BLASTX nr result
ID: Achyranthes22_contig00068650
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Achyranthes22_contig00068650 (226 letters) Database: ./nr 37,332,560 sequences; 13,225,080,153 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|AAO37645.1| NBS-LRR resistance protein RGH1 [Manihot esculenta] 70 4e-10 ref|XP_004298083.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance prote... 67 3e-09 ref|XP_003604979.1| NBS-containing resistance-like protein [Medi... 66 6e-09 gb|AAO37646.1| NBS-LRR resistance protein RGH2 [Manihot esculenta] 66 6e-09 ref|XP_004169506.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance prote... 65 9e-09 ref|XP_004136128.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance prote... 65 9e-09 ref|XP_002527482.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus comm... 65 9e-09 gb|EXC32359.1| hypothetical protein L484_004701 [Morus notabilis] 64 2e-08 ref|XP_003604987.1| NBS-containing resistance-like protein [Medi... 64 2e-08 ref|XP_003604945.1| NBS resistance protein [Medicago truncatula]... 64 2e-08 gb|EXB36826.1| Putative disease resistance protein RGA3 [Morus n... 62 6e-08 gb|EXB68165.1| Putative disease resistance protein RGA1 [Morus n... 62 8e-08 gb|EXB70612.1| Putative disease resistance protein RGA4 [Morus n... 62 1e-07 ref|XP_006345413.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance prote... 62 1e-07 ref|XP_003612713.1| NBS-containing resistance-like protein [Medi... 61 1e-07 ref|XP_003604989.1| NBS resistance protein [Medicago truncatula]... 61 2e-07 emb|CAJ44364.1| putative CC-NBS-LRR resistance protein [Malus do... 60 2e-07 ref|XP_006573928.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance prote... 60 4e-07 ref|XP_006572949.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance prote... 60 4e-07 gb|EXB70615.1| Putative disease resistance protein RGA4 [Morus n... 59 5e-07 >gb|AAO37645.1| NBS-LRR resistance protein RGH1 [Manihot esculenta] Length = 1035 Score = 69.7 bits (169), Expect = 4e-10 Identities = 32/66 (48%), Positives = 46/66 (69%), Gaps = 2/66 (3%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREK--NSR 175 +S+C +L+ELP D+ KL LRHLY EGC+ L+HMP G+G T LQTL F++ + +S+ Sbjct: 610 VSYCVQLKELPKDIKKLVNLRHLYCEGCNSLTHMPRGLGQLTSLQTLSLFVVAKGHISSK 669 Query: 176 KSSKLN 193 K+N Sbjct: 670 DVGKIN 675 >ref|XP_004298083.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance protein RGA1-like [Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca] Length = 1000 Score = 66.6 bits (161), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 34/70 (48%), Positives = 47/70 (67%), Gaps = 2/70 (2%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKN--SR 175 L+ C L++LP D+ K+ LRHL I GC KL+HMP+G+GN LQTL FIL +K+ S Sbjct: 634 LNRCYRLEQLPRDIGKMTSLRHLEITGCRKLNHMPLGMGNLVSLQTLPLFILGKKDLFSG 693 Query: 176 KSSKLNVIAG 205 S L+ ++G Sbjct: 694 VSGGLDELSG 703 >ref|XP_003604979.1| NBS-containing resistance-like protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|355506034|gb|AES87176.1| NBS-containing resistance-like protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 1024 Score = 65.9 bits (159), Expect = 6e-09 Identities = 33/65 (50%), Positives = 45/65 (69%), Gaps = 2/65 (3%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFIL--REKNSR 175 L+WC L+ELP D+ K +LRHL ++ CD L+ MP GIG T+LQTL F+L K+S Sbjct: 625 LNWCTHLKELPKDLWKWVRLRHLELDYCDDLTSMPRGIGKMTNLQTLTQFVLDTTSKDSA 684 Query: 176 KSSKL 190 K+S+L Sbjct: 685 KTSEL 689 >gb|AAO37646.1| NBS-LRR resistance protein RGH2 [Manihot esculenta] Length = 1024 Score = 65.9 bits (159), Expect = 6e-09 Identities = 34/78 (43%), Positives = 47/78 (60%), Gaps = 5/78 (6%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFI-----LREK 166 +S+C +L+ELP D+ KL LRHL EGC L HMP G+G T LQTL F+ + K Sbjct: 610 VSYCVQLKELPKDIKKLVNLRHLCCEGCYSLIHMPCGLGQLTSLQTLSLFVVAKGHISSK 669 Query: 167 NSRKSSKLNVIAGKGVKL 220 + K ++LN + G +L Sbjct: 670 DVEKINELNKLNNLGGRL 687 >ref|XP_004169506.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance protein RGA4-like, partial [Cucumis sativus] Length = 686 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 32/76 (42%), Positives = 49/76 (64%), Gaps = 1/76 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKNSRKS 181 L C +L+ELP D++ L L+HL + GC +L+HMP G+G T LQT++ F+L + Sbjct: 323 LRHCSDLRELPTDINNLINLKHLDVHGCYRLTHMPKGLGGLTSLQTMNLFVLGKDKGCDL 382 Query: 182 SKLNVIAG-KGVKLLK 226 S+LN +A +G L+K Sbjct: 383 SELNELARLRGSLLIK 398 >ref|XP_004136128.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance protein RGA4-like [Cucumis sativus] Length = 1480 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 32/76 (42%), Positives = 49/76 (64%), Gaps = 1/76 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKNSRKS 181 L C +L+ELP D++ L L+HL + GC +L+HMP G+G T LQT++ F+L + Sbjct: 619 LRHCSDLRELPTDINNLINLKHLDVHGCYRLTHMPKGLGGLTSLQTMNLFVLGKDKGCDL 678 Query: 182 SKLNVIAG-KGVKLLK 226 S+LN +A +G L+K Sbjct: 679 SELNELARLRGSLLIK 694 >ref|XP_002527482.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] gi|223533122|gb|EEF34880.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] Length = 1782 Score = 65.1 bits (157), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 36/76 (47%), Positives = 47/76 (61%), Gaps = 8/76 (10%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKNS--- 172 LS C EL+ELP ++ KL LRHL IEGC L+HMP GIG T LQTL F++ + S Sbjct: 574 LSGCKELKELPKEIRKLINLRHLDIEGCWSLNHMPSGIGKLTSLQTLTWFVVAKDCSASK 633 Query: 173 -----RKSSKLNVIAG 205 ++ S+LN + G Sbjct: 634 HIGSLKELSRLNSLRG 649 >gb|EXC32359.1| hypothetical protein L484_004701 [Morus notabilis] Length = 600 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 30/56 (53%), Positives = 38/56 (67%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKN 169 L+ C L+ELP D+ KL LRHL I+ C L+HMP G+ T+LQTL T+IL E N Sbjct: 106 LNGCSGLRELPRDMKKLVNLRHLEIDRCSGLTHMPRGLSQLTNLQTLSTYILSESN 161 >ref|XP_003604987.1| NBS-containing resistance-like protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|355506042|gb|AES87184.1| NBS-containing resistance-like protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 1012 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 33/65 (50%), Positives = 46/65 (70%), Gaps = 2/65 (3%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFIL--REKNSR 175 L+ C +L+ELP D+ KL LRHL ++ CD L+ MP+GIG T+LQTL F+L K+S Sbjct: 621 LNRCSKLRELPKDLWKLVILRHLELDDCDNLTSMPLGIGKMTNLQTLTHFVLDTTSKDSA 680 Query: 176 KSSKL 190 K+S+L Sbjct: 681 KTSEL 685 >ref|XP_003604945.1| NBS resistance protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|355506000|gb|AES87142.1| NBS resistance protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 1025 Score = 63.9 bits (154), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 33/65 (50%), Positives = 45/65 (69%), Gaps = 2/65 (3%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFIL--REKNSR 175 L+ C +L+ELP D+ KL LRHL ++ CD L+ MP GIG T+LQTL F+L K+S Sbjct: 626 LNRCSKLKELPKDLWKLVSLRHLELDDCDNLTSMPRGIGKMTNLQTLTHFVLDTTSKDSA 685 Query: 176 KSSKL 190 K+S+L Sbjct: 686 KTSEL 690 >gb|EXB36826.1| Putative disease resistance protein RGA3 [Morus notabilis] Length = 1161 Score = 62.4 bits (150), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 34/64 (53%), Positives = 40/64 (62%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKNSRKS 181 LS+C L +LP +S L LRHLYI GC KLSHMP IG T L+TL FI+ N RK Sbjct: 632 LSFCYSLHKLPKRISHLKSLRHLYIHGCRKLSHMPPHIGRLTCLKTLTAFIV---NQRKG 688 Query: 182 SKLN 193 L+ Sbjct: 689 CHLD 692 >gb|EXB68165.1| Putative disease resistance protein RGA1 [Morus notabilis] Length = 1108 Score = 62.0 bits (149), Expect = 8e-08 Identities = 30/68 (44%), Positives = 44/68 (64%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKNSRKS 181 LS C +L++LP D+ KL LRHL ++GC L +P GIG T+LQTL +L E S ++ Sbjct: 653 LSSCFKLKKLPRDIGKLINLRHLELDGCYSLVSLPRGIGKLTNLQTLSQLVLSEDASTRN 712 Query: 182 SKLNVIAG 205 ++L + G Sbjct: 713 NELEQLKG 720 >gb|EXB70612.1| Putative disease resistance protein RGA4 [Morus notabilis] Length = 1080 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 32/70 (45%), Positives = 44/70 (62%), Gaps = 2/70 (2%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKN--SR 175 LS C EL LP D+ KL LRHL GC +LS+MP GIG T L +LD F++ + +R Sbjct: 638 LSHCRELIRLPEDMKKLVNLRHLQTHGCRRLSYMPRGIGELTALHSLDRFVVADTGNVTR 697 Query: 176 KSSKLNVIAG 205 ++S L+ + G Sbjct: 698 RTSGLSELGG 707 >ref|XP_006345413.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance protein RGA4-like isoform X1 [Solanum tuberosum] gi|565357156|ref|XP_006345414.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance protein RGA4-like isoform X2 [Solanum tuberosum] Length = 1162 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 30/66 (45%), Positives = 45/66 (68%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKNSRKS 181 LS+C +L ELP ++ K+ +RHL ++GC LS MP GIG T L+TL F++ ++ S S Sbjct: 632 LSYCFDLCELPENIHKMVNIRHLELDGCLNLSKMPCGIGQLTALRTLSQFVIGQETS-TS 690 Query: 182 SKLNVI 199 SK+N + Sbjct: 691 SKVNAV 696 >ref|XP_003612713.1| NBS-containing resistance-like protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|355514048|gb|AES95671.1| NBS-containing resistance-like protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 1245 Score = 61.2 bits (147), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 33/74 (44%), Positives = 45/74 (60%), Gaps = 5/74 (6%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKNS--- 172 LS+C L+ELP D+ L +L HL IEGC L+HMP GI T LQTL F+ +K++ Sbjct: 744 LSYCHVLKELPKDLKDLTRLSHLNIEGCLDLTHMPTGIDKLTSLQTLSLFVASKKHADTG 803 Query: 173 --RKSSKLNVIAGK 208 R+ + LN + K Sbjct: 804 GLRELTNLNNLKDK 817 >ref|XP_003604989.1| NBS resistance protein [Medicago truncatula] gi|355506044|gb|AES87186.1| NBS resistance protein [Medicago truncatula] Length = 1045 Score = 60.8 bits (146), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 32/65 (49%), Positives = 44/65 (67%), Gaps = 2/65 (3%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFIL--REKNSR 175 L+ C +L+ELP D+ KL LRHL ++ C L+ MP GIG T+LQTL F+L K+S Sbjct: 626 LNRCSKLRELPKDLWKLVSLRHLELDYCHNLTSMPRGIGKMTNLQTLTQFVLDTTSKDSA 685 Query: 176 KSSKL 190 K+S+L Sbjct: 686 KTSEL 690 >emb|CAJ44364.1| putative CC-NBS-LRR resistance protein [Malus domestica] Length = 692 Score = 60.5 bits (145), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 26/49 (53%), Positives = 35/49 (71%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDT 148 LSWC L ELP ++ K+ LRHL +EGC+ L+ MP GIG D++TL+T Sbjct: 624 LSWCDSLVELPRNIKKMINLRHLILEGCEGLAGMPRGIGELNDVRTLNT 672 >ref|XP_006573928.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance protein RGA4-like [Glycine max] Length = 1082 Score = 59.7 bits (143), Expect = 4e-07 Identities = 28/51 (54%), Positives = 34/51 (66%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFI 154 LS C L+ELP D+ L L HLY+EGC L+HMP GIG + LQTL F+ Sbjct: 581 LSQCHVLKELPKDLEDLSCLMHLYLEGCLDLTHMPRGIGKLSSLQTLSLFV 631 >ref|XP_006572949.1| PREDICTED: putative disease resistance protein RGA3-like [Glycine max] Length = 1091 Score = 59.7 bits (143), Expect = 4e-07 Identities = 28/51 (54%), Positives = 34/51 (66%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFI 154 LS C L+ELP D+ L L HLY+EGC L+HMP GIG + LQTL F+ Sbjct: 599 LSQCHVLKELPKDLEDLSCLMHLYLEGCLDLTHMPRGIGKLSSLQTLSLFV 649 >gb|EXB70615.1| Putative disease resistance protein RGA4 [Morus notabilis] Length = 1079 Score = 59.3 bits (142), Expect = 5e-07 Identities = 31/70 (44%), Positives = 43/70 (61%), Gaps = 2/70 (2%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 LSWCGELQELPNDVSKLGKLRHLYIEGCDKLSHMPMGIGNSTDLQTLDTFILREKN--SR 175 LS C EL LP D+ KL LRHL GC +LS+MP GIG T L +LD F++ + +R Sbjct: 638 LSHCRELIRLPEDMKKLVNLRHLQTHGCRRLSYMPRGIGELTALHSLDRFVVADTGNVTR 697 Query: 176 KSSKLNVIAG 205 ++ L+ + G Sbjct: 698 HTAGLSELGG 707