BLASTX nr result
ID: Achyranthes22_contig00008842
BLASTX 2.2.25 [Feb-01-2011] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= Achyranthes22_contig00008842 (589 letters) Database: ./nr 37,332,560 sequences; 13,225,080,153 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value ref|XP_002521029.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus comm... 63 5e-08 ref|XP_006484314.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC102615... 62 1e-07 ref|XP_006836654.1| hypothetical protein AMTR_s00088p00044260 [A... 60 4e-07 ref|XP_003589440.1| hypothetical protein MTR_1g024370 [Medicago ... 58 2e-06 emb|CAN78770.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_024249 [Vitis vinifera] 58 2e-06 gb|EXC31162.1| hypothetical protein L484_004928 [Morus notabilis] 56 8e-06 >ref|XP_002521029.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] gi|223539866|gb|EEF41446.1| conserved hypothetical protein [Ricinus communis] Length = 89 Score = 63.2 bits (152), Expect = 5e-08 Identities = 27/51 (52%), Positives = 40/51 (78%) Frame = -3 Query: 398 AVARKVRKLQTIIPGAHKMQLDHLFLHTADYILHLRLQINLLQSFFKLYST 246 ++ +V+KLQ +IPG ++Q D LFL TADYILHL LQ+N+LQ+ ++Y+T Sbjct: 38 SIQMRVKKLQRLIPGGEELQPDRLFLRTADYILHLELQVNVLQALSEIYTT 88 >ref|XP_006484314.1| PREDICTED: uncharacterized protein LOC102615740 [Citrus sinensis] Length = 82 Score = 62.0 bits (149), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 29/52 (55%), Positives = 37/52 (71%) Frame = -3 Query: 407 PHKAVARKVRKLQTIIPGAHKMQLDHLFLHTADYILHLRLQINLLQSFFKLY 252 P +V KV KLQ +IPG +Q D LFL TADYI+HL LQ+N+LQ+ K+Y Sbjct: 28 PSASVRMKVTKLQKLIPGGQGLQPDRLFLRTADYIVHLNLQLNVLQALSKIY 79 >ref|XP_006836654.1| hypothetical protein AMTR_s00088p00044260 [Amborella trichopoda] gi|548839214|gb|ERM99507.1| hypothetical protein AMTR_s00088p00044260 [Amborella trichopoda] Length = 107 Score = 60.1 bits (144), Expect = 4e-07 Identities = 26/46 (56%), Positives = 37/46 (80%) Frame = -3 Query: 386 KVRKLQTIIPGAHKMQLDHLFLHTADYILHLRLQINLLQSFFKLYS 249 KVR+LQT++PG H M D L+L TADYIL L+L++++LQ+ KLY+ Sbjct: 61 KVRRLQTLVPGGHAMGADRLYLQTADYILFLKLKLSILQALSKLYT 106 >ref|XP_003589440.1| hypothetical protein MTR_1g024370 [Medicago truncatula] gi|357516789|ref|XP_003628683.1| hypothetical protein MTR_8g063410 [Medicago truncatula] gi|355478488|gb|AES59691.1| hypothetical protein MTR_1g024370 [Medicago truncatula] gi|355522705|gb|AET03159.1| hypothetical protein MTR_8g063410 [Medicago truncatula] Length = 72 Score = 58.2 bits (139), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 27/50 (54%), Positives = 38/50 (76%) Frame = -3 Query: 398 AVARKVRKLQTIIPGAHKMQLDHLFLHTADYILHLRLQINLLQSFFKLYS 249 AV RK++KLQ IIPG ++ D LFL TA++IL LRLQ+N LQ+ K+++ Sbjct: 22 AVGRKMKKLQRIIPGGDGLKADQLFLRTAEHILQLRLQLNALQALTKIFN 71 >emb|CAN78770.1| hypothetical protein VITISV_024249 [Vitis vinifera] Length = 77 Score = 58.2 bits (139), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 27/43 (62%), Positives = 34/43 (79%) Frame = -3 Query: 401 KAVARKVRKLQTIIPGAHKMQLDHLFLHTADYILHLRLQINLL 273 ++V RKV+KLQ +IPG +Q D LFL TADYILHLRLQ+ +L Sbjct: 20 RSVRRKVKKLQRLIPGGRGLQPDRLFLRTADYILHLRLQMGIL 62 >gb|EXC31162.1| hypothetical protein L484_004928 [Morus notabilis] Length = 82 Score = 55.8 bits (133), Expect = 8e-06 Identities = 25/47 (53%), Positives = 35/47 (74%) Frame = -3 Query: 386 KVRKLQTIIPGAHKMQLDHLFLHTADYILHLRLQINLLQSFFKLYST 246 K+ +LQ IIPG ++ D L +HTADYILHLRLQ+ +L++ KL+ T Sbjct: 36 KLHRLQRIIPGGQGLKPDQLMVHTADYILHLRLQLCVLEALLKLHDT 82