BLASTX nr result
ID: Akebia25_contig00031594
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Akebia25_contig00031594 (263 letters) Database: ./nr 38,876,450 sequences; 13,856,398,315 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_002278668.2| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 95 9e-18 emb|CBI16904.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] 95 9e-18 emb|CAN67492.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_035978 [Vitis vinifera] 95 9e-18 ref|XP_003551787.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 91 2e-16 ref|XP_003530462.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 88 1e-15 ref|XP_007139372.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_008G023900g [Phas... 87 2e-15 ref|XP_004491978.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 86 5e-15 ref|XP_002533488.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein,... 86 5e-15 ref|XP_007217021.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa001933mg [Prun... 82 6e-14 ref|XP_003621610.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein ... 82 1e-13 ref|XP_004303223.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 81 1e-13 gb|EXB85809.1| hypothetical protein L484_009655 [Morus notabilis] 81 2e-13 ref|XP_006384245.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0004s11010g [Popu... 80 3e-13 ref|XP_007032935.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily p... 80 4e-13 ref|XP_006366808.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containi... 79 5e-13 ref|XP_002302000.2| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family p... 77 2e-12 gb|ADE76509.1| unknown [Picea sitchensis] 77 3e-12 gb|ABK26521.1| unknown [Picea sitchensis] 75 1e-11 gb|AAK55452.1|AC069300_7 putative PPR repeat protein [Oryza sati... 75 1e-11 gb|AEW07759.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus r... 75 1e-11 >ref|XP_002278668.2| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At3g02330-like [Vitis vinifera] Length = 877 Score = 95.1 bits (235), Expect = 9e-18 Identities = 42/54 (77%), Positives = 45/54 (83%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIE+KSEVH FLVGDKAHPR +EIYE L L EMKWVGY+PD DFIL D Sbjct: 816 PGCSWIEIKSEVHAFLVGDKAHPRSKEIYENLDVLTDEMKWVGYMPDTDFILND 869 >emb|CBI16904.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 843 Score = 95.1 bits (235), Expect = 9e-18 Identities = 42/54 (77%), Positives = 45/54 (83%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIE+KSEVH FLVGDKAHPR +EIYE L L EMKWVGY+PD DFIL D Sbjct: 769 PGCSWIEIKSEVHAFLVGDKAHPRSKEIYENLDVLTDEMKWVGYMPDTDFILND 822 >emb|CAN67492.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_035978 [Vitis vinifera] Length = 814 Score = 95.1 bits (235), Expect = 9e-18 Identities = 42/54 (77%), Positives = 45/54 (83%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIE+KSEVH FLVGDKAHPR +EIYE L L EMKWVGY+PD DFIL D Sbjct: 753 PGCSWIEIKSEVHAFLVGDKAHPRSKEIYENLDVLTDEMKWVGYMPDTDFILND 806 >ref|XP_003551787.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At3g02330-like [Glycine max] Length = 852 Score = 90.9 bits (224), Expect = 2e-16 Identities = 39/54 (72%), Positives = 45/54 (83%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEV+ EVHTFLVGDKAHPR EIYE+ L+ EMKW GYVPD+DF+L + Sbjct: 780 PGCSWIEVRDEVHTFLVGDKAHPRSEEIYEQTHLLVDEMKWAGYVPDIDFMLDE 833 >ref|XP_003530462.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At3g02330-like [Glycine max] Length = 852 Score = 87.8 bits (216), Expect = 1e-15 Identities = 38/54 (70%), Positives = 44/54 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEV+ EVHTFLVGDKAHPR EIYE+ L+ EMKW GYVPD+D +L + Sbjct: 780 PGCSWIEVRDEVHTFLVGDKAHPRSEEIYEQTHLLVDEMKWAGYVPDIDSMLDE 833 >ref|XP_007139372.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_008G023900g [Phaseolus vulgaris] gi|561012505|gb|ESW11366.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_008G023900g [Phaseolus vulgaris] Length = 891 Score = 87.0 bits (214), Expect = 2e-15 Identities = 37/54 (68%), Positives = 44/54 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEV+ EVHTFLVGD+AHPR EIYE+ L+ EMKW GYVP +DF+L + Sbjct: 819 PGCSWIEVRDEVHTFLVGDRAHPRSEEIYEQTNLLVEEMKWAGYVPYIDFLLDE 872 >ref|XP_004491978.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At3g02330-like [Cicer arietinum] Length = 880 Score = 85.9 bits (211), Expect = 5e-15 Identities = 37/54 (68%), Positives = 43/54 (79%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEV+ EVH FLVGDKAHPR EIY+ L+ EMKW GYVPD+DF+L + Sbjct: 807 PGCSWIEVRDEVHAFLVGDKAHPRSEEIYQLTHLLVDEMKWDGYVPDIDFLLDE 860 >ref|XP_002533488.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223526650|gb|EEF28892.1| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 939 Score = 85.9 bits (211), Expect = 5e-15 Identities = 35/54 (64%), Positives = 44/54 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEVK EVH FLVG+K HPR EIY+ L L+ EMKW+GY+PD+DF++ + Sbjct: 818 PGCSWIEVKDEVHAFLVGNKTHPRYEEIYKILSVLLDEMKWIGYIPDIDFLIDE 871 >ref|XP_007217021.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa001933mg [Prunus persica] gi|462413171|gb|EMJ18220.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa001933mg [Prunus persica] Length = 739 Score = 82.4 bits (202), Expect = 6e-14 Identities = 35/54 (64%), Positives = 43/54 (79%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEVK E+H FLVGDKAHPRC E+YE+L L+ EM VGY P++D +L + Sbjct: 668 PGCSWIEVKDELHAFLVGDKAHPRCNEVYEKLDLLVAEMMRVGYRPEIDALLDE 721 >ref|XP_003621610.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|355496625|gb|AES77828.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 881 Score = 81.6 bits (200), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 35/54 (64%), Positives = 42/54 (77%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWI+V+ EVH FLVGDKAHPR EIY++ L+ EMKW GYVP++D L D Sbjct: 812 PGCSWIQVRDEVHAFLVGDKAHPRSEEIYQQTHLLVDEMKWDGYVPEIDGFLLD 865 >ref|XP_004303223.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At3g02330-like [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca] Length = 857 Score = 81.3 bits (199), Expect = 1e-13 Identities = 33/54 (61%), Positives = 43/54 (79%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEVK EVH F VGDKAHPR E+YERL L++EM +GY P+++F+ ++ Sbjct: 800 PGCSWIEVKDEVHAFFVGDKAHPRSTELYERLDLLVVEMMGIGYRPEIEFVFSE 853 >gb|EXB85809.1| hypothetical protein L484_009655 [Morus notabilis] Length = 879 Score = 80.9 bits (198), Expect = 2e-13 Identities = 35/44 (79%), Positives = 37/44 (84%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGY 131 PGCSWIEVK EVH FLVGDKAHPRC EIYE+L L+ EMKW GY Sbjct: 815 PGCSWIEVKDEVHAFLVGDKAHPRCIEIYEKLHLLVGEMKWAGY 858 >ref|XP_006384245.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0004s11010g [Populus trichocarpa] gi|550340791|gb|ERP62042.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0004s11010g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 897 Score = 80.1 bits (196), Expect = 3e-13 Identities = 36/54 (66%), Positives = 42/54 (77%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIE+K EVH FLVGDK HPR EIYE+L LI EM+ VGY+PD D +L + Sbjct: 823 PGCSWIELKDEVHAFLVGDKGHPRDEEIYEKLGVLIGEMQSVGYIPDCDVLLDE 876 >ref|XP_007032935.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein, putative [Theobroma cacao] gi|508711964|gb|EOY03861.1| Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) superfamily protein, putative [Theobroma cacao] Length = 860 Score = 79.7 bits (195), Expect = 4e-13 Identities = 37/54 (68%), Positives = 43/54 (79%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEVK EVH FLVGDKAHPRC+EIYE+L L+ EM+ YV D+DF L + Sbjct: 791 PGCSWIEVKDEVHAFLVGDKAHPRCKEIYEKLGILVDEMRC--YVADIDFFLEE 842 >ref|XP_006366808.1| PREDICTED: pentatricopeptide repeat-containing protein At3g02330-like [Solanum tuberosum] Length = 894 Score = 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 5e-13 Identities = 35/53 (66%), Positives = 42/53 (79%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILT 104 PGCSWIE+KS +H FLVGDKAHPRC EIYE L LI EMK V ++ D +F+L+ Sbjct: 822 PGCSWIEIKSVLHMFLVGDKAHPRCNEIYENLDTLISEMKRVSHILDNEFLLS 874 >ref|XP_002302000.2| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family protein [Populus trichocarpa] gi|550344162|gb|EEE81273.2| pentatricopeptide repeat-containing family protein [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 797 Score = 77.4 bits (189), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 31/54 (57%), Positives = 44/54 (81%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEV+++VH+FLVGD HP R+IY L++L++EM+ +GYVPD ++L D Sbjct: 663 PGCSWIEVENKVHSFLVGDANHPEVRQIYNYLEQLVLEMRKIGYVPDTKYVLHD 716 >gb|ADE76509.1| unknown [Picea sitchensis] Length = 246 Score = 77.0 bits (188), Expect = 3e-12 Identities = 33/54 (61%), Positives = 43/54 (79%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEVK++VHTF+V DK+HP+ EIY L+EL +M+ GYVPD +F+L D Sbjct: 112 PGCSWIEVKNKVHTFMVEDKSHPQTEEIYSTLEELARQMEAAGYVPDTNFVLHD 165 >gb|ABK26521.1| unknown [Picea sitchensis] Length = 370 Score = 75.1 bits (183), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 30/54 (55%), Positives = 43/54 (79%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEV+++VH F+VGD +HP+ EIYE L+ L ++MK GY+P+ +F+L D Sbjct: 236 PGCSWIEVQNKVHPFIVGDSSHPQIEEIYETLETLTLQMKAAGYIPNTNFVLHD 289 >gb|AAK55452.1|AC069300_7 putative PPR repeat protein [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] gi|31433484|gb|AAP54989.1| pentatricopeptide, putative, expressed [Oryza sativa Japonica Group] Length = 905 Score = 74.7 bits (182), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 34/47 (72%), Positives = 38/47 (80%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPD 122 PGCSWIEV+SE+H FLVGDKAHPR E+YE L +LI EMK GY PD Sbjct: 833 PGCSWIEVQSEMHGFLVGDKAHPRSGELYEMLNDLIGEMKLSGYEPD 879 >gb|AEW07759.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus radiata] gi|383165614|gb|AFG65694.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165616|gb|AFG65695.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165618|gb|AFG65696.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165620|gb|AFG65697.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165622|gb|AFG65698.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165624|gb|AFG65699.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165628|gb|AFG65701.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165630|gb|AFG65702.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165634|gb|AFG65704.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165636|gb|AFG65705.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165638|gb|AFG65706.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165640|gb|AFG65707.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165642|gb|AFG65708.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] gi|383165644|gb|AFG65709.1| hypothetical protein 0_10928_02, partial [Pinus taeda] Length = 61 Score = 74.7 bits (182), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 30/54 (55%), Positives = 43/54 (79%) Frame = -2 Query: 262 PGCSWIEVKSEVHTFLVGDKAHPRCREIYERLKELIIEMKWVGYVPDMDFILTD 101 PGCSWIEV+++VH F+VGD++HP+ IY++L ELI +M+ GYVP+ F+L D Sbjct: 6 PGCSWIEVRNKVHVFVVGDRSHPQTEAIYQKLDELISQMREAGYVPNTKFVLQD 59