BLASTX nr result
ID: Achyranthes22_contig00043641
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Achyranthes22_contig00043641 (567 letters) Database: ./nr 37,332,560 sequences; 13,225,080,153 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_003543284.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat rece... 66 5e-09 ref|XP_002316964.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0011s13470g [Popu... 66 7e-09 ref|XP_006370597.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0001s44100g [Popu... 63 5e-08 ref|XP_002522815.1| serine/threonine-specific protein kinase, pu... 63 6e-08 ref|NP_001241300.1| probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like s... 62 1e-07 gb|ESW21673.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_005G090000g [Phaseolus... 60 4e-07 ref|XP_006475288.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat rece... 59 7e-07 ref|XP_006452129.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v100083511mg [Cit... 59 7e-07 gb|EXB50932.1| putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine... 59 1e-06 gb|EOY12634.1| Kinase superfamily protein isoform 4 [Theobroma c... 58 2e-06 gb|EOY12633.1| Kinase superfamily protein isoform 3 [Theobroma c... 58 2e-06 gb|EOY12631.1| Kinase superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma c... 58 2e-06 gb|AFK45107.1| unknown [Lotus japonicus] 57 2e-06 ref|XP_004149306.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat rece... 56 6e-06 ref|XP_003596596.1| Receptor-like protein kinase [Medicago trunc... 56 6e-06 ref|XP_002282916.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat rece... 56 7e-06 gb|EMJ15020.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa006054mg [Prunus pe... 55 9e-06 >ref|XP_003543284.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like isoform X1 [Glycine max] gi|571501447|ref|XP_006594803.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like isoform X2 [Glycine max] gi|571501454|ref|XP_006594804.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like isoform X3 [Glycine max] gi|571501458|ref|XP_006594805.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like isoform X4 [Glycine max] gi|571501462|ref|XP_006594806.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like isoform X5 [Glycine max] Length = 431 Score = 66.2 bits (160), Expect = 5e-09 Identities = 34/59 (57%), Positives = 45/59 (76%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRDIVQ L+RILK+RH +++H H SLS T +EV++D++Q+E S RREESID Sbjct: 366 PSMRDIVQVLTRILKSRH-QRNHHHNKSLSATADEVSIDVDQLETKNSVTDHRREESID 423 >ref|XP_002316964.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0011s13470g [Populus trichocarpa] gi|222860029|gb|EEE97576.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0011s13470g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 430 Score = 65.9 bits (159), Expect = 7e-09 Identities = 37/65 (56%), Positives = 47/65 (72%), Gaps = 2/65 (3%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEV--PPSENRPRREESI 394 PSMRDIVQ LSRILK RH+KK H S + T +EV++D++Q E+ P SE+ RREES+ Sbjct: 364 PSMRDIVQVLSRILKLRHNKKHHKKSLS-ATTADEVSIDMDQQEIRTPLSEHHHRREESV 422 Query: 393 DIMDT 379 D DT Sbjct: 423 DSADT 427 >ref|XP_006370597.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0001s44100g [Populus trichocarpa] gi|550349803|gb|ERP67166.1| hypothetical protein POPTR_0001s44100g [Populus trichocarpa] Length = 428 Score = 63.2 bits (152), Expect = 5e-08 Identities = 36/64 (56%), Positives = 45/64 (70%), Gaps = 1/64 (1%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEV-PPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRDIVQ LSRILK RH+KK H S + T +EV+ D++Q E+ P +R RREES+D Sbjct: 363 PSMRDIVQVLSRILKLRHNKKHHKKSLS-AATADEVSFDMDQQEIRTPVSDRHRREESVD 421 Query: 390 IMDT 379 DT Sbjct: 422 SADT 425 >ref|XP_002522815.1| serine/threonine-specific protein kinase, putative [Ricinus communis] gi|223537899|gb|EEF39513.1| serine/threonine-specific protein kinase, putative [Ricinus communis] Length = 431 Score = 62.8 bits (151), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 35/64 (54%), Positives = 47/64 (73%), Gaps = 1/64 (1%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEV-PPSENRPRREESID 391 P+MRDIVQ L+RILK+RHS++ H SLS T +EV++D++Q+EV P RREES+D Sbjct: 366 PAMRDIVQVLARILKSRHSRRHHK--KSLSATADEVSIDMDQLEVKTPVSECHRREESMD 423 Query: 390 IMDT 379 DT Sbjct: 424 SADT 427 >ref|NP_001241300.1| probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like [Glycine max] gi|571491375|ref|XP_006591912.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like isoform X1 [Glycine max] gi|571491377|ref|XP_006591913.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like isoform X2 [Glycine max] gi|223452504|gb|ACM89579.1| protein kinase family protein [Glycine max] Length = 431 Score = 61.6 bits (148), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 32/59 (54%), Positives = 44/59 (74%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRDIVQ +RILK+R+ +++H H SLS T +EV++D++Q+E S RREESID Sbjct: 366 PSMRDIVQVFTRILKSRY-QRNHHHKKSLSATVDEVSIDVDQLETKSSVTDHRREESID 423 >gb|ESW21673.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_005G090000g [Phaseolus vulgaris] gi|561022944|gb|ESW21674.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_005G090000g [Phaseolus vulgaris] gi|561022945|gb|ESW21675.1| hypothetical protein PHAVU_005G090000g [Phaseolus vulgaris] Length = 431 Score = 60.1 bits (144), Expect = 4e-07 Identities = 31/59 (52%), Positives = 44/59 (74%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRDIVQ +RILK+RH +++H H +SLS T +EV++D++ +E S + REESID Sbjct: 366 PSMRDIVQVFTRILKSRH-QRNHHHKNSLSATADEVSIDVDHLETNTSLPQHTREESID 423 >ref|XP_006475288.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like isoform X1 [Citrus sinensis] gi|568842733|ref|XP_006475289.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like isoform X2 [Citrus sinensis] Length = 432 Score = 59.3 bits (142), Expect = 7e-07 Identities = 32/59 (54%), Positives = 40/59 (67%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRDIVQ LSRILKTRH++K H S S T +EV++D+ Q E + REES+D Sbjct: 368 PSMRDIVQVLSRILKTRHNRKH--HRKSQSTTADEVSIDMEQAEAKTPTSTHLREESVD 424 >ref|XP_006452129.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v100083511mg [Citrus clementina] gi|557555355|gb|ESR65369.1| hypothetical protein CICLE_v100083511mg [Citrus clementina] Length = 432 Score = 59.3 bits (142), Expect = 7e-07 Identities = 32/59 (54%), Positives = 40/59 (67%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRDIVQ LSRILKTRH++K H S S T +EV++D+ Q E + REES+D Sbjct: 368 PSMRDIVQVLSRILKTRHNRKH--HRKSQSTTADEVSIDMEQAEAKTPTSTHLREESVD 424 >gb|EXB50932.1| putative leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase [Morus notabilis] Length = 430 Score = 58.5 bits (140), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 32/59 (54%), Positives = 41/59 (69%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRDIVQ L+RILK+RH+KK H +SLS +EV +D+NQ E RREES++ Sbjct: 367 PSMRDIVQVLTRILKSRHNKKH--HHNSLSSMTDEVTIDVNQPETNSQVPDHRREESME 423 >gb|EOY12634.1| Kinase superfamily protein isoform 4 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 304 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 34/61 (55%), Positives = 43/61 (70%), Gaps = 2/61 (3%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPP--SENRPRREESI 394 PSMRDIVQ L+RILKTRHSKK H SLS T +E +VD+ + E +E+ RR+ES+ Sbjct: 239 PSMRDIVQVLTRILKTRHSKK---HQKSLSATADEFSVDLERGETKMTFAEHEHRRDESM 295 Query: 393 D 391 D Sbjct: 296 D 296 >gb|EOY12633.1| Kinase superfamily protein isoform 3 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 432 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 34/61 (55%), Positives = 43/61 (70%), Gaps = 2/61 (3%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPP--SENRPRREESI 394 PSMRDIVQ L+RILKTRHSKK H SLS T +E +VD+ + E +E+ RR+ES+ Sbjct: 367 PSMRDIVQVLTRILKTRHSKK---HQKSLSATADEFSVDLERGETKMTFAEHEHRRDESM 423 Query: 393 D 391 D Sbjct: 424 D 424 >gb|EOY12631.1| Kinase superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] gi|508720735|gb|EOY12632.1| Kinase superfamily protein isoform 1 [Theobroma cacao] Length = 431 Score = 57.8 bits (138), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 34/61 (55%), Positives = 43/61 (70%), Gaps = 2/61 (3%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPP--SENRPRREESI 394 PSMRDIVQ L+RILKTRHSKK H SLS T +E +VD+ + E +E+ RR+ES+ Sbjct: 366 PSMRDIVQVLTRILKTRHSKK---HQKSLSATADEFSVDLERGETKMTFAEHEHRRDESM 422 Query: 393 D 391 D Sbjct: 423 D 423 >gb|AFK45107.1| unknown [Lotus japonicus] Length = 62 Score = 57.4 bits (137), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 31/57 (54%), Positives = 40/57 (70%) Frame = -1 Query: 561 MRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 MRDIVQ L+RILK+RH + H SLS T +EVA+D++Q+E S RR+ESID Sbjct: 1 MRDIVQVLTRILKSRHHRN---HKKSLSATGDEVAIDVDQLETKTSATDHRRDESID 54 >ref|XP_004149306.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730-like [Cucumis sativus] Length = 430 Score = 56.2 bits (134), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 32/59 (54%), Positives = 41/59 (69%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRD VQ LSRILK RHSKK + ++LS T +EVAVD++Q+E RR++S D Sbjct: 366 PSMRDSVQVLSRILKQRHSKKRNQ--NTLSTTTDEVAVDVDQLEGRSPRPEHRRQQSAD 422 >ref|XP_003596596.1| Receptor-like protein kinase [Medicago truncatula] gi|355485644|gb|AES66847.1| Receptor-like protein kinase [Medicago truncatula] Length = 445 Score = 56.2 bits (134), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 31/59 (52%), Positives = 39/59 (66%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRDIVQ L+RILK RH + H SLS T +EVA+D+++ E RR+ESID Sbjct: 365 PSMRDIVQVLTRILKARHQRNHHK--KSLSATTDEVAIDVDEPENKGHVTDHRRDESID 421 >ref|XP_002282916.1| PREDICTED: probable leucine-rich repeat receptor-like serine/threonine-protein kinase At5g15730 [Vitis vinifera] gi|302143190|emb|CBI20485.3| unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] Length = 430 Score = 55.8 bits (133), Expect = 7e-06 Identities = 30/59 (50%), Positives = 40/59 (67%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID 391 PSMRDIVQ LSRI K RHS+K H SLS T ++A+D++Q + + +REES+D Sbjct: 366 PSMRDIVQVLSRIPKMRHSRKHHT--QSLSSTANDIAIDVDQPDSHTPVSEHKREESMD 422 >gb|EMJ15020.1| hypothetical protein PRUPE_ppa006054mg [Prunus persica] Length = 429 Score = 55.5 bits (132), Expect = 9e-06 Identities = 34/64 (53%), Positives = 40/64 (62%), Gaps = 1/64 (1%) Frame = -1 Query: 567 PSMRDIVQGLSRILKTRHSKKSHPHGSSLSPTPEEVAVDINQVEVPPSENRPRREESID- 391 PSMRDIVQ LSR+LK RH++ H SLS +EV +D+NQ E RREES D Sbjct: 366 PSMRDIVQVLSRMLKMRHNRM---HMKSLSSVTDEVTIDLNQPETKIQMAEHRREESADS 422 Query: 390 IMDT 379 I DT Sbjct: 423 IADT 426