP47124.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Tectona grandis] gi|438688282|emb|CCP47213.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Tectona grandis] gi|438688406|emb|CCP47302.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Tectona grandis] gi|441421916|gb|AGC31240.1| photosystem II protein M [Quercus rubra] gi|441480239|gb|AGC38151.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Arundinaria gigantea] gi|449020247|gb|AGE65744.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pharus lappulaceus] gi|449326092|gb|AGE92678.1| photosystem II protein M [Heliconia collinsiana] gi|449326178|gb|AGE92763.1| photosystem II protein M [Zingiber spectabile] gi|449326264|gb|AGE92848.1| photosystem II protein M [Pseudophoenix vinifera] gi|449326351|gb|AGE92934.1| photosystem II protein M [Calamus caryotoides] gi|449326438|gb|AGE93020.1| photosystem II protein M [Bismarckia nobilis] gi|449326525|gb|AGE93106.1| photosystem II protein M [Dasypogon bromeliifolius] gi|449326699|gb|AGE93278.1| photosystem II protein M [Chamaedorea seifrizii] gi|449326786|gb|AGE93364.1| photosystem II protein M [Alpinia zerumbet] gi|449326873|gb|AGE93450.1| photosystem II protein M [Xiphidium caeruleum] gi|449713835|emb|CCJ32511.1| PsbM (chloroplast) [Trithuria inconspicua] gi|469473991|gb|AGH33761.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Puelia olyriformis] gi|474452070|gb|AGI51138.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Catharanthus roseus] gi|478733639|gb|AGJ51250.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Solanum carolinense] gi|479279197|gb|AGJ72051.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Tetracentron sinense] gi|479279290|gb|AGJ72143.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Trochodendron aralioides] gi|496538595|gb|AGL45330.1| PsbM (chloroplast) [Sesamum indicum] gi|498921848|gb|AGL61069.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Utricularia gibba] gi|510934398|emb|CCQ09096.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Olea europaea subsp. europaea] gi|519666906|gb|AGO98518.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Nelumbo nucifera] gi|523706685|gb|AGQ55669.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Alstroemeria aurea] gi|525312451|emb|CCW72369.1| psbM (chloroplast) [Musa acuminata subsp. malaccensis] gi|528748770|gb|AGS43460.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Cocos nucifera] gi|532164830|gb|AGT79840.1| PSII M protein (chloroplast) [Andrographis paniculata] gi|537362485|gb|AGU44293.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia cuspidata] gi|537362571|gb|AGU44378.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia danzaiensis] gi|537362663|gb|AGU44469.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia impressinervis] gi|537362753|gb|AGU44558.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia taliensis] gi|537362843|gb|AGU44647.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia pitardii] gi|537362933|gb|AGU44736.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia yunnanensis] gi|537363023|gb|AGU44825.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia taliensis] gi|546352424|gb|AGW96331.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea batatas] gi|546352510|gb|AGW96416.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea batatas] gi|546352596|gb|AGW96501.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea batatas] gi|546352682|gb|AGW96586.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea trifida] gi|546352767|gb|AGW96670.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Argyreia nervosa] gi|546352853|gb|AGW96755.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea amnicola] gi|546352939|gb|AGW96840.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea argillicola] gi|546353025|gb|AGW96925.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea cairica] gi|546353111|gb|AGW97010.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea diamantinensis] gi|546353283|gb|AGW97180.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea eriocarpa] gi|546353369|gb|AGW97265.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea hederifolia] gi|546353455|gb|AGW97350.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea involucrata] gi|546353541|gb|AGW97435.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea murucoides] gi|546353627|gb|AGW97520.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea nil] gi|546353713|gb|AGW97605.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea orizabensis] gi|546353799|gb|AGW97690.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea pedicellaris] gi|546353885|gb|AGW97775.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea pes-caprae] gi|546353971|gb|AGW97860.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea polpha] gi|546354057|gb|AGW97945.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea setosa] gi|546354142|gb|AGW98029.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea splendor-sylvae] gi|546354228|gb|AGW98114.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea ternifolia] gi|546354314|gb|AGW98199.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea tricolor] gi|546354400|gb|AGW98284.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea trifida] gi|546354486|gb|AGW98369.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea cordatotriloba] gi|546354572|gb|AGW98454.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea minutiflora] gi|546354658|gb|AGW98539.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea obscura] gi|546354744|gb|AGW98624.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea pes-tigridis] gi|546354830|gb|AGW98709.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Merremia quinquefolia] gi|546354916|gb|AGW98794.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Operculina macrocarpa] gi|546355002|gb|AGW98879.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Stictocardia macalusoi] gi|546355088|gb|AGW98964.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Turbina corymbosa] gi|555944096|gb|AGZ17999.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene conoidea] gi|555944178|gb|AGZ18080.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene chalcedonica] gi|555944259|gb|AGZ18160.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Silene paradoxa] gi|555945910|gb|AGZ19137.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Camellia sinensis] gi|555945976|gb|AGZ19202.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Oryza rufipogon] gi|557136857|emb|CDI43912.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Lindenbergia philippensis] gi|557636906|gb|AHA12508.1| photosystem II protein M [Musa textilis] gi|557636993|gb|AHA12594.1| photosystem II protein M [Ravenala madagascariensis] gi|557637077|gb|AHA12677.1| photosystem II protein M [Orchidantha fimbriata] gi|557637150|gb|AHA12749.1| photosystem II protein M [Canna indica] gi|557637235|gb|AHA12833.1| photosystem II protein M [Maranta leuconeura] gi|557637321|gb|AHA12918.1| photosystem II protein M [Monocostus uniflorus] gi|557637408|gb|AHA13004.1| photosystem II protein M [Costus pulverulentus] gi|557637495|gb|AHA13090.1| photosystem II protein M [Curcuma roscoeana] gi|557637582|gb|AHA13176.1| photosystem II protein M [Thaumatococcus daniellii] gi|558697168|gb|AHA84923.1| photosystem II protein M [Ajuga reptans] gi|559768001|gb|AHB14443.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus giganteus] gi|559768087|gb|AHB14528.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus giganteus] gi|559768173|gb|AHB14613.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus giganteus] gi|559768259|gb|AHB14698.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus giganteus] gi|559768345|gb|AHB14783.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus grosseserratus] gi|559768431|gb|AHB14868.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus grosseserratus] gi|559768517|gb|AHB14953.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus divaricatus] gi|559768603|gb|AHB15038.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus divaricatus] gi|559768689|gb|AHB15123.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus divaricatus] gi|559768775|gb|AHB15208.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus divaricatus] gi|559768861|gb|AHB15293.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus decapetalus] gi|559768947|gb|AHB15378.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus decapetalus] gi|559769033|gb|AHB15463.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus decapetalus] gi|559769119|gb|AHB15548.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus hirsutus] gi|559769205|gb|AHB15633.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus hirsutus] gi|559769291|gb|AHB15718.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus tuberosus] gi|559769377|gb|AHB15803.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus tuberosus] gi|559769463|gb|AHB15888.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus tuberosus] gi|559769549|gb|AHB15973.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus divaricatus] gi|559769635|gb|AHB16058.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus giganteus] gi|559769721|gb|AHB16143.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus giganteus] gi|559769807|gb|AHB16228.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus grosseserratus] gi|559769893|gb|AHB16313.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus grosseserratus] gi|559769979|gb|AHB16398.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus grosseserratus] gi|559770065|gb|AHB16483.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus grosseserratus] gi|559770151|gb|AHB16568.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus decapetalus] gi|559770237|gb|AHB16653.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus decapetalus] gi|559770323|gb|AHB16738.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus decapetalus] gi|559770409|gb|AHB16823.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus hirsutus] gi|559770495|gb|AHB16908.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus hirsutus] gi|559770581|gb|AHB16993.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus strumosus] gi|559770667|gb|AHB17078.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus tuberosus] gi|559770753|gb|AHB17163.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus tuberosus] gi|559770839|gb|AHB17248.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus tuberosus] gi|559770925|gb|AHB17333.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus maximiliani] gi|559771011|gb|AHB17418.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus maximiliani] gi|559771097|gb|AHB17503.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus maximiliani] gi|559771183|gb|AHB17588.1| photosystem II protein M [Helianthus maximiliani] gi|560176694|emb|CDJ38613.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Schwalbea americana] gi|563322717|gb|AHB38648.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Trithuria filamentosa] gi|573461945|emb|CCQ71614.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Salvia miltiorrhiza] gi|575882134|emb|CDL78808.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pinguicula ehlersiae] gi|576090117|gb|AHH24327.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Japonolirion osense] gi|576598273|gb|AHH30435.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Bartsia inaequalis] gi|584297175|gb|AHI87521.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Chionographis japonica] gi|226687|prf||1603356M photosystem II low MW protein Length = 34 Score = 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 34/34 (100%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 34 >ref|XP_003605618.1| Photosystem II reaction center protein M [Medicago truncatula] gi|355506673|gb|AES87815.1| Photosystem II reaction center protein M [Medicago truncatula] Length = 164 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 4e-09 Identities = 34/35 (97%), Positives = 35/35 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 252 IMEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 IMEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQ+D Sbjct: 130 IMEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQSD 164 >gb|ADD30418.1| photosystem II protein M [Aucuba japonica] gi|290488076|gb|ADD30422.1| photosystem II protein M [Lonicera japonica] gi|290488094|gb|ADD30431.1| photosystem II protein M [Cornus florida] Length = 34 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 4e-09 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKT+SQND Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTISQND 34 >ref|YP_740644.1| photosystem II protein M [Nandina domestica] gi|139389258|ref|YP_001123024.1| PSII low MW protein [Aethionema grandiflorum] gi|139390342|ref|YP_001122940.1| PSII low MW protein [Aethionema cordifolium] gi|159106852|ref|YP_001531271.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Lolium perenne] gi|218176233|ref|YP_002364490.1| photosystem II protein M [Festuca arundinacea] gi|426406627|ref|YP_007026541.1| photosystem II protein M [Festuca ovina] gi|427436963|ref|YP_007026455.1| photosystem II protein M [Festuca altissima] gi|427437060|ref|YP_007026627.1| photosystem II protein M [Festuca pratensis] gi|427437206|ref|YP_007026713.1| photosystem II protein M [Lolium multiflorum] gi|428697634|ref|YP_007025906.1| photosystem II protein M [Vaccinium macrocarpon] gi|552546083|ref|YP_008592633.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Berberis bealei] gi|122165967|sp|Q09FW7.1|PSBM_NANDO RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044398|sp|A4QJA9.1|PSBM_AETCO RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044400|sp|A4QJJ3.1|PSBM_AETGR RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172048168|sp|A8Y9F8.1|PSBM_LOLPR RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|114054464|gb|ABI49857.1| photosystem II protein M [Nandina domestica] gi|134286135|dbj|BAF49764.1| PSII low MW protein [Aethionema cordifolium] gi|134286220|dbj|BAF49848.1| PSII low MW protein [Aethionema grandiflorum] gi|158934386|emb|CAO85964.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Lolium perenne] gi|215882317|gb|ACJ70747.1| photosystem II protein M [Festuca arundinacea] gi|290488086|gb|ADD30427.1| photosystem II protein M [Rhododendron simsii] gi|374093716|gb|AEY84152.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Vaccinium macrocarpon] gi|385198143|gb|AFI44061.1| photosystem II protein M [Vaccinium macrocarpon] gi|410177754|gb|AFV62635.1| photosystem II protein M [Festuca altissima] gi|410177841|gb|AFV62721.1| photosystem II protein M [Festuca ovina] gi|410177928|gb|AFV62807.1| photosystem II protein M [Festuca pratensis] gi|410178015|gb|AFV62893.1| photosystem II protein M [Lolium multiflorum] gi|536462674|gb|AGU37039.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Berberis bealei] Length = 34 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 4e-09 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFIL+PTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFILIPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 34 >ref|YP_008578533.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Asclepias nivea] gi|545907186|ref|YP_008578618.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Asclepias syriaca] gi|326200275|gb|ADZ52314.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias syriaca] gi|355331718|gb|AER52407.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias albicans] gi|355331801|gb|AER52489.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias albicans] gi|355331884|gb|AER52571.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias coulteri] gi|355331967|gb|AER52653.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias cutleri] gi|355332050|gb|AER52735.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias cutleri] gi|355332133|gb|AER52817.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias leptopus] gi|355332215|gb|AER52898.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias macrotis] gi|355332296|gb|AER52978.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias macrotis] gi|355332375|gb|AER53056.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias masonii] gi|355332458|gb|AER53138.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias subaphylla] gi|355332541|gb|AER53220.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias subaphylla] gi|355332620|gb|AER53298.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias subulata] gi|355332703|gb|AER53380.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias subulata] gi|355332786|gb|AER53462.1| photosystem II protein M [Asclepias albicans x Asclepias subulata] gi|544186411|gb|AGW04358.1| photosystem II protein M [Araujia sericifera] gi|544186489|gb|AGW04435.1| photosystem II protein M [Astephanus triflorus] gi|544186718|gb|AGW04661.1| photosystem II protein M [Matelea biflora] gi|544186796|gb|AGW04738.1| photosystem II protein M [Orthosia scoparia] gi|544187030|gb|AGW04969.1| photosystem II protein M [Vincetoxicum rossicum] gi|544187175|gb|AGW05113.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Asclepias nivea] gi|544187203|gb|AGW05131.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Asclepias syriaca] Length = 34 Score = 65.9 bits (159), Expect = 6e-09 Identities = 32/34 (94%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAF+ATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKT+SQND Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFVATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTISQND 34 >ref|YP_008080492.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pharus latifolius] gi|336280791|gb|AEI29079.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pharus latifolius] Length = 34 Score = 65.5 bits (158), Expect = 7e-09 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNI+AFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND Sbjct: 1 MEVNIVAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 34 >ref|NP_043013.1| photosystem II protein M [Zea mays] gi|48478761|ref|YP_024369.1| photosystem II protein M [Saccharum hybrid cultivar SP-80-3280] gi|50812516|ref|YP_054619.1| photosystem II protein M [Saccharum hybrid cultivar NCo 310] gi|118614480|ref|YP_899395.1| photosystem II protein M [Sorghum bicolor] gi|260677408|ref|YP_003208176.1| photosystem II protein M [Coix lacryma-jobi] gi|281190715|ref|YP_003330952.1| photosystem II protein M [Parthenium argentatum] gi|345895205|ref|YP_004841937.1| photosystem II protein M [Panicum virgatum] gi|558603659|ref|YP_008815739.1| photosystem II protein M [Setaria italica] gi|563354768|ref|YP_008855079.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Phragmites australis] gi|1346867|sp|P48189.1|PSBM_MAIZE RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|61214875|sp|Q672I5.1|PSBM_PENAM RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|61214960|sp|Q6ENX5.1|PSBM_SACOF RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|75261498|sp|Q6L3A9.1|PSBM_SACHY RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|125980974|sp|A1E9R2.1|PSBM_SORBI RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|902210|emb|CAA60274.1| PSII low MW protein [Zea mays] gi|48478663|gb|AAT44683.1| photosystem II M protein [Saccharum hybrid cultivar SP80-3280] gi|49659500|dbj|BAD27281.1| PSII M-protein [Saccharum hybrid cultivar NCo 310] gi|51872079|gb|AAU12167.1| photosystem II low MW protein [Cenchrus americanus] gi|118201114|gb|ABK79484.1| photosystem II protein M [Sorghum bicolor] gi|209361346|gb|ACI43261.1| photosystem II protein M [Coix lacryma-jobi] gi|269924828|gb|ACZ52701.1| photosystem II protein M [Parthenium argentatum] gi|307697275|gb|ADN86092.1| photosystem II protein M [Chasmanthium latifolium] gi|319412307|gb|ADV41843.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Panicum virgatum] gi|319412394|gb|ADV41929.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Panicum virgatum] gi|374962518|gb|AFA26847.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Eleusine coracana] gi|441480323|gb|AGC38234.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Cryptochloa strictiflora] gi|555298031|gb|AGZ13133.1| photosystem II protein M [Setaria italica] gi|558614278|gb|AHA82288.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Phragmites australis] Length = 34 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 33/34 (97%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKT SQND Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTASQND 34 >gb|AGW04281.1| photosystem II protein M [Secamone afzelii] Length = 34 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 32/34 (94%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFI+VPTAFLLIIYVKT+SQND Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFIVVPTAFLLIIYVKTISQND 34 >ref|YP_006666287.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pachycladon enysii] gi|401786720|gb|AFQ07786.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pachycladon enysii] Length = 34 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQN+ Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQNE 34 >gb|AFK38374.1| unknown [Medicago truncatula] Length = 52 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 32/48 (66%), Positives = 36/48 (75%), Gaps = 4/48 (8%) Frame = -2 Query: 295 MGLNPELL----RSKKRLDYGSQYSCIYCYCTIHSSSYRLSTYHLRKN 164 MGLNPE+ R +K DYGSQYS IY YCT+HSSSY L TY+LRKN Sbjct: 1 MGLNPEVFIRNKRERKHRDYGSQYSRIYSYCTLHSSSYCLFTYNLRKN 48 >ref|YP_001542441.1| photosystem II protein M [Ceratophyllum demersum] gi|172048119|sp|A8SE94.1|PSBM_CERDE RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|148508437|gb|ABQ81444.1| photosystem II protein M [Ceratophyllum demersum] gi|227481113|emb|CAP62492.1| PSII low MW protein [Ceratophyllum demersum] Length = 34 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVS+ND Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSKND 34 >ref|YP_784467.1| photosystem II protein M [Piper cenocladum] gi|122164368|sp|Q06GR6.1|PSBM_PIPCE RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|112253745|gb|ABI14466.1| photosystem II protein M [Piper cenocladum] Length = 34 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 33/34 (97%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIAT LFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATVLFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 34 >ref|YP_008994562.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pelargonium alternans] gi|540067641|gb|AGV02991.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pelargonium alternans] Length = 37 Score = 64.7 bits (156), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQ+D Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQSD 34 >gb|AAZ66146.1| PsbM [Symplocos bogotensis] gi|72011464|gb|AAZ66192.1| PsbM [Symplocos pycnantha] gi|72011467|gb|AAZ66194.1| PsbM [Symplocos quitensis] gi|72011485|gb|AAZ66206.1| PsbM [Symplocos speciosa] gi|72011566|gb|AAZ66260.1| PsbM [Symplocos caerulescens] gi|72011572|gb|AAZ66264.1| PsbM [Symplocos aff. munda 442] Length = 34 Score = 64.7 bits (156), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 33/34 (97%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATA FILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATAXFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 34 >ref|YP_398315.1| photosystem II reaction center M protein [Lactuca sativa] gi|91983986|ref|YP_567070.1| photosystem II protein M [Vitis vinifera] gi|116617102|ref|YP_817476.1| photosystem II protein M [Coffea arabica] gi|139389636|ref|YP_001123193.1| PSII low MW protein [Arabis hirsuta] gi|139389944|ref|YP_001123544.1| PSII low MW protein [Draba nemorosa] gi|139390146|ref|YP_001123719.1| photosystem II protein M [Lobularia maritima] gi|170784766|ref|YP_001718682.1| photosystem II protein M [Trachelium caeruleum] gi|194033138|ref|YP_002000476.1| photosystem II protein M [Brachypodium distachyon] gi|334702311|ref|YP_004465174.1| photosystem II protein M [Jacobaea vulgaris] gi|383930486|ref|YP_005089946.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Brassica napus] gi|441403278|ref|YP_007353752.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Chrysanthemum x morifolium] gi|452849037|ref|YP_007474715.1| PsbM (chloroplast) [Chrysanthemum indicum] gi|470227694|ref|YP_007624781.1| photosystem II reaction center M protein (chloroplast) [Artemisia frigida] gi|568244642|ref|YP_008963389.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Sedum sarmentosum] gi|575771000|ref|YP_009000326.1| psbM protein (chloroplast) [Arabis alpina] gi|576303610|ref|YP_008999929.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Agrostemma githago] gi|68052415|sp|Q56P14.1|PSBM_LACSA RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122153615|sp|A0A329.1|PSBM_COFAR RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122236500|sp|Q0ZJ26.1|PSBM_VITVI RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044404|sp|A4QK12.1|PSBM_ARAHI RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044412|sp|A4QL13.1|PSBM_DRANE RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044416|sp|A4QLI8.1|PSBM_LOBMA RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|61992020|gb|AAX58141.1| PSII M protein [Lactuca sativa] gi|78675154|dbj|BAE47580.1| photosystem II reaction center M protein [Lactuca sativa] gi|88656969|gb|ABD47219.1| photosystem II protein M [Lactuca sativa] gi|91701644|gb|ABE47528.1| photosystem II protein M [Vitis vinifera] gi|116242158|gb|ABJ89673.1| photosystem II protein M [Coffea arabica] gi|134286391|dbj|BAF50017.1| PSII low MW protein [Arabis hirsuta] gi|134286746|dbj|BAF50368.1| PSII low MW protein [Draba nemorosa] gi|134286923|dbj|BAF50543.1| PSII low MW protein [Lobularia maritima] gi|156598802|gb|ABU85654.1| photosystem II protein M [Trachelium caeruleum] gi|157267514|gb|ABV26507.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Trachelium caeruleum] gi|193075546|gb|ACF08629.1| PSII low MW protein (chloroplast) [Brachypodium distachyon] gi|262400783|gb|ACY66272.1| photosystem II protein M [Brassica napus] gi|290488102|gb|ADD30435.1| photosystem II protein M [Heuchera sanguinea] gi|308156069|gb|ADO15397.1| photosystem II protein M [Jacobaea vulgaris] gi|321575521|gb|ADW94825.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus montigena] gi|321575524|gb|ADW94827.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus montigena] gi|321575527|gb|ADW94829.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus montigena] gi|321575530|gb|ADW94831.1| PsbM [Streptocarpus montigena] gi|372863192|gb|AEX99264.1| PsbM (chloroplast) [Chrysanthemum indicum] gi|372863431|gb|AEX99500.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Chrysanthemum indicum] gi|374962492|gb|AFA26834.1| photosystem II protein M [Abolboda macrostachya] gi|374962520|gb|AFA26848.1| photosystem II protein M, partial [Flagellaria indica] gi|375298821|gb|AFA45260.1| photosystem II M protein (chloroplast) [Chrysanthemum x morifolium] gi|401712182|gb|AFP98807.1| photosystem II reaction center M protein (chloroplast) [Artemisia frigida] gi|402797524|gb|AFQ99056.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Sedum sarmentosum] gi|523582292|gb|AGQ50345.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Rumex acetosa] gi|546353197|gb|AGW97095.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Ipomoea dumetorum] gi|550533642|dbj|BAO01486.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Vitis vinifera subsp. caucasica] gi|550533728|dbj|BAO01570.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Vitis vinifera subsp. caucasica] gi|550533813|dbj|BAO01654.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Vitis vinifera subsp. caucasica] gi|555944015|gb|AGZ17919.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Agrostemma githago] gi|571025798|emb|CCW28173.1| psbM protein (chloroplast) [Arabis alpina] Length = 34 Score = 64.7 bits (156), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQN+ Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQNN 34 >ref|NP_084794.1| photosystem II M protein [Lotus japonicus] gi|32480837|ref|NP_862748.1| photosystem II protein M [Calycanthus floridus var. glaucus] gi|164597816|ref|NP_084682.2| photosystem II M protein [Oenothera elata subsp. hookeri] gi|91208896|ref|YP_538929.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium hirsutum] gi|91214139|ref|YP_538761.1| photosystem II protein M [Glycine max] gi|108802637|ref|YP_636293.1| photosystem II protein M [Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus] gi|110227073|ref|YP_665552.1| photosystem II protein M [Populus alba] gi|119368493|ref|YP_913181.1| PSII M-protein [Gossypium barbadense] gi|134093191|ref|YP_001109493.1| photosystem II protein M [Populus trichocarpa] gi|167391799|ref|YP_001671677.1| photosystem II protein M [Carica papaya] gi|169142707|ref|YP_001687134.1| photosystem II protein M [Oenothera argillicola] gi|169142857|ref|YP_001687280.1| photosystem II protein M [Oenothera glazioviana] gi|169142942|ref|YP_001687364.1| photosystem II protein M [Oenothera biennis] gi|169143028|ref|YP_001687448.1| photosystem II protein M [Oenothera parviflora] gi|197294110|ref|YP_002149731.1| photosystem II protein M [Cicer arietinum] gi|219673982|ref|YP_002456467.1| photosystem II protein M [Trifolium subterraneum] gi|295136954|ref|YP_003587787.1| photosystem II protein M [Lathyrus sativus] gi|295136992|ref|YP_003587539.1| photosystem II protein M [Pisum sativum] gi|309322100|ref|YP_003933916.1| photosystem II protein M [Erodium texanum] gi|309322140|ref|YP_003934055.1| photosystem II protein M [Geranium palmatum] gi|309322256|ref|YP_003934334.1| photosystem II protein M [Monsonia speciosa] gi|309322443|ref|YP_003933956.1| photosystem II protein M [Eucalyptus grandis] gi|313199697|ref|YP_004021311.1| photosystem II protein M [Theobroma cacao] gi|325210924|ref|YP_004285998.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium thurberi] gi|372290926|ref|YP_005087687.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium raimondii] gi|372291379|ref|YP_005088274.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium tomentosum] gi|372291477|ref|YP_005088370.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium herbaceum subsp. africanum] gi|372291767|ref|YP_005088910.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium mustelinum] gi|372291851|ref|YP_005088993.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium arboreum] gi|372450133|ref|YP_005090172.1| psbM gene product (chloroplast) [Ricinus communis] gi|374249533|ref|YP_005088803.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Millettia pinnata] gi|386800831|ref|YP_006303485.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium gossypioides] gi|394830620|ref|YP_006503271.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium incanum] gi|394830707|ref|YP_006503354.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium somalense] gi|394830793|ref|YP_006503437.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium capitis-viridis] gi|394830882|ref|YP_006503520.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium areysianum] gi|394830969|ref|YP_006503603.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium robinsonii] gi|408830195|ref|YP_006883173.1| photosystem II protein M [Erodium guttatum] gi|520850580|ref|YP_008145340.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine tomentella] gi|526175889|ref|YP_008145707.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine cyrtoloba] gi|526176060|ref|YP_008145870.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine canescens] gi|526176147|ref|YP_008145952.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine dolichocarpa] gi|526176234|ref|YP_008146034.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine falcata] gi|526176328|ref|YP_008146116.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine syndetika] gi|545716239|ref|YP_008575107.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus obliqua] gi|545716325|ref|YP_008575192.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus radiata] gi|545716411|ref|YP_008575277.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus delegatensis] gi|545716497|ref|YP_008575362.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus verrucata] gi|545716583|ref|YP_008575447.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus baxteri] gi|545716669|ref|YP_008575532.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus diversifolia] gi|545716755|ref|YP_008575617.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus sieberi] gi|545716841|ref|YP_008575702.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus elata] gi|545716927|ref|YP_008575787.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus regnans] gi|545717013|ref|YP_008575872.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus umbra] gi|545717099|ref|YP_008575957.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus cloeziana] gi|545717185|ref|YP_008576042.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus patens] gi|545717271|ref|YP_008576127.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus marginata] gi|545717357|ref|YP_008576212.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus curtisii] gi|545717443|ref|YP_008576297.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus melliodora] gi|545717529|ref|YP_008576382.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus polybractea] gi|545717615|ref|YP_008576467.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus cladocalyx] gi|545717787|ref|YP_008576637.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus aromaphloia] gi|545717873|ref|YP_008576722.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus saligna] gi|545717959|ref|YP_008576807.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus camaldulensis] gi|545718045|ref|YP_008576892.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus deglupta] gi|545718131|ref|YP_008576977.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus spathulata] gi|545718217|ref|YP_008577062.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus torquata] gi|545718303|ref|YP_008577147.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus diversicolor] gi|545718389|ref|YP_008577232.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus salmonophloia] gi|545718475|ref|YP_008577317.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus microcorys] gi|545718561|ref|YP_008577402.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus guilfoylei] gi|545718647|ref|YP_008577487.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus erythrocorys] gi|545718733|ref|YP_008577572.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Corymbia gummifera] gi|545718819|ref|YP_008577657.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Corymbia maculata] gi|545718905|ref|YP_008577742.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Corymbia eximia] gi|545718991|ref|YP_008577827.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Corymbia tessellaris] gi|545719077|ref|YP_008577912.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Angophora floribunda] gi|545719163|ref|YP_008577997.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Angophora costata] gi|545719249|ref|YP_008578167.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Stockwellia quadrifida] gi|545719421|ref|YP_008578082.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Allosyncarpia ternata] gi|558604133|ref|YP_008816243.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine soja] gi|570758874|ref|YP_008992458.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium anomalum] gi|570758962|ref|YP_008992544.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium bickii] gi|570759050|ref|YP_008992889.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium sturtianum] gi|570759570|ref|YP_008992631.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium herbaceum] gi|570759657|ref|YP_008992717.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium longicalyx] gi|570879907|ref|YP_008992803.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium stocksii] gi|570880104|ref|YP_008994389.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Viviania marifolia] gi|570880229|ref|YP_008994503.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Hypseocharis bilobata] gi|61215187|sp|Q7HKX9.1|PSBM_CALFG RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|61230019|sp|P69529.1|PSBM_PEA RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|61230115|sp|P69528.1|PSBM_LOTJA RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122201384|sp|Q2L8Z8.1|PSBM_GOSHI RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122202495|sp|Q2PMT7.1|PSBM_SOYBN RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122219189|sp|Q49L04.1|PSBM_EUCGG RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|122230960|sp|Q14FG3.1|PSBM_POPAL RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|125980973|sp|A0ZZ29.1|PSBM_GOSBA RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172044181|sp|A4GYQ2.1|PSBM_POPTR RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|172045801|sp|Q9MTM8.2|PSBM_OENEH RecName: Full=Photosystem II reaction center protein M; Short=PSII-M gi|343997|dbj|BAA02098.1| photosystem II polypeptide M [Pisum sativum] gi|13358975|dbj|BAB33192.1| PSII low MW protein [Lotus japonicus] gi|32399373|emb|CAD28715.1| PSII low MW protein [Calycanthus floridus var. glaucus] gi|60460803|gb|AAX21023.1| photosystem II protein M [Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus] gi|83595740|gb|ABC25121.1| photosystem II protein M [Glycine max] gi|85687410|gb|ABC73622.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium hirsutum] gi|109945511|dbj|BAE97199.1| photosystem II protein M [Populus alba] gi|119224855|dbj|BAF41241.1| PSII M-protein [Gossypium barbadense] gi|124021128|gb|ABM88825.1| PsbM [Arthrostemma ciliatum] gi|124021131|gb|ABM88827.1| PsbM [Dissotis rotundifolia] gi|124021134|gb|ABM88829.1| PsbM [Rhexia alifanus] gi|124021137|gb|ABM88831.1| PsbM [Rhexia aristosa] gi|124021140|gb|ABM88833.1| PsbM [Rhexia cubensis] gi|124021143|gb|ABM88835.1| PsbM [Rhexia lutea] gi|124021146|gb|ABM88837.1| PsbM [Rhexia mariana] gi|124021149|gb|ABM88839.1| PsbM [Rhexia nashii] gi|124021152|gb|ABM88841.1| PsbM [Rhexia nuttallii] gi|124021155|gb|ABM88843.1| PsbM [Rhexia parviflora] gi|124021158|gb|ABM88845.1| PsbM [Rhexia petiolata] gi|124021161|gb|ABM88847.1| PsbM [Rhexia salicifolia] gi|124021164|gb|ABM88849.1| PsbM [Rhexia virginica] gi|133712053|gb|ABO36696.1| photosystem II M protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|159792945|gb|ABW98701.1| photosystem II protein M [Oenothera argillicola] gi|159793115|gb|ABW98869.1| photosystem II protein M [Oenothera biennis] gi|159895469|gb|ABX10034.1| photosystem II protein M [Oenothera glazioviana] gi|159895554|gb|ABX10118.1| photosystem II protein M [Oenothera parviflora] gi|162423683|emb|CAB67147.2| photosystem II protein M [Oenothera elata subsp. hookeri] gi|166344126|gb|ABY86776.1| photosystem II protein M [Carica papaya] gi|193788951|gb|ACF20547.1| photosystem II protein M [Trifolium subterraneum] gi|197089798|gb|ACH41068.1| photosystem II protein M [Cicer arietinum] gi|197131910|gb|ACH47473.1| photosystem II protein M [Erodium texanum] gi|197131912|gb|ACH47474.1| photosystem II protein M [Geranium carolinianum] gi|197131914|gb|ACH47475.1| photosystem II protein M [Geranium macrorrhizum] gi|197131916|gb|ACH47476.1| photosystem II protein M [Geranium palmatum] gi|197131918|gb|ACH47477.1| photosystem II protein M [Monsonia speciosa] gi|197131920|gb|ACH47478.1| photosystem II protein M [Sarcocaulon vanderietiae] gi|290488112|gb|ADD30440.1| photosystem II protein M [Staphylea colchica] gi|290775786|gb|ADD62282.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium thurberi] gi|293338564|gb|ADE43537.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Pisum sativum] gi|293338676|gb|ADE43648.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Lathyrus sativus] gi|296936665|gb|ADH94337.1| photosystem II protein M [Syzygium cumini] gi|300069193|gb|ADJ66315.1| photosystem II protein M [Erodium texanum] gi|300069233|gb|ADJ66354.1| photosystem II protein M [Geranium palmatum] gi|300069349|gb|ADJ66469.1| photosystem II protein M [Monsonia speciosa] gi|308223277|gb|ADO23585.1| photosystem II protein M [Eucalyptus grandis] gi|309321261|gb|ADO64804.1| photosystem II protein M [Theobroma cacao] gi|318084310|gb|ADV38786.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium arboreum] gi|318084478|gb|ADV38952.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium herbaceum subsp. africanum] gi|318084562|gb|ADV39035.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium mustelinum] gi|318084644|gb|ADV39116.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium raimondii] gi|318084730|gb|ADV39201.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium tomentosum] gi|326457033|gb|ADZ74297.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium anomalum] gi|326457121|gb|ADZ74384.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium bickii] gi|326457209|gb|ADZ74471.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium herbaceum] gi|326457296|gb|ADZ74557.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium longicalyx] gi|326457382|gb|ADZ74642.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium stocksii] gi|326457470|gb|ADZ74729.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium sturtianum] gi|328924777|gb|ADO64884.2| photosystem II protein M [Theobroma cacao] gi|329317065|gb|AEB90424.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium gossypioides] gi|329317149|gb|AEB90507.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium hirsutum] gi|329317233|gb|AEB90590.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium hirsutum] gi|329317317|gb|AEB90673.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium barbadense] gi|329317401|gb|AEB90756.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium barbadense] gi|329317485|gb|AEB90839.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium barbadense] gi|335354325|gb|AEH42945.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium incanum] gi|335354409|gb|AEH43028.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium somalense] gi|335354493|gb|AEH43111.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium capitis-viridis] gi|335354577|gb|AEH43194.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Gossypium areysianum] gi|335354661|gb|AEH43277.1| photosystem II protein M [Gossypium robinsonii] gi|339516159|gb|AEJ82549.1| photosystem II protein M [Ricinus communis] gi|356474822|gb|AET11340.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Millettia pinnata] gi|367056560|gb|AEX10169.1| photosystem II protein M [California macrophylla] gi|371925931|gb|AEX57721.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|371926013|gb|AEX57802.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|371926095|gb|AEX57883.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|371926177|gb|AEX57964.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|371926259|gb|AEX58045.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|371926341|gb|AEX58126.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|371926423|gb|AEX58207.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|371926505|gb|AEX58288.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|371926587|gb|AEX58369.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|371926669|gb|AEX58450.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma grandiflorum] gi|371926751|gb|AEX58531.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Theobroma cacao] gi|388272675|gb|AFK27251.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Punica granatum] gi|388272678|gb|AFK27253.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Punica granatum] gi|388272681|gb|AFK27255.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Punica granatum] gi|388272684|gb|AFK27257.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Myrtus communis] gi|408898141|gb|AFU93977.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Anthodiscus peruanus] gi|408898145|gb|AFU93979.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Bergia texana] gi|408898149|gb|AFU93981.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Byrsonima crassifolia] gi|408898153|gb|AFU93983.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Centroplacus glaucinus] gi|408898155|gb|AFU93984.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Clusia rosea] gi|408898157|gb|AFU93985.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Ctenolophon englerianus] gi|408898159|gb|AFU93986.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Dichapetalum zenkeri] gi|408898163|gb|AFU93988.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Euphronia guianensis] gi|408898165|gb|AFU93989.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Flueggea suffruticosa] gi|408898169|gb|AFU93991.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Goupia glabra] gi|408898179|gb|AFU93996.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Lacistema robustum] gi|408898181|gb|AFU93997.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Linum usitatissimum] gi|408898191|gb|AFU94002.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Ploiarium sp. CCD-2012] gi|408898193|gb|AFU94003.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Podocalyx loranthoides] gi|408898197|gb|AFU94005.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Quiina glaziovii] gi|408898203|gb|AFU94008.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Scyphostegia borneensis] gi|408898205|gb|AFU94009.1| PsbM, partial (chloroplast) [Turnera ulmifolia] gi|442566147|gb|AGC56346.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus obliqua] gi|442566233|gb|AGC56431.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus radiata] gi|442566319|gb|AGC56516.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus delegatensis] gi|442566405|gb|AGC56601.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus verrucata] gi|442566491|gb|AGC56686.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus baxteri] gi|442566577|gb|AGC56771.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus diversifolia] gi|442566663|gb|AGC56856.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus sieberi] gi|442566749|gb|AGC56941.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus elata] gi|442566835|gb|AGC57026.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus regnans] gi|442566921|gb|AGC57111.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus umbra] gi|442567007|gb|AGC57196.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus cloeziana] gi|442567093|gb|AGC57281.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus patens] gi|442567179|gb|AGC57366.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus marginata] gi|442567265|gb|AGC57451.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus curtisii] gi|442567351|gb|AGC57536.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus melliodora] gi|442567437|gb|AGC57621.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus melliodora] gi|442567523|gb|AGC57706.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus polybractea] gi|442567609|gb|AGC57791.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus cladocalyx] gi|442567695|gb|AGC57876.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus globulus] gi|442567867|gb|AGC58046.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus aromaphloia] gi|442567953|gb|AGC58131.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus saligna] gi|442568039|gb|AGC58216.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus camaldulensis] gi|442568125|gb|AGC58301.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus deglupta] gi|442568211|gb|AGC58386.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus spathulata] gi|442568297|gb|AGC58471.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus torquata] gi|442568383|gb|AGC58556.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus diversicolor] gi|442568469|gb|AGC58641.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus salmonophloia] gi|442568555|gb|AGC58726.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus microcorys] gi|442568641|gb|AGC58811.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus guilfoylei] gi|442568727|gb|AGC58896.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Eucalyptus erythrocorys] gi|442568813|gb|AGC58981.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Corymbia gummifera] gi|442568899|gb|AGC59066.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Corymbia maculata] gi|442568985|gb|AGC59151.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Corymbia eximia] gi|442569071|gb|AGC59236.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Corymbia tessellaris] gi|442569157|gb|AGC59321.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Angophora floribunda] gi|442569243|gb|AGC59406.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Angophora costata] gi|442569329|gb|AGC59491.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Allosyncarpia ternata] gi|442569415|gb|AGC59576.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Stockwellia quadrifida] gi|507588303|gb|AGM51194.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine soja] gi|514252895|gb|AGO44156.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine cyrtoloba] gi|514252977|gb|AGO44237.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine tomentella] gi|514253143|gb|AGO44401.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine canescens] gi|514253226|gb|AGO44483.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine dolichocarpa] gi|514253309|gb|AGO44565.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine falcata] gi|514253392|gb|AGO44647.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine syndetika] gi|514253475|gb|AGO44729.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine tomentella] gi|514253557|gb|AGO44810.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine tomentella] gi|540067466|gb|AGV02818.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Viviania marifolia] gi|540067580|gb|AGV02931.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Hypseocharis bilobata] gi|557469725|gb|AHA03978.1| photosystem II protein M (chloroplast) [Glycine soja] Length = 34 Score = 64.7 bits (156), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 33/34 (97%), Positives = 34/34 (100%) Frame = -3 Query: 249 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQND 148 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQ+D Sbjct: 1 MEVNILAFIATALFILVPTAFLLIIYVKTVSQSD 34