BLASTX nr result
ID: Anemarrhena21_contig00063714
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Anemarrhena21_contig00063714 (354 letters) Database: ./nr 69,698,275 sequences; 24,982,196,650 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|EUN30193.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_91012 [Bipolaris ... 78 2e-12 ref|XP_007708736.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_23410 [Bipol... 78 2e-12 ref|XP_007696974.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_178975 [Bipo... 78 2e-12 ref|XP_007686742.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_91960 [Bipol... 78 3e-12 ref|XP_001941304.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora ... 77 4e-12 ref|XP_003306082.1| hypothetical protein PTT_19109 [Pyrenophora ... 77 6e-12 ref|XP_001801363.1| hypothetical protein SNOG_11114 [Phaeosphaer... 77 6e-12 gb|EMD92365.1| hypothetical protein COCHEDRAFT_1174224 [Bipolari... 76 1e-11 ref|XP_008028558.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_155477 [Seto... 73 8e-11 ref|XP_007679481.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_233654 [Baud... 72 2e-10 gb|EMF17008.1| DUF962 domain-containing protein [Sphaerulina mus... 70 5e-10 dbj|GAM90898.1| hypothetical protein ANO11243_089440 [fungal sp.... 69 1e-09 gb|EME49104.1| hypothetical protein DOTSEDRAFT_142755 [Dothistro... 69 1e-09 dbj|GAA89259.1| DUF962 domain protein [Aspergillus kawachii IFO ... 69 1e-09 ref|XP_001398042.2| hypothetical protein ANI_1_986144 [Aspergill... 69 1e-09 gb|KEQ61776.1| DUF962-domain-containing protein [Aureobasidium m... 69 2e-09 gb|EYE91845.1| DUF962-domain-containing protein [Aspergillus rub... 69 2e-09 ref|XP_007921136.1| hypothetical protein MYCFIDRAFT_125332 [Pseu... 69 2e-09 gb|KEQ80251.1| DUF962 domain-containing protein [Aureobasidium p... 68 2e-09 ref|XP_003843787.1| hypothetical protein LEMA_P014380.1 [Leptosp... 68 2e-09 >gb|EUN30193.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_91012 [Bipolaris victoriae FI3] Length = 212 Score = 78.2 bits (191), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 35/41 (85%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 F+LK+ LVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIH+ CVPILL TGFLFGTNT Sbjct: 4 FDLKKNLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHMACVPILLGTGFLFGTNT 44 >ref|XP_007708736.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_23410 [Bipolaris zeicola 26-R-13] gi|576922858|gb|EUC36982.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_23410 [Bipolaris zeicola 26-R-13] Length = 210 Score = 78.2 bits (191), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 35/41 (85%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 F+LK+ LVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIH+ CVPILL TGFLFGTNT Sbjct: 4 FDLKKNLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHMVCVPILLGTGFLFGTNT 44 >ref|XP_007696974.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_178975 [Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr] gi|451853984|gb|EMD67277.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_178975 [Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr] Length = 213 Score = 78.2 bits (191), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 35/41 (85%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 F+LK+ LVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIH+ CVPILL TGFLFGTNT Sbjct: 4 FDLKKNLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHMVCVPILLGTGFLFGTNT 44 >ref|XP_007686742.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_91960 [Bipolaris oryzae ATCC 44560] gi|576933270|gb|EUC46799.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_91960 [Bipolaris oryzae ATCC 44560] Length = 214 Score = 77.8 bits (190), Expect = 3e-12 Identities = 35/41 (85%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 F+LK+ LVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIH+ CVPILL TGFLFGTNT Sbjct: 4 FDLKKNLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHMLCVPILLGTGFLFGTNT 44 >ref|XP_001941304.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] gi|187977397|gb|EDU44023.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] Length = 210 Score = 77.0 bits (188), Expect = 4e-12 Identities = 34/41 (82%), Positives = 37/41 (90%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 F+LK+ LVFYGAYHRDPTNV IH+ CVPILL TGFLFGTNT Sbjct: 4 FDLKKNLVFYGAYHRDPTNVGIHMACVPILLATGFLFGTNT 44 >ref|XP_003306082.1| hypothetical protein PTT_19109 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] gi|311316607|gb|EFQ85828.1| hypothetical protein PTT_19109 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] Length = 210 Score = 76.6 bits (187), Expect = 6e-12 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 37/41 (90%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 F+LK+ LVFYGAYHRDPTNV IH+ CVP+LL TGFLFGTNT Sbjct: 4 FDLKKNLVFYGAYHRDPTNVGIHMACVPVLLATGFLFGTNT 44 >ref|XP_001801363.1| hypothetical protein SNOG_11114 [Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15] gi|111060493|gb|EAT81613.1| hypothetical protein SNOG_11114 [Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15] Length = 193 Score = 76.6 bits (187), Expect = 6e-12 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 F+LK+ LVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHI CVP+LL TGF+FG+NT Sbjct: 4 FDLKKNLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHIACVPVLLATGFVFGSNT 44 >gb|EMD92365.1| hypothetical protein COCHEDRAFT_1174224 [Bipolaris maydis C5] gi|477590983|gb|ENI08056.1| hypothetical protein COCC4DRAFT_162423 [Bipolaris maydis ATCC 48331] Length = 214 Score = 75.9 bits (185), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 37/41 (90%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 F+LK+ L+FYGAYHRDP NVAIH+ CVPILL TGFLFGTNT Sbjct: 4 FDLKKNLIFYGAYHRDPANVAIHMVCVPILLGTGFLFGTNT 44 >ref|XP_008028558.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_155477 [Setosphaeria turcica Et28A] gi|482807137|gb|EOA84189.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_155477 [Setosphaeria turcica Et28A] Length = 199 Score = 72.8 bits (177), Expect = 8e-11 Identities = 30/41 (73%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 F+L++ L+FYGAYHRDPTNVAIH+TCVP++L T FLFGT+T Sbjct: 4 FDLRKNLIFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHMTCVPLILGTAFLFGTHT 44 >ref|XP_007679481.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_233654 [Baudoinia compniacensis UAMH 10762] gi|449297214|gb|EMC93232.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_233654 [Baudoinia compniacensis UAMH 10762] Length = 206 Score = 71.6 bits (174), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 30/43 (69%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL++QL FYGAYH DP NV IH+TCVP++L T FLFGTNT Sbjct: 1 MALNLEKQLQFYGAYHHDPVNVGIHVTCVPMILITAFLFGTNT 43 >gb|EMF17008.1| DUF962 domain-containing protein [Sphaerulina musiva SO2202] Length = 197 Score = 70.1 bits (170), Expect = 5e-10 Identities = 31/43 (72%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL++QL+FYG+YH DP NV IHI VPILL TGFLFGTNT Sbjct: 1 MALNLEKQLLFYGSYHHDPVNVGIHIVFVPILLLTGFLFGTNT 43 >dbj|GAM90898.1| hypothetical protein ANO11243_089440 [fungal sp. No.11243] Length = 195 Score = 68.9 bits (167), Expect = 1e-09 Identities = 29/43 (67%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL++QL FYGAYH +P N+AIHITCVP++L TG LF TNT Sbjct: 1 MALNLEKQLQFYGAYHHNPINIAIHITCVPLILITGILFATNT 43 >gb|EME49104.1| hypothetical protein DOTSEDRAFT_142755 [Dothistroma septosporum NZE10] Length = 203 Score = 68.9 bits (167), Expect = 1e-09 Identities = 30/43 (69%), Positives = 34/43 (79%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL+ QL+FYG+YH DP N+ IHIT VPILL TGFLF TNT Sbjct: 1 MALNLERQLLFYGSYHHDPVNIGIHITFVPILLLTGFLFATNT 43 >dbj|GAA89259.1| DUF962 domain protein [Aspergillus kawachii IFO 4308] Length = 189 Score = 68.9 bits (167), Expect = 1e-09 Identities = 30/43 (69%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL++QL+FYGAYH +P NVAIHITCVPILLFTG +NT Sbjct: 1 MALNLEKQLLFYGAYHNNPVNVAIHITCVPILLFTGIALASNT 43 >ref|XP_001398042.2| hypothetical protein ANI_1_986144 [Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88] gi|350633118|gb|EHA21484.1| hypothetical protein ASPNIDRAFT_57408 [Aspergillus niger ATCC 1015] Length = 189 Score = 68.9 bits (167), Expect = 1e-09 Identities = 30/43 (69%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL++QL+FYGAYH +P NVAIHITCVPILLFTG +NT Sbjct: 1 MALNLEKQLLFYGAYHNNPVNVAIHITCVPILLFTGIALASNT 43 >gb|KEQ61776.1| DUF962-domain-containing protein [Aureobasidium melanogenum CBS 110374] Length = 200 Score = 68.6 bits (166), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 29/43 (67%), Positives = 36/43 (83%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL++QL+FYG+YH +P NVAIHITCVP++L T FLF TNT Sbjct: 1 MSLNLEKQLLFYGSYHHNPVNVAIHITCVPLILLTAFLFCTNT 43 >gb|EYE91845.1| DUF962-domain-containing protein [Aspergillus ruber CBS 135680] Length = 189 Score = 68.6 bits (166), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 29/43 (67%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL+ QL+FYGAYH +P NVAIHITCVP+LLFTG + +NT Sbjct: 1 MALNLERQLLFYGAYHSNPVNVAIHITCVPVLLFTGIVLASNT 43 >ref|XP_007921136.1| hypothetical protein MYCFIDRAFT_125332 [Pseudocercospora fijiensis CIRAD86] gi|452988084|gb|EME87839.1| hypothetical protein MYCFIDRAFT_125332 [Pseudocercospora fijiensis CIRAD86] Length = 203 Score = 68.6 bits (166), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 30/43 (69%), Positives = 35/43 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL++QL+FYG+YH DP NV IHI VP+LL TGFLFGTNT Sbjct: 1 MALNLEKQLLFYGSYHHDPVNVGIHIIFVPMLLLTGFLFGTNT 43 >gb|KEQ80251.1| DUF962 domain-containing protein [Aureobasidium pullulans EXF-150] Length = 202 Score = 68.2 bits (165), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 29/43 (67%), Positives = 36/43 (83%) Frame = -2 Query: 212 MPFNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGTNT 84 M NL++QL+FYG+YH +P NVAIHITCVP++L T FLF TNT Sbjct: 1 MSLNLEKQLLFYGSYHHNPINVAIHITCVPLILLTAFLFCTNT 43 >ref|XP_003843787.1| hypothetical protein LEMA_P014380.1 [Leptosphaeria maculans JN3] gi|312220367|emb|CBY00308.1| hypothetical protein LEMA_P014380.1 [Leptosphaeria maculans JN3] Length = 50 Score = 68.2 bits (165), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 30/39 (76%), Positives = 34/39 (87%) Frame = -2 Query: 206 FNLKEQLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHITCVPILLFTGFLFGT 90 F+LK+ LVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHI CVP+LL T +FGT Sbjct: 4 FDLKKNLVFYGAYHRDPTNVAIHIGCVPLLLATSLVFGT 42