BLASTX nr result
ID: Akebia25_contig00045072
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Akebia25_contig00045072 (255 letters) Database: ./nr 38,876,450 sequences; 13,856,398,315 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|EME86427.1| hypothetical protein MYCFIDRAFT_118176, partial [... 80 4e-13 gb|EME47508.1| hypothetical protein DOTSEDRAFT_69451 [Dothistrom... 77 2e-12 gb|EMF15884.1| hypothetical protein SEPMUDRAFT_124062 [Sphaeruli... 76 4e-12 ref|XP_003855635.1| hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_68137 [Zymos... 76 4e-12 gb|EXJ78836.1| hypothetical protein A1O1_09238 [Capronia coronat... 75 1e-11 gb|EHY53207.1| hypothetical protein HMPREF1120_01404 [Exophiala ... 75 1e-11 gb|EHY53206.1| hypothetical protein, variant [Exophiala dermatit... 75 1e-11 ref|XP_003840102.1| hypothetical protein LEMA_P108880.1 [Leptosp... 75 1e-11 gb|EUN24465.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_106083 [Bipolaris... 74 2e-11 gb|EUC47343.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_90562, partial [B... 74 2e-11 gb|EUC32105.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_99463 [Bipolaris ... 74 2e-11 gb|EMD87935.1| hypothetical protein COCHEDRAFT_1023236 [Bipolari... 74 2e-11 gb|EMD65029.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_87792, partial [B... 74 2e-11 gb|EOA87292.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_163267 [Setosphae... 74 2e-11 gb|EXJ63271.1| hypothetical protein A1O5_11592 [Cladophialophora... 73 4e-11 gb|ETN44881.1| hypothetical protein HMPREF1541_09756 [Cyphelloph... 73 4e-11 gb|ETI21625.1| hypothetical protein G647_07972 [Cladophialophora... 73 4e-11 ref|XP_003296289.1| hypothetical protein PTT_05809 [Pyrenophora ... 73 4e-11 ref|XP_001935856.1| transcription factor RfeF [Pyrenophora triti... 73 4e-11 gb|EMC98187.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_415872 [Baudoinia... 73 5e-11 >gb|EME86427.1| hypothetical protein MYCFIDRAFT_118176, partial [Pseudocercospora fijiensis CIRAD86] Length = 387 Score = 79.7 bits (195), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 36/41 (87%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 YE ES EM RANPPV+LTPDLWMIKL+LGAIDPSYDTKDEK Sbjct: 347 YENESAEMARANPPVDLTPDLWMIKLILGAIDPSYDTKDEK 387 >gb|EME47508.1| hypothetical protein DOTSEDRAFT_69451 [Dothistroma septosporum NZE10] Length = 389 Score = 77.4 bits (189), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 35/41 (85%), Positives = 37/41 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 YE ES EM RA PPV+LTPDLWMIKL+LGAIDPSYDTKDEK Sbjct: 252 YENESAEMARAQPPVDLTPDLWMIKLILGAIDPSYDTKDEK 292 >gb|EMF15884.1| hypothetical protein SEPMUDRAFT_124062 [Sphaerulina musiva SO2202] Length = 473 Score = 76.3 bits (186), Expect = 4e-12 Identities = 35/41 (85%), Positives = 37/41 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 YE ES EM RA PPV+LTPDLWMIKL+LGAIDPSYDTKDEK Sbjct: 346 YENESAEMARAVPPVDLTPDLWMIKLILGAIDPSYDTKDEK 386 >ref|XP_003855635.1| hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_68137 [Zymoseptoria tritici IPO323] gi|339475519|gb|EGP90611.1| hypothetical protein MYCGRDRAFT_68137 [Zymoseptoria tritici IPO323] Length = 475 Score = 76.3 bits (186), Expect = 4e-12 Identities = 35/41 (85%), Positives = 37/41 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 YE ES EM RA PPV+LTPDLWMIKL+LGAIDPSYDTKDEK Sbjct: 344 YENESAEMARAVPPVDLTPDLWMIKLILGAIDPSYDTKDEK 384 >gb|EXJ78836.1| hypothetical protein A1O1_09238 [Capronia coronata CBS 617.96] Length = 531 Score = 74.7 bits (182), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 33/42 (78%), Positives = 39/42 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEKA 130 YE E++EM RANPPV+LTP+LW+IKLLLGAID SYDTKDEK+ Sbjct: 399 YEVEADEMSRANPPVQLTPELWLIKLLLGAIDSSYDTKDEKS 440 >gb|EHY53207.1| hypothetical protein HMPREF1120_01404 [Exophiala dermatitidis NIH/UT8656] Length = 547 Score = 74.7 bits (182), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 33/42 (78%), Positives = 39/42 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEKA 130 YE E++EM RANPPV+LTP+LW+IKLLLGAID SYDTKDEK+ Sbjct: 414 YEVEADEMSRANPPVQLTPELWLIKLLLGAIDSSYDTKDEKS 455 >gb|EHY53206.1| hypothetical protein, variant [Exophiala dermatitidis NIH/UT8656] Length = 471 Score = 74.7 bits (182), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 33/42 (78%), Positives = 39/42 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEKA 130 YE E++EM RANPPV+LTP+LW+IKLLLGAID SYDTKDEK+ Sbjct: 338 YEVEADEMSRANPPVQLTPELWLIKLLLGAIDSSYDTKDEKS 379 >ref|XP_003840102.1| hypothetical protein LEMA_P108880.1 [Leptosphaeria maculans JN3] gi|312216673|emb|CBX96623.1| hypothetical protein LEMA_P108880.1 [Leptosphaeria maculans JN3] Length = 696 Score = 74.7 bits (182), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 33/42 (78%), Positives = 39/42 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEKA 130 +E E EEM+RANPPV+LTPDLW+IKLLLGAID SYD+KDEK+ Sbjct: 561 FENEQEEMMRANPPVDLTPDLWIIKLLLGAIDRSYDSKDEKS 602 >gb|EUN24465.1| hypothetical protein COCVIDRAFT_106083 [Bipolaris victoriae FI3] Length = 430 Score = 74.3 bits (181), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 +E E EEM+RANPPV+LTPDLW+IKLLLGAID SYD+KDEK Sbjct: 289 FENEQEEMMRANPPVDLTPDLWIIKLLLGAIDRSYDSKDEK 329 >gb|EUC47343.1| hypothetical protein COCMIDRAFT_90562, partial [Bipolaris oryzae ATCC 44560] Length = 429 Score = 74.3 bits (181), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 +E E EEM+RANPPV+LTPDLW+IKLLLGAID SYD+KDEK Sbjct: 288 FENEQEEMMRANPPVDLTPDLWIIKLLLGAIDRSYDSKDEK 328 >gb|EUC32105.1| hypothetical protein COCCADRAFT_99463 [Bipolaris zeicola 26-R-13] Length = 435 Score = 74.3 bits (181), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 +E E EEM+RANPPV+LTPDLW+IKLLLGAID SYD+KDEK Sbjct: 294 FENEQEEMMRANPPVDLTPDLWIIKLLLGAIDRSYDSKDEK 334 >gb|EMD87935.1| hypothetical protein COCHEDRAFT_1023236 [Bipolaris maydis C5] gi|477586365|gb|ENI03450.1| hypothetical protein COCC4DRAFT_33091 [Bipolaris maydis ATCC 48331] Length = 469 Score = 74.3 bits (181), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 +E E EEM+RANPPV+LTPDLW+IKLLLGAID SYD+KDEK Sbjct: 329 FENEQEEMMRANPPVDLTPDLWIIKLLLGAIDRSYDSKDEK 369 >gb|EMD65029.1| hypothetical protein COCSADRAFT_87792, partial [Bipolaris sorokiniana ND90Pr] Length = 423 Score = 74.3 bits (181), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 38/41 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 +E E EEM+RANPPV+LTPDLW+IKLLLGAID SYD+KDEK Sbjct: 290 FENEQEEMMRANPPVDLTPDLWIIKLLLGAIDRSYDSKDEK 330 >gb|EOA87292.1| hypothetical protein SETTUDRAFT_163267 [Setosphaeria turcica Et28A] Length = 475 Score = 73.9 bits (180), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 37/41 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 +E E EEM+RANPPV+LTPDLW+IKLLLGAID SYD KDEK Sbjct: 331 FENEQEEMMRANPPVDLTPDLWIIKLLLGAIDRSYDAKDEK 371 >gb|EXJ63271.1| hypothetical protein A1O5_11592 [Cladophialophora psammophila CBS 110553] Length = 534 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 4e-11 Identities = 32/42 (76%), Positives = 39/42 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEKA 130 YE E++EM RANPPV+L+P+LW+IKLLLG+ID SYDTKDEKA Sbjct: 386 YEVEADEMSRANPPVQLSPELWLIKLLLGSIDSSYDTKDEKA 427 >gb|ETN44881.1| hypothetical protein HMPREF1541_09756 [Cyphellophora europaea CBS 101466] Length = 571 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 4e-11 Identities = 33/42 (78%), Positives = 37/42 (88%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEKA 130 YE ES EM RANPPV+LTP+LW+IKLLLGAID SYD KDEK+ Sbjct: 444 YEVESAEMARANPPVDLTPELWLIKLLLGAIDSSYDAKDEKS 485 >gb|ETI21625.1| hypothetical protein G647_07972 [Cladophialophora carrionii CBS 160.54] Length = 553 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 4e-11 Identities = 32/42 (76%), Positives = 39/42 (92%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEKA 130 YE E++EM RANPPV+L+P+LW+IKLLLG+ID SYDTKDEKA Sbjct: 416 YEVEADEMSRANPPVQLSPELWLIKLLLGSIDSSYDTKDEKA 457 >ref|XP_003296289.1| hypothetical protein PTT_05809 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] gi|311331684|gb|EFQ95610.1| hypothetical protein PTT_05809 [Pyrenophora teres f. teres 0-1] Length = 633 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 4e-11 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 37/41 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 +E E EEM RANPPV+LTPDLW+IKLLLGAID SYD+KDEK Sbjct: 476 FENEQEEMARANPPVDLTPDLWIIKLLLGAIDRSYDSKDEK 516 >ref|XP_001935856.1| transcription factor RfeF [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] gi|187982955|gb|EDU48443.1| transcription factor RfeF [Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BFP] Length = 643 Score = 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 4e-11 Identities = 33/41 (80%), Positives = 37/41 (90%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEK 133 +E E EEM RANPPV+LTPDLW+IKLLLGAID SYD+KDEK Sbjct: 488 FENEQEEMARANPPVDLTPDLWIIKLLLGAIDRSYDSKDEK 528 >gb|EMC98187.1| hypothetical protein BAUCODRAFT_415872 [Baudoinia compniacensis UAMH 10762] Length = 335 Score = 72.8 bits (177), Expect = 5e-11 Identities = 33/42 (78%), Positives = 37/42 (88%) Frame = -1 Query: 255 YETESEEMLRANPPVELTPDLWMIKLLLGAIDPSYDTKDEKA 130 YE ES EM RA PPV+LTPDLWM+KL+LGAID SYD+KDEKA Sbjct: 254 YENESAEMARAQPPVDLTPDLWMMKLILGAIDHSYDSKDEKA 295