BLASTX nr result
ID: Angelica22_contig00026575
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Angelica22_contig00026575 (240 letters) Database: ./nr 23,641,837 sequences; 8,123,359,852 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_002269977.2| PREDICTED: histidine kinase 2-like [Vitis vi... 93 3e-17 emb|CBI28424.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] 93 3e-17 emb|CAN76309.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_028333 [Vitis vinifera] 93 3e-17 gb|AAM14700.1| cytokinin receptor [Catharanthus roseus] 87 1e-15 ref|XP_002531702.1| histidine kinase 1, 2, 3 plant, putative [Ri... 80 2e-13 >ref|XP_002269977.2| PREDICTED: histidine kinase 2-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 1272 Score = 92.8 bits (229), Expect = 3e-17 Identities = 51/78 (65%), Positives = 56/78 (71%) Frame = -2 Query: 236 ENGPKILLLATSRCSEMCNELKSAGLVDTVLTKPLRLSVLILSFQGTLGIGTKRLPSKGK 57 E PKI LL TS S NELKSAG VD VL KPLRLSVLI FQ GIG ++ ++GK Sbjct: 1061 EKRPKIFLLDTSLSSAERNELKSAGFVDNVLMKPLRLSVLISCFQEVFGIGKRKQANRGK 1120 Query: 56 PSTLGNLLRGRRILVVDD 3 P TLGNLLR +RILVVDD Sbjct: 1121 PLTLGNLLREKRILVVDD 1138 >emb|CBI28424.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 1203 Score = 92.8 bits (229), Expect = 3e-17 Identities = 51/78 (65%), Positives = 56/78 (71%) Frame = -2 Query: 236 ENGPKILLLATSRCSEMCNELKSAGLVDTVLTKPLRLSVLILSFQGTLGIGTKRLPSKGK 57 E PKI LL TS S NELKSAG VD VL KPLRLSVLI FQ GIG ++ ++GK Sbjct: 992 EKRPKIFLLDTSLSSAERNELKSAGFVDNVLMKPLRLSVLISCFQEVFGIGKRKQANRGK 1051 Query: 56 PSTLGNLLRGRRILVVDD 3 P TLGNLLR +RILVVDD Sbjct: 1052 PLTLGNLLREKRILVVDD 1069 >emb|CAN76309.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_028333 [Vitis vinifera] Length = 1400 Score = 92.8 bits (229), Expect = 3e-17 Identities = 51/78 (65%), Positives = 56/78 (71%) Frame = -2 Query: 236 ENGPKILLLATSRCSEMCNELKSAGLVDTVLTKPLRLSVLILSFQGTLGIGTKRLPSKGK 57 E PKI LL TS S NELKSAG VD VL KPLRLSVLI FQ GIG ++ ++GK Sbjct: 1100 EKRPKIFLLDTSLSSAERNELKSAGFVDNVLMKPLRLSVLISCFQEVFGIGKRKQANRGK 1159 Query: 56 PSTLGNLLRGRRILVVDD 3 P TLGNLLR +RILVVDD Sbjct: 1160 PLTLGNLLREKRILVVDD 1177 >gb|AAM14700.1| cytokinin receptor [Catharanthus roseus] Length = 1041 Score = 87.4 bits (215), Expect = 1e-15 Identities = 44/75 (58%), Positives = 54/75 (72%) Frame = -2 Query: 227 PKILLLATSRCSEMCNELKSAGLVDTVLTKPLRLSVLILSFQGTLGIGTKRLPSKGKPST 48 PKI LLA + C ELKS GLVD VLTKPLRLS+LI Q ++G G R ++ PST Sbjct: 833 PKIFLLANPKSFSDCIELKSTGLVDNVLTKPLRLSILISCLQESIGFGRTRQVTRSNPST 892 Query: 47 LGNLLRGRRILVVDD 3 +GNLL+G+R+LVVDD Sbjct: 893 IGNLLKGKRMLVVDD 907 >ref|XP_002531702.1| histidine kinase 1, 2, 3 plant, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223528678|gb|EEF30693.1| histidine kinase 1, 2, 3 plant, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 922 Score = 80.1 bits (196), Expect = 2e-13 Identities = 45/75 (60%), Positives = 52/75 (69%) Frame = -2 Query: 227 PKILLLATSRCSEMCNELKSAGLVDTVLTKPLRLSVLILSFQGTLGIGTKRLPSKGKPST 48 PKI LLAT+ E EL SAGLVD ++ KPLRLSVL FQ +G G K ++ KPST Sbjct: 714 PKIFLLATTINPEERRELLSAGLVDNIIMKPLRLSVLFSCFQEAIGSGKKSQVNRRKPST 773 Query: 47 LGNLLRGRRILVVDD 3 L NLLR +RILVVDD Sbjct: 774 LQNLLREKRILVVDD 788