BLASTX nr result
ID: Akebia27_contig00028408
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Akebia27_contig00028408 (304 letters) Database: ./nr 38,876,450 sequences; 13,856,398,315 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_007046988.1| Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfam... 77 2e-12 ref|XP_002271426.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 77 2e-12 emb|CBI17546.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] 77 2e-12 emb|CAN68320.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_032192 [Vitis vinifera] 77 2e-12 gb|EXB59125.1| hypothetical protein L484_014620 [Morus notabilis] 77 2e-12 ref|XP_006425713.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10025762mg [Citr... 77 2e-12 ref|XP_006383229.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family p... 74 2e-11 ref|XP_002310210.2| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family p... 74 3e-11 ref|XP_004300620.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 71 2e-10 ref|XP_006411973.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10027579mg [Eutr... 70 3e-10 ref|XP_004233512.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 70 3e-10 ref|NP_565439.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Ar... 70 3e-10 ref|XP_002886180.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein ... 70 4e-10 emb|CAA05629.1| membrane-associated salt-inducible protein like ... 69 5e-10 ref|XP_002866998.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein ... 69 5e-10 ref|NP_195386.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Ar... 69 5e-10 ref|XP_006282615.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10004839mg, part... 69 7e-10 ref|XP_006409140.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10023199mg, part... 69 9e-10 ref|XP_006363148.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 67 2e-09 ref|XP_004232380.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 67 2e-09 >ref|XP_007046988.1| Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein [Theobroma cacao] gi|508699249|gb|EOX91145.1| Tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein [Theobroma cacao] Length = 411 Score = 77.4 bits (189), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 39/58 (67%), Positives = 52/58 (89%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQK 297 ++LR+EYDPDKALEIYSSVS ++ S+S+YA+DLT++RLAKSRRF+DIE+LIE+ K Sbjct: 36 NKLRTEYDPDKALEIYSSVSKHYSS-PSSSRYAQDLTVRRLAKSRRFSDIESLIESHK 92 >ref|XP_002271426.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g36680, mitochondrial-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 414 Score = 77.4 bits (189), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 42/60 (70%), Positives = 50/60 (83%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S LRSE+DPD+ALEIYSSVS T+ AS+YA+DLT+KRLAKSRRF DIETLIE+ K + Sbjct: 42 SILRSEFDPDRALEIYSSVSKHYTS-PLASRYAQDLTVKRLAKSRRFADIETLIESHKND 100 >emb|CBI17546.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 371 Score = 77.4 bits (189), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 42/60 (70%), Positives = 50/60 (83%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S LRSE+DPD+ALEIYSSVS T+ AS+YA+DLT+KRLAKSRRF DIETLIE+ K + Sbjct: 42 SILRSEFDPDRALEIYSSVSKHYTS-PLASRYAQDLTVKRLAKSRRFADIETLIESHKND 100 >emb|CAN68320.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_032192 [Vitis vinifera] Length = 416 Score = 77.4 bits (189), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 42/60 (70%), Positives = 50/60 (83%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S LRSE+DPD+ALEIYSSVS T+ AS+YA+DLT+KRLAKSRRF DIETLIE+ K + Sbjct: 44 SILRSEFDPDRALEIYSSVSKHYTS-PLASRYAQDLTVKRLAKSRRFADIETLIESHKND 102 >gb|EXB59125.1| hypothetical protein L484_014620 [Morus notabilis] Length = 400 Score = 77.0 bits (188), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 43/85 (50%), Positives = 59/85 (69%) Frame = +1 Query: 49 LSSSIRHGRLFXXXXXXXXXXXXXISRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKD 228 ++SSIRH R + LR E+DPDKALEIYSSVS+ ++ T S+YA+D Sbjct: 1 MASSIRHLRRLSTAAKPPISISRAKTMLRGEHDPDKALEIYSSVSDRYSSPT-ISRYAQD 59 Query: 229 LTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 LT++RLAKSRRF+DIE+ +E+ KK+ Sbjct: 60 LTVRRLAKSRRFDDIESFLESHKKD 84 >ref|XP_006425713.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10025762mg [Citrus clementina] gi|568824774|ref|XP_006466769.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g36680, mitochondrial-like [Citrus sinensis] gi|557527703|gb|ESR38953.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v10025762mg [Citrus clementina] Length = 403 Score = 77.0 bits (188), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 40/60 (66%), Positives = 51/60 (85%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S+LRSE+DPDKALEIYSSVS + S S+YA+DLT++RLAKS+RF+DIETLIE+ K + Sbjct: 33 SKLRSEFDPDKALEIYSSVSKHYASPVS-SRYAQDLTVRRLAKSKRFSDIETLIESHKND 91 >ref|XP_006383229.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|550338811|gb|ERP61026.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family protein [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 397 Score = 73.9 bits (180), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 36/58 (62%), Positives = 50/58 (86%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQK 297 S+LR+E+DPDKAL IYS+ SN D++ +AS+YA+DLT++RLA S RF DIE+LIE++K Sbjct: 27 SKLRTEHDPDKALAIYSAASNNDSS-PAASRYAQDLTVRRLATSHRFTDIESLIESRK 83 >ref|XP_002310210.2| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|550334733|gb|EEE90660.2| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family protein [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 396 Score = 73.6 bits (179), Expect = 3e-11 Identities = 35/60 (58%), Positives = 49/60 (81%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 SRLR+E+DPDKAL I+SS S+ D++ S+YA+DLT++RLAKS RF DIE+L+E+ K + Sbjct: 25 SRLRTEHDPDKALAIFSSASSNDSSPPVVSRYAQDLTVRRLAKSHRFADIESLMESHKSD 84 >ref|XP_004300620.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g36680, mitochondrial-like [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca] Length = 461 Score = 70.9 bits (172), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 44/87 (50%), Positives = 57/87 (65%), Gaps = 1/87 (1%) Frame = +1 Query: 46 SLSSSIRH-GRLFXXXXXXXXXXXXXISRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYA 222 S S SIRH RL S+LRSE+DPDKALEIYSSVS+ ++ TS S+Y Sbjct: 2 SSSISIRHIRRLSTTAAQSSISISKAKSKLRSEHDPDKALEIYSSVSDRYSSPTS-SRYT 60 Query: 223 KDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 +D+ ++RLAKS RF DIE+ IE+ K + Sbjct: 61 QDIAVRRLAKSHRFADIESFIESHKND 87 >ref|XP_006411973.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10027579mg [Eutrema salsugineum] gi|557113143|gb|ESQ53426.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10027579mg [Eutrema salsugineum] Length = 410 Score = 70.1 bits (170), Expect = 3e-10 Identities = 36/58 (62%), Positives = 47/58 (81%) Frame = +1 Query: 130 LRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 LR +DPDKALEIYS+VSN D + S S+YA++LT++RLAK RF+DIE LIE+QK + Sbjct: 44 LRKVHDPDKALEIYSNVSNHDASPVS-SRYAQELTVRRLAKCSRFSDIEALIESQKND 100 >ref|XP_004233512.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g36680, mitochondrial-like [Solanum lycopersicum] Length = 416 Score = 70.1 bits (170), Expect = 3e-10 Identities = 36/58 (62%), Positives = 48/58 (82%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQK 297 S+L+SE+DPDKAL+IYSSVSN T+ S S+YA++ T+KRLAKS RF+DIE +E+ K Sbjct: 43 SKLKSEHDPDKALKIYSSVSNHYTSPLS-SRYAQEYTVKRLAKSHRFSDIEAFLESHK 99 >ref|NP_565439.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|75216725|sp|Q9ZU67.1|PP162_ARATH RecName: Full=Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At2g18520, mitochondrial; Flags: Precursor gi|4218007|gb|AAD12215.1| expressed protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|21617890|gb|AAM66940.1| membrane-associated salt-inducible protein like [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|330251683|gb|AEC06777.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] Length = 418 Score = 70.1 bits (170), Expect = 3e-10 Identities = 37/60 (61%), Positives = 46/60 (76%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S+LR DPDKAL IY SVSN T+ S S+YA +LT++RLAKS+RF+DIE LIE+ K N Sbjct: 38 SKLRKVQDPDKALAIYKSVSNNSTSPLS-SRYAMELTVQRLAKSQRFSDIEALIESHKNN 96 >ref|XP_002886180.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] gi|297332020|gb|EFH62439.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] Length = 421 Score = 69.7 bits (169), Expect = 4e-10 Identities = 36/60 (60%), Positives = 47/60 (78%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S+LR +DPDKAL IY SVSN ++ S S+YA +LT++RLAKS+RF+DIE LIE+ K N Sbjct: 34 SKLRKVHDPDKALAIYKSVSNNSSSPLS-SRYAMELTVQRLAKSQRFSDIEALIESHKNN 92 >emb|CAA05629.1| membrane-associated salt-inducible protein like [Arabidopsis thaliana] Length = 428 Score = 69.3 bits (168), Expect = 5e-10 Identities = 35/60 (58%), Positives = 49/60 (81%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S LR E+DPDKAL+IY++VS+ + S S+YA++LT++RLAK RRF+DIETLIE+ K + Sbjct: 54 STLRKEHDPDKALKIYANVSDHSASPVS-SRYAQELTVRRLAKCRRFSDIETLIESHKND 112 >ref|XP_002866998.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] gi|297312834|gb|EFH43257.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. lyrata] Length = 411 Score = 69.3 bits (168), Expect = 5e-10 Identities = 35/60 (58%), Positives = 49/60 (81%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S LR E+DPDKAL+IY++VS+ + S S+YA++LT++RLAK RRF+DIETLIE+ K + Sbjct: 38 STLRKEHDPDKALKIYANVSDHSASPVS-SRYAQELTVRRLAKCRRFSDIETLIESHKND 96 >ref|NP_195386.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|75181418|sp|Q9M065.1|PP352_ARATH RecName: Full=Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g36680, mitochondrial; Flags: Precursor gi|2464912|emb|CAB16807.1| salt-inducible like protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|7270616|emb|CAB80334.1| salt-inducible like protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|17381286|gb|AAL36061.1| C7A10_680/C7A10_680 [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|24111267|gb|AAN46757.1| At4g36680/C7A10_680 [Arabidopsis thaliana] gi|332661286|gb|AEE86686.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] Length = 412 Score = 69.3 bits (168), Expect = 5e-10 Identities = 35/60 (58%), Positives = 49/60 (81%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S LR E+DPDKAL+IY++VS+ + S S+YA++LT++RLAK RRF+DIETLIE+ K + Sbjct: 38 STLRKEHDPDKALKIYANVSDHSASPVS-SRYAQELTVRRLAKCRRFSDIETLIESHKND 96 >ref|XP_006282615.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10004839mg, partial [Capsella rubella] gi|482551320|gb|EOA15513.1| hypothetical protein CARUB_v10004839mg, partial [Capsella rubella] Length = 435 Score = 68.9 bits (167), Expect = 7e-10 Identities = 35/60 (58%), Positives = 49/60 (81%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S LR E+DPDKAL+IY++VS+ + S S+YA++LT++RLAK RF+DIETLIE+ KK+ Sbjct: 65 STLRKEHDPDKALKIYANVSDHSASPVS-SRYAQELTVRRLAKCSRFSDIETLIESSKKD 123 >ref|XP_006409140.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10023199mg, partial [Eutrema salsugineum] gi|557110302|gb|ESQ50593.1| hypothetical protein EUTSA_v10023199mg, partial [Eutrema salsugineum] Length = 411 Score = 68.6 bits (166), Expect = 9e-10 Identities = 35/60 (58%), Positives = 48/60 (80%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S+LR +DPDKAL IY+SVSN ++ S S+YA +LT++RLAKS+RF+DIE LIE+ K + Sbjct: 40 SKLRKVHDPDKALAIYNSVSNNSSSPIS-SRYAMELTVRRLAKSQRFSDIEALIESHKND 98 >ref|XP_006363148.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g36680, mitochondrial-like [Solanum tuberosum] Length = 406 Score = 67.4 bits (163), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 34/60 (56%), Positives = 48/60 (80%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S+L++E+DPDKALEIYSSVS+ + S S+YA++ T+KRLAKS RF+DIE +E+ K + Sbjct: 39 SKLKAEHDPDKALEIYSSVSDRYVSPLS-SRYAQEFTVKRLAKSHRFSDIENFLESHKNS 97 >ref|XP_004232380.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At4g36680, mitochondrial-like [Solanum lycopersicum] Length = 405 Score = 67.4 bits (163), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 34/60 (56%), Positives = 48/60 (80%) Frame = +1 Query: 124 SRLRSEYDPDKALEIYSSVSNGDTTFTSASQYAKDLTIKRLAKSRRFNDIETLIENQKKN 303 S+L++E+DPDKALEIYSSVS+ + S S+YA++ T+KRLAKS RF+DIE +E+ K + Sbjct: 38 SKLKAEHDPDKALEIYSSVSDRYVSPLS-SRYAQEFTVKRLAKSHRFSDIENFLESHKNS 96